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The Newsstand - KIDS FIRST!® News 2006


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The Newsstand

Christine Pollock, Newsletter Editor
"Winter is on my head, but eternal spring is in my heart."
Victor Hugo

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Turning your TV Time into Quality Time
March 28, 2006 Issue #3b
Christine L. Pollock, Editor
Ranny Levy, Publisher

1. Letters from the Editor, President
2. Web Store Features
4. New Endorsements
5. Festival Titles
6. New Members/Renewing Members
7. Member News
8. Media News
9. Family and Parenting News
10. Ribert and Robert's WonderWorld by Christine L. Pollock
11. Crafts and Activities: Very Young Children (Toddlers) from Dr. Toy and
Tasty Alphabet Snack
12. Festival City Schedule and Events
13. Classifieds
14. Special Offers
* Permission to forward or reprint the content herein is granted with complete attribution.

Interview with Center for Media Literacy Founder, Liz Thoman

Interview with Reading Rainbow Producer, Dr. Twila Liggett

The Inner Workings of Sesame Workshop with Dr. Ed Greene

New: KIDS FIRST!®logo store
Your purchase of hats, t-shirts, baby jumpers, bibs,
and totes benefit KIDS FIRST!®

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The Coalition for Quality Children's Media is a national, not-for-profit organization founded in 1991. Because we believe that media profoundly affect children, our mission is to 1) teach children critical viewing skills and 2) to increase the visibility and availability of quality children's programs.

CQCM Newsletter Archive
2006 Jan3 / Jan 18 / Feb 7 / Feb 21 / Mar 14

Links to newsletters from 2005 or earlier
may be found at the bottom of this page

Welcome to KIDS FIRST!® NEWS. All articles are by Coalition for Quality Children's Media unless otherwise noted.

Dear Friends,

Spring is here! Oddly enough, it arrived with several inches of snow. Still, there are definite signs that it's trying to break through. We have even spotted some robins.

Last week, on a snowy day, I was watching The Incredibles with my children. I consider them pretty media-savvy since we are constantly analyzing the media we watch. It came a part in the story where the father runs across water to escape the bad guys. My six-year-old turned to me and said, "He's not really running on water. I know how they did that. The water is just shallow, and they made it to look like he is on top. " As I was laughing and explaining about animation, I realized again how important media literacy is. No matter how much we know, there is always room to grow.

In our last magazine I wrote about Eran Fraenkel and his work in Macedonia. I would like to clarify that he was country director of Search for Common Ground (SCG)/Macedonia when Nashe Maalo was produced. Since then, he has become country director of SCG/Indonesia, where he is working on his new animated series. In other words, his production work takes place in the country where he is the resident country director.

In this issue, we are highlighting one of my favorite preschool shows entitled Ribert and Robert's WonderWorld. All three of my boys and many of their friends love watching it, especially the art segments. This photo shows my son with a picture he drew while watching the show. He also created a "special shirt" with the certificate he got off their website for when he watches the show.

As always, I welcome your input. If you have comments on titles we have endorsed; notices of awards, publications, and products; or suggestions for articles. . . Please drop me a line.

Christine Pollock, Editor
Contact Me

Dear Readers,

Ditto on Spring, Chrissie. Here in Santa Fe, spring came in like a lion and has roared the last week, until today. Today, we all have our windows open, the birds are chirping outside, and it really is beginning to feel like we're turned the page for another season. It's exactly what I've been doing at KIDS FIRST! as I've been screening titles that our jurors have recommended for our second quarter screenings which start in two weeks.

Again, I'm awed at the caliber of independent titles that we've received for this quarter, including the student productions. We have a superb title that explores the WW II Japanese internment camps from a child's point of view called "Take Me Home," a great animated title about a little boy who's afraid of the dark and what's under his bed called "A Stormy Night," an imaginative story about a boy who's more comfortable on a tightrop than on the ground called "Up On the Rope," and an interesting title called "Happy's Last Wish," in which Happy discovers that sometimes the best way to help yourself is to help someone else.

The studios have offered up some outstanding titles including "Little Manhattan," a coming of age story that takes place in modern-day New York City; "The Adventures of Brer Rabbit," a new direc to DVD animated film with voice talents of Danny Glover and others; "Dreamer: Inspired by a True Story," for all young horse lovers, and "Barbie Diaries," where everything she seems to write in the diary comes true. Hart Sharp, a new KIDS FIRST! sponsor, has given us "Paperclips," which is a documentary about an extraordinary experiment in Holocaust education with a group of middle school students in rural Tennessee. And then there's "Peep!" You know what big Peep fans we are. Peep (a newly hatched chick), along with his friends Chirp, (a smart and sassy robin) and Quack (an endearingly egotistical duck), explore the wonders of the big wide world in "Dry Duck" and "Peep's Moon Mission."

Check out our locations and try to catch some of these screenings this month. You'll be glad you did. Write us and tell us what you liked or didn't like.

Much love,

Ranny Levy
Founder and President, KIDS FIRST!®


Concerned about what kids watch? Want to do something about it? Become a KIDS FIRST!® juror. It's easy. Take our online training. It will take you about four hours to complete and we will provide you with your own personal trainer. The $40 fee is 100% reimbursable once you evaluate six titles for KIDS FIRST!®. You may keep any movie you approve. What a wonderful way for teachers, librarians, parents, and daycare providers to build their own quality media library while helping evaluate movies for others. To register or get more information, please visit our KIDS FIRST!® juror's page.



Baby Titles

BRAINY BABY: SING ALONG SONGS. All the original Brainy Baby songs that children enjoy singing along to on one CD. Includes: "26 Letters," "Name Your Shapes," and others. Reinforces ideas and behaviors such as manners, seasons, and numbers. KIDS FIRST!® Adult Juror Comments: Cute. Mixes old standards with new tunes. Sequencing is well thought out, with teaching songs mixed with old favorites. Kids learn new ideas and then relax with something familiar. Includes songs about manners, counting, and body parts. KIDS FIRST!® KID Juror Comments: Likable. Kids sang and danced along to this. Old MacDonald was a favorite. "I liked the cows and pigs and chickens in the song. " "I didn't like it when it was so fast that I couldn't get the words. " Audio. 45 min.; $10.36; Age: 1-4. The Brainy Baby Company.


COLORS AND SHAPES: JACK THE CUDDLY DOG. Soothing new education video for babies. Jack is a puppy who lives in Central Park, New York City. He explores colors, shapes, animals, flowers, mountains, trees and more. Classical music pieces are performed by award-winning concert pianist, Cheryl Tschanz Newkirk. KIDS FIRST!®Adult Juror Comments: Calming title to watch with children. Through narration and simple images, the child progressively learns names for animals, colors, shapes, numbers, emotions, and other preschool concepts. This is developmentally very appropriate for preschoolers. The music compliments the images beautifully and enhances the impact of the title overall. Well produced, crisp and clear. KIDS FIRST!® KID Juror Comments: Enjoyable. "I like the animals and the sheep. " "Did you see the birds? " "My friends would like the puppies. " "I already know about animals but this makes me want to learn more. " "It is so good. I loved the animals. Jack is very nice. " DVD. 28 min.; $12.79; Age: 1-5. Hello Baby Productions.


DO YOU WISH YOU COULD FLY? This compilation of original songs by Kathy Byers is intended for children and caregivers alike with each playback and performance. KIDS FIRST!® Adult Juror Comments: Good production with lyrics that work well. Fun songs that lend themselves to creative movement. Integrates themes such as brushing teeth, fear of darkness and the sounds of nature. Some Christian content. KIDS FIRST!® KID Juror Comments: Enthusiastic. Would listen to the songs again. "I was sad when someone got hurt and no-one wanted to kiss their boo-boos. " "My mommy teaches me to brush my teeth too. " "It was fun to pretend to make rain sounds. " Audio. 28 min.; $11.99; Age: 3-6. KT Music Productions, Inc.


. Fifteen skill-building activity songs for caregivers, parents and babies. Musical tracks for sing-along fun and activity guide available. KIDS FIRST!® Adult Juror Comments: Marvelous tool for parents of infants. Well organized. Includes instructions for how to use with song lyrics so parents can sing along. Covers the whole range of infants' readiness for response to music and rhythms from six to eighteen months. KIDS FIRST!® KID Juror Comments: Parents loved the clarity of this presentation and having the song lyrics included. Kids sang along and were genuinely engaged. Audio. 58 min.; $11.99; Age: Infant - 2. Hunk-Ta-Bunk-Ta Music.



MY BABY CAN TALK - FIRST SIGNS. A series of videos that bridges the gap between the time a baby can communicate with his or her hands and the time a baby can speak. By giving parents and babies the ability to communicate without words, these videos reduce frustration and encourage rewarding interactions. KIDS FIRST!® Adult Juror Comments: High quality presentation. Very well laid out. Bold colors and soft textures, beautiful music, bright examples. Calming and not overwhelming. Planned to the most minute detail. Excellent tutorial instructs parents on how to help the learning process, and to have reasonable expectations. KIDS FIRST!® KID Juror Comments: Loved it and asked to see it again. Repeated the signs and got up and acted like animals. The little ones danced while older ones talked about the pictures. Liked the repetition, music, pace. Some really loved the booklet that came with the DVD showing the signs. DVD. 45 min.; $15.96; Age: Infant - 3. Baby Hands Productions.


SO SMART: FIRST WORDS. Learn vocabulary with simple stories; adorable, bright, bold animation; and original music. KIDS FIRST!® Adult Juror Comments: Slow and simple. Beautifully constructed with perfectly suited vocabulary and images. Interactive game shows similar content in a different format, good for parent and child interactions. "Best infant program I've seen. " KIDS FIRST!® KID Juror Comments: Very interested. Pointed at pictures and attempted words. Danced to the music and giggled at animal pictures. Great when used in short user sessions to keep kids' interest high. Video. 120 min.; $7.96; Age: Infant - 3. So Smart! Productions.


SO SMART: SIGHTS AND SOUNDS. Babies and toddlers are captivated as simple shapes and moving patterns transform into familiar images, all with a live classical music soundtrack. Activity guide included. The DVD includes parent-guided interactive storybook features and printable story cards! KIDS FIRST!®Adult Juror Comments: High quality, excellent visual and aural training for infants. Beautiful music. Carefully instructs parents on proper use. One adult juror said, "If accompanied by an adult, it's the only infant video I'd recommend. " KIDS FIRST!®KID Juror Comments: Excellent timing, very stimulating for infants. "Even my toddler sat and watched and told his baby sister what he saw on the screen. " DVD. 30 min.; $12.78; Age: Infant - 3. So Smart! Productions.



NEW ENDORSEMENTS ********************************

More New Endorsements can be found at

*** = Titles receiving the highest scores are given a three star rating.
** = Titles that meet or exceed the criteria receive a two-star rating. * = Titles that meet the baseline criteria but require some extra consideration on the part of the viewer receive a one-star rating.

Video/DVD-Ages 2-5

** THE DANGER RANGERS, WATER WORKS. When Commander Octagon builds his vast underwater hideout he causes the worlds oceans to rise, only the Danger Rangers can save the day and share water safety rules along the way. Adult Juror Comments: This entertaining story teaches basic water safety rules. It seems more of a fun story than a lesson, yet the kids come away with basic lessons such as, "Don't go if you don't know" and "wear a life jacket if you are not a strong swimmer. " The camaraderie among the Danger Rangers, especially with the added humor of Fallbot, makes this fun to watch. It is an excellent addition to a health and safety class since it's fun and educational. Kid Juror Comments: Likable."All these bad guys try to make it so kids aren't safe around pools. They make the water have tidal waves and other unsafe stuff but fail because the Danger Rangers rescue the kids. " "It teaches how to be safe around water. " Kids found the robot amusing and loved the crab and clam. Their favorite part is saving the kids and capturing Dr. Octopus. DVD. 28 min.; $12.99; Age: 3-8. EDUCATIONAL ADVENTURES.

Video/DVD-Ages 5-8

* BABYPRO: LET'S DANCE & TUMBLE. Introduces children to the dynamic sights and sounds of cheerleading, dance and gymnastics. Intended to inspire them to spin, tap, cheer, flip, leap and clap, and engage in sports for their entire lifetime. Adult Juror Comments: It is most appropriate for older children who identify with the ones on-screen. I would question the educational value of this program but from the entertainment point of view, it covers many stages of sports and play. Attention is paid to pro-social role modeling, even the babies tumbling in the grass take turns. The "hey baby" voice and clear images are more appealing to babies but the activities are more appropriate for older kids. Kid Juror Comments: Kids' attention was held only in the events that they enjoy participating in, i.e.. Gymnastics, and then, only when the older kids were watching. Recommend this in small doses. "I tried to show it several times and each time the kids preferred something else. " When encouraged, the older boys loved watching the gymnastics. They talked about flips and other gymnastics they enjoy doing. DVD. 35 min.; $12.98; Age: 5-8. BABYPRO, LLC.

Video/DVD-Ages 8-12

*** THE BUTTERCREAM GANG. In order to help an old friend, the ButterCreamers must overcome peer pressure and learn to love unconditionally. Adult Juror Comments: Great program with great values. Well constructed. Good pace. Perfect for this age group. Suitable for teaching the consequences of joining a gang. The good guys could use a little more diversity on their team. Definitely offers good talking points about family values, peer pressure and joining gangs. Kid Juror Comments: Enjoyed it. "Fun to watch. Nice show. Kinda corny. " "I think I've seen this in school before but enjoyed
watching it again. " "There's a good gang called the Buttercream gang that does good things. One of the kids moves out of town, joins a bad gang, comes back wanting to do bad things and the Buttercream gang helps become good again. " "We know our families would like this one. " DVD. 95 min.; $12.95; Age: 8-12. FEATURE FILMS FOR FAMILIES.
This title can be purchased in our store.


For a complete list of all Festival titles currently being shown, visit our website.

Dreamer: Inspired by a True Story. L. 102 min.
A trainer and his daughter nurse an injured horse back to health, with an eye on racing her in the Breeders' Cup. Director/Writer: John Gatins. Actors: Kurt Russell, Dakota Fanning, Kris Kristofferson, Elisabeth Shue. Ages 5-12. DreamWorks Productions LLC



Ice Age Super Cool Edition. A. 81 min.
Twenty thousand years ago, glaciers were overrunning the Earth, and creatures everywhere were fleeing the onslaught of the new ICE AGE. In this time of peril, we meet the weirdest herd of any Age: a fast-talking but dim sloth named Sid (voiced by John Leguizamo); a moody woolly mammoth named Manny (voiced by Ray Romano); a devilish saber-toothed tiger named Diego (Denis Leary); and an acorn-crazy saber-toothed squirrel known as Scrat. This quartet of misfits unexpectedly, and reluctantly, comes together in a quest to return a human infant to his father. Braving boiling lava pits, treacherous ice caves, freezing temperatures and a secret, evil plot, these “sub-zeroes” become the world’s first heroes! Ray Romano, John Leguizamo, Denis Leary, Chris Wedge (Bunny- Academy Award Winner Best Animated Short), Manny - Ray Romano (Everybody Loves Raymond), Sid - John Leguizamo (Moulin Rouge, Collateral Damage, Romeo & Juliet, The Fan). Age: 7-12. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment.


Barbie Fairytopia Mermaidia. A. 75 min.
In this follow-up to Fairytopia, Elina (played by Barbie) goes to Mermaidia to save her friend Nalu, the merman prince. Nalu has been kidnapped by Laverna's henchmen, who plan to use him to make Laverna the most powerful fairy in Fairytopia. It's up to Elina to stop them, but she needs the help of Nori, a mermaid who wants nothing to do with Elina. Winning Nori over isn't easy, but her hardest challenge is yet to come. Saving Nalu could require the greatest sacrifice of her life: her wings. Can she do it, or will Fairytopia fall into the hands of Laverna forever? Ages 4-8. Lionsgate Family Entertainment.


Blue’s Clues: Blue's Room: Fred’s Birthday. A. 100 min. E.
Includes: Fred's Birthday Playdate - This time it really, really is Fred's Birthday and we're not just pretending. The entire playroom is buzzing with excitement and all of our playroom friends are ready to celebrate - our word of the day - in style. Also: Dress Up Chest, Boogie Woogie, and The Fairy Tale Ball. Age: 2-5. Paramount Home Entertainment.




Roberto the Insect Architect. A. 11 min.
A termite named Roberto pursues his dream of becoming an architect and travels to the big city where he hopes to find success. This funny and inspirational story will encourage viewers of any age to build their dreams. A co-production of Jerry Hunt, Galen Fott/Grundoon and Weston Woods. Narrated by Sean Hayes with music by Jerry Hunt. Based on the book by Nina Laden; Illustrator: Nina Laden. Weston Woods/Scholastic Entertainment.



Please welcome these new or renewing members and visit their web sites.






New On Sesame Street
Sesame Beginnings, a research-based DVD series debuts April 4, 2006. The DVDs are specially designed to help parents and caregivers encourage their child’s curiosity and interest in learning during everyday interactions.

Congratulations to Dawn Westlake on Her Title Promoting Peace
College of DuPage music director, Lee Kesselman, and the New Classic Singers hosted Concert for Peace as the final touch to a week devoted to peace studies. Kesselman knew that Dawn Westlake's film, A Life of Death, merited a place in his week-long program. "The film has so much to say. It touches the nerves of anyone who has ever suffered loss," Kesselman said.

