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Pollock, Newsletter Editor
" Always aim at complete harmony
of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your
thoughts and everything will be well."
- Muhatma Gandhi
NEWS 2005
Turning your TV Time into Quality Time
December 20, 2005 Issue #12b
Christine L. Pollock, Editor
Ranny Levy, Publisher
1. Letters from the Editor and
Miracle on Main Street: Donning the
Magic Robes
3. Web Store Features
4. New Endorsements
5. Festival Titles
6. New
Members/Renewing Members
7. Media News
8. Family and Parenting News
9. It's a Big Big World by Christine L.
10. Crafts and Activities: Creative
Experiences from Dr. Toy and How to Make a Quinzie
11. Festival City Schedule and Events
* Permission to forward or reprint the content herein is
granted with complete attribution.
with Center for Media Literacy Founder, Liz Thoman
Interview with Reading Rainbow Producer,
Dr. Twila Liggett
The Inner Workings of Sesame Workshop
with Dr. Ed Greene

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an Affiliate of the
Coalition for Quality Children's Media is a national,
not-for-profit organization founded in 1991. Because we
believe that media profoundly affect children, our mission
is to 1) teach children critical viewing skills and 2) to
increase the visibility and availability of quality children's
Newsletter Archive
2005 Jan / Feb
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Welcome to KIDS
FIRST!® NEWS. All articles are by Coalition for Quality Children's
Media unless otherwise noted.
Our congratulations go out to our coloring contest winners: Garrick
(3) from WI, Marcos (8) from CA, and McKayla (10) from NY. The winners
of the KIDS FIRST!® coloring contest will receive over $100
worth of DVDs. What a perfect gift for the holidays.
has been a good week for winning. Last issue I wrote about my kids
competing in a LEGO robotics tournament, and they won an award for
the best research and knowledge on their topic. Part of this award
was commendation for the DVD they filmed reporting their research.
We are very proud of them.
While they were setting up for the competition we took our six-year-old
to the mall. That's a big deal for us since we live in the country.
I believe it might have been his first time seeing a mall decorated
for the holidays, and it was really fun seeing his reaction to the
mechanical Rudolph.
We have a special addition to this magazine for this holiday season.
Arthur Kanegis tells how a Jewish Santa brings joy to all ages and
races. It's a powerful story of how people of all religions and
races can work together to help others. May you and your families
have a wonderful holiday filled with love and laughter.
As always, I welcome your input. If you have comments on titles
we have endorsed; notices of awards, publications, and products;
or suggestions for articles...Contact
Christine Pollock, Editor
On this short
Winter Solstice day, from everyone at KIDS FIRST!, we send our wishes
for a wonderful Holiday Season. I hope all of you will have the
opportunity to kick back and spend a bit of time with your friends
and family.
Looking back
on this year, I am amazed at all the changes at our organization.
From our huge expansion of our Film Festival venues, to our first
live KIDS FIRST! Best awards event, to our Webstore finally taking
off and fulfiling a very important part of our mission - selling
films from our independent producer members, to our always expanding
Junior Film Critics program, it has been a very successful year
for us. Many thanks go out to all the hard-working people who make
this all possible - our festival partners, our event host Denver
Film Society, our staff, our webmaster, our newsletter editor and
copy editor, and you - our readers and supporters.
THANKS everyone!!!
And as a way
of expressing our appreciation, we're offering a little end of the
year bonus from our webstore. We have $20 grab bags full of VHS
tapes, one for pre-schoolers and one for school-age children. Each
bag is filled with vhs tapes worth up to $100. We're making this
offer available as long as our inventory supports it so jump on
board and order one for the children in your life today. Go to kidsfirstmedia
to purchase.
Much love,
Founder and President, KIDS FIRST!
keep up with the fast-paced growth at KIDS FIRST!®, we offer
juror training online. If you or someone you know is interested
in becoming a KIDS FIRST!® juror, now's a great time to get
started. There is a minimal $40 fee for the training. Jurors keep
the titles they review and approve. What a wonderful way for teachers,
librarians, parents, daycare providers and others involved with
children to help KIDS FIRST!® while building their own quality
media library. To register or get more information, please
click here.
ROBES by Arthur Kanegis
"My clothes, I haven't worn my clothes in forty years!"
That was my dad's spontaneous reaction when I came home for a visit
in the early 1980's and gave him a Santa Suit. Although my dad was
Jewish, one of his first jobs was a department store Santa in New
Rochelle, New York, in the early 1940's.
When he donned the robes, something magical happened,
and as he left work and wandered down Main Street he found himself
filled with the Christmas spirit. Although he had never played a
musical instrument, the spirit so infused him that he played Christmas
carols on an accordion as he waltzed down the street. Little children,
eyes wide, stared in wonder. One little boy was fighting with his
sister -- until he looked up wide-eyed -- and knew he had to be
good for goodness sakes! My dad felt drawn to enter a particular
home. Inside was a paraplegic child who lit up with glee that Santa
had come. His family was thrilled, and offered my dad a stiff brandy.
My dad said he didn't drink.
"Then you couldn't be one of our friends! Did
some social agency send you?" My dad just smiled and carried
on playing "It Came Upon A Midnight Clear" for the young
lad who practically wiggled out of his skin with delight. I asked
my dad why he never played Santa for my brother, sister and me.
"Since Lillian passed away (My mom died of cancer in 1952 when
I was four) I lost the spirit." When he donned the costume,
the spirit returned, and he loved being Santa again. Santa was for
the children, and the spirit of giving, and to him it didn't matter
if the child was raised in a Christian, Jewish or any other family.
The next Christmas, as I searched for a way to cheer
up a friend in the hospital, I asked my dad if I could borrow the
suit. He gladly agreed. I grabbed my dad's Santa sack of toys to
complete the look, and went to surprise my friend. It worked - cheered
him up immeasurably. Since I had the bag of toys, I asked a nurse
if I
could visit the children's ward.
When I entered the ward my heart sank - one little
girl bandaged with burns, a young boy with leg in traction - a room
full of sad kids spending Christmas in the hospital. I tinkled my
Santa bell, eyes turned, and at once a transformation occurred.
Suddenly I was in a room full of children squealing with delight.
As I gave a toy to each child and spent a little time talking with
them, the pain disappeared from their faces and childish joy broke
through. They couldn't have given me a more heartwarming present.
When every child was busy playing with their toy,
I put my finger to my nose, wished "A merry Christmas to all
and to all a good night" and flew back out to the nurses' station.
The nurse thanked me and invited me to visit the other wards. "I
don't know," I replied. "Older people aren't going to
want some guy in a costume to come bug them." But the nurse
insisted and I relented.
The first room I entered, an elderly lady's eyes
lit up. "Santa, I'm so glad you came. I just found out that
I'm dying." I put my hand on hers, and stayed with her a long
time, just letting the magic robes do their mitzvah, sending love
energy through her tightly clasped hand to help her on her journey.
The next patient was a young African-American man whose foot has
been shot off. His little boy was visiting, and he exclaimed, "Look,
son, it's Santa!" The joy in the son's eyes
seemed to wipe away the father's pain.
That began a tradition, and every Christmas since,
I've grown out my beard, bleached it white, and transformed into
Santa Claus. One Christmas we were headed for Minneapolis to visit
my wife's family. My wife asked me to do her a favor - to fly in
my Santa robes. What a sensation that made. On the plane people
were slipping me gifts to give to loved ones in other seats and
children were looking out the window trying to locate Rudolf. When
we got to our hub at Chicago O'Hare, kids were everywhere, speaking
in all languages with only one word the same: "Santa."
When we arrived in Minneapolis my five-year-old
nephew Eric was overjoyed to have Santa Claus come to his home for
a visit. He excitedly told Santa what he wanted for Christmas, and
what he was making for his mom and others.
We worried what Eric would say when later Uncle Arthur showed for
dinner, sans suit, looking awfully familiar.
It turns out that's a problem that bothers adults
- it posed no problem for Eric. He just chatted away with Uncle
Arthur like I had just arrived. Since I couldn't remove my natural
beard, I wondered if I really looked that different.
The next day when Santa came to visit his school,
Eric gasped with joy: "Oh, you have your magic robes on!"
Later we went to visit my wife's mom in a nursing home. With only
children's toys in my sack, I began giving teddy bears and other
toys to the seniors. Many became quite excited, clutching the toy
bears like long-lost love ones. A nurse told me she was amazed -
residents who had been catatonic, non-responsive for months or even
years, suddenly sprung to life with a visit from Santa.
