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The Newsstand - KIDS FIRST!® News 2006


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The Newsstand

Christine Pollock, Newsletter Editor
"If you think you're too small to have an impact try going to bed with a mosquito in the room.” - Anita Koddick

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Turning your TV Time into Quality Time
May 2, 2006 Issue #5
Christine L. Pollock, Editor
Ranny Levy, Publisher

1. Letters from the Editor, President
2. Web Store Features
4. New Endorsements
5. Festival Titles
6. New Members/Renewing Members
7. Member News
8. Media News
9. Family and Parenting News
10. Classic Film by Christine L. Pollock
11. Crafts and Activities:
Mother's Day and Hug Craft
12. Festival City Schedule and Events
13. Classifieds
14. Special Offers
* Permission to forward or reprint the content herein is granted with complete attribution.

Kaiser Foundation Research and Videos for the Very Young

® Film Festival Highlights

Interview with James Bondy from PBS Show, Ribert and Robert's WonderWorld

New: KIDS FIRST!®logo store
Your purchase of hats, T-shirts, baby jumpers, bibs,
and totes benefit KIDS FIRST!®

Become an Affiliate of the

The Coalition for Quality Children's Media is a national, not-for-profit organization founded in 1991. Because we believe that media profoundly affect children, our mission is to 1) teach children critical viewing skills and 2) to increase the visibility and availability of quality children's programs.

CQCM Newsletter Archive
2006 Jan 3 / Jan 18 / Feb 7 / Feb 21 / Mar 14/ Mar 28 / Apr 4 / Apr 25
Links to newsletters from 2005 or earlier
may be found at the bottom of this page

Welcome to KIDS FIRST!® NEWS. All articles are by Coalition for Quality Children's Media unless otherwise noted.

Dear Friends,

We had a fabulous time at the Long Island Children's Museum (see photo on left). It's clean, has a great layout, is artistic and has a perfect balance of play and learning. I met with James Packard, Theater Specialist, and Maureen Mangan, Director of Communications & Public Relations, as my boys, my father, and I checked out the theater where KIDS FIRST!® titles are screened throughout the year. We viewed some shorts that complemented patterns and music exhibits the children enjoyed in the play area. A real highlight for our family was viewing Tin Town on the big screen. It's the first time my children saw one of the KIDS FIRST!® titles they reviewed in an actual theater. They absolutely loved it. If you are ever in Garden City, NY, I encourage you to stop in at the museum for great family fun.

This month the main article is about classic programming. I had the privilege of interviewing Ross Bagdasarian, Jr. from Alvin and the Chipmunks. That was a real treat since I am a die-hard fan of the Chipmunks. My family is always teasing me because, while I am technically grown up, I still always kick off the Christmas holiday season with the Chipmunk Christmas album. For this article, I also had the honor of interviewing Hedda Sharapan, who has worked with Mr. Roger's Neighborhood for many decades. Fred Rogers fans will be pleased to know that a new book is out, Many Ways to Say I Love You: Wisdom for Parents and Children from Mister Rogers. This could be a perfect gift for Mother's Day.

As always, I welcome your input. If you have comments on titles we have endorsed; notices of media awards, publications, and products; or suggestions for articles. . . Please drop me a line.

Christine Pollock, Editor
Contact me

Dear Readers,

Thanks so much to the kind producers who replied to my story about our new hospital initiative, KIDS FIRST! Cares. Several wrote to offer us copies of their vhs tapes and DVDs. Unfortunately, we were not able to take advantage of your generosity for this program because all the programming will be loaded onto a piece of hardware that is placed in the children's hospital rooms. We did recommend that you donate these to our sister organization Meg's Gifts, We will be purchasing programming from you to fill up the black box for KIDS FIRST! Cares just as soon as we have adequate donations to start doing so. One box, fully loaded with programming, will cost us $750. We're asking for donations from individuals of $20 each. For businesses or organizations who want to support this, you may sponsor one box for $750, or be a partial sponsor at $200 and $400. All sponsors will be identified on the programming itself.