Helping Hospitalized Children Through Film
Lollipop Theater Network (LOLLIPOP), the charity dedicated to bringing the magic of movies to children confined to hospitals due to chronic or life-threatening illnesses, is proud to partner with KIDS FIRST!® to bring a continuous stream of quality children's media to pediatric patients nationwide. The collaboration will debut on March 25th with a screening of Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment's Little Manhattan at the Avalon Theater in Washington, DC.
This title can be purchased in our store.

Video Games Parents and Kids Appreciate
Games-on-demand is an online gaming service that will instantly stream games directly to your home computers. Exent Technologies, the leader of digital distribution of games, powers games-on-demand services for leading broadband service providers such as Verizon, Yahoo! , Turner, RCN and Comcast, with hundreds of computer games that will challenge kids to think, play and create. More information at;;

Ribert and Robert's WonderWorld

What do an animated frog and a showman have in common? In the case of Ribert and Robert's WonderWorld (, it's a formula for success in a show for preschoolers. that is captivating the nation. Singer/entertainer, James Bondy (Robert), traveled from Canada to New England to join his sidekick, an animated frog named Ribert, in bringing children messages that inspire them to "love to learn and learn to love."

In the show's fifteen-minute episodes, Ribert and Robert's travel through the animated land of WonderWorld Viewers feel as if they are traveling through the park with the friends on a roller coaster, stopping at places where they earn magic keys that help them solve a riddle. Each stop contains an interactive game, or small lesson in music, magic, science or storytelling. Each episode is built around themes derived from kindergarten curriculum, and also addresses social-developmental issues such as the first day of school and visiting the doctor.

The show is reminiscent of Blue's Clues with its animated character and human counterpart who work with the viewer to solve the riddles. Bondy finds this comparison highly complimentary. When asked how Ribert and Robert's WonderWorld is different from Blue's Clues, he responds that it targets a broader age-range. Although its main market is the preschool crowd, the different human guests and issues presented reach audiences from two to twelve since the kindergarten curriculum is expanded to interest older children. The KIDS FIRST!® jurors who reviewed these titles found this to be true. Some of the roller coaster stops, like the interactive games, appealed to the younger audiences while other lessons such as the dancers and storytellers, appealed to the older children.

One feature in each episode the children especially like is the drawing lesson. Cousin Chris, the artist, takes children step-by-step through the process of drawing a character or object relevant to the show. With a remote in hand to pause at the most difficult spots, even four-year-olds can follow along and create a masterpiece. "Drawing the shapes and putting them together into a picture is really fun," says six-year-old KIDS FIRST!® juror, Hudi.

Parents and teachers appreciate lessons such as the science experiment where earthworms burrow into the dark dirt they love to escape light. This experiment might help children realize they don't need to be scared of the dark. The well-crafted lessons and writing make it obvious that a lot of thought has been put into each show. And a lot of love. Bondy appreciates the fact that each actor and artist involved with Ribert and Robert's WonderWorld is talented and gives 100% from their own hearts. Scripts are not fixed and everyone, from film crew to actors to director, gives input towards the final product.

Sometimes Bondy, who was used to cheering, interactive audiences, finds it challenging to act for TV. When it is just him, he sometimes finds a cold camera six feet away from his face can be a bit intimidating. To overcome the challenge, Bondy imagines the children he knows will be watching him on the other side of the screen when the program airs. For Bondy, one of his greatest joys is when children see him in public and their eyes light up in recognition.

Ribert and Robert's WonderWorld is a success for the ninety plus PBS channels that run it. It appears they are well on their way to achieving what is to Bondy a personal goal of entertaining children while they learn. It is Bondy's hope that children realize that "no matter what you choose to do in life, do what you love to do. " Just as he does as Robert.


Dr. Toy's Tips on Use of Video by Stevanne Auerbach, PhD. /Dr.Toy Smart Play /Smart Toys (

Very Young Children (Toddlers)
Toddlers are growing at a rapid rate and discover something new each and every day. They want to move and discover their entire world as much as possible. They like activities that challenge them and give them an opportunity to explore. In each of these areas you can help your child by using media like videos and CDs to complement all these activities. A terrific title to encourage on and off-screen entertainment and learning is for imaginative movement is Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.


Craft - Tasty Alphabet Snack based on Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

Experience the letters with many senses. Feel the dough as you roll out letters, smell it baking and taste the delicious result.

Ingredients: flour, baking powder, salt, vegetable oil, milk, eggs, cinnamon (optional), oats (optional), sesame seed (optional), or shredded cheese (optional).
For instructions, go to craft page.