Since then I've been Santa every year. One year
a friend who was closing her toy store in Santa Fe, New Mexico let
me give away the entire store -kids were lining up around the block
to visit the Santa Fe Santa. For the past five years, ever since
I began spending most of my time writing screenplays from my beach
house in Baja, I've done Santa for children in orphanages and in
colonias in Mexico. Most of these impoverished children have never
seen a Santa in person. They don't have stocked toy-chests - the
one from me may be only toy they'll get this Christmas. So I take
the time to make the presentation special. Each child gets to sit
on Santa's knee and chat before receiving their present. The beanie
baby puppies seem to come alive: "El perrito dice: No tengo
una casa. ¿Es posible que viva en su casa?" Although
Santa's "North Polean" Spanish is rather poor, the children
glow with joy and welcome the toy dogs and stuffed monkeys into
their homes and hearts.
One year we went to San Quintin where farmworkers
live in a village made of scrap cardboard. A few lucky ones have
found scrap plastic tarps to keep dry. The joy in these children's
eyes in having Santa actually come visit THEM is burned in my memory
forever. What a gift - from them to me! With the help of the local
community in La Mision, one year we were able to bring in a truckload
of toys, wheelchairs, blankets and other presents to a school for
disabled children in Ensenada. One blind boy sat on my lap, felt
my hat, beard and face, and lit up brighter than a firecracker when
he called out "Santa! Santa!"
I'll never forget one paraplegic boy. As I carried
him into his wheelchair, he was practically wiggling out of his
skin with delight. Tears welled up in my eyes. I found myself singing
to him: "It came upon a midnight clear, that glorious song
of old. From angels bending near the earth, to touch their harps
of gold Peace on the earth, goodwill to men…"
Practically every religion teaches that we are all
one. Christmas is the one time of
the year when everyone who is filled with the spirit of Santa becomes
the real Santa. We are all actually one. So when children ask me
if I'm the real Santa Claus, I tell them yes. And my dad was the
real Santa - and if the spirit of giving fills your heart, you,
too, are the real Santa.
©ArthurKanegis, 2005 Arthur@futurewave.org
310-909-8756. Donations of toys are always welcomed, and can be
sent to me at 4492 Camino de la Plaza #642, San Diego, CA 92173
Santa and Disabled Child in Ensenada, BC Mexico
Media: VIDEO KF! Age:
This grab bag assortment
of vhs tapes is worth at least twice the purchase price at MSRP.
All titles are KIDS FIRST! Endorsed, recommended for ages 2-5, and
are sure to be a hit with your kids. We are discontinuing all VHS
tapes which is why we're offering you this grab bag assortment for
this Holiday Season.
This collection features
many of Ranny's Picks!
Juror Recommended Age:
2 -5
Category: Family, Educational/Instructional, Festival, others
Media: VIDEO KF! Age:
This grab bag assortment
of vhs tapes is worth at least twice the purchase price at MSRP.
All titles are KIDS FIRST! Endorsed, recommended for ages 5-12,
and are sure to be a hit with your kids. We are discontinuing all
VHS tapes which is why we're offering you this grab bag assortment
for this Holiday Season.
For more information or to order
This collection features
many of Ranny's Picks!
Juror Recommended Age:
Category: Family, Educational/Instructional, Festival, others
ENDORSEMENTS ********************************
New Endorsements can be found at
*** = Titles receiving the highest scores are given
a three star rating.
** = Ttles that meet or exceed the criteria receive a two-star rating.
* = Titles that meet the baseline criteria but require some extra
consideration on the part of the viewer a one-star rating.
TIME! VOLUME 6: MY FAVORITE THINGS. Join Alex, Leah, their frog
Hopkins, and Signing Time's Rachel Coleman for more signing fun!
Teaches ASL signs for fruits, vegetables, colors of the rainbow,
and activities. Divided into segments for colors, fruits and veggies,
and activities, this title includes ASL tips. Adult Juror Comments:
Clear, humorous, and entertaining presentation. Vivid colors. Fruits
and actions are presented in related vocabulary groups by an enthusiastic
adult. Good repetition by kids for an uncluttered, well-paced educational
presentation. Complimentary soundtrack of original songs. Kid Juror
Comments: All watched intently, and some were signing and singing
along. One child said, "I can spell all of those." (She
was obviously proud of her spelling ability.) Kids had a blast sharing
things that they could do like swimming. This stimulated lots of
participation and conversation among the children. DVD. 30 min.;
The James Coffey Express Delivers! Based
on the soundtrack tunes he created for the popular I Love Trains
video series, Coffey includes 32 previously unreleased songs relating
to the magic and wonder of locomotives. Adult Juror Comments: Good
music, fun to listen to. Combines songs to dance along to, some
familiar tunes, and a variety of songs all about trains. These songs
make more sense with the visuals of the video accompanying them.
The kids always love to break into Old MacDonald, though. Kid Juror
Comments: Kids sang along with some of the tunes. One child who
has a harmonica could relate to the harmonica parts. Some kids enjoyed
listening along as they played with their toy trains. One pre-school
teacher took her kids to the library to get some books about trains
as a follow up activity. Audio. 75 min.; $14.95; Age: 2-5. BLUE
Welcome to Screamworks Island, where Jack and Skye are forced to
face their fears and deal with them once and for all. Whether it's
the fear of heights or the fear of not fitting in, Trevor offers
fear-busting guidance to kids hoping to overcome them all. Adult
Juror Comments: Great message. We all face fears but many kids don't
want to admit theirs. This brings fears into the open and helps
kids identify and deal with them. Offers morally and ethically sound
advice. Many times children fail to participate in activities because
of their fear of failure. This presentation helps them recognize
and overcome these fears. Catchy music, interesting graphics and
animation. One librarian said, "After seeing this, I intend
to purchase other titles in this series!" Trevor Romain is
a master at presenting sensitive subjects to children. Kid Juror
Comments: Liked it. I learned that you have five fears. "It
shows you how to not be afraid and everyone is afraid of something."
Kids related to the fears of rides and spiders. "I related
to Skye because I love huge roller coasters, and I don't like spiders."
"I learned about fight or flight." "I knew about
the breathing thing." "Drawings were neat." "I
liked how the mom was real and the kids were cartoon people."
DVD. 80 min.; $14.99; Age: 8-12. THE COMICAL SENSE COMPANY.

Blue's Clues: Blue's Room: Holiday Wishes |
Charlie Brown Christmas, A |
Christmas Carol, A |
Jingle Bells |
In Blue’s
Room, Blue has transformed into a loveable plush puppet who
can now talk with you! Blow on the Play Date Spinner- wherever
it lands sets the theme for the play date, and even the look
of the playroom itself! Blue’s Room can fill with snacks,
turn into Birthday Party Land, host talking alphabet letters,
or change into any imaginary setting. There’s no limit
to what you can do when you talk, play, pretend with your best
friend, Blue! Ages 2-5. Paramount Home Entertainment/Nickelodeon.
This made
for TV classic features Charlie Brown's problems producing the
school Christmas pageant. All of the Peanut's characters are
shown in their most endearing ways - Lucy, Snoopy, Schroeder,
Pig-Pen, etc. Linus stops the show reciting from the gospel
the story of Jesus' birth. Ages 5-15. Paramount Home Entertainment
One of
the best-loved holiday stories of all time is back in this animated
musical version of Charles Dickens' most famous tale. An all-star
voice lineup features the talents of Whoopi Goldberg, Ed Asner,
Michael York, and Tim Curry as Scrooge. Come share the joy as
cold-hearted Ebenezer Scrooge, the man who "bah-humbugged"
his way through Christmas, discovers the true holiday spirit
after he's visited by the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present
and Future. With original music and eight new songs, this uplifting,
animated tale is destined to become a new holiday classic. Ages
5-18. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment. |
As told
by one of Santa’s merriest elves, this animated tale opens
on a small farm where Beth, Tommy and their parents are all
worried about finding the money to buy each other gifts. But
when their Dad sells the one thing they care about most in order
to give the kids store-bought presents, it looks like it might
be the unmerriest Christmas ever! Now with a little Christmas
magic and an unforgettable sleigh ride, the family learns the
best gifts don’t come from stores…they come from
the heart. Starring the voices of Jason Alexander, Don Knotts
and Shelley Long. Produced in 1999. Ages 5-12. Lions Gate Home
Entertainment. |
Lazy Town Surprise Santa |
We Wish You a Merry Christmas |
O'Christmas Tree
Davie & Golimyr
has just moved to a strange new place called LazyTown. Along
with the other kids in town, this optimistic 8-year-old is caught
between a charismatic, health-conscious super hero named Sportacus,
and the world’s laziest bad guy, Robbie Rotten. LazyTown
is action-packed; in spite of its name, it’s anything
but lazy. Ages 5-8. Paramount Home Entertainment. |
to life with the voices of Nell Carter, Lacey Chabert, and Travis
Tritt, this animated holiday special reveals how Christmas carols
came to be – and how an entire town rediscovered the true
spirit of the season. In the tiny town of Harmony, the people
have been working so hard they’ve forgotten music even
exists! Then, three determined little orphans set out to find
a gift they can give the hardworking townsfolk. And with a little
night-before-Christmas advice from kindly Mrs. Santa Claus,
they give the town the most amazing present anyone could imagine:
Christmas caroling! Ages 5-12. Lions Gate Home Entertainment |
This heartwarming
animated tale begins in a snowy forest on Christmas Eve, where
a forlorn little pine tree feels she is too homely to ever realize
her dream of being a real Christmas tree. With the help of a
comical Baby Bear, a happy-go-lucky Squirrel, a cynical Nutcracker,
and a host of other forest critters, as well as a visit from
Santa Claus himself, the little tree discovers the true beauty
of the season… shines from within! Featuring the voices
of Edward Asner, Tim Conway and Marie Osmond. Title song sung
by Marie Osmond. Age 5-12. Lions Gate Home Entertainment.
Davie is
a pear grower who stands up again a bully giant to protect his
village. When Davie hits Golimyr in the head with a pear, Golimyr
becomes a good, decent person. Good family story, based on the
familiar biblical story of David and Goliath. Religious content.
Claymation. Age: 8-12. Lumenas Studios and Ageless Animation.
Our complete list of titles is available by clicking here.
Island Children's Museum is having a New Year's Countdown by time
zone around the world. At each midnight, they will play an episode
from Families Around
the World that corresponds to that time zone. For India, they
are screening Going to School in India. Also showing on January
2 and 16 beginning at 11am. Read
Please welcome these new or renewing members
and visit their web sites.
Hello Baby Productions
Kiddie Village
Call For Entries
The 9th Annual Brooklyn International Film Festival is looking for
entries for Feature, Documentary, Narrative Short, Experimental
Short, and Animated Short FINAL DEADLINE: March 15, 2006 Read
Little Airplane Academy for Kids
Kids have an opportunity to become creators of media instead of
passive consumers. Read
Narnia-Out of the Wardrobe, Into the Mall?
Is the spiritual message dimmed by commercialism? Here is a great
article on how the get the best from Narnia and how to use it as
a lesson about marketing. Read
a Big Big World! by Christine L. Pollock
got it wrong, it's not a small world. It's a big, BIG world with
lots to discover and explore," Mitchell Kriegman enthuses over
the phone. This creative genius of award-wining shows such as Bear
in the Big Blue House and Clarissa Explains it All and Book of Pooh
talked to me about his new show, It's a Big, Big World, which makes
its debut on January 2, 2006 on PBS.
According to Kriegman, too often we give our children
the message that this world is a dark place that we are destroying.
It's somewhat true, but we often forget to show them the light.
There are still many wonderful things on our planet. It's a Big,
Big World is based on a multi-level age-appropriate science and
geography curriculum, which taps into children's' natural fascination
with a world much bigger than their immediate surroundings. "Children
today are more affected by the global community than ever before.
It's a Big Big World offers parents and kids a very natural, positive
way to think and talk about the world around them. From a distance,
the world still makes a lot of sense," says Kriegman. "The
series presents science not just as a bunch of facts, but as a process
of discovery.
A new form of animation gives the show and its characters
a fresh and novel look. It's a Big, Big World's main characters,
a charismatic sloth named Snook and his animal friends, are rich
in texture and detail. It is produced in "Shadowmation,"
a visually striking technique that combines puppetry, animatronics
and computer-generation. Kriegman came up with the idea for Shadowmation
through his interest in bun-raku, an ancient Japanese art form of
puppetry and storytelling. Each puppet in It's a Big Big World is
controlled by several puppeteers at the same time so the puppet's
movements are more varied and refined, more closely mimicking human
movement. Combining the puppetry with CGI allows the creators to
render an artistic environment for the viewer where the characters
appear more realistic. This type of filming would not have been
an option ten years ago. However, rapid advances in technology have
made it possible.
In Kriegman's opinion, the titles that will stand
out in the crowd of the future will be big budget, hi-bred shows
and the "quirky, cool, lower end" productions. Kriegman's
success with children's' programming demonstrates that he knows
what families are looking for, perhaps because he is a parent himself
and monitors the media in his own household. Kriegman asserts that
parents have to be active in the media choices of a household. They
need to be involved, co-viewing whenever possible. The success of
a show depends on capturing both the parents and the children. From
first glance, it seems as if It's a Big Big World is going to do
just that.