We have so many great films coming up this month at our Film Festivals that you're going to just love. From the studios: Cheaper by the Dozen 2, Like Mike 2, Barbie Diaries, The Blue Butterfly, Blue's Clues: Blue's Jobs, African American Lives, Nanny McFee, Paperclips, Peep, and more. From our independent producers, we have titles such as Billy Blue Hair, Purgatory House, The Derby Stallion, Flyaway, A Stormy Night, and many many more. You can now access a comprehensive list of all current and upcoming screenings at any of our partner venues by clicking on This is the public viewing program that I've been talking about for months which gives you 24/7 access to what we're showing where. Be sure to let us know how you like it.

From all of us to all of you, enjoy your media viewing.

Much love,

Ranny Levy
Founder and President, KIDS FIRST!®


I am a part of a fledgling campaign, Box Office Offenders, that is attempting to address several movie theater issues where children are concerned. At the present time, we are focusing on adults who bring small children in with them to view rated "R" films. We feel that this is a form of abuse and should be stopped. Whether its through educating parents or legislation, one way or the other, children must be protected from having to be hauled in to see films that are sometimes even too much for adults to comprehend! Please visit our website -Kristin Montgomery


Concerned about what kids watch? Want to do something about it? Become a KIDS FIRST!® juror. It's easy. Take our online training. It will take you about four hours to complete and we will provide you with your own personal trainer. The $40 fee is 100% reimbursable once you evaluate six titles for KIDS FIRST!®. You may keep any movie you approve. What a wonderful way for teachers, librarians, parents, and daycare providers to build their own quality media library while helping evaluate movies for others. To register or get more information, please visit our KIDS FIRST!® juror's page.



SWIMMING IN JELLO. All-original, upbeat, interactive music for children ages three to ten by recording artist, Judy Pancoast. Features fourteen songs, including the award-winning "Swimming in Jello." KIDS FIRST!® Adult Juror Comments: Nicely assembled CD with many different styles of music from country to rap to dance. Lesson songs are interspersed with plain old silly songs so it doesn't feel preachy. Voices are cute and the lines in the original songs are ones the kids will relate to. KIDS FIRST!® KID Juror Comments: Kids enjoyed this. "It was funny." "I liked the bug song." "I liked the different kids of music and the alien voice." Kids sang along with it the first time through. "This is my all-time favorite music!" Audio. 44 min.; $12.74; Age: 4-8. Judy Pancoast.



HUNK-TA-BUNK-TA CHANTS. Chants are sounds, words or phrases repeated or sung over and over in rhythmic patterns. There is a fine line between spoken chants and songs and this production, a collection of 36 traditional and original chants from around the world, blurs that line. KIDS FIRST!® Adult Juror Comments: Clear, smooth sound. Appealing mix of song and chants from many cultures. Song book and format make it easy for children to memorize the lyrics. Promotes language skills by introducing a wide range of sounds and combinations. Broadens cultural knowledge. KIDS FIRST!® KID Juror Comments: Those that liked it, liked it a lot. Especially appealing to African-American kids. "It showed being proud of your country and how we treat each other." "I liked the music. I liked saying the words. It was great keeping time with the music." "Very good." Audio. 58 min.; $12.74; Age: 3-8. Hunk-Ta-Bunk-Ta Music.

BRAINCANDY: MY 5 SENSES. Braincandy is an inventive series that focuses on children learning about themselves and the world through their five senses. Braincandy introduces concepts about the five senses. Original music score. KIDS FIRST!® Adult Juror Comments: Novel approach. Effective use of sound effects, music, puppets and live footage. Good visual clarity and light, catchy music. Very conceptual, though the idea of the brain talking to the body parts is beyond the understanding level of the target age group. Slow and somewhat scattered. "Cute puppets - once you get over the idea that one puppet is a brain." KIDS FIRST!® KID Juror Comments: "My daughter enjoyed the puppets. She said they were 'funny.' She laughed and moved to the music, pointed out the children on-screen, and the toys or objects they played with." Others needed explanations. "The only thing my daughter disliked was the brain puppet. She didn't understand what it was doing." All the kids crowded around the screen to see the cookies. DVD. 40 min.; $15.29; Age: 2-5. Think Film Kids.

