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Christine Pollock, Newsletter
am of the opinion that my life belongs to the community,
and as long as I live it is my privilege to do for it whatever
I can. -George Bernard Shaw
Turning your TV Time into Quality Time
February 8, 2005 Issue #2
Christine L. Pollock, Editor
Ranny Levy, Publisher
1. Letter from the Editor
Letter from the President
Notes From Our Readers
2. Highlighted Store Titles
3. New Endorsements
4. Festival Titles
5. Member News
6. New Members/Renewing Members
7. Media News
8. Family and Parenting News
9. Making Rainbows for Readers: An Interview
with Dr. Twila Liggett by Christine L. Pollock
* Permission to forward or reprint the content herein is
granted with complete attribution.
for Media Literacy Founder, Liz Thoman is interviewed in
the January 2005 issue,
click here.
| |
Fairytopia World Premiere
Dallas KidFlix Festival Jan 22, 2005
The Coalition for Quality Children's
Media is a national, not-for-profit organization founded
in 1991. Because we believe that media profoundly affect
children, our mission is to 1) teach children critical viewing
skills and 2) to increase the visibility and availability
of quality children's programs.
Newsletter Archive
Jan. 2005
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/ 1999 / 1998
1997a 1997
Welcome to KIDS
FIRST!® NEWS. All articles are by Coalition for Quality Children's
Media unless otherwise noted.
I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the community, and as
long as I live it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can. -George
Bernard Shaw
One year ago,
I received an important phone call. It was Ranny Levy asking if
I would consider becoming editor of the KIDS FIRST!® newsletter.
It couldn't have been a more critical time to become a journalistic
observer of the media world. Within a week of the phone call, Janet
Jackson had her wardrobe malfunction, and the FCC crackdown began.
It was a dynamic
year, even for the media world. Through KIDS FIRST!® I have
come to meet the people who help shape and define that roiling world,
especially the potent world of children's media.
This month I
was privileged to conduct a delightful interview Dr. Twila Liggett,
founder of the unimpeachable Reading Rainbow series. A brilliant
mix of the printed word and media, the twenty-time Emmy-award-winning
show has introduced generations of children to the joys of reading.
In the interview, I was shocked to learn that funding is tight and
the show's future is precarious.
Do you have
any suggestions for funding for Reading Rainbow, or comments on
how Reading Rainbow has affected your life? I hope you will take
a minute of your time to share them with me.
As always, I
welcome your input. If you have comments on titles we have endorsed;
notices of awards, publications, and products; or suggestions for
articles...drop me at line
Have a wonderful
Christine Pollock, Editor
Here it is,
almost Valentine's Day again, my favorite holiday of the year. What's
not to like about a day to celebrate love? May your Valentine's
Day be a time when you can slow down a bit and remind your loved
ones how much they mean to you. I am reminded of my friend, Mardi's
response when someone asked her how she managed to divide her love
between her seven children. She answered, "I don't, I multiply
it." May your love be multiplied this month.
Producers, please
note that we are extending our January 31 deadline to February 28
so you have an extra month to get your titles in for our summer
festivals. You can submit them just to the festivals for only $75
or for a full KIDS FIRST! evaluation for $150 / members; $300 non-members.
We have particular needs for programs about nature and the environment,
literature-based programs, programs in Spanish and Italian, and
programs that promote peace and tolerance.
to the USA Film Festival's KidFilm for hosting, in collaboration
with KIDS FIRST! the world premiere of the new direct to DVD title,
Barbie Fairytopia. The full house was ever so much enchanted by
the little girls who attended dressed in their finest fairy costumes.
KidFilm's screening of Bullies Are a Pain in the Brain also had
an incredible turnout, enhanced by the appearance Trevor Romain,
writer of the award-winning book upon which the DVD is based. Kudos
also to the Coolidge Theater in Bostom where more than 450 kids
showed up last weekend for a screening of Click Clack Moo, Cows
That Type.
You'll notice below our list of new KIDS FIRST! Film and Video Festival
partners, including our first international partner in Mexico City
at the Papalote Museo del Ninos (Children's Museums). We are very
excited about this opportunity to be part of their national children's
day celebration in their main museum in Mexico City as well as in
their mobile program which travels throughout the country. And,
we'll be showing films in both Spanish and English.