If you want to learn more about the show before
it debut's check out http://pbskids.org/bigbigworld/.
Dr. Toy's Tips on Use of Video by Stevanne
Auerbach, PhD./Dr.Toy
www.drtoy.com Smart Play /Smart
Toys (www.educationalinsights.com)
Children like to paint indoors and outside. This is always a fun
activity on a nice day. An easel can make it simpler to do this.
Whatever type of products you select, make sure that they can hold
up to the outdoors, tough and tumble things that can take more wear
and tear. Show your child videos that provide stimulation, art and
creative experiences that enrich their imagination and creative
expression. Some KIDS FIRST!® recommendations are Brainy
Baby - Art and Monet:
Shadow and Light.
Quinzie based on AdventurePatrol:
Snow Daze
Materials: Snow and shovels. For instructions, go
to craft page.
FIRST!® Film and Video Festival Schedule
Join us as we travel around the country with
film festivals. Find out when we will be in a town near you. For
details read
Yuma, AZ
Madeira Park
Los Angeles,
Beach, CA
San Jose, CA
Wayne, IN
Wichita, KA
Louisville, KY
Orleans, LA
Williamstown, MA
Ironwood, MI
Albuquerque, NM
Santa Fe, NM
Brooklyn, NY
Garden City, NY
Queens, NY
Oklahoma City, OK
Ashland, OR
Nashville, TN
Dallas, TX
Houston, TX
Spring, TX
Salt Lake City,
La Crosse, WI
Milwaukee, WI
Washington, DC
Deadline: January 20, 2006: ITVS: International
Programs for U.S. Audience
Independent Television Service (ITVS) invites international producers
to create programs for television audiences in the United States that
represent diverse global communities, advance underrepresented points
of view, inspire public dialogue, tell powerful stories, and explore
globally significant themes and issues. Visit http://www.itvs.org/
for complete program guidelines and application procedures.
To add your event to this list, please send a notice
to Chris.
Become a Coalition for Quality Children's Media Member
If you've found our e-zine and web site helpful,
please consider becoming a member of KIDS FIRST!® Members help
underwrite the various projects of this organization. The Coalition
for Quality Children's Media's relies on the generous support of
its members and donors to support its programs. An individual/family
membership is only $25/year. An organizational membership is $100/year.
An independent producer membership is $200. To join, go to: http://www.kidsfirst.org
or contact our office at 505.989.8076.
OUR MEMBERS' SITES ******************
Please visit our website for an up-to-date list of Coalition members
by clicking here: http://www.kidsfirst.org/kidsfirst/html/whomem.htm.
Contact Ann. ******************
Send comments, questions and feedback to
To SUBSCRIBE to our free e-zine,
KIDS FIRST!® NEWS: Send e-mail to join-kidsfirst@kidsfirst.org
Or fill out the simple form at: http://www.kidsfirst.org
To leave this list, send e-mail to leave-kidsfirst@kidsfirst.org
or use the link below: http://list.kidsfirst.org/cgi-bin/process.pl?id=18066423L
newsletter may be reprinted with permission.
Write to: kfnews@kidsfirst.org
Copyright 2002 by Coalition for Quality Children's Media, http://www.kidsfirst.org
FIRST!® is the not-for-profit Coalition for Quality Children's
Media's initiative that evaluates and rates children's media - videotapes,
CD-ROMs and television - using a highly acclaimed method that has
been praised by parents and educators alike. It utilizes professionally
designed criteria and evaluation tools and engages a volunteer jury
comprising child development professionals, teachers and parents
nationwide and children of diverse geographic, socioeconomic and
ethnic backgrounds. KIDS FIRST!® endorsed titles appeal to people
around the world and include many programs on topics important to
children's development. KIDS FIRST!®-endorsed titles are available
on CQCM's award-winning Internet site, in the KIDS FIRST!® Film
and Video Festival and in reviews we provide to more than 75 publications.
evaluates feature films, television programs, videos, CD-ROM, DVDs
and audio recordings. For an application form and application deadlines,
visit our website at http://www.kidsfirst.org,
call our office (505.989.8076) or send
us an email.
Coalition for Quality Children's Media, 112 W. San Francisco St.,
Suite 305A, Santa Fe, NM 87501.