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The Newsstand - KIDS FIRST!® News 2006


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The Newsstand

Christine Pollock, Newsletter Editor
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. " -Margaret Mead

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Turning your TV Time into Quality Time
April 4, 2006 Issue #4
Christine L. Pollock, Editor
Ranny Levy, Publisher

1. Letters from the Editor, President
2. Web Store Features
4. New Endorsements
5. Festival Titles
6. New Members/Renewing Members
7. Member News
8. Media News
9. Family and Parenting News
10. Shorts, How Sweet - Film Festival Highlights by Christine L. Pollock
11. Crafts and Activities: Outdoor Weather/Indoor April showers Sort of Activities
from Dr. Toy and Tie-dyed Easter Eggs Craft
12. Festival City Schedule and Events
13. Classifieds
14. Special Offers
* Permission to forward or reprint the content herein is granted with complete attribution.

Interview with Center for Media Literacy Founder, Liz Thoman

Interview with Reading Rainbow Producer, Dr. Twila Liggett

The Inner Workings of Sesame Workshop with Dr. Ed Greene

New: KIDS FIRST!®logo store
Your purchase of hats, T-shirts, baby jumpers, bibs,
and totes benefit KIDS FIRST!®

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The Coalition for Quality Children's Media is a national, not-for-profit organization founded in 1991. Because we believe that media profoundly affect children, our mission is to 1) teach children critical viewing skills and 2) to increase the visibility and availability of quality children's programs.

CQCM Newsletter Archive
2006 Jan 3 / Jan 18 / Feb 7 / Feb 21 / Mar 14/ Mar 28

Links to newsletters from 2005 or earlier
may be found at the bottom of this page

Welcome to KIDS FIRST!® NEWS. All articles are by Coalition for Quality Children's Media unless otherwise noted.

Dear Friends,

Every week after Sunday school, my boys stop off at the church library to pick a few books and videos for the week. A little over a month ago I noticed something humorous. Each week since then it has happened again. My children are consistently checking out titles that we reviewed for KIDS FIRST!® As jurors, we review so many titles, we couldn't possibly keep them all so we donate to local schools and libraries. Apparently our boys are impressed with the quality of the titles since they keep checking them out of the library.

This month I want to share one of my favorite traditions with you. Like many American families, we enjoying dying eggs to hide on Easter morning. When I taught in a Waldorf-inspired preschool many years ago, I learned a new way to dye the eggs with tissue paper. It has now become a family tradition, and it makes the most beautiful tie-dyed designs on the eggs. Some KIDS FIRST!® Kid jurors are shown making the eggs in this picture. You can find directions below.

As always, I welcome your input. If you have comments on titles we have endorsed; notices of awards, publications, and products; or suggestions for articles. . . Please drop me a line.

Christine Pollock, Editor
Contact Me

Dear Readers,

Happy April. As I walk out the front door every morning, I'm greeted by a mass of cheerful yellow daffodils. These happy little harbingers of spring are a reminder of renewal and refreshment. I am grateful that I'm healthy and able to experience these early bloomers every day. And, I realize that not everyone is. KIDS FIRST!® is constantly exploring ways in which we can reach children who are underserved, those who can't walk outside and see the flowers. One group of children who miss out are hospitalized kids. Those of you who have been with us for a while are familiar with the hospital initiative we incubated six years ago, which has now become a stand-alone, nonprofit, Meg's Gifts. Meg's Gifts donates about a quarter of a million dollars worth of videos to hospitals every year. We felt there was still more we could do.

® has now partnered with two other groups to help us deliver more programming to hospitalized kids. One group, Lollipop Theater, a charity dedicated to bringing movies to children confined to hospitals, is working with us to bring a continuous stream of new releases to pediatric patients nationwide. The collaboration debuted March 25th with a screening of Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment's Little Manhattan at the Avalon Theatre in Washington, DC. Outpatients and their families from Children's Medical Center were given free passes. Additional screenings have taken place at the hospital and will continue through April 7. Our plan with Lollipop is to create similar programs for the 40 hospitals they are currently working with.

Our other initiative, KIDS FIRST! Cares, is a collaboration with Corporations for Character. Together, we plan to deliver to hospitals the newest hardware loaded with films that have been endorsed by KIDS FIRST!
® which will be placed directly in children's hospital rooms. This "box" will contain more than 45 hours of positive, uplifting, fun programs for kids between the ages of 2 and 15 and we will be able to change the programming on it once a year, or more frequently if need be. Our goal is to reach more than one million children's hospital rooms by the end of 2008. This program is supported entirely by private donations of $10 each. We invite you to join us in meeting this goal. To make a donation or get more information, visit

We encourage anyone who lives in southern California to attend the Newport Beach Film Festival where many KIDS FIRST!® titles will be screened during their opening weekend, April 21-23. Reaching as far away as Africa and India, and back home to some of America's most popular children's titles, Newport has chosen some of the "best of the best" of what KIDS FIRST!® has to offer, including: Barbie Diaries, Maya & Miguel: Cinco de Mayo, We Don’t Want No War, A Divided City, Rapping at Fear,
Mbiya and His Cow, Going to School in India, Danger Rangers: The Great Race, The Derby Stallion, Moongirl, Second Banana, This Pretty Planet, Penguins of Antarctica, Reptiles and Amphibians of Costa Rica, and Axtelevision: Come Outta That Shell. For a complete schedule, visit our new online events calendar, or go to the Newport Beach Film Festival website.

Enjoy your month, and let us know what events and films you've attended.

Much love,

Ranny Levy
Founder and President, KIDS FIRST!®



This update is from David Kottwitz, history teacher at Bolivar-Richburg in western NY, highlighted in KIDS FIRST!® News for using visual media as the driving force in his curriculum: "The students are enjoying (the class) greatly. The response has been so good that the Guidance Office asked if I could make it a different class next year because many kids want to take it again. So I have made it a rotating class where one year we will do American History and the next we will do World History. The students are very surprised at the way Hollywood can take a certain situation and create a perception that it occurred a different way. I feel their are two great lessons that I learned from my experience. First, students love movies if they are filled with action or intensity. They are able to better visualize what they have read or been taught through traditional method. The other lesson I have learned is that as a teacher, I need to help the students understand the misconceptions created by media, especially when the media has given a perception that does not support the facts of the issue."


Congratulations to Deepa Rajagopal on graduating from our online KIDS FIRST!® juror training program! Rajagopal is a full-time mom and resides with her husband Murthy and their 5-yr-old daughter Kavya in Fairfax,VA. She recently launched her three well-acclaimed movie titles for preschoolers and toddlers under the brand name Smart Cookie! to the North American market. She is currently working on children’s books that will be sold under the same brand name. You can reach her at


Concerned about what kids watch? Want to do something about it? Become a KIDS FIRST!® juror. It's easy. Take our online training. It will take you about four hours to complete and we will provide you with your own personal trainer. The $40 fee is 100% reimbursable once you evaluate six titles for KIDS FIRST!®. You may keep any movie you approve. What a wonderful way for teachers, librarians, parents, and daycare providers to build their own quality media library while helping evaluate movies for others. To register or get more information, please visit our KIDS FIRST!® juror's page.



CHANUKA & PASSOVER AT BUBBE'S. Kids of all ages will find pure enjoyment celebrating Chanuka & Passover at Bubbe's (beloved grandmother). Join in a joyful romp with a host of colorful muppet-like characters. There is Anton the bully, who insists on having things his way, Rhino, who "horns" in before he understands the situation, Chester, who tries too hard, practical Zachary and adorable Muffin. While this delightful group prepares for the holiday feast, we witness the past as Bubbe relates the story of Chanuka - the fight between the Greeks and the Maccabees - the miracle of the burning oil - the importance of religious freedom for all people. Special DVD exclusives: "Sing along at Bubbe's", traditional games, recipes, prayers and songs. And while Bubbe prepares for her annual Passover Seder, they are surprised by a talking Haggadah and are magically whisked back to Egypt during the time of the Pharaohs. There, they experience the trials of captivity and ultimately, a triumphant escape to freedom. KIDS FIRST!® Adult Juror Comments: Provides an excellent introduction to the stories of Chanuka and Passover. Promotes cultural awareness for non-Jewish and Jewish children alike. Well-written and well-produced. KIDS FIRST!® KID Juror Comments: Both Jewish and non-Jewish children enjoyed the puppets and learning about Chanuka. The kids were easily able to follow the storyline and asked lots of questions afterwards. DVD. 75 min.; $11.96; Age: 3-11. Monterey Media.


ADVENTURES OF TEDDY RUXPIN, THE JOURNEY BEGINS. A whole new generation can experience the magical stories that teach values like courage, friendship, positive attitude and determination. Featuring five original episodes from the hit children's television series. KIDS FIRST!® Adult Juror Comments: Crisp, clear, and colorful with simple scenes. Good music with short songs, spaced well. The storyline is easy to follow and written at the appropriate age level with silly characters and interesting creatures like the sprite and mud creatures. Some unkind words are said such as "doddering old man" and "imbecile. " To catch the entire story, you need to watch more than one episode. KIDS FIRST!® KID Juror Comments: Kids enjoyed this, especially the six-year-olds. DVD. 120 min.; $11.98; Age: 5-8. First National Pictures.



MORE CHRISTIAN DVDS FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL KIDS. Includes two titles: Paws and Tales: Seeing the Unseen and Flo the Lyin' Fly. In Paws and Tales, Wally Wickett, a new friend of the club, needs proof that God exists. While on an exciting campout with Paw Paw Chuck and the club, Wally sees first hand what is invisible but very real. He comes to understand that God, like love, is felt more than seen. Flo the Lyin' Fly offers a moral lesson of an adorable hot pink fly that has a problem telling the truth. In the end, Flo learns honesty is the best policy. Voices by Vicki Lawrence, Tim Conway and Don Knotts. These two titles have a combined retail value of $35.98. In this package, you can purchase both for $22.36. Recommended for Age: 5-8.



CHRISTIAN DVDS FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL KIDS. Includes three titles: Veggie Tales: The Toy that Saved Christmas, Elliot The Invincible, and Together We're Better. In The Toy That Saved Christmas, it looks like the worst Christmas ever until brave little Buzz-Saw Louie doll takes matters into his own hands. Teaches children messages about the true meaning of Christmas. In Elliot the Invincible, the town jocks have exiled a boy named Elliot from their zany new game, Flobo, and given him a cruel nickname. But the Good Sports Gang knows that everyone has a talent and they're off to the rescue. Elliot learns that everyone is a champ. Together We're Better offers a story about teamwork. In this fun filled adventure, both float builders and good sports learn on of life's most important lessons: together we're better. These three titles have a combined retail value of $41.31. In this package, you can get all three for.$26.36; Recommended for Age: 5-10.


CHILDREN OF THE WORLD FOR EARLY ELEMENTARY. Includes Baku the Travel Bug - Making Friends Around the World and Raven Tales: Raven Steals the Sun. Baku the Travel Bug says, "Hola! Namaste! And Hello!" Baku is a lovable travel bug who lives inside the travel bag of his best friend and travel partner, Aunt Sydney. Raven Tales invites you to join the wild and funny adventures of Raven, the most powerful, and one might add, trickiest troublemaker of First Nations Folklore. These two titles, when purchased individually, have a MSRP of $36.94. In this package, we are selling both for
$19.95. Recommended for Age: 5-8. World Notes and Raven Tales Production.



. Corduroy (writer/illustrator Don Freeman) longs for someone to take him home from the department store. He thinks that finding his lost button may help, so he searches the store when nobody's around. Includes: Yo! Yes?; Here Comes The Cat! KIDS FIRST!® Adult Juror Comments: Anthology of children's classics. The theme of friendship is beautifully and artistically executed. The art ranges from Norman Rockwell to Monet. Corduroy is excellent; shows good problem solving skills. KIDS FIRST!® KID Juror Comments: Each story is different and got different responses from the kids. "I was tricked by the one with the cat. I thought the mice didn't like the cat but they did. They related to the theme. "I know what it's like to want a friend and try hard to get one. " DVD. 54 min.; $9.56; Age: 3-8. Scholastic Entertainment.

. Max is a young boy who sails off to an imaginary island inhabited by strange creatures, only to become their king. Includes two other Maurice Sendak stories, The Nutshell Kids and In the Night Kitchen.
KIDS FIRST!® Adult Juror Comments: Fun to see familiar books come to life. Some animation is not full motion. These stories respect children's imagination and their need to feel powerful without violence. This age loves stories that resolve danger comfortably. Great music by Carol King. KIDS FIRST!® KID Juror Comments: Liked some parts, others were scary. Everyone loved Chicken Soup with Rice. Younger kids were genuinely frightened by the monsters. Older kids who were familiar with Sendak's books liked it best and appreciated the fantasy. DVD. 30 min.; $11.96; Age: 3-7. New Video Group, Inc.


More New Endorsements can be found at

*** = Titles receiving the highest scores are given a three star rating.
** = Titles that meet or exceed the criteria receive a two-star rating.
* = Titles that meet the baseline criteria but require some extra consideration on the part of the viewer receive a one-star rating.

Video/DVD-Ages 2-5

** SMART COOKIE! : BIRTHDAY FUN! Preschool curriculum at a Big 3 B-day Party? The little viewers eat the cake and have it too, as they imbibe preschool fundamentals, table manners and sharing. They learn about a different culture and cuisine, as they dance to a catchy Indian number. Adult Juror Comments: Perfect for two to five-year olds. Having a birthday party as a theme to get them interested is a great idea. It speaks to children right on their level, addressing manners, growing up, feeling, sharing - all things that they care about. Songs and the silliness of the burping and the clowns are all good. Kid Juror Comments: Right on target. "I love birthday parties! " "I love the clown" It's silly and they like that. "I like when the boy dropped his jello. " The youngest ones lost interest intermittently. All said they'd watch it again. DVD. 60 min.; $9.99; Age: 2-5. GYANNI, INC.


Video/DVD-Ages 5-8

** THE DANGER RANGERS: WILD WHEELS. When Rusty Ringtail plans to skateboard his way to the top of the Statue of Liberty, the Danger Rangers dive into action and show how kids can be Danger Ranger Ready on bikes, rollerblades, skateboards and razor scooters. Adult Juror Comments: Aesthetically pleasing, good message, a little preachy. Usually safety films warn viewers to stay away from dangerous situations. This film delivers the message of "if you go into it, be prepared and use the right equipment. " Kid Juror Comments: Likable. Cool cartoons and animals. "My friends would like the bike tricks. " "The Danger Ranger animals remind me of my friend and and me. " Kids picked up some good safety tips. "It taught me how to brake with your rollerblades before you go down steps. DVD. 28 min.; $12.99; Age: 4-9. EDUCATIONAL ADVENTURES.


Video/DVD-Ages 8-12

*** SEASONS OF THE HEART. When Jed and Martha Richards agree to raise young, orphaned Daniel, Jed is delighted. But Martha, still grieving for her two little girls who died on the trek west, finds herself swept away each day in a thousand wistful memories. As her golden-haired daughters dance through her aching heart, she can't help comparing them to this awkward, dirty young boy who annoys her at every turn--and needs her so desperately. Jed and Danny both reach out to Martha, yet her anguish isolates her and threatens the marriage relationship. But spring sometimes comes unexpectedly, and for Martha it comes on a snowy Christmas Eve when Danny's innocent heart is finally able to rescue hers. Featuring Leigh Lombardi, Sam Hennings, Claude Akins, and Logan Hall. Based on a story by Lael J. Little. Produced by Heart Productions. DVD.94 min.; $12.95; Age: 8-12. FEATURE FILMS FOR FAMILIES.

For a complete list of all Festival titles currently being shown, visit our website.

A. 85 min.
Join Charlie Brown and the rest of the delightful "Peanuts®" gang in their smashing debut on the silver screen in the late Charles M. Schulz's first full-length animated motion picture. It's a movie filled with all the characters and charm that has made "Peanuts®" the most popular comic strip in the world. And it is musical entertainment that will positively make you grin from ear to ear. Our story begins with Charlie Brown gearing up for his first pitch of the baseball season - stopping midstream because his pitcher's mound is filled with dandelions. Music by Vince Gauraldi and songs by Rod McKuen. Gene Shalit said "is so cheerful I can hardly wait for the next one! " Age: 5-8. TWENTIETH CENTURY FOX HOME ENTERTAINMENT.


. A. 100 min.
Join Dora on her interactive adventures as she meets Boots for the very first time and celebrates at Best Friends Day Picnic. Age: 2-5. PARAMOUNT HOME ENTERTAINMENT


. L. 98 min.
Little Manhattan is a feel-good comedy that is perfect for all ages. Life as a kid in modern-day New York has enough challenges, but sometimes it seems nearly impossible! Gabe (Josh Hutcherson) and Rosemary (newcomer Charlie Ray) have known each other nearly all their lives, but when they come face to face in a karate class, they see each other in a whole new light. Filled with all the magical, marvelous, and maddening moments of first love, this charming film is fun for the whole family. Age: 8-12. TWENTIETH CENTURY FOX HOME ENTERTAINMENT


. A. 12 min.
In this Chinese version of the classic fairy tale, a mother leaves her three children home alone while she goes to visit their grandmother. When the children are visited by a wolf, pretending to be their Po PO, or granny, they let him in the house, but ultimately are not fooled by his deep voice and hairy face. Combining ancient Chinese panel art techniques with a contemporary palette of watercolors and pastels, this powerful story brings lessons about strangers, trust and courage to a new generation. Narrated by B. D. Wong, with music by Ernest V. Troost. Directed by Cha-Pow! Book by Ed Young Illustrator: Ed Young. Caldecott Medal Book. Age: 4-8. Weston Woods/SCHOLASTIC ENTERTAINMENT



Peep combines animation and short live-action interstitials to nurture preschoolers' curiosity about the natural world. Peep (a newly hatched chicken), along with his friends Chirp, (a smart and sassy robin) and Quack (an endearingly egotistical duck), explores the wonders of the "big wide world. " In these episodes, Peep sees a circle moon one night, but Chirp sees a half-circle moon. Quack saw the moon as a white sliver. Who's right? Quack insists there are many moons. Peep and Chirp aren't so sure. Preschoolers acquire basic science investigation skills such as observing, comparing, predicting and persevering in a way that is so entertaining! Ages 2-5. DISCOVERY KIDS


At the Utah Olympic Park, home of the 2002 Winter Olympics, Buster finds out what it really takes to be an Olympic athlete. He meets Squirt, a talented and dedicated ski jumper who introduces Buster to the world of speed skaters, and luge racers. Age: 2-5. PARAMOUNT HOME ENTERTAINMENT

Please welcome these new or renewing members and visit their web sites.

Equator Creative Media LLC

Little Mammoth Media

Live Wire Media

Mommy Teach Me Spanish! Fiesta Friends LLC


Congratulations Going to School in India: In a Mud Desert
Lisa Heydlauff, producer, writes, "KIDS FIRST!® has helped us in many ways - when we were nominated for the best in category award, everyone we know in India was happily voting on-line feeling as if they were a part of a movement, there was really the sense, that we were all Going to School! Two other festivals have contacted us because of KIDS FIRST!® - and then we have now signed an agreement with Selina Yoon."

KIDS FIRST!® Festival Title Airs on TV
On Friday, April 7, 9a and 1p, Nick Jr. premieres "Dora's First Trip" a special episode of Dora the Explorer, in which Dora tells about her first adventure and how she met Boots. The following week, on April 11, Nickelodeon and Paramount Home Entertainment releases a DVD/VHS of Dora's First Trip.

Nick UK and ABC TV Australia Pick Up KID FIRST! Titles
Star Farm Productions' Edgar & Ellen has been picked up by Nickelodeon UK and ABC TV Australia. Both networks will air six specials in the fall followed by the 30-minute TV series in spring 2007.

Youth Radio
Award-winning producer of youth voices, releases a new curriculum resource called the Fourth R, which adds radio to our traditional lineup of reading, 'riting, and 'rithmetic. Each month, the Fourth R provides free, online lesson plan suggestions and standards alignment linked to a radio story written and produced by youth. Read More

Shorts, How Sweet - Film Festival Highlights by Christine L. Pollock

The films last fewer than ten minutes, but make me cry, laugh, and learn. The saying, "something for everyone" sums up the KIDS FIRST!® film festival experience, especially when it comes to shorts, which run as short as 2 minutes. We're finding a welcome audience at our hosts' theaters who have commented that our indi shorts compilation is their favorite title. They're certainly unique and often, thought-provoking.

Such as Emelia, a title for 12 to 18-year-olds. Emelia is a five-year-old animated Goth girl. In this film, we enter Emelia's head, which shows us the wild and fantastic images that she feels and thinks. Her world of loneliness is opened by a Window which finds her when she is in a dark place. Derek Flood, Emelia's producer, believes that everyone has dark places and that way to find hope and learn to care for ourselves is to look into those dark places and face them. According to Flood,
"After screenings, people have come up and told me how they connect to Emelia in ways I never could have imagined." Flood mentioned one woman who suffered from clinical depression. She said the Window that turned Emelia's world upside down and helped her reach out, reminded her of how she felt when she was on antidepressant medication. Flood realized the woman's reaction was "right on" because that was the woman's Window in her life where she could find hope. He hopes that everyone can dare to find their inner Goth, and find their Window, too. You can learn more about Flood and Emelia on

Whereas Emelia is dark and introspective, Tin Town is a non-narrative, captivating short showing wind-up tin toys in action, set to the whimsical music of composer Raymond Scott. This is a fun film for all ages. The vintage toys inspired producer, Sarah Wasley-Smith, and film and sound editor, Rachel Smith, to create this film to music of the same era (early 1900's). The crew filmed Tin Town using a borrowed Sony VX 2000, from cinematographer Rachel Messer, with backdrops they set up in the home of the toys' owner. They edited using Final Cut Express. Smith believes short films are a great medium for presenting creative ideas and entertainment. "Film festivals are a great way to share these ideas," she says while encouraging everyone to submit titles they create.

Ashley Postlewaite, executive producer of Renegade Animation, and her partner, Darrell Van Citters love Tom Chapin's music and want to create music films that revolve around traditional fine art, using digital tools. This Pretty Planet is featured in this quarter's KIDS FIRST!® Film Festivals. Nate Pacheco, the lead artist on the piece, created paintings for this title in Corel Painter and used Flash animation. The biggest challenge was to figure out how to create a traditional look of fine art for viewers using digital tools. Postlewaite is amused by the fact that everyone who sees This Pretty Planet is so taken by its beauty and peacefulness. No-one can believe it wasn't painted traditionally. "We love proving how technology can do anything, if you put the right artists in charge."

Audiences are embracing the variety of shorts at the KIDS FIRST!® Film Festivals, and producers are jumping at the the opportunity to show their creations. Perhaps the greatest beneficiaries are the kids who get to see films that have been created on small budgets and are inspired from what they see. As Postlewaite concludes, "If you have a vision, you can bring it to life. . .it doesn't take zillions of dollars, so don't let that stop you! "

We want to remind all you budding filmmakers out there to submit your youth and independent productions of any length. Our next deadline, for our fourth quarter festivals is coming up soon. May 15 for early submissions, June 15 for regular submission and July 15 for late submissions. Our entry fees for shorts and student submissions are half the price of feature length titles.


Dr. Toy's Tips on Use of Video by Stevanne Auerbach, PhD. /Dr.Toy Smart Play /Smart Toys (

Outdoor Weather/Indoor April Showers Sort of Activities
Being outdoors every day when the weather permits is essential for healthy growth. All children need time to play outside. There are plenty of outdoor fun things to do. When they must be inside, however, they also need to keep active. You can encourage children when indoors to move to music. In each of these areas you can help your child by using media like videos and CDs to complement all these activities. A wonderful DVD for inside play is Easter Carol. It's filled with great music and is easy to do supplemental crafts with.

Tie-dyed Easter Eggs complements Easter Carol

Materials: Boiled eggs, water, colored tissue paper

For instructions, go to craft page.

KIDS FIRST!® Film and Video Festival Schedule
Join us as we travel around the country with film festivals. Find out when we will be in a town near you. For details read here

Yuma, AZ

Los Angeles, CA

Newport Beach, CA
San Jose, CA

Tiburon, CA

Denver, CO

Miami, FL

Hanapepe, HI

Rockford, IL

Fort Wayne, IN

Brookline MA
Williamstown, MA

Ironwood, MI

Minneapolis, MN

Albuquerque, NM
Santa Fe, NM

Las Vegas, NV

Brooklyn, NY
Garden City, NY

New York, NY
Queens, NY

Oklahoma City, OK

Tulsa, OK

Ashland, OR


Nashville, TN

Austin, TX
Dallas, TX

Houston, TX

Spring, TX

Salt Lake City
, UT

Shelburne, VT

Seattle, WA

Milwaukee, WI

Washington, DC

Other Events:

May 10, 2006 - DEADLINE. Aging and Ageism Student Video/Storyboard Competition. AMLA member Jennifer Swift-Kramer reports: The Aging and Ageism Caucus of the National Women's Studies Association (NWSA) invites Oakland, California, area high school students to submit videos or storyboards about intergenerational mentorship among women, or women learning as they age. More information.

May 15 and November 15, 2006 - DEADLINE. Ethics & Excellence in Journalism Research & Educational Projects. The Ethics and Excellence in Journalism Foundation was established in
1982 for charitable, scientific, and educational purposes, including the improvement of the quality of the practice of journalism among various media. This support includes funding for creative projects and research that promotes excellence in journalism and instills and encourages high ethical standards in journalism. Funding is available to formal organizations only. Application deadlines are May 15 and November 15. For more information on the application process and requirements, please visit

May 25, 2006 - DEADLINE. Local Independents Collaborating with Stations Grant. A program of the Independent Television Service, LINCS gives independent producers and public television stations an opportunity to form full production and presentation partnerships. By providing matching funds to these partnerships, LINCS acts as a catalyst, helping independent
producers leverage the support of stations and helping stations access the talent of independent producers. For complete program information and application procedures, go to

May 26, 2006 - DEADLINE. Black Entertainment Television (BET) Rap-It-Up/Black AIDS Short Subject Film Competition. BET (Black Entertainment Television), the Black AIDS Institute, and the Kaiser Family Foundation have announced the 3rd Annual Rap-It-Up/Black AIDS Short Subject Film Competition. Submission deadline is May 26, 2006. For additional information, go to

June 6-10, 2006. Media Literacy: Overseas Conversations Series III. Speakers include several international scholars from Spain and Brazil. click here for details.

June 15-18 Marriott Oakland City Center. The annual meeting of the National Women's Studies Association. For information go to:

June 26-30, 2006 John Ansen Ford Amphitheater (across from the Hollywood Bowl). The What IFFF? Kids Film Festival and Film Camp. International Family Film Festival promotes and encourages the creation and sharing of the family film screenplay through professional and children's hands-on workshops and seminars. Submission Deadline: June 1, 2006. Applications are on their web site.

June 29-July 2, 2006. University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Democracy and Independence: Sharing News in a Connected World. The conference is designed for citizens interested in learning about new innovations in web, print, film, and audio news creation and delivery. More Information.

September 27-October 1, 2006 The Phoenix East/Mesa Hilton, Tucson, AZ. The 28th National Media Market. The National Media Market presents an exceptional opportunity for media professionals who purchase for public libraries, universities, media/technology centers and educational broadcasting to screen the newest and best quality motion media from 55 prominent producers and distributors. Professional Development sessions, workshops and roundtable discussions further enhance the Market experience.

November 19-24 Canada's National Media Education Week. The first of its kind in Canada, this week will highlight the importance of media literacy and Web literacy as key learning areas in the information age. Read More.

To add your event to this list, please send a notice to Chris

CLASSIFIEDS seeks Technical Director; Technical Assistant; Web Programmer; Production Assistant Interns; Animation Interns. Please submit your resume, cover letter, and/or work electronically to


For Homeschoolers
The Old Schoolhouse is the must have magazine for homeschoolers and right now they are offering a deal that is hard to pass up. With your 2- year subscription you will get approximately $300 in FREE homeschool materials - 19 complete gifts - and FREE shipping. Click here or call TOS at 1-888-718-HOME. The Old Schoolhouse is the magazine for homeschoolers. Please call today as gift inventory is limited to the first 5000 new subscribers.

Become a Coalition for Quality Children's Media Member

If you've found our e-zine and web site helpful, please consider becoming a member of KIDS FIRST!® Members help underwrite the various projects of this organization. The Coalition for Quality Children's Media relies on the generous support of its members and donors to support its programs. An individual/family membership is only $25/year. An organizational membership is $100/year. An independent producer membership is $200. To join, go to: or contact our office at 505.989.8076.

VISIT OUR MEMBERS' SITES ******************
Please visit our website for an up-to-date list of Coalition members by clicking here:


Contact Ann ************************

Send comments, questions and feedback to: Chris

To SUBSCRIBE to our free e-zine, KIDS FIRST!® NEWS: Send e-mail to Or fill out the simple form at: To leave this list, send e-mail to or use the link below:

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Copyright 2002 by Coalition for Quality Children's Media,

KIDS FIRST!® is the not-for-profit Coalition for Quality Children's Media's initiative that evaluates and rates children's media - videotapes, CD-ROMs and television - using a highly acclaimed method that has been praised by parents and educators alike. It utilizes professionally designed criteria and evaluation tools and engages a volunteer jury comprising child development professionals, teachers and parents nationwide and children of diverse geographic, socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds. KIDS FIRST!® endorsed titles appeal to people around the world and include many programs on topics important to children's development. KIDS FIRST!®-endorsed titles are available on CQCM's award-winning Internet site, in the KIDS FIRST!® Film and Video Festival and in reviews we provide to more than 75 publications.

CQCM evaluates feature films, television programs, videos, CD-ROM, DVDs and audio recordings. For an application form and application deadlines, visit our website at, call our office (505.989.8076) or send an email to Jury Coordinator.
Coalition for Quality Children's Media, 112 W. San Francisco St. , Suite 305A, Santa Fe, NM 87501.

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