We're also delighted
to have United Parenting Publications join us again as a media sponsor
for our festivals. They own parenting publications in 13 cities
such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, and others that reach
over 1.6 million parents each month. They are helping us get the
word out about our festivals whenever we have a matching location
for one of their publications. Thanks UPP! Check out their website
at parenthood.com.
Last, I hope you enjoy Chris' interview with Twila Liggett, one
of my favorite people who's made a huge contribution to children's
media as the producer of Reading Rainbow. Hats off to you Twila
and to your continued good work.
Here's wishing
everyone a wonderful February.
Much love,
Ranny Levy
Founder and President, KIDS FIRST!
"Although I do a lot of computer activities with the children,
I rarely use TV or videos because they view it so much at home.
I use Reading Rainbow pre-recorded videos very occasionally when
there is one that correlates with a topic we're studying and I use
pre-recorded Between the Lions (once this year) when it correlated
with a phonics theme. Keeping up on media hasn't been a priority
in my life! I am now subscribed to the KIDS FIRST!® E-Zine.
I did add the KIDS FIRST!® link to my teacher web page http://www.gateschili.org/webpages/Oppedisano/index.cfm?subpage=1017,
and I sent an email to parents telling them about it so hopefully
others will profit by it!" -S. Oppedisano, first grade teacher,
Rochester, NY
FIRST!® Junior Film Critic Alante Thalley Interviews Morgan
On Sunday, October 24, at the 27th Starz! Denver International Film
Festival in the Buell theatre, I, Alante Thalley, accompanied by
Marina Quimby, was appointed by Madera Rogers to interview movie
producers and directors. Our main priority was interviewing actor
and director, Morgan Freeman. Unsurprisingly, we were the only kids
there. Finally people started to walk down the red carpet and I
interviewed each one. Then came Mayor Hickenlooper. Immediately,
visions of political ads rolled in my head. I was nervous when I
was interviewing him for some reason and this was only the mayor!
After, I tried to calm myself down, but before I knew it, Marina
told me Morgan Freeman was walking toward us. Quickly, I murmured
the question I was going to ask him so I wouldn't forget. He walked
up to the red carpet into the crowd of reporters bombarding him
with questions. Even though it took a little longer than I expected,
Morgan walked toward us and my legs almost collapsed under me. Luckily,
I got his attention before he passed me. Stunned, I stood stationary
and then I tried to ask my question, but my words got jumbled up.
He patiently said, "Start over." So I did, and the words
came out right. My question was, "What do I need other than
hard work and determination to be in your shoes?" His reply
was, "Ninety percent is hard work and determination, but ten
percent is luck!" Then my mom, dad and sister came. Mr. Freeman
still hadn't gone inside. I pointed him out for my mom and she got
a few pictures of his back. After all the excitement I went home.
Patrol travels the galaxies helping others and saving the universe
while promoting non-violence and tolerance. They discover that two
constellations have been transformed: one into sharks and the other
into sumo wrestlers attacking the spaceship. Made children want
to go out at night and find the constellations they learned. http://www.kidsfirstmedia.com/c/s.cgi?f=de&ss=1&DBID=201102
***NOAH'S ARK-Video
and DVD. A moving drama with heartwarming emotion enacting Noah's
heroic mission to rescue all creatures great and small. Based on
the book by Peter Spier. Narrated by James Earl Jones. Music is
by Stewart Copeland of "The Police." Great addition to
any children's video library, well produced and thoroughly engaging.
VOL. 2: COLORS-Video. An entertaining teaching aid to facilitate
language-learning while prompting a positive learning environment.
Teaches ten colors via live images, animation and classical music.
Video/DVD - Ages 2 - 5
** COVER YOUR NOSE! Ahh-choo! Milo has caught a cold and lets everyone
know about it by sneezing everywhere. He reluctantly pays a visit
to Dr. Sniffles who tells him how important it is to "Cover
your nose!" Adult Juror Comments: Cute story. Fun, quick clip
that gets a message to kids in two minutes. Colorful cartoon characters.
Amazing animation shows the spray from a sneeze. A bit abstract.
Requires discussion: a laugh track is played when the monkey sneezes
- children may think that it's funny to sneeze on someone. Kid Juror
Comments: Most were amused - or a little disgusted. "Why didn't
he use a tissue? He made someone get germs." "That was
nasty." "We need to cover our nose when we are sick because
the germs might get other people sick." Some said sneezing
was funny and began to sneeze. "The captain sneezing was funny!"
TV. 2 min.; $0; Age: 2-5. MG STUDIOS.
YOGA "LET'S GO TO THE JUNGLE." Kids sing while playing
yoga. In a unique, interactive format, kids go on a magical journey
where they do yoga while singing silly, original songs. Fairy Princess
Andreanna leads them to an imaginary jungle. Adult Juror Comments:
Interesting premise, very slow pace. Colorful and inviting yoga
room. Creative songs with fun, lyrical music. Good introduction
to complete yoga novice. Doesn't hound kids to perform yoga poses
perfectly. Demonstrations are fleeting. More singing and floor tapping
than yoga. Production value is inconsistent. Kid Juror Comments:
Especially popular with three-year-olds, who rhythmically hit the
ground to keep time to the music. Some liked doing yoga and wanted
to learn more. "I liked being a snake." "I want to
learn about singing bowls and eye pillows." Others became distracted
and restless. "Nothing's happening." DVD. 30 min.; $16.95;
- Ages 5 - 8
many youngsters, Wally Wickett, a new friend of the club, needs
proof that God exists. While on an exciting campout with Paw Paw
Chuck and the club, Wally sees first-hand what is invisible but
very real. He comes to understand that God, like love, is felt more
than seen. Adult Juror Comments: Charming. Endearing characters,
awesome 3-D animation. Trees look real, sunlight filters through
a window, water ripples on a lake. Logical order lets kids figure
things out - no forced conclusions. Subtle and non-judgmental. Multi-denominational
appeal: theme is more about God than Jesus. Kid Juror Comments:
Genuinely liked the message as well as the characters. "It
didn't make me think about anything NEW, but it makes you think
about believing in things you cannot see." "The animals
are like us. They wonder about God too!" Loved the animation.
"They were drawn in a neat way." "The storm looked
real." DVD. 30 min.; $17.99; Age: 4-8. PROVIDENTIAL PICTURES,
- Ages 8-12
ARE A PAIN IN THE BRAIN. This series is designed to show young people
positive strategies for dealing with everyday problems. In this
episode, Trevor examines the behavior of bullying and what kids
can do to avoid, deflect or diffuse it. Adult Juror Comments: Outstanding.
Attractive presentation of a serious problem. Easy to follow and
believable. Gives kids options in dealing with bullies and insights
into the behavior. Excellent springboard for counselors, parents
and teachers to use in classroom discussions. "Bullies might
see themselves." Kid Juror Comments: Right on target. "Stuff
like this happens in my school a lot." "It was funny the
way the bully acted, but it was bad." "They made him eat
boogers and stuffed his shoe in his mouth and stole his lunch and
said mean things, but that was all part of the story." "It
was about real life and taught us a lesson." DVD. 45 min.;
YOUR HOMEWORK WITHOUT THROWING UP. An imaginative and light-hearted
approach to schoolwork that is designed to show young people
positive, solution-based strategies for dealing with everyday problems,
and how to put them into practice. Adult Juror Comments: Clever
premise. Amusing treatment of a serious, universal topic. Animated
characters interacting with the cartoonist is a fun twist. Addresses
kids directly, giving detailed, funny answers to their questions.
Contains some bathroom humor. "Effective because it understands
how kids think." Kid Juror Comments: "Great. Cool."
"Throwing up is a funny, creative way to get us to do homework."
"It was a lot more interesting than the title sounded. It's
just not a favorite subject." "It's a cartoon so it's
unrealistic, but the advice about homework is good." "It
convinced us to do our homework." "I loved the eraser."
DVD. 45 min.; $14.99; Age: 6-10. THE COMICAL SENSE COMPANY.
DO YOU DO WHEN SOMEONE DIES. Trevor Romain helps young people discover
and practice positive ways of dealing with everyday problems. This
episode handles the topic of death using humor and animation to
help kids comprehend what happens when life ends. Adult Juror Comments:
Controversial treatment of a sensitive topic. Uses humor and animation
to help kids understand that death is natural. Main story is comforting
fiction with ideas that can be disturbing to some. Straightforward
and frank. Live-action Q & A section with kids is indispensable
for grief counselors. Kid Juror Comments: Watched intently. ''I
don't think about death but once this got going, I was interested.''
"I like the memory box, but it's not fair to make kids think
they will get to hug their grandmas after they die like the girl
gets to in her dream." "Don't you have to be a Christian
and believe in God to get to heaven?" DVD. 45 min.; $14.99;
- Adult (Parents and caregivers)
for both parents and babies make this a valuable DVD for new parents.
Stimulating images and music keep infants entertained, and up-to-date
advice is given for parents who wish to maximize the potential in
their baby's early development. Adult Juror Comments: Excellent
parental material. Thoughtful, simple and calm. Well organized and
useful with good examples: interesting scientific discoveries and
explanations on how to stimulate a child's mind. Children's segment
is perfectly paced for little ones, full of things to observe and
learn from. Kid Juror Comments: Loved the music selections and hummed
along. Older kids sat back and watched the entire time. Babies waved
toys in time to the music while facing the screen. Clear images
and hypnotizing movements relaxed them all. Pre-schoolers talked
about the toys and colors to parents and asked to see it again.
DVD. 100 min.; $14.95; Age: adult. BRIGHTENING MINDS, INC.
sections for both baby and parents. For parents, expert advice from
doctors is provided on how to maximize your baby's potential. For
the little one, engaging images and music provide stimulation as
baby grows into the more challenging language and number exercises.
Adult Juror Comments: Superb guidance for new parents coupled with
stunning visual effects for baby to watch. Calming and informative.
Doesn't force teaching. Well-researched advice is practical and
non-technical. Offers everything from brain formation to music to
pre-math skills. Beautiful, varied music. Kid Juror Comments: Older
kids were captivated, singing songs and doing the alphabet exercises.
Babies were enthralled with the ever-changing objects. One baby
was particularly drawn to the sequence with dripping and spinning
toys. Preschool kids asked to watch it again; other parents asked
to borrow it. DVD. 93 min.; $14.95; Age: Adult. BRIGHTENING MINDS,
MY BROWN EYES. A boy rises early and prepares for his first day
of school in America. Clever and resourceful, he also makes his
own lunch and breakfast for his immigrant parents who work late,
but he is unprepared for the challenge that awaits him at school.
Adult Juror Comments: Powerful. Complex and elegant short film.
Hard-hitting story in a soft style that kids can watch. Inexpensive
filming technique works well with story. Helps everyone understand
the problems of a diverse society. "I was moved by the compassion
in my kids' eyes as they watched the boy's struggles." Kid
Juror Comments: Had a profound effect on them. "We could relate
to how scared the boy felt because he didn't fit in." "I
felt sorry for him." "It's not a fun video." "We
have to watch videos like this to learn. It made me think about
how I treat other people." "How frustrating it would be
to not speak English in America." Video. 30 min.; $49.95; Age:
Read more about
each title and see many more at http://www.kidsfirst.org/kidsfirst/festival.htm
Benji Off the Leash! -100 min. (limited availability)
This is a story about heroes: Three unlikely, unsuspecting souls
who come face-to-face with that moment in their lives when they
must stand and be counted. A band of unlikely comrades brought together
by the least likely of the bunch, for a common, courageous purpose.
Things will change. Lives will be saved. Because Benji is off the
leash! Produced by Margaret Loesch and Joe Camp; Directed and written
by Joe Camp; Composer: Anthony DiLorenzo; Actors: Nick Whitaker,
Chris Kendrick, Randall Newsome, Duane Stephens, Neal Barth, Nate
Bynum, Melinda Haynes, Christy Summerhays. Ages 6-12. The
Hatchery LLC and GoodTimes Entertainment
Dora the Explorer: Dora's Fairytale Adventure. Animation. 100 min.
Lost in Fairytale Land, Dora and Boots run into an evil witch and
embark on a difficult journey. Boots accidentally eats a banana
that the witch has put a spell on and turns into Sleeping Boots.
The only hope for reversing the spell is for Dora to become a true
princess using her tools to execute specific activities. Includes
two bonus episodes: "Star Catcher" and "The Magic
Stick. "Sneak peek, "Dora's Magical Matching Game,"
sing-along and song selection. Ages 2-5. Nickelodeon and Paramount
Home Entertainment
America's Heart and Soul. Documentary - 88 minutes
Filmmaker Louis Schwartzberg packed up his camera and hit the road
with a goal of capturing both the unparalleled beauty of the land
and the incomparable spirit of the people. Through his movie, you'll
have the chance to meet ordinary Americans with extraordinary stories.
Louis's gift is his ability to connect with people, honestly capturing
their values, dreams and passion in an awe-inspiring journey that
reveals the stories - unusual, captivating, inspiring and emotional
- that make us into something more than a collection of individuals.
Executive Producer: Jake Eberts (Open Range, Chicken Run, The Legend
of Bagger Vance); Producer: Louis Schwartzberg. Director: Louis
Schwartzberg. Original Song by: John Cougar Mellencamp. Ages 5-12.
Vista Home Entertainment
Tsunami Victims With Long-Term Plans
Paul Herman, CQCM Board member and Chief Development Officer at
Ashoka writes about the Ashoka Fellow. As shown in the feature on
CNN, the Fellows are planning long-term structural solutions in
addition to the short-term help. For more information or to send
support, go to: http://www.ashoka.org.
From the Children of Nyumbani
Award-winning children's musical artist Judy Pancoast begins the
New Year with the release of a new CD entitled, "Songs from
the Children of Nyumbani." Nyumbani, a one-of-a-kind refuge
in Kenya, is a home to children whose parents have died of AIDS
and who themselves are HIV positive. Nyumbani is based in Karen,
just outside of Nairobi, in the village named after Karen Blixen
whose story was told in the film, "Out of Africa." The
CD features two original songs written and recorded by the children
of Nyumbani, for the children of the United States. www.Judypancoast.com
ArtistrYE Productions www.artistrye.com
ArtistrYE Productions is a NY based film and television production
company servicing the children's media industry via educational
entertainment. ArtistrYE Productions has differentiated itself by
the new series creation, One Pine Place, and is raising the funding
for the television series, under the direction of Yvette Edery,
Jeff Music www.bigjeffmusic.com
Big Jeff Music brings songs and fun for young children. A very tall
fellow in a hat strums and sings for preschoolers and their parents.
Cinema Werx http://www.cinemawerx.com
Cinema Werx is a film & video production company based out of
Salt Lake City, UT which strives to offer top quality products that
educate and entertain children.
Adventures www.dangerrangers.com
Educational Adventures is an entertainment company that was created
to provide premium educational entertainment products for children
and their families. All Educational Adventures products are designed
to empower children to make better safety related decisions and
reduce the injuries & deaths associated with childhood accidents.
All products are designed so that children "learn through laughter."
The company launched the first episode of its Danger Rangers series,
Mission 547 Safety Rules, in 2004. This and subsequent episodes
will air on PBS in various markets throughout 2005. Educational
Adventures has also developed illustrated storybooks using our team
of animal, action-adventure superheroes to make the world a safer
place and teach children about safety. All products are available
in English & Spanish.
Safe Side www.thesafeside.com
The Safe Side was organized to provide critical safety information
to kids, ages 5 to 10, that empowers them to make good decisions
when confronted with everyday situations.
Powell Steps Down
Federal Communications Commissioner, Michael Powell, is stepping
down in March of 2005. President Bush's replacement for Powell will
have a profound impact on the future of a media system that is already
in deep crisis. Let President Bush know who you want to replace
Powell. www.freepress.net/action/newFCCchair
Branches Into Television
Ready to use a search engine to find the perfect programming for
your household television viewing? Google has been indexing programming
from ABC, PBS, Fox News, and C-SPAN…and they have big plans
for covering more. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story2&u=/ap/20050125/ap_on_hi_te/google_television
Heifers and Hope
As tsunami victims struggle to rebuild their lives, programs such
as Heifer Indonesia and Heifer International Asia are reaching out
with trainings, livestock and related help. They are helping the
locals rebuild their agricultural production. For more information,
check out www.heifer.org.
Are You Ready?
Companies will soon be selling their advertisements as part of electronic
games. Disney kicks off this new trend with their "Virtual
Magic Kingdom" which debuts on May 5th. This might be a billion
dollar industry by the end of the year according to Forrest Research.
Minority Teachers in Urban and Rural Communities
Tom Joyner, nationally syndicated radio personality, announces a
partnership with the National Education Association to distribute
more than $700,000 toward the education of minority teachers so
they can eventually teach minority children. http://www.nea.org/newsreleases/2005/nr050103.html.
Making Rainbows for Readers - An Interview with
Dr. Twila Liggett
by Christine L. Pollock
the Reading Rainbow theme song echoes through my thoughts, and has
done so for the past twenty-two years. Since the show's debut in
1983, its messages of empowerment through books and delight in imagination
are compelling forces that boost children into a world where they
can be anything.
It comes as
no surprise that the founder and co-executive producer of the twenty-time
Emmy-award-winning show (eight of the twenty were in the Outstanding
Children's Series category) is an educator and avid reader herself.
Dr. Twila Liggett was born to teach. Throughout elementary school,
hours in the classroom were not enough: when the final bell rang,
she came home and played school with her three younger sisters.
She was also born to read, a love she attributes to her father.
Her earliest memories are of her father reading to her.
These passions
led her to various jobs, including school principal, state reading
consultant for Nebraska, a handbook writer, and teacher of grant-writing
courses. The combination of these talents was exactly what Nebraska
Educational Television was looking for when they decided to be the
progenitor of a national children's series. With Liggett's talents,
Reading Rainbow was born.
The non-commercial
series offers something for viewers of every age. LeVar Burton,
the host of the show, talks candidly to viewers and asks questions
that encourage them to answer from their living rooms. Now, parents
who answered Burton decades ago are listening to their own children
respond. Its sheer longevity is a grand pronouncement on the quality
of Reading Rainbow.
"It's because
the audience will find the same quality of caring from any episode
in Season One through any episode in Season Twenty," Liggett
asserts. The producers of Reading Rainbow honestly care.
Reading Rainbow
does not shy away from tough issues. They are part of children's
reality, and Reading Rainbow is there, helping children to cope
with the ills of the world. For example, The Tin Forest episode,
which won an Emmy award, deals with 9/11. It has been included in
the KIDS FIRST!® Film and Video Festivals to much acclaim. Reading
Rainbow frequently addresses other sensitive topics, as seen in
Visiting Day, a January 2005 program that focuses on children with
a parent in prison.
Reading Rainbow
has found a formula that works and sticks with it. Each episode
highlights three books that are reviewed by real children. Burton
goes on location to explore topics addressed in the books so children
can see real footage of the events being discussed. Kids are taught
to question and to research for answers-skills that teachers and
parents encourage.
The current
trend of merchandising, linked to many modern children's programs,
is a concept that the producers eschew. Still, the Reading Rainbow
brand is recognized throughout the nation. Librarians and parents
stock bookshelves with titles featured on Reading Rainbow because
their high quality is assured.
The role of the show extends far beyond the actual television set.
Burton and Liggett bring their joy of reading into schools, and
local networks promote literacy programs in their areas based on
the concept that reading should be fun. In the American school system,
there is a great push for children to be more literate, yet busy
schedules prevent older children, such as 'tweens, from increasing
their literacy skills the most natural way: by reading for fun.
How can parents
and teachers get 'tweens to read for fun when their schedules are
overwhelming? Liggett has ideas and would love to develop a television
show for tweens that might answer this question.
In the meantime,
parents can be good role models by reading books themselves. I mentioned
to Liggett during the interview that I always feel funny mandating
leisure reading during our homeschool lessons. Liggett suggested
SSR, the public school program of Sustained Silent Reading for everyone,
adults as well as children.
Liggett further
recommends that parents find an author their child enjoys then search
for other books by the same author. Some wonderful resources are
the International Reading Association for Children's Choices (http://www.cbcbooks.org/html/childrenschoices.html)
and the New York Times recommendations.
Parents might
want to read aloud to children. Many times, parents stop reading
to their children when they enter the 'tween years. However, Liggett's
friend Jim Trelease ("The Read-Aloud Handbook," Penguin
Books) says that reading aloud to tweens can truly help change negative
attitudes about reading into positive ones. In one study, a middle
school instituted daily read-aloud sessions and found that the percentage
of students who read at home for pleasure increased from 40 percent
to 75 percent!
Among the greatest
rewards of the Reading Rainbow legacy are family literacy projects,
according to Liggett. Across America local stations sponsor initiatives
that reach out to bring reading to everyone-including the poorest
communities. Reading materials are brought to hospital waiting rooms,
parents in prison, and rural communities, and with them they bring
the joy of reading.
Many local PBS
stations also run a contest for kindergartners through third-graders.
Each child who enters an originally written and illustrated book
will receive a certificate signed by LeVar Burton, and the winners
will have their stories posted on the Reading Rainbow website. Details
on the contest can be found at http://pbskids.org/readingrainbow/contest/.
these literacy programs cost money, a factor sadly lacking in the
show's otherwise successful production equation. For Reading Rainbow,
the future is uncertain.
"My dream
of dreams is to have a wealthy entrepreneur, preferably one with
kids and grandkids of the same mindset, decide that they want to
make a difference in this world by supporting literacy and supporting
Reading Rainbow," Liggett says with a sigh. Funding comes from
several different resources-local PBS stations with matching funds;
grant money; and companies with a corporate underwriter such as
the current sponsor of Reading Rainbow, The Children's Place.
Grants have
time limits and are very time-consuming to request. Companies fluctuate
as CEO's change, and markets vary.
While waiting
for their dream benefactor, Liggett and the Reading Rainbow team
struggle together to raise the funds necessary for the top-quality
show. Liggett has intriguing plans to use the internet as a fund-raiser.
juror who applauds the non-commercial life lessons found on the
Reading Rainbow titles our group reviewed, and as a parent who routinely
tapes the program, I plan to support reading Rainbow Rainbow by
donating to my PBS station with a note saying that I am supporting
them because they run quality shows like Reading Rainbow.
is the greatest joy on the planet. Once you read, the world is there
for you," Liggett summarizes.
I have discovered
this to be true, and my children are learning it, also. I opened
up my five-year-old's school journal the other day and read the
question at the top of the page. "What makes you smile?"
I smiled myself when I saw his answer, "When Mommy reads to
All of us at
KIDS FIRST!® applaud the work of Twila Liggett and hope that
somehow we can help her find the funding to continue this fabulous
show for generations to come. Twila's an All-Star producer in our
Reading Rainbow
is a production of GPN/Nebraska ETV Network and WNED-TV Buffalo
and is produced by RCN Entertainment, New York. Reading Rainbow
is a registered trademark of GPN/WNED-TV.
FIRST!® Film and Video Festival Schedule
Join us as we travel around the country with film festivals. Find
out when we will be in a town near you. For details read
Alamogordo, Otero County Film Office/White Sand Film Festival, NM
Annual Event Feb. 18-20
Albuquerque, Explora Science Center Children's Museum, NM, Weekly
Austin, Austin Public Library, TX, Weekly at All Austin Public Libraries
Boston, Boston Children's
Museum*, MA, Weekly, Dates Pending
Brookline, Coolidge Corner Theater, MA, Weekly, every Saturday
Cincinnati, National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, OH, Monthly
Dallas, USA Film Festival*, TX, Annual Festival (January) and Monthly
(Start date pending)
Denver, Denver Film Society, CO, Every Saturday
Forest Grove, Forest Theater, OR, Weekly
Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne Cinema Center, IN, Weekly
Garden City, Long Island Children's Museum, NY, Weekly
Houston, Children's Museum of Houston, TX, Daily
La Crosse, Children's Museum of LaCrosse, WI, Every Friday &
Los Angeles, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, CA, Weekly
Mexico D. F., Papalote Museo del Nino*, Annual Festival, Apr-05
Nashville, Belcourt Theater, TN, Annual Festival (Feb. 18-21) +
Weekly Screenings (ongoing)
New Orleans, Louisiana Children's Museum, LA, Weekly
Newport Beach, Newport Beach Film Festival*, CA, Annual Festival
April 21-30
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City Art Museum, OK, Monthly
Philadelphia, Prince Music Theater, PA, Weekly
Phoenix, Phoenix Art Museum, AZ, Monthly
Phoenix, Phoenix Film Festival*, AZ, Annual Festival April 7-10th
Portland, Barbara Bush Children's Hospital*, ME, Fundraiser April,
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City Children's Film Festival*, UT, Annual
Festival (Pending)
San Jose, Mexican Heritage Plaza*, CA, Weekly (Pending)
Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara International Film Festival*, CA, Annual
Festival June 05
Santa Fe, PeaceJam, NM, Annual Conference April and May 2005
Santa Fe, KIDS FIRST! Film & Video Festival*, NM, Annual Festival
Santa Fe, Warehouse 21*, NM, Weekly (Pending)
Spring, Community Cinema, TX, Community Programming on Demand
Vancouver, Kiggins Theater, WA, Weekly
Other Events:
March 11-13, Howard University, Washington, DC: "Consuming
Kids: Predatory Marketing, Health and Policy." How can you
combat the negative effects of marketing on our children? http://www.commercialexploitation.org.
April 6-9, Taos,
New Mexico: Taos Media Literacy Forum and Taos Teen Media Forum
present seminars and workshops for youth with discussions for both
youth and adults on media literacy. http://www.taosforum.org/.
April 15, Storrs,
Connecticut: "Growing Up in a Mass Media World." Empowers
the young to be critical media consumers. http://medialiteracy.education.uconn.edu/.
May 13 - 15:
The Second National Conference for Media Reform, St. Louis, Missouri.
For more information, go to http://freepress.net/conference/.
June 25 - 28:
National Media Education Conference, San Francisco's Renaissance
Parc 55 hotel. "Giving Voice to a Diverse Nation" in San
Francisco. The Alliance for a Media Literate America (AMLA) is committed
to promoting media literacy education that is focused on critical
inquiry, learning and skill-building. This national, grassroots
membership organization will be a key force in bringing media literacy
education to all 60 million students in the United States, their
parents, their teachers and others who care about youth. (http://amlainfo.org)
Become a Coalition for Quality Children's Media Member
If you've found our e-zine and web site helpful, please consider
becoming a member of KIDS FIRST!® Members help underwrite the
various projects of this organization. The Coalition for Quality
Children's Media's relies on the generous support of its members
and donors to support its programs. An individual/family membership
is only $25/year. An organizational membership is $100/year. An
independent producer membership is $200. To join, go to: http://www.kidsfirst.org
or contact our office at 505.989.8076.
VISIT OUR MEMBERS' SITES ******************
Please visit our website for an up-to-date list of Coalition members
by clicking here: http://www.kidsfirst.org/kidsfirst/html/whomem.htm.
Send comments, questions and feedback to:
To SUBSCRIBE to our free e-zine,
KIDS FIRST!® NEWS: Send e-mail to join-kidsfirst@kidsfirst.org
Or fill out the simple form at: http://www.kidsfirst.org To leave
this list, send e-mail to leave-kidsfirst@kidsfirst.org or use the
link below: http://list.kidsfirst.org/cgi-bin/process.pl?id=18066423L
This newsletter may be reprinted
with permission. Write to: kfnews@kidsfirst.org
Copyright 2002 by Coalition for Quality Children's Media, http://www.kidsfirst.org
FIRST!® is the not-for-profit Coalition for Quality Children's
Media's initiative that evaluates and rates children's media - videotapes,
CD-ROMs and television - using a highly acclaimed method that has
been praised by parents and educators alike. It utilizes professionally
designed criteria and evaluation tools and engages a volunteer jury
comprising child development professionals, teachers and parents
nationwide and children of diverse geographic, socioeconomic and
ethnic backgrounds. KIDS FIRST!® endorsed titles appeal to people
around the world and include many programs on topics important to
children's development. KIDS FIRST!®-endorsed titles are available
on CQCM's award-winning Internet site, in the KIDS FIRST!® Film
and Video Festival and in reviews we provide to more than 75 publications.
CQCM evaluates
feature films, television programs, videos, CD-ROM, DVDs and audio
recordings. For an application form and application deadlines, visit
our website at http://www.kidsfirst.org, call our office (505.989.8076)
Coalition for Quality Children's Media, 112 W. San Francisco St.,
Suite 305A, Santa Fe, NM 87501.