For an insightful article summarizing the American International Toy Fair, with quotes from Dr. Toy, go to Backstory: Classic toys 'R' still us

KIDS FIRST!® Film and Video Festival Schedule
Join us as we travel around the country with film festivals. Find out when we will be in a town near you. For details read here.

Yuma, AZ

Los Angeles, CA

Newport Beach, CA
San Jose, CA

Tiburon, CA

Denver, CO

Miami, FL

Hanapepe, HI

Rockford, IL
Round Lake, IL

Fort Wayne, IN


Topeka, KS

New Orleans, LA

Brookline MA
Williamstown, MA

Ironwood, MI

Albuquerque, NM
Santa Fe, NM

Las Vegas, NV

Brooklyn, NY
Garden City, NY

New York, NY
Queens, NY

Oklahoma City, OK

Tulsa, OK

Ashland, OR


Nashville, TN

Austin, TX
Canyon Lake, TX
Comfort, TX
Dallas, TX

Fort Worth, TX
Grand Prarie, TX
Houston, TX

Little Elm, TX
Odessa, TX
Pflugerville, TX
Round Rock, TX
Spring, TX
The Woodlands, TX
Uvalde, TX

Salt Lake City
, UT

Shelburne, VT

Seattle, WA

Milwaukee, WI

Washington, DC

Other Events:

March 31 University of Connecticut, Storrs, Ct. Northeast Media Literacy Conference, "Rethinking Media Literacy in a Changing Youth Culture."

June 26-30, 2006 John Ansen Ford Amphitheater (across from the Hollywood Bowl). The What IFFF? Kids Film Festival and Film Camp. International Family Film Festival promotes and encourages the creation and sharing of the family film screenplay through professional and children's hands-on workshops and seminars. Submission Deadline: June 1, 2006. Applications are on their web site.

September 27-October 1, 2006 The Phoenix East/Mesa Hilton, Tucson, AZ. The 28th National Media Market. The National Media Market presents an exceptional opportunity for media professionals who purchase for public libraries, universities, media/technology centers and educational broadcasting to screen the newest and best quality motion media from 55 prominent producers and distributors. Professional Development sessions, workshops and roundtable discussions further enhance the Market experience.

To add your event to this list, please send a notice to Chris

CLASSIFIEDS seeks Technical Director; Technical Assistant; Web Programmer; Production Assistant Interns; Animation Interns. Please submit your resume, cover letter, and/or work electronically to


For Homeschoolers
The Old Schoolhouse is the must have magazine for homeschoolers and right now they are offering a deal that is hard to pass up. With your 2- year subscription you will get approximately $300 in FREE homeschool materials - 19 complete gifts - and FREE shipping. Click here or call TOS at 1-888-718-HOME. The Old Schoolhouse is the magazine for homeschoolers. Please call today as gift inventory is limited to the first 5000 new subscribers.

Become a Coalition for Quality Children's Media Member

If you've found our e-zine and web site helpful, please consider becoming a member of KIDS FIRST!® Members help underwrite the various projects of this organization. The Coalition for Quality Children's Media relies on the generous support of its members and donors to support its programs. An individual/family membership is only $25/year. An organizational membership is $100/year. An independent producer membership is $200. To join, go to: or contact our office at 505.989.8076.

VISIT OUR MEMBERS' SITES ******************
Please visit our website for an up-to-date list of Coalition members by clicking here:


Contact Ann ************************

Send comments, questions and feedback to: Chris

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This newsletter may be reprinted with permission. Write to:
Copyright 2002 by Coalition for Quality Children's Media,

KIDS FIRST!® is the not-for-profit Coalition for Quality Children's Media's initiative that evaluates and rates children's media - videotapes, CD-ROMs and television - using a highly acclaimed method that has been praised by parents and educators alike. It utilizes professionally designed criteria and evaluation tools and engages a volunteer jury comprising child development professionals, teachers and parents nationwide and children of diverse geographic, socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds. KIDS FIRST!® endorsed titles appeal to people around the world and include many programs on topics important to children's development. KIDS FIRST!®-endorsed titles are available on CQCM's award-winning Internet site, in the KIDS FIRST!® Film and Video Festival and in reviews we provide to more than 75 publications.

CQCM evaluates feature films, television programs, videos, CD-ROM, DVDs and audio recordings. For an application form and application deadlines, visit our website at, call our office (505.989.8076) or send an email to Jury Coordinator.
Coalition for Quality Children's Media, 112 W. San Francisco St. , Suite 305A, Santa Fe, NM 87501.

Subscribe to KIDS FIRST! free monthly e-zine for news and specials: