to the KIDS FIRST!®Home
The Newsstand - What's Hot
Coalition for Quality Children's Media is a national, not-for-profit
organization founded in 1991. Because we believe that media profoundly
affect children, our mission is to 1) teach children critical viewing
skills and 2) to increase the visibility and availability of quality
children's programs.
1. Letter from the Editor
Letter from the President
Notes From Our Readers
2. Highlighted Store Titles
3. New Endorsements
4. Festival Titles
5. Member News
6. New Members/Renewing Members
7. Media News
8. Family and Parenting News
9. DVD of the Month Club by Christine L. Pollock
* Permission to forward or reprint the content herein is granted
complete attribution
Welcome to KIDS FIRST!® NEWS. All articles are by Coalition
Quality Children's Media unless otherwise noted.
In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible
summer.--Albert Camus
Happy Holidays!
As we enter
this season of hope, I am reminded of a film I reviewed this past
month for the Kids for Peace Film Festival which is a component
of our KIDS FIRST! Film and Video Festival. It was an excellent
title showing how children around the world have similarities and
we all share a prayer for world peace.
Film and Video Festivals are filled with many amazing titles like
that one. Films that keep you thinking long after you have left
the theater. I am thankful to KIDS FIRST!® for providing programs
like this for our children.
Now, kids are
going to have another opportunity to receive our quality titles–without
even leaving their house! Our new KIDS FIRST! DVD of the Month Club
will deliver quality programming to the mailbox ever month. This
month KIDS FIRST!® is opening registration for members and affiliates
of the DVD of the Month Club. As the holidays approach, consider
a gift membership to the club for your loved ones. More information
is in my article below.
Also, don't
forget to check out our web store that sells only our endorsed titles.
Search by age or topic. The store address is www.kidsfirstmedia.com.
If you have
comments on titles we have endorsed; notices of awards, publications,
and products; or suggestions for articles...drop me at line
Have a safe
and blessed holiday season!
Christine Pollock, Editor
December always
seems to pass so quickly doesn't it. Maybe it's the entire fall
season that passes quickly. Since our last newsletter in which we
announced the launch of our new html newsletter, we've introduced
a new design on the KIDS FIRST! homepage (http://www.kidsfirst.org).
Many thanks to Netman and the crew at the Netcave for making this
all happen. It's been years since we've had a new look and we're
thrilled to have created this one.
One of its blessings
of the Holiday Season is the opportunity to reconnect with friends
and family members who we rarely see such as my Canadian friend
Rae who dropped in last week. The last time I saw her was three
years ago when we spent a cold and rainy November weekend in Montreal
visiting art galleries and cafes. Rae is an accomplished who just
produced a beautiful CD of her poetry set to music. She and I discussed
the difficulties of marketing niche CDs such as this. I told her
about our new KIDS FIRST! DVD of the Month Club and how it will
enable us to introduce niche, hard-to-find children's DVDs to the
general public and how people look for titles other that what's
available in the mass market. She looked at a DVD on my desk called
Raven Tales which we've just endorsed and asked about it. I explained
that this is the sort of programming we'll offering in our DVD of
the Month Club and online store. She immediately got it and before
she left, purchased a copy of Raven Tales for a friend's Christmas
gift. As she walked away, I smiled at the thought that KIDS FIRST!
was facilitating this interaction between an unknown independent
producer and someone looking for an unusual gift.
So, my friends,
we are working to create all the backup support necessary to launch
this program for you in the spring. As in Chris's letter and article
below, we are looking for other like-minded organizations who would
like to be affiliates with us. This will be our primary form of
marketing so we are compensating our affiliates to the greatest
We will begin
signing up members in January but the Club won't actually start
until April. For those who sign up early, we'll include a special
bonus DVD with their first month's shipment as a way to express
our thanks for believing in us.
Please remember
to check out our KIDS FIRST! Film and Video Festivals and Film Clubs
that are playing near you. We've got 17 different events going on
throughout the month of December with some fantastic Holiday programming
from Paramount, MGM and others. Check out our website for locations
and venues. http://www.kidsfirst.org/kidsfirst/html/filmfestivallocations.htm
All of us at
KIDS FIRST! send you our very best wishes for the Holiday Season.
Be well, be happy and we'll talk with you in January.
Much love,
Ranny Levy
Thanks for all your hard work! I enjoy your website and newsletter.
I wonder if you have any family friendly websites or TV shows you
recommend for headline news. I have been having trouble finding
anything without gory photos or extreme opinions. Any tips you have
would be appreciated. Thanks! Janice
from Ranny and Christine:
For younger children (and older), check out http://teacher.scholastic.com/scholasticnews/.
The Scholastic site has lesson plans and activities to go along
with the news.
For grades six
through twelve, check out http://www.nytimes.com/learning/students/index.html
for grades 6-12.
Another good
site is http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/kidspost/.
And TIME magazine
has a site for kids at http://timeforkids.com/TFK/ with current
for children is a bit lighter, but still worthwhile. http://yahooligans.yahoo.com/content/news/
On TV there
is a show called "Teen Kids News" that is part of Weekly
Reader. The web site http://www.weeklyreader.com/kidsnews/ explains
it and gives local channels and times.
One of my favorites is Slate.com. Their "Today's Papers"
reviews the headlines from the nation's top five papers and tells
what spin each puts on the daily news.
Offers a bilingual learning experience in a playful, interactive
and multi-sensory journey using objects found in a child's natural
environment to maximize on his or her language development. read
alone, engaging in imaginative play, allow children to project their
own experiences and stories. read more
OF ISRAEL- Video. This documentary takes the viewer through a typical
day in the lives of two families living in Israel, showing their
way of life, family interaction, foods, and celebrations. It visits
their countryside, cities, communities, schools and homes. read
Video/DVD-Ages 0-2
** MY BABY CAN TALK - FIRST SIGNS. A series of videos that gives
parents and babies the ability to bridge the gap between the time
a baby can communicate with their hands and the time a baby can
speak, reducing frustration and encouraging positive interactions.
Adult Juror Comments: High quality presentation. Very well laid
out. Bold colors and soft textures, beautiful music, bright examples.
Calming and not overwhelming. Planned to the most minute detail.
Excellent tutorial instructs parents on how to help the learning
process, and to have reasonable expectations. Kid Juror Comments:
Loved it and asked to see it again. Repeated the signs and got up
and acted like animals. The little ones danced while older ones
talked about the pictures. Liked the repetition, music, pace. Some
really loved the booklet that came with the DVD showing the signs.
Some lost interest after a few words. DVD. 45 min.; $19.95; Age:
** TRUSTWORTHINESS/CONFIABILIAD .Complete with inspiring songs and
delightful humor, teaches about making healthy choices. The characters
Groark and Mugsy learn the importance of honesty and trust in building
good relationships. Adult Juror Comments: Personality plus! Colorful
and amusing. Ethics for kids. Characters have real-kid traits, warts
and all, and struggle with real-kid dilemmas in a tactful and caring
way. Great script gives viewers time to contemplate the right action.
Greek philosopher statues giving advice is cute, original. Kid Juror
Comments: Even older kids were won over by the story and issue treatment.
"Those kinds of things happen to us." "I wish I could
have a neat toy like that, but stealing is wrong." "He
knew his friend would like him best when he gave him that expensive
present." "The statues were cool, the way they moved and
talked." DVD. 22 min.; $69.95; Age: 3-7. LIVE WIRE MEDIA.
Video/DVD-Ages 5-8
** FABLES OF BAH YA BAH 2. This sequel brings four meaningful tales
to life. Each teaches a lesson such as not straying from your family,
crime never pays, be kind to the poor, and learning from your mistakes.
Each fable ends with a song that reinforces the moral of that fable.
Adult Juror Comments: Artistic production of fables set in countries
around the world. Imaginative use of animation - lots of camera
angles, rich colors, expressive characters, delicious graphics.
Stories give clear moral guidance enhanced with simple, catchy songs.
Kid Juror Comments: Really struck a chord in some kids. "They
were from different, foreign places but they feel the same as me."
"Cool! I want to watch it again." "I want to travel
to faraway places." Not all kids could relate: "They really
weren't like anyone we know." Video. 60 min.; $20; Age: 4-8.
** THE PARABLES OF JESUS. Jesus used parables - short, simple stories
with morals - to colorfully teach the masses lessons. Presented
here, in a medium children relate to, are three of the best loved
parables used by Jesus to illustrate the value of hard work and
being responsible with the things we are given. Adult Juror Comments:
Entertaining way to educate kids about the bible. Easy to follow.
Morals are pointed out clearly. Requires some situations be shown
in order to teach lesson: cruelty toward servants was repeated several
times with footage of whipping. Depiction of hell could be frightening
to sensitive kids. Kid Juror Comments: Appreciated the intent. "It
made stories from the Bible have reality to us." "Kids
would like the stories even if they aren't Christians. They are
just regular stories with good lessons." "The location
that wasn't heaven added a lot. I never could imagine what that
looks like so it was interesting." DVD. 30 min.; $34.95; Age:
** WORTHY IS THE LAMB. Through vivid animation, young viewers can
experience the Passion of Jesus Christ and witness the fulfillment
of ancient prophecies. After enduring the trial and crucifixion
with Him, they will understand that Jesus willingly submitted to
his death for our salvation. Adult Juror Comments: Worthy telling
of biblical story. Accurate and realistic. Helpful narration. Full
of sadness and hatred towards Jesus. Fast moving, at times confusing.
Introduction is above the target age and scrolls by too quickly
for adults to read aloud. A bit gruesome; animation makes it less
threatening. Kid Juror Comments: Responded appropriately. "I
liked how it showed what the disciples did. They weren't all good
to Jesus." "It's too sad and scary for little kids."
"The guy who betrayed Jesus reminds me of a kid in my class."
"It was not as gross as it would be with real people."
"It could help people believe in Jesus." DVD. 30 min.;$34.95;
Age: 8-12. NESTFAMILY.
An All Dogs Christmas Carol © 1998 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Animation
Inc. All Rights Reserved.- 76 min.
Anabelle tells the story of how her two favorite guardian angels
saved Christmas. Theatrical Release - 1998. Starring the voices
of: Steven Weber, Dom Deluise, Sheena Easton, Ernest Borgnine, Bebe
Neuwirth, Charles Nelson Reilly. Director: Paul Sabella. Ages 5-12.
From MGM Home Entertainment. read more
Our Big Home: An Earth Poem - 30 min.
Based on the book by Linda Glaser and illustrated by Elisa Klevin.
This book reveals a much larger concept of home - the earth, where
we all share the same water, air, sun, soil, sky and more. LeVar
introduces us to Craig Kielburger, the teenage founder of Kids Can
Free the children, a global youth group run by kids, whose members
take an extraordinary journey to the poorest section of Nicaragua
to build a school. Meet a variety of kids who volunteer to help
make the world a better place. Ages 5-12. read more
Chanuka at Bubbe's - 30 min. While this colorful group of puppet
characters prepares for the holiday feast, the past comes alive
as Bubbe (grandmother) relates the story of Chanuka: the fight between
the Greeks and Maccabees, and the miracle of the burning oil. Provides
an excellent introduction to the story of Chanuka. Promotes cultural
awareness for non-Jewish and Jewish children alike. Ages 3-11. From
Monterey Home Media. read more
Kwanza for Young
People (And Everyone Else!) - 27 minutes - Audio Recording
Introduces the listener to Kwanza's seven principles using a collection
of original songs sung by both children and adults. Conveys positive
messages in simple, illustrative and inclusive language. It doesn't
just teach about the holiday but about general decency for everyone.
Ages 6-12. Charphelia Records. read more
String of Little Pearls-13 min.
"Little Pearls" are "tiny films" that open hearts
and minds. In documentary film style, these short 30-second television
spots, feature real people and animals as role models for living.
This sampler shows pieces that have aired in the United States and
England. The purposes of these Pearls are: 1) To create "media
that matters" which offers simple, loving messages that can
inspire, educate and empower viewers. 2) To communicate to as many
people as possible the wonder and beauty of this planet and this
life; to mirror the beauty inherent in our lives. 3) To present
real people and thought-provoking ideas that plant seeds of hope
and change. 4) To invite viewers to connect with their deepest,
most authentic selves.5) To raise awareness about the human condition,
social issues and the natural world through the socially responsible
use of television, video, film and Internet media. For ages 7 -
Adult. read more
Where the Red Fern Grows - 86 min.
Disney presents Wilson Rawls' unforgettable classic story about
a boy and his dogs, which has been loved for generations. Now all
the adventure and simple wisdom of the cherished novel come alive
in the all-new movie "Where the Red Fern Grows." What
10-year-old Billy Coleman (Joseph Ashton) wants most in the world
is a hunting dog. After two long years of hard work, he saves up
enough money to buy a pair of redbone hound pups, and it's love
at first sight! Before long, Billy trains "Old Dan" and
"Little Ann" to be the finest hunting team in the valley.
As the inseparable trio chase the wily "ghost raccoon"
and confront danger together, Billy learns the meaning of loyalty,
courage and perseverance. Directed by Lyman Dayton and Sam Pillsbury.
Featuring songs by Wynonna and Alison Krauss, and starring Ned Beatty,
Dabney Coleman, Kris Kristofferson and recording sensation Dave
Matthews in his film debut. Based on the novel by Wilson Rawls;
screenplay by Doug C. Stewart, Eleanor Lamb, Lyman Dayton and Sam
Pillsbury. "Where the Red Fern Grows" is a timeless tale
of love and friendship that will entertain and inspire the entire
family. Original release date 2004. Ages 6-12. From Buena Vista
Home Entertainment. read more
All By Myself, Inc. www.allbymyself.com
Kudos to Carmela, Michele and Jill. Highlighted in TIME Magazine
in September and the Wall Street Journal in October, these entrepreneurial
mothers have also been on "Inside Edition" and CNN Financial
News' "The Flip Side" (http://money.cnn.com/ontv/flipside/).
To top off the year, Jill has been invited to be a speaker on one
of the panels at the California Governor's Conference.
Dawn Westlake
Congratulations to Dawn for the nomination of "A Life of Death"
for a Golden Horse in Taipei-the equivalent of an "Oscar"
in China!
What's New at
Big Idea?
Big Idea treats Veggies like royalty in the 25th VeggieTales release
Duke and the Great Pie War, a lesson in true love based on the biblical
story of Ruth and Naomi. The episode bows March 5 and 8 in the CBA
and general markets respectively.
I Wrote That!
Announcing the I Wrote That Commercial! IWT will be selling their
new 2-volume DVD on television. The commercial will air for two
weeks starting December 3, 2004 on Nickelodeon and Oxygen Network.
This first weekend is vital to the success of the launch. They need
your help. If you live in St. Louis, watch these networks between
the hours of 6 AM and Midnight. www.IWroteThat.com.
Reel Grrls Program
Application Deadline: December 17, 2004. SEEKING twenty grrls to
come to the Seattle area (ages 14-18) to WORK with professional
MEDIA artists from February through April, 2005, to create VIDEOS
will create work that REFLECTS their LIVES in the new MILLENIUM
and DECONSTRUCT the images of women in FILM, music VIDEOS, fashion
MAGAZINES and TV. Pick up an application at the Metrocenter YMCA,
or call Lucia at 206.382.5332 to receive one. More information at
E-Motion For Kids e-motionforkids.com
E-Motion for kids is dedicated to inspiring children's self-expression
through the use of movement, original music and playful environments.
Their DVDs and videos tap into children's natural love of music
and dance.
Peabody Award Call for Entries
Deadline-January 14, 2005. Entries from original broadcast, cablecast
and webcast programs presented in 2004 are welcome. For more information
and online applications, go to www.peabody.uga.edu.
Fred Rogers
Memorial Scholarship
Deadline: January 28, 2005- The Academy of Television Arts &
Sciences invites applications for the $10,000 first annual Fred
Rogers Memorial Scholarship. This scholarship is intended to support
and encourage an aspiring upper division or graduate student to
pursue a career in children's media that furthers the values and
principles of Fred Rogers' work. In addition to a monetary award,
the scholarship recipient will be assigned a mentor from the Television
Academy's Children's Programming Peer Group who will work with him/her
during the academic year. The scholarship is open to upper division
undergraduates and graduate students (Masters or Ph.D.) of accredited
colleges or universities. Applicants must demonstrate a commitment,
either through coursework or experience, to any combination of at
least two of the following fields: early childhood education, child
development/child psychology, film/television production, music
and animation. Applicants must also have the ultimate goal of working
in the field of children's media. Particular attention will be given
to student applicants from inner-city or rural communities. See
the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Web site for complete
program information. http://www.emmys.org/atemmys/rogers-scholarship.php.
Fred M. Rogers
Center for Early Learning and Children's Media at Saint Vincent
College seeks Executive Director.
The Executive Director is responsible for the leadership of the
Rogers Center as a major new initiative at Saint Vincent College.
She or he must thoroughly understand the genesis, purpose, finances,
objectives, constituencies, and potential of the Rogers Center and,
building upon an informed understanding of the Center's mission,
further articulate and promote a sustaining vision for the Center
to the public. Other ongoing responsibilities include program development,
fund-raising, external relations, advocacy, and building partnerships
in the child development and media arenas. Prospective candidate
materials or candidate recommendations should be submitted via email
to Laurie Nash (lnash@phillipsoppenheim.com) and Sarah James (sjames@phillipsoppenheim.com)
for consideration.
TV Forums for the Disabled
¡REACH OUT, a TV forum for disabled viewers, has debuted as
Asia's first interactive channel. It is also on the Internet. Read
Mourning Margaret Hassan
A video earlier this month appeared to show the murder of an Iraqi
hostage. Care International worker, Margaret Hassan had worked in
Iraq for most of her adult life, serving the people of Iraq. Read
Families USA
Reaches Out
To honor the life and legacy of the late Senator Wellstone, Families
USA—the national organization for health care consumers—established
the Wellstone Fellowship for Social Justice in 2004. The Wellstone
Foundation hopes to expand the pool of social advocates from minority
groups, especially Black/African American, Latino, and American
Indian communities. Read More
New Media Smart
E-Newsletter For Parents
The National PTA and Cable in the Classroom have partnered to launch
a free email newsletter offering parents and caregivers tips for
media-smart families, plus six to eight family-friendly cable program
recommendations and 2 family-friendly broadband web site recommendations.
Sign up at http://www.ciconline.org/parents.
DVD of the Month Club
by Christine L. Pollock
What should
we get our kids for Christmas? Each year is more challenging as
the children get older and their hobbies intertwine with dollar
signs. Have you noticed that as the kids age, the markets tempt
them with goodies that draw them away from the family? Electronic
games hook them into another world. MP3 players entice them to plug
in their earphones and escape into a different reality. What affordable
gift can we give our kids that will keep them happy and keep us
knit together as a family unit? KIDS FIRST!® has the perfect
solution to our problem.
It's a subscription
to the KIDS FIRST!® DVD of the Month Club! With its affiliate
program, this club offers benefits to everyone involved, from gift-giver
to gift-receiver. "What in the world is an affiliate program?"
you might ask. Good question. It's a fancy way of saying that you
(or the group you have signed up under) will receive cash for every
product that is sold to someone you have signed up.
For example:
each group that joins as a KIDS FIRST!® affiliate will receive
$1.50 per member per month. If your local school wanted to use the
DVD club as a fund-raiser and thirty families joined the club through
the school, the organization would receive $45.00 each month ($1.50
per family) from KIDS FIRST!®.
This new program
of the Coalition for Quality Children's Media (CQCM) will be sending
out its first titles in April, 2005. According to Ranny Levy, founder
of CQCM, the club will be "a perfect way to service the niche
market of what KIDS FIRST!® is really geared for–people
who are concerned about what their kids are watching."
Ann Church,
Senior VP of Marketing, adds, "This is something that can introduce
subscribers to our media so they get really comfortable with what
we are providing." This leads us to a good point. What does
KIDS FIRST!® provide that is unique?
DVD of the Month club provides titles specifically for children.
Every month subscribers will receive approximately three hours of
programming appropriate for children, and this programming will
have been screened for the KIDS FIRST!® criteria. This means
that each title will have no gratuitous violence or sexuality; no
physical or verbal abuse; no bias in terms of race, gender, culture
or religion; no condescension toward children and no unsafe behaviors.
The initial
launch will provide titles for the six-to-twelve age group. Some
will be fiction and some non-fiction. All the titles will come from
independent producers, so don't expect to find these treasures in
Wal-Mart. If a subscriber falls in love with a title, s/he can easily
obtain extra copies for gifts and personal use. Each DVD club title
will be available through the KIDS FIRST!® web store at www.kidsfirstmedia.com.
The DVDs will be delivered for $19.95/mo plus $2.95 for shipping
and handling, with discounts for annual gift memberships. This is
a perfect gift from grandparents for their grandchildren. Media
literacy advocates can purchase memberships for their local school
or library. The DVD Club will run on a "negative return option"
basis, similar to music clubs. This means that products do not need
to be returned and the subscriber can cancel at any time.
Best of all,
the DVD of the Month Club offers one of the best affiliate programs
out there. Libraries, schools, homeschool groups, Sunday schools,
daycares and Girl Scout troupes (etc.) can greatly benefit from
steady flow of income from the affiliate program. While building
a great personal library of quality media, each subscriber will
be helping their own local association in addition to supporting
the not-for-profit KIDS FIRST!® program.
for affiliates begins December 1, 2004. Subscribers can sign up
after January 1, 2005. Billing for both affiliates and subscribers
won't begin until products are shipped in April of 2005. Bonus products
will be sent to members who sign up early.
As you go over
your shopping list this holiday season, consider this worthwhile
gift. Share your kids' excitement when the mail carrier arrives.
It's a gift that parents, librarians, and daycare providers will
cherish because they know that every month top quality children's
media is coming right to their homes, hassle-free. Plus, by giving
this gift, you help KIDS FIRST!® continue its mission of educating,
nurturing and entertaining the children of the world.
You can sign
up for the KIDS FIRST!® DVD of the Month club by going to the
KIDS FIRST!® web site (www.kidsfirst.org), or calling the KIDS
FIRST!® office at 505-989-8076.
and Video Festival Schedule:
Join us as we travel around the country with film festivals. Find
out when we will be in a town near you. For details read here
Alamogordo NM, Flickinger Center for the Performing Arts, Weekly.
Alamogordo NM, Otero County Film Commission, Annual Festival, February
2005 (tent).
Albuquerque NM Explora Science Center and Children's Museum, Monthly.
Boston MA, Children's Museum, Every Thursday.
Brookline MA, Coolidge Corner Theater, Every Saturday.
Dallas TX, USA Film Festival. Annual Film Festival.
Denver CO, Denver Film Society, Every Saturday.
Fargo ND, Fargo Film Festival, Weekly. Annual Festival.
Forest Grove, OR, Forest Theater, Daily.
Fort Wayne IN, Fort Wayne Cinema Center, Weekly.
Houston TX, Houston Children's Museum, Daily.
Indianapolis IN, Association of Children's Museums, Annual Conference.
LaCrosse WI, Children's Museum of La Crosse, Every Friday &
Saturday. Annual Festival.
Los Angeles CA, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Weekly starting
in 2005.
Mariposa CA, Rural Media Arts & Education Project, Weekly.
Nashville TN, Belcourt Theater, Weekly. Annual Festival, February
New Orleans LA, Louisiana Children's Museum, Weekly. Annual Festival.
Newport Beach CA, Newport Beach Film Festival, Annual Festival.
Oklahoma City OK, Oklahoma City Museum of Art, Quarterly.
Orlando FL, Downtown Media Arts Center, Weekly. Annual Festival.
Portland ME, Barbara Bush Children's Hospital, Fundraiser for Barbara
Bush Child.
Salt Lake City UT, Salt Lake City Children's Film Festival, Annual
Santa Barbara CA, Santa Barbara International Film Festival, Annual
Santa Fe NM, KIDS FIRST!® Film Festival, Annual Event.
Tampa FL, Kid Flix, Annual.
Vancouver, WA, Kiggins Theater, Daily.
Other Events:
December 7-8, 2004. International Film Festival Summit, The Hudson
Hotel, New York City. Dedicated to providing resources, information
and avenues of communication for industry professionals, vendors
and anyone committed to the Film Festival Industry. It is committed
to the idea that Film Festivals are an important cultural celebration,
a powerful voice in our society and increasingly play a vital role
in connecting not only the local communities they serve, but the
world globally. To register go to http://www.filmfestivalsummit.com.
June 25-28: 2005 National Media Education Conference, San Francisco's
Renaissance Parc 55 hotel. "Giving Voice to a Diverse Nation"
in San Francisco. The Alliance for a Media Literate America (AMLA)
is committed to promoting media literacy education that is focused
on critical inquiry, learning and skill-building. This national,
grassroots membership organization will be a key force in bringing
media literacy education to all 60 million students in the United
States, their parents, their teachers and others who care about
youth. Information is available at http://amlainfo.org/conference/index.php
To add your
event to this list, please send a notice
Become a Coalition for Quality Children's Media Member
*** If you've found our e-zine and web site helpful, please consider
becoming a member of KIDS FIRST!® Members help underwrite the
various projects of this organization. The Coalition for Quality
Children's Media's relies on the generous support of its members
and donors to support its programs. An individual/family membership
is only $25/year. An organizational membership is $100/year. An
independent producer membership is $200. To join, go to: http://www.kidsfirstinternet.org/kidsfirst/head00.htm
or contact our office at 505.989.8076.
SITES ******************
Please visit our website for an up-to-date list of Coalition members
by clicking here: http://www.kidsfirst.org/kidsfirst/html/whomem.htm.
********* IF
Send comments, questions and feedback You are currently on the KIDS
FIRST!® News list at: cqcm@cqcm.com To SUBSCRIBE to our free
e-zine, KIDS FIRST!® NEWS: Send e-mail to join- Or fill out
the simple form at: http://www.kidsfirst.org To leave this list,
send e-mail to leave-kidsfirst@kidsfirst.org or use the link below:
This newsletter
may be reprinted with permission. Write to: kfnews@kidsfirst.org
Copyright 2002 by Coalition for Quality Children's Media, http://www.kidsfirst.org
CQCM AND KIDS FIRST!®***************
is the not-for-profit Coalition for Quality Children's Media's initiative
that evaluates and rates children's media - videotapes, CD-ROMs
and television - using a highly acclaimed method that has been praised
by parents and educators alike. It utilizes professionally designed
criteria and evaluation tools and engages a volunteer jury comprising
child development professionals, teachers and parents nationwide
and children of diverse geographic, socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds.
KIDS FIRST!® endorsed titles appeal to people around the world
and include many programs on topics important to children's development.
KIDS FIRST!®-endorsed titles are available on CQCM's award-winning
Internet site, in the KIDS FIRST!® Film and Video Festival and
in reviews we provide to more than 75 publications.
CQCM evaluates
feature films, television programs, videos, CD-ROM, DVDs and audio
recordings. For an application form and application deadlines, visit
our website at http://www.kidsfirst.org, call our office (505.989.8076)
Coalition for Quality Children's Media, 112 W. San Francisco St.,
Suite 305A, Santa Fe, NM 87501.