RANNY'S BEST BABY COLLECTION. DVD. 300 min.; $42.49; Age: Infant-6. So Smart! Productions.
Includes four titles,
So Smart! Colors $14.95; So Smart! Sights and Sounds $14.95; So Smart!: Letters $14.95; So Smart: First Words $15.98; Value = $62.92
Ranny's Pick! "Watching together with your new baby can help expand his or her vocabulary, especially when paired with a follow-up activity that reinforces what's on the DVD or video. These are four of our best DVDs for teaching language skills to your baby. All have received all-star ratings from our jurors."
SO SMART: FIRST WORDS. Learn vocabulary with simple stories; adorable, bright, bold animation; and original music. SO SMART: SIGHTS AND SOUNDS. Babies and toddlers are captivated as simple shapes and moving patterns transform into familiar images, all with a live classical music soundtrack. Activity guide included. The DVD includes parent-guided interactive storybook features and printable story cards! SO SMART: LETTERS. Learn vocabulary with simple stories; adorable, bright, bold animation; and original music. The 2-disc DVD includes interactive games that can be played on TV with your remote control, printable story cards and bonus "Sleepytime" classical music CD. SO SMART! COLORS. Pink pigs, orange tractors and green grasshoppers introduce your child to the world of colors. Original music soundtrack! The 2-disc DVD includes interactive games: build "colors" characters on your home computer, on TV, or choose a colored box and see what's inside! Plus a free activity guide and bonus 50 minute "Cartime" classical music CD.

More New Endorsements can be found at

*** = Titles receiving the highest scores are given a three-star rating.
** = Titles that meet or exceed the criteria receive a two-star rating.
* = Titles that meet the baseline criteria but require some extra consideration on the part of the viewer receive a one-star rating.

Video/DVD-Ages 0-2

** LITTLE GENIUS BABY: BABY'S FAVORITE THINGS. Explores things such as using live action video, puppets, 3D animation and still images. English, Spanish and French. Adult Juror Comments: Enjoyable short for babies that parents can also enjoy. Images of familiar toys and other babies are always appealing to babies. This is simple, yet clear presentation with bright colors, simple music accompaniment, and some narrative with words on-screen. Uses repetition of ideas. Kid Juror Comments: Enjoyed it. Some were glued to the screen, talked to the pictures and played along. They really seemed to enjoy the music. The alphabet was a big hit. One girl loved counting along with the numbers. Stimulated interactivity more than some other titles designed for babies. DVD. 29 min.; $12.95; Age: 0-2. SERENITY MEDIA.


Video/DVD-Ages 2-5

*** MY BABY CAN TALK: SHARING SIGNS. Inspires early language development from pre-verbal communication using sign language to first spoken words. Set to classical music, features beautiful real- world images, delightful puppet shows, colorful toys in motion, and babies. Adult Juror Comments: "Makes learning sign language easy and fun without being overwhelming." Well produced, bright and uncluttered images, fun music. Entertaining and fun presentation. Shows boys and girls of different races. Uses words such as "share" and shows adult sharing with a child as well as children sharing with each other. Good pace and format, varied to hold interest. Kid Juror Comments: Kids really were into it, even older ones - up to age 9. As they watched, they repeated the words and made the signs. They wanted to watch it again later. The giraffe was a big hit. They danced along to the sock chant. Asked questions such as, "If monkeys live in the jungle where do they get bananas?" DVD. 40 min.; $19.95; Age: 0-4. BABY HANDS PRODUCTIONS.


Video/DVD-Ages 8-12

*** CHOOSE YOUR ADVENTURE: THE ABOMINABLE SNOWMAN. The first DVD in the Choose Your Own Adventure series, The Abominable Snowman follows three siblings on a quest to rescue their Uncle in the Himalayan region of Nepal. The DVD prompts the child on-screen every 3-7 minutes to make choices about which path to follow. Adult Juror Comments: An exciting program that places decisions in the hands of the viewer. It can be watched over and over because the outcome changes. Well produced. Good animation. Respectful behavior. Appropriate for this age group. Adult jurors remembered the Choose Your Own Adventure books from their own childhood. One said, "They were probably the only books I ever reread. I loved them." Kid Juror Comments: Loved that you could make your own choices about what to do and that it changed the outcome. "The way you get to choose what happens next is cool. And, it's a pretty funny movie that kids will like." Definitely repeatable. "I would love to watch it again and make different choices just to see what happened." DVD. 80 min.; $24.99; Age: 6-12. LEAN FORWARD MEDIA.


For a complete list of all Festival titles currently being shown, visit our website.

. L. 240 min.
A compelling combination of storytelling and science, this unprecedented four-hour series on PBS takes Alex Haley's Roots saga to a whole new level. The series profiles some of the most accomplished African-Americans of our time, using genealogy and DNA to trace their roots down through American history and back to Africa. Hosted by Henry Louis Gates, Jr., W.E.B. DuBois, Professor of the Humanities and Chair of African and African-American Studies at Harvard University. Dr. Gates provides access to the day-to-day lives of several prominent African-Americans, drawing on photographs, film clips, music, and early personal records, while a team of researchers, genealogists and forensic DNA analysts conducts investigations into their families' stories. By spotlighting African-American role models, the series hopes to inspire millions to consider their own heritage, and underscore for all Americans the importance of knowing their past, in order to unlock the future. Age: 12-18. PARAMOUNT HOME ENTERTAINMENT


L. 98 min.
Patrick, a teenage boy who doesn't know what he wants to do with his life, befriends Houston, a misunderstood horse trainer who introduces him to the exciting world of horse racing. Can this unlikely friendship turn an ordinary boy into a champion? Age: 8-12. TONJA WALKER PRODUCTIONS


Set in a world of iron dirigibles and steam powered computers, this gothic horror mystery tells the story of Jasper Morello, a disgraced aerial navigator who flees his Plague-ridden home on a desperate voyage to redeem himself. The chance discovery of an abandoned dirigible leads Jasper through uncharted waters to an island on which lives a terrifying creature that may be the cure for the Plague. The journey back to civilization is filled with horrors but in a shocking climax, Jasper discovers that the greatest horror of all lies within man himself. 2006 Oscar® nominee for Best Animated Short. Age: 12-18. POP TWIST ENTERTAINMENT.


. L. 99 min.
In this wickedly charming tale, EMMA THOMPSON portrays a mysterious woman with special powers who enters the household of the recently widowed Mr. Brown (COLIN FIRTH) and attempts to tame his seven very naughty children. The children have managed to drive away 17 previous nannies, but as Nanny McPhee takes control, they begin to notice that their misbehaving has magical and startling consequences. "A magical, fantastic and wonderful fable that will capture the heart of the whole family!" (Maria Salas, NBC-TV). Age 5-15. Universal Studios Home Entertainment.

. A. 11 min.
Pinky misses show-and-tell day when she comes down with a case of the Polka Dot Pox --- as does the whole class! Ages 2-5. SESAME WORKSHOP



. A. 9 min.
Young Freddy Bunny is having trouble learning in school, but he'd rather play video games and watch TV anyway. With encouragement and support from his teacher and the Book Fairy, his parents start reading to him twenty minutes a day, and in no time he becomes a happy book-loving super student. From an original script by Rosemary Wells inspired by her book, Read to Your Bunny. Voices by Diana Canova, David de Vries, Rosemary Wells and others. Music by John Jennings, with an original song performed by Mary Chapin Carpenter. Directed by Michael Sporn. Book by Rosemary Wells Illustrator: Rosemary Wells. Age: 4-8. Weston Woods/SCHOLASTIC ENTERTAINMENT


Please welcome these new or renewing members and visit their web sites.

The Comical Sense Company.

Woman Wisdom Corp.


The Chipmunk Adventure Arrives on DVD from Paramount Home Entertainment May 23, 2006
Alvin, Simon and Theodore are back with all the mischief, adventure and memorable songs as the 1987 feature film classic from Bagdasarian Productions.

Sesame Street Happenings
National Governors Association and PBS KIDS join forces to promote health and nutrition amongst our nation’s children, with fifteen of the nation’s governors taping public service announcements with Sesame Street’s Elmo and Rosita. Topics of the public service messages range from the importance of health and nutrition to physical activity and personal hygiene.

Sesame Workshop has partnered with Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., The New York State Office of Mental Health (NYSOMH) and Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC) to create a bilingual, multiple-media outreach kits. Featuring the Muppets, the Talk, Listen, Connect: Helping Families Cope with Military Deployment kit is designed to help the younger kids (K3-5) of members of the United States Armed Services, National Guard and Reserves deal with the stresses of military life. As of this summer, the kits will be available free of cost to schools, child care programs, family support centers and other organizations serving the needs of military families. Wal-Mart has donated $1 million towards the initiative, with additional support from NYSOMH and MCEC.

KIDS FIRST!® Board Member and Actor William Hurt Work Raise Funds for Charity
"We are letting charitable organizations use the film for fundraising;" says Monterey chief financial officer, managing partner, and longtime KIDS FIRST!® board member, Jere Rae-Mansfield. Monterey Media is donating a portion of the DVD sales from its Web site that come through the organizations. One of these titles is the KIDS FIRST!® film festival title, The Blue Butterfly.

Working Mother Teams up With KIDS FIRST!®
Beginning July, 2006, Working Mother magazine will highlight titles recommended by KIDS FIRST!®.

Happy Birthday, Glenn Ford!
On May 1, 2006, this Hollywood icon turned 90 with a celebration put on by Heartland Film Festival and several other organizations. They gathered together at the American Cinematheque’s permanent home, the restored 1922 landmark movie palace Grauman’s Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood for a special 90th birthday screening of one of Ford’s most famous films, the 1946 classic “Gilda,” costarring Rita Hayworth. Ford made a very rare personal appearance at the event, his first public appearance in 15 years.

PBS Launches 24-hour Digital Broadcast Network
October they will featuring programming that is “educational and entertaining,” following the success of the PBS Kids Go! afternoon programming block. The PBS Kids Go! network aims to offer up kids content that is targeted to children just beginning elementary school.


Turn Your Preschooler into an HDTV Star!
Photos of real kids’ faces will be inserted into each five-minute episode of the adorably fun new animated series, PIC ME. Parents can submit a photo of their 3-5 year old by going to for more information.

Story/Scriptwriting Contest
Scenarios USA is partnering with BET Rap It Up campaign and the Kaiser Family Foundation launch "What's the REAL DEAL on Growing Up in the Age of AIDS?". It is open to 13-18 year olds residing in the U.S. who have a story to tell about HIV/AIDS' effect on their community, schools, friends or neighborhood. The deadline is June 13 with the winner to be announced on August 18 on and The contest winner's story will be produced as a film to air on BET. More details at

Classic Film by Christine L. Pollock

Levi was nervous about going on the airplane. It wasn't an ordinary event in the life of the three-year-old, and his family was nervous about his reaction to the airplane. Fortunately for the family, Levi watched Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood the day before the flight, and the show happened to be about airplane travel. Now comfortable with the new situation in his life, Levi boarded the plane with no trouble and the entire family enjoyed the trip. The beauty of this story is that the episode was filmed decades ago. Fred Rogers' programs are as enjoyable and helpful to our children as they were to us parents thirty years ago. What makes a program a classic? What makes a program solid enough to entertain and educate multiple generations? Hedda Sharapan, Director of Early Childhood Initiatives at Family Communications, spent 33 years on Fred Rogers' staff. She and Ross Bagdasarian Jr., CEO of Bagdasarian Productions, producer of Alvin and the Chipmunks, and voice of David Seville, shared some insight into what makes their programs last.

Both of these timeless shows began with men dedicated to bringing quality media to children, although they went about it in different ways. Rogers focused on practical knowledge, rituals, and fantasy mixed with reality to teach children. He used puppets and spoke gently, encouraging children to learn more about themselves and other people. Bagdasarian created a show starring three talking chipmunks and their human father, David Seville. This show is action packed and full of adventure. For nearly 50 years it has entertained children through traditional animation, 3-D puppetry and computer generated animation. When Ross Bagdasarian died, his son, Ross Bagdasarian Jr., and Ross' wife, Janice, kept the show alive and created new episodes and movies.

Fan mail pours in from children all over the world for both Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood and The Chipmunks. Bagdasarian is amazed at the number of letters they receive from parents with autistic children. Parents say that children connect and respond to the voices of the chipmunks. Sharapan finds that viewers really connect with the genuineness and authenticity of Mr. Rogers. Bagdasarian believes that if producers want to tap into the hearts of children for the long term, they need to find characters with real personality, like the ones on Sesame Street. Kids need to identify with the characters and be interested in the lives of the characters, he adds. Sharapan finds that children relate to the programs better when parents interact with the children and talk about the show even when it is over. Sites such as have articles about the weekly lessons and activities to accompany these lessons for parents and teachers.

Bagdasarian and Sharapan both believe that it is important for producers today to become involved with organizations such as KIDS FIRST!® since, as Sharapan points out, "The world today cries out for partnerships." Bagdasarian recognizes that we are all all still storytellers with visual media just like our ancestors with their murals inside the caves. The trick is to reach people with the stories we want to tell. KIDS FIRST!® helps filter the best and bring it to the public's awareness. Titles from The Chipmunks and Mr. Rogers can be found on our website at


Dr. Toy's Tips on Use of Video by Stevanne Auerbach, PhD. /Dr.Toy Smart Play /Smart Toys (

Mothers Day

Children have special opportunities to express their loving appreciation for Mothers in many ways, especially on Mother’s Day. Watching a program together that shows how people and/or animals show their affection helps to reinforce a child’s positive feelings and emotions. Doing a creative project together is always fun and helps to share good times. Children learn mostly by example. Most of all, they enjoy and when others express positive feelings towards them each and every day. A fun title showing games and songs caregivers can use to interact with their children is Make Baby Laugh: Chuckle Together. Even a veteran child care provider can learn some new activities in this laughter-packed title. A parents' section explains the psychology behind the games, explaining how children learn and grow from playing games.

Craft - Mother's Day Hug

Materials: large paper, scissors, crayons or markers

For instructions, go to craft page.

KIDS FIRST!® Film and Video Festival Schedule
Join us as we travel around the country with film festivals. Find out when we will be in a town near you. For details read here

Yuma, AZ

Los Angeles, CA

Newport Beach, CA
San Jose, CA

Tiburon, CA

Denver, CO

Miami, FL

Hanapepe, HI

Rockford, IL

Fort Wayne, IN

New Orleans, LA

Brookline MA
Williamstown, MA

Ironwood, MI

Minneapolis, MN

Albuquerque, NM
Santa Fe, NM

Las Vegas, NV

Brooklyn, NY
Garden City, NY

New York, NY
Queens, NY


Oklahoma City, OK

Ashland, OR


Nashville, TN

Austin, TX
Canyon Lake, TX
Comfort, TX
Dallas, TX

Ft. Worth, TX
Grand Prairie, TX
Houston, TX

Little Elm, TX
Odessa, TX
Pflugerville, TX
Port Isabel, TX
Round Rock, TX

Spring, TX
The Woodlands, TX
Uvalde, TX

Salt Lake City
, UT

Shelburne, VT

Seattle, WA

Milwaukee, WI

Washington, DC

Other Events:

May 4 - 6, 2006. Hilton Pittsburgh Towers, Pittsburgh, PA. Women's Funding Network 22nd Annual Conference will explore women and the media, specifically how the women's funding movement can take its rightful place in print, on the airwaves, and online. For more information see

May 6 - 9, 2006. David L. Lawrence Convention Center, Pittsburgh, PA. Council on Foundations Annual National Conference. Information and events list at

May 10, 2006 - DEADLINE. Aging and Ageism Student Video/Storyboard Competition. AMLA member Jennifer Swift-Kramer reports: The Aging and Ageism Caucus of the National Women's Studies Association (NWSA) invites Oakland, California, area high school students to submit videos or storyboards about intergenerational mentorship among women, or women learning as they age. More information.

May 15 and November 15, 2006 - DEADLINE. Ethics & Excellence in Journalism Research & Educational Projects. The Ethics and Excellence in Journalism Foundation was established in
1982 for charitable, scientific, and educational purposes, including the improvement of the quality of the practice of journalism among various media. This support includes funding for creative projects and research that promotes excellence in journalism and instills and encourages high ethical standards in journalism. Funding is available to formal organizations only. Application deadlines are May 15 and November 15. For more information on the application process and requirements, please visit

May 25, 2006 - DEADLINE. Local Independents Collaborating with Stations Grant. A program of the Independent Television Service, LINCS gives independent producers and public television stations an opportunity to form full production and presentation partnerships. By providing matching funds to these partnerships, LINCS acts as a catalyst, helping independent
producers leverage the support of stations and helping stations access the talent of independent producers. For complete program information and application procedures, go to

May 26, 2006 - DEADLINE. Black Entertainment Television (BET) Rap-It-Up/Black AIDS Short Subject Film Competition. BET (Black Entertainment Television), the Black AIDS Institute, and the Kaiser Family Foundation have announced the 3rd Annual Rap-It-Up/Black AIDS Short Subject Film Competition. Submission deadline is May 26, 2006. For additional information, go to

June 6-10, 2006. Media Literacy: Overseas Conversations Series III. Speakers include several international scholars from Spain and Brazil. click here for details.

June 9-11, 2006. Raleigh Studios, Hollywood, CA. Moondance Film Festival. Successful Children's Filmmaking: Know Your Market Before You Shoot Frame One. KIDS FIRST!® presents a film and panel from 3-4:30 pm on June 9.

June 15-18 Marriott Oakland City Center. The annual meeting of the National Women's Studies Association. For information go to:

June 26-30, 2006 John Ansen Ford Amphitheater (across from the Hollywood Bowl). The What IFFF? Kids Film Festival and Film Camp. International Family Film Festival promotes and encourages the creation and sharing of the family film screenplay through professional and children's hands-on workshops and seminars. Submission Deadline: June 1, 2006. Applications are on their web site.

June 29-July 2, 2006. University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Democracy and Independence: Sharing News in a Connected World. The conference is designed for citizens interested in learning about new innovations in web, print, film, and audio news creation and delivery. More Information.

September 27-October 1, 2006 The Phoenix East/Mesa Hilton, Tucson, AZ. The 28th National Media Market. The National Media Market presents an exceptional opportunity for media professionals who purchase for public libraries, universities, media/technology centers and educational broadcasting to screen the newest and best quality motion media from 55 prominent producers and distributors. Professional Development sessions, workshops and roundtable discussions further enhance the Market experience.

November 19-24 Canada's National Media Education Week. The first of its kind in Canada, this week will highlight the importance of media literacy and Web literacy as key learning areas in the information age. Read More.

To add your event to this list, please send a notice to Chris


JOB OPENING: SR WRITER PRODUCER/PBS KIDS/PHIL, PA: 3-5 yrs exp specifically in children's market. Creativity a must. Writing, producing, editing spots/programs for short & long form on-air promotion. Apply to


Through the combined efforts of Corporations for Character, KIDS FIRST!®, and your generous donation, we can fulfill our mission to provide positive, encouraging movies into each of more than one million children's hospital beds. This effort will provide entertainment for children while they are confined in a hospital. To support KIDS FIRST!® Cares, click here. All credit card transactions are secure.

For Homeschoolers
The Old Schoolhouse is the must have magazine for homeschoolers and right now they are offering a deal that is hard to pass up. With your 2- year subscription you will get approximately $300 in FREE homeschool materials - 19 complete gifts - and FREE shipping. Click here or call TOS at 1-888-718-HOME. The Old Schoolhouse is the magazine for homeschoolers. Please call today as gift inventory is limited to the first 5000 new subscribers.

Become a Coalition for Quality Children's Media Member

If you've found our e-zine and web site helpful, please consider becoming a member of KIDS FIRST!® Members help underwrite the various projects of this organization. The Coalition for Quality Children's Media relies on the generous support of its members and donors to support its programs. An individual/family membership is only $25/year. An organizational membership is $100/year. An independent producer membership is $200. To join, go to: or contact our office at 505.989.8076.

VISIT OUR MEMBERS' SITES ******************
Please visit our website for an up-to-date list of Coalition members by clicking here:


Contact Ann ************************

Send comments, questions and feedback to: Chris

To SUBSCRIBE to our free e-zine, KIDS FIRST!® NEWS: Send e-mail to Or fill out the simple form at: To leave this list, send e-mail to or use the link below:

This newsletter may be reprinted with permission. Write to:
Copyright 2002 by Coalition for Quality Children's Media,

KIDS FIRST!® is the not-for-profit Coalition for Quality Children's Media's initiative that evaluates and rates children's media - videotapes, CD-ROMs and television - using a highly acclaimed method that has been praised by parents and educators alike. It utilizes professionally designed criteria and evaluation tools and engages a volunteer jury comprising child development professionals, teachers and parents nationwide and children of diverse geographic, socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds. KIDS FIRST!® endorsed titles appeal to people around the world and include many programs on topics important to children's development. KIDS FIRST!®-endorsed titles are available on CQCM's award-winning Internet site, in the KIDS FIRST!® Film and Video Festival and in reviews we provide to more than 75 publications.

CQCM evaluates feature films, television programs, videos, CD-ROM, DVDs and audio recordings. For an application form and application deadlines, visit our website at, call our office (505.989.8076) or send an email to Jury Coordinator
Coalition for Quality Children's Media, 112 W. San Francisco St. , Suite 305A, Santa Fe, NM 87501.

Subscribe to KIDS FIRST! free monthly e-zine for news and specials: