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Pollock, Newsletter Editor
there must be trouble let it be in my day, that
my child may have peace.
- Thomas Paine
NEWS 2006
Turning your TV Time into Quality Time
June 23, 2006 Issue #6b
Christine L. Pollock, Editor
Ranny Levy, Publisher
1. Letters from the Editor, President,
and Readers
2. Web Store Features
4. New Endorsements
5. Festival Titles
6. New Members/Renewing Members
7. Member News
8. Media News
9. Family and Parenting News
10. The Significance of Sound by Christine
L. Pollock
11. Crafts and Activities: Patriotic
Passions from Dr. Toy and Patriotic Strawberries
12. Festival City Schedule and Events
13. Special Offers
* Permission to forward or reprint the content herein is
granted with complete attribution.
Bridges, Actor and Father
Jinkins and Fantastic Film Festival Events
Film - Interviews with Ross Bagdasarian (The Chipmunks)
and Hedda Sharapan (Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood)

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Coalition for Quality Children's Media is a national,
not-for-profit organization founded in 1991. Because we
believe that media profoundly affect children, our mission
is to 1) teach children critical viewing skills and 2) to
increase the visibility and availability of quality children's
Newsletter Archive
2006 Jan 3 / Jan
18 / Feb 7 / Feb
21 / Mar 14/ Mar
28 / Apr 4 / Apr
25 / May 2/ May
16/ June 6
Links to newsletters from 2005 or earlier
may be found at the bottom of this page
Welcome to KIDS FIRST!® NEWS. All articles are by Coalition for Quality Children's
Media unless otherwise noted.
My kids are
almost out of school and we are getting ready for summer. Before
we know it, it's going to be the fourth of July, one of my favorite
holidays. This year on the fourth, an old college friend and his
band, Ookla the Mok, will
be having a children's concert in a local town park. These composers
and performers of the Fillmore
theme song from ABC-TV are very creative, and the concert should
be very interesting. As we head into summer, we begin one of my
favorite annual jobs, reviewing titles for the National Parenting
Publications Awards (NAPPA). If you have a title to submit, please
check out the submission information below.
You need to hurry as the deadline is June
30, 2006.
As always, I
welcome your input. If you have comments on titles we have endorsed;
notices of media awards, publications, and products; or suggestions
for articles. . . Please drop me a line.
Christine Pollock,
Happy summer
everyone! Isn't it grand. My garden is overflowing with flowers,
and we've just added another small water feature to the front garden
which is a blessing in the desert. Just hearing water makes it seem
less parched.
have to tell you what a wonderful time we had this month at the
Moondance International Film Festival, which moved to LA this year
from its home base in Boulder, CO. Our industry panel on Successful
Children's Filmmaking: Know Your Market, was a huge
success. In fact, people were leaving other workshops to come
join ours. And of course, our panelists were stellar - David Bixler,
Martin Blythe, Doug Zwick, Larry Balaban, and Jere Rae Mansfield.
Another wonderful event was Jim Jinkins' appearance at the Children's
Museum of Manhattan where he introduced kids to his new TV show,
Pinky Dinky Doo, based on a book
he created for his young children.
As our readers know, we have events going on continually and I can't
mention all of them. I do encourage you to visit our online tracking
system at kidsfirst.org/fest
where you can easily find out what's going on at a venue near you.
As we finalize all of our programming for the next quarter, which
will begin playing July 15, the deadline for producers to submit
their films to us for our fourth quarter festivals is also July
15. You can easily use our online
form to submit your titles or submit through withoutabox.com.
As always, if you have any questions about how to submit your title,
please contact
our office.
Much love,
and President, KIDS FIRST!®
about what kids watch? Want to do something about it? Become a KIDS FIRST!® juror. It's easy. Take our online training. It will
take you about four hours to complete and we will provide you with
your own personal trainer. The $40 fee is 100% reimbursable once
you evaluate six titles for KIDS FIRST!® . You may keep any movie
you approve. What a wonderful way for teachers, librarians, parents,
and daycare providers to build their own quality media library while
helping evaluate movies for others. To register or get more information,
please visit
our KIDS FIRST!® juror's page.
Snails Letter Adventure. Join Jake and the Pocket Snails on
a magical adventure learning the letters of the alphabet. DVD includes
interactive activities, music player, Meet the Snails, company bio
and TV commercial.
Fun: Adventures With Connor and Jaden. Sends positive messages
to youngsters on issues like sharing, safety and respect for others.
DVD. 35 min.; $12.79; Age: infant - 2. Boogiebubble Productions,
4 Episodes. Includes: Episode 4
- Arachnophobia on the Loose - Alicia is faced with a creepy crawly
mystery. Episode 7 - Owl for One, One for Owl - Webster searches
for the real magic of owls. Episode 10 - Big Ol' Moose - Who wants
to be called Moose? Not Jeff. Episode 12 - Lone Wolf - Sara finds
the life of a lone wolf is not easy. DVD. 92 min.; $15.96; Age:
7 - 12. Reel Girls Media.
Snails: Aquaphonic Adventure. Join the Pocket Snails on their
new and exciting adventure, where they'll make some new underwater
friends, ride in a submarine and scuba dive their way to learning
the sounds of the letters. Helps teach letter sounds, vowels and
letter recognition. DVD. 25 min.; $15.95; Age: 3-6. Soaring Star
Productions, LLC.
New Endorsements can be found at
*** = Titles
receiving the highest scores are given a three-star rating.
** = Titles that meet or exceed the criteria receive a two-star
* = Titles that meet the baseline criteria but require some extra
consideration on the part of the viewer receive a one-star rating.
Organwise Guys: Extreme Couch Potato. Hardy Heart learns a lesson
about turning off the TV, choosing healthy snacks and being active.
This video (one of 8 episodes) is part of the Delta HOPE TriState
Initiative, winner of the Cooper Institute's GOLD award for childhood
obesity programs. Adult Juror Comments: Pleasantly delivers good
information about healthy living. Songs are fun and catchy,
information is solid. But, it is a bit ironic to use a video to
teach kids to turn off the TV and exercise. Nothing too deep here.
Cute puppets convey basic information about keeping healthy. Witty
though some jokes are clearly targeted at an older audience. Kid
Juror Comments: Cute, good length. Kids enjoyed it and understood
the point - get up and exercise. They liked the organ puppets. "They
remind me of my own heart, bones, muscles and every part of my body."
Great for health week. "We saw lazy people and healthy people."
Good songs, good puppets, good behavior! "I liked the cartoons."
DVD. 15 min.; $13.95; Age: 3-8. THE ORGANWISE GUYS.
With Kids: Caribbean - Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Follows
the Roberts family as they journey through Puerto Rico and the Virgin
Islands, discovering history and culture, exploring nature and attempting
new and exciting activities. Adult Juror Comments: Good historical
overview of the islands. Offers practical hints for traveling with
young children showing fun activities suitable for them. Presentation
is more appropriate for parents than children. The narrative is
too fast for most kids to catch and some information, such as packing,
shopping, and cooking will not appeal to kids. Parts, such as the
information about Blackbeard and the water animals will hold kids'
attention. Kid Juror Comments: Mixed reviews. "I like the pirate
sword and the pictures." "It's kind of boring." "I
like seeing new places." Most said they wouldn't watch again.
They did enjoy seeing famous landmarks, dolphins, and pirates. They
enjoyed learning about the natives who live there. And, they commented
that the words went by too fast and they couldn't read them. DVD.
63 min.; $14.95; Age: 8-12. EQUATOR CREATIVE MEDIA LLC.
For a complete list of all Festival titles currently
being shown, visit
our website.
Piggley Gets Into Trouble A.
92 min.
Jakers! is a celebration of the joys good friendship can
bring while the excitement of adventure and imagination inspires
kids to learn from their own experiences. Through Jakers!
children learn about life lessons and each episode conveys a moral
that kids learn through daily experiences. Each episode of Jakers!
is set in two distinct places and times: 1950's Ireland and the
present day. Ages: 5-12. Paramount Home Entertainment.
the Explorer: Animal Adventures. A. 99 min.
Save Diego is the latest Dora the Explorer home video title
that introduces Diego, Dora's cousin, who is an animal rescuer.
The main episode takes place in Diego's rainforest as Dora and her
friends come to his rescue. Includes two main episodes, one of which
is a never-before-seen and two bonus episodes. Ages 2-5. Paramount
Home Entertainment.
Wiggles: Splish, Splash Big Red Boat
A. 60 min.
Nifty ocean adventure featuring 19 Wiggly Giggly songs like Big
Red Boat, Captain Feathersword Fell Asleep On His Pirate
Ship, Ponies and Wiggly Party. Age: 2-5. Twentieth Century
Fox Home Entertainment.
A. 103 min.
It's the end of summer and Claire (Roberts) and Hailey (JoJo) have
a major problem. In just five days, Hailey's family is moving halfway
around the world! These girls need a major miracle, and they get
one in the form of Aquamarine, a beautiful mermaid who washes ashore
in a late summer storm. Sweet but clueless to the ways of romance,
she offers to grant the girls one wish if they help her find the
boy of her dreams. But when they attempt to reel in the cute local
lifeguard, the result is something none of them expect and they
discover that sometimes what you wish for isn't what you really
want after all!. English & Spanish. Trailer at: http://broadband.foxhome.com/trailers/aquamarine.mov.
Ages 10-13. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment.
is America, Charlie Brown.
A. 194 min.
A special two disc set containing all eight episodes of everyone's
favorite Peanuts Pals traveling through time to visit important
places and events in American History. This release is both entertaining
and educational. Ages 5-8. Paramount Home Entertainment.
Sneak Peek
Open Wide: Tooth School Inside. A. 18 min.
There's a lot to learn for the thirty-two new students – 8
incisors, 4 canines, 8 premolars and 12 molars – at Dr. Flossman's
Tooth School. He has his hands full showing each student how to
floss, care for the gums, and avoid the ultimate tragedy…tooth
decay! Presenting fascinating facts and tasty tidbits about teeth
and dental hygiene, this lively cast of characters will have viewers
happily reaching for their toothbrushes. Narrated by Michael McKean,
with at least 32 others. Music by Scotty Huff and Robert Reynolds.
Co-produced by animator Daniel Ivanick and Weston Woods. Book by
Laurie Keller Illustrator: Laurie Keller. Nick Jr. Best Book of
the Year. Age: 5-10. Weston Woods/Scholastic Entertainment.
Please welcome these new or renewing members
and visit their web sites.
Technology Center. The Entertainment Technology Center is a
graduate school at Carnegie Mellon University
Entertainment LLC. Ringmaster Entertainment LLC is a movie production
company operating out of Dallas, Texas. Its purpose is to produce
Weird Little Boys and Ghastly Little Girls, a series of direct-to-home-video
movies for the family market.
Goes to Big Screen
Hoist the mainstay! Trim the sails! Paint the poop deck!?!
- it’s BIG time for Bob and Larry! Universal Pictures brings
everyone’s favorite talking vegetables back to the big screen
worldwide in early 2008 with the release of The Pirates Who Don’t
Do Anything–A VeggieTales Movie.
to Yvette Edery
This director, ArtistrYE Productions who does puppetry for film,
television, & theater has won the UNIMA USA scholarship to study
puppetry abroad. It is a national grant and there is only one award
given per year. Check out Edery's work at http://www.artistrye.com.
Lionsgate Signs
Keke Palmer
The twelve-year-old actress/singer and star of Lionsgate movie Akeelah
And The Bee, signs a TV deal. The studio is developing TV projects
for Palmer and may also cast her in ongoing Lionsgate series and
long-form productions. Next the young actress will star in Jump
(working title), a Disney Channel original movie. Palmer, who made
her movie debut at 9 in Barbershop 2: Back in Business, was
a featured player in Lionsgate's movie Madea's Family Reunion
and has appeared in a number of TV series and TV movies. On the
music side of her career, Palmer also co-wrote the song All My
Girlz, which is a track on the Akeelah soundtrack. She recently
inked a long-term recording deal with Atlantic Records.
4 Million Parents Learn About Your DVD/Video for Children!
The 2006 NAPPA (National Parenting Publications Awards) Children's
Products competition is now accepting entries. NAPPA Gold award
winners are featured in the holiday issues of more than 30 regional
parenting publications in the top markets nationwide. Gold and Honor
winners reach half a million parents each month on Parenthood.com,
one of the most frequented and respected parenting websites. Entries
are judged for content, production quality, and social value. You
could be a winner! Deadline is June 30, 2006. To enter, call NAPPA
at 617-522-1515 or download an entry form today at the NAPPA website
at Parenthood.com.
Sesame Workshop
Plans to Establish Non-governmental Organization
Based in New Delhi, the NGO will support Galli Galli Sim Sim's outreach
programs, which are targeted specifically to underprivileged kids
and their parents, and to manage exiting and new partnerships including
those with funding partners, consumers, government agencies, broadcasters,
educational institutions and the series production team.
Current TV:
Call for Submissions
In partnership with the Third Millennium Foundation, Current TV
launches Seeds of Tolerance initiative encouraging viewers
to submit short videos that tell a story of tolerance. The grand
prize is $100,000. Guest judges for the summer-long contest are
Paul Haggis, Edward Norton, Melissa Etheridge and Margaret Cho,
plus others. Submissions can be accepted at Current's web site at
until August 15, 2006.
Everydaykidz.com program
partners with Sesame Workshop to Teach About Asthma
Everydaykidz.com is a free
program that provides families living with asthma the support and
facts they need in a fun and innovative way. Created with children
1 to 8 years old in mind, the web site informs parents and kids
about asthma in an interactive, entertaining way, through videos,
crafts, games, stories and activities specifically designed to help
asthma treatment become a more comfortable part of a child’s
daily routine.
Rainbow Debuts New line of DVDs
The titles, released by Educate Products, LLC, enter stores July
18, 2006. Each of the four DVDs in The Favorites Collection,
organized thematically, features two 30 minute episodes of Reading
Rainbow and an additional half hour of related material.
The Significance of Sound by Christine L.
first it seemed like a perfect film to add to our film festival.
The storyline engaged the audience and it had strong characterization.
What it didn't have was good sound (and that had to go into my review).
The dialogue was difficult to hear and the sound volume fluctuated
so radically, I had to watch with a remote in hand. Music and sound
in a film are often deciding factors in whether a title is acceptable
for a film festival, general viewing, or if it will turn off a viewer.
"What happened
to the sound?" producers might ask, scratching their heads
in bewilderment. It sounded perfect on their machines. Jeff Kinder,
audio director at Magick Lantern Digital Studio, states that this
is a common problem. According to Kinder, producers don't realize
that there are limitations to what TV can handle, and the key to
getting professional copy is to take the completed film to a qualified
studio for editing in an acoustically designed editing room with
high definition professional tools. Specialists such as Kinder know
the business. They know what specific mediums and programs can handle
-- from Internet to Quick Time to DVD settings -- and they program
for optimal audio resolution in these mediums.
Kinder was literally
raised in a studio, working as an apprentice for his father, a composer.
The family started the second advertising/film studio in Atlanta
in 1968 and Kinder began his career transcribing scores. He received
formal musical training at the University of Georgia and at the
Eastman School of Music in Rochester, NY. He has seen music evolve
from bundles of handwritten sheets of music to computer-generated
printouts of MIDI (musical instrument digital interface) files.
As midi files became popular in the 1980s, Kinder saw the importance
of keeping real emotion in music, and not losing feeling in computer
generated sound. He keeps emotional connection of the viewer in
mind in all his work: from advertising music and network promotions,
to cartoon blocks for TNT, animated shorts for CDC in Atlanta, and
the upcoming Little Mammoth Media Film, Big Aircraft Carriers.
advice for producers of music for children's film is, "Don't
underestimate the audience. Don't write down to them." Let
the music create the sound environment; let the kids hear music
as it is. Children are more connected to music than adults often
realize. It is helpful if producers are award of how music affects
children psychologically. Kinder recalls a recording he worked on
with his father. For the recording, the Atlanta Symphony performed,
and near the end of the recording, a bass played some low tones.
A three-year-old in the audience started crying because he was scared
of the low tones. This experience affected the way Kinder handled
music for children's media in the future. He says, "I realize
that children are an open conduit to the emotional impact of music,
and I try not scare them anymore."
Getting a professional
edit to a recording need not be a daunting task or one that will
break the budget. According to Kinder, many independent producers
work in Mac-based Final Cut Pro on their desktops. All these producers
need to do is save their final work as an OMFI (Open Media File
Interchange) in their general program. A professional could then
take the file and work with it to suit whichever medium the client
requires. If a project has been tweaked and adjusted by the client,
it is possible to do all the editing in one eight-hour day for a
thirty-minute film. A thirty-second clip, edited first by the client,
can be done in one to two hours. In this case, the client should
ask for a special rate.
For professional
audio editors in the area, a producer can go online and check out
sites such as ozonline.tv.
As Kinder stresses, whoever you decide to use, professional sound
editing will give your film a professional edge and make a better
viewing experience for your young audience.
Dr. Toy's Tips on Use of Video by Stevanne Auerbach, PhD. /Dr.Toy
www.drtoy.com Smart Play /Smart
Toys (www.educationalinsights.com)
Passions - Children bond with family and friends. Learning to
bond with their country takes more time and exposure and understanding.
Learning the "Pledge of Allegiance" is important, but
it alone may not have any meaning until the child understands that
we are all part of a family, community, state and country. We hold
a strong allegiance to each one in a different way. Appreciating
patriotism takes time to experience and expands as we come to understand
how special each aspect is. A terrific KIDS FIRST! title that celebrates
patriotic music and teaches kids to be proud of the country they
live in is Under
the Stars and Stripes.
Craft - Patriotic
Materials: Strawberries,
white chocolate or almond bark, blue sprinkles
For instructions,
go to craft
KIDS FIRST!® Film and Video Festival
Join us as we travel around the country with film festivals. Find
out when we will be in a town near you. For details read
June 23-25.
Bowling Green, OH. 2006 Allied Media
Conference. This symposium on media literacy includes presentations
such as "Democracy Needs Active Media Education," "A
Careful Eye, a Good Ear: The Smartest Media Consumer Is a Good Media
Producer," "Marketing, Minors and the Military,"
and more.
June 26-30,
2006 John Ansen Ford Amphitheater (across from the Hollywood Bowl).
The What IFFF? Kids Film Festival and Film Camp. International
Family Film Festival promotes and encourages the creation and
sharing of the family film screenplay through professional and children's
hands-on workshops and seminars. Submission Deadline: June 1, 2006.
Applications are on their web
June 29-July
2, 2006. University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Democracy and
Independence: Sharing News in a Connected World. The conference
is designed for citizens interested in learning about new innovations
in web, print, film, and audio news creation and delivery. More
June 30, 2006.
Deadline for the 2006 NAPPA (National Parenting Publications Awards)
Children's Products competition. Gold and Honor winners reach half
a million parents each month on Parenthood.com, one of the most
frequented and respected parenting websites. To enter, call NAPPA
at 617-522-1515 or download an entry form at the NAPPA website at
July 16, 2006.
Brooklyn Children's Museum.
Pinky Dinky Doo East Coast Tour with Jim Jinkins.
July 16 - 21,
2006. Los Angeles, CA. American Indian Summer Institute. Presented
by the FOX Entertainment Group Diversity Development Department
in association with the Native Media and Technology Network for
18-25-year-old American Indian participants. The Institute covers
100% of the cost of the program and related expenses, including
lodging and meals. Round-trip travel to Los Angeles is not included
as part of these expenses. Native American participants can apply
for up to $500 for airfare through NAPT's Producer Opportunity Fund.
Information at http://www.nativetelecom.org/producers_guidelines_oppfund.html.
August 15, 2006.
Deadline. Call for Submissions: Current TV, in partnership with
the Third Millennium Foundation, launches Seeds of Tolerance
initiative encouraging viewers to submit short videos that tell
a story of tolerance. The grand prize is $100,000. Guest judges
for the summer-long contest are Paul Haggis, Edward Norton, Melissa
Etheridge and Margaret Cho, plus others. Submissions can be accepted
at Current's web site at www.current.tv/tolerance.
September 27-October
1, 2006 The Phoenix East/Mesa Hilton, Tucson, AZ. The
28th National Media Market. The National Media Market presents
an exceptional opportunity for media professionals who purchase
for public libraries, universities, media/technology centers and
educational broadcasting to screen the newest and best quality motion
media from 55 prominent producers and distributors. Professional
Development sessions, workshops and roundtable discussions further
enhance the Market experience.
October 27-28
Boston, MA. 5th Annual Summit of the Coalition
for a Commercial-Free Childhood. Consuming Kids: Marketing
in Schools and Beyond. The summit will "bring together
distinguished scholars, activists, parents, and educators to discuss
how marketing undermines children’s health and well-being and
what we can do about it. The 2006 summit features a special focus
on marketing in schools."
November 19-24
Canada's National Media Education Week. The first of its kind in
Canada, this week will highlight the importance of media literacy
and Web literacy as key learning areas in the information age. Read
Through the combined efforts of Corporations for Character, KIDS FIRST!® , and your generous donation, we can fulfill our mission
to provide positive, encouraging movies into each of more than one
million children's hospital beds. This effort will provide entertainment
for children while they are confined in a hospital. To support KIDS FIRST!® Cares, click
here. All credit card transactions are secure.
For Homeschoolers
The Old Schoolhouse is the must have magazine for homeschoolers
and right now they are offering a deal that is hard to pass up.
With your 2- year subscription you will get approximately $300 in
FREE homeschool materials - 19 complete gifts - and FREE shipping.
here or call TOS at 1-888-718-HOME. The Old Schoolhouse is the
magazine for homeschoolers. Please call today as gift inventory
is limited to the first 5000 new subscribers.
Become a Coalition for Quality Children's Media Member
If you've found our e-zine and web site helpful, please consider
becoming a member of KIDS FIRST!® Members help underwrite the
various projects of this organization. The Coalition for Quality
Children's Media relies on the generous support of its members and
donors to support its programs. An individual/family membership
is only $25/year. An organizational membership is $100/year. An
independent producer membership is $200. To join, go to: http://www.kidsfirst.org
or contact our office at 505.989.8076 or KIDS
OUR MEMBERS' SITES ******************
Please visit our website for an up-to-date list of Coalition members
by clicking here: http://www.kidsfirst.org/kidsfirst/html/whomem.htm.
SUBSCRIBE to our free e-zine, KIDS FIRST!® NEWS:
Send e-mail to join-kidsfirst@kidsfirst.org
Or fill out the simple form at: http://www.kidsfirst.org
To leave this list, send e-mail to leave-kidsfirst@kidsfirst.org
or use the link below: http://list.kidsfirst.org/cgi-bin/process.pl?id=18066423L
newsletter may be reprinted with permission.
Copyright 2002 by Coalition for Quality Children's Media, http://www.kidsfirst.org
KIDS FIRST!® is the not-for-profit Coalition for Quality Children's
Media's initiative that evaluates and rates children's media - videotapes,
CD-ROMs and television - using a highly acclaimed method that has
been praised by parents and educators alike. It utilizes professionally
designed criteria and evaluation tools and engages a volunteer jury
comprising child development professionals, teachers and parents
nationwide and children of diverse geographic, socioeconomic and
ethnic backgrounds. KIDS FIRST!® endorsed titles appeal to people
around the world and include many programs on topics important to
children's development. KIDS FIRST!® -endorsed titles are available
on CQCM's award-winning Internet site, in the KIDS FIRST!® Film
and Video Festival and in reviews we provide to more than 75 publications.
evaluates feature films, television programs, videos, CD-ROM, DVDs
and audio recordings. For an application form and application deadlines,
visit our website at http://www.kidsfirst.org,
call our office (505.989.8076).
Coalition for Quality Children's Media, 112 W. San Francisco St. ,
Suite 305A, Santa Fe, NM 87501.