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The Newsstand - KIDS FIRST!® News 2006


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The Newsstand

Christine Pollock, Newsletter Editor
"Action is eloquence." - William Shakespeare

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Turning your TV Time into Quality Time
May 16, 2006 Issue #5b
Christine L. Pollock, Editor
Ranny Levy, Publisher

1. Letters from the Editor, President
2. Web Store Features
4. New Endorsements
5. Festival Titles
6. New Members/Renewing Members
7. Member News
8. Media News
9. Family and Parenting News
10. Fantastic Film Festival Events by Christine L. Pollock
11. Crafts and Activities: Music in Media and Valkyrie/Viking Fun
12. Festival City Schedule and Events
13. Special Offers
* Permission to forward or reprint the content herein is granted with complete attribution.

Classic Film - Interviews with Ross Bagdasarian (The Chipmunks) and Hedda Sharapan (Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood)

Kaiser Foundation Research and Videos for the Very Young

Interview with James Bondy from PBS Show, Ribert and Robert's WonderWorld

New: KIDS FIRST!® logo store
Your purchase of hats, T-shirts, baby jumpers, bibs,
and totes benefit KIDS FIRST!®

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KIDS FIRST!® Web Store

The Coalition for Quality Children's Media is a national, not-for-profit organization founded in 1991. Because we believe that media profoundly affect children, our mission is to 1) teach children critical viewing skills and 2) to increase the visibility and availability of quality children's programs.

CQCM Newsletter Archive
2006 Jan 3 / Jan 18 / Feb 7 / Feb 21 / Mar 14/ Mar 28 / Apr 4 / Apr 25 / May 2
Links to newsletters from 2005 or earlier
may be found at the bottom of this page

Welcome to KIDS FIRST!® NEWS. All articles are by Coalition for Quality Children's Media unless otherwise noted.

Dear Friends,

Many of you will celebrate the beginning of summer vacation in the next few weeks. I hope you have the opportunity to take some time to play with your children. Last Sunday my boys and I decided to celebrate the gorgeous weather by spreading the word around town that anybody who wanted could meet us at a local ball field, right next to a creek in the afternoon. About 40 people showed up and we had a blast wading in the creek and playing a mixed-age, friendly baseball game. It reminded me of the country celebrations in movies such as Seasons of the Heart. It was so fun, we all decided to do it as a weekly event while the weather is good. Earlier that day I talked in our Sunday school about media literacy in the church (see left with moderator, Stephan Schilke). Near the end of the class, I had the privilege of introducing my friend Esther Reed. Reed and her husband are starting a KIDS FIRST!® film festival at the Walking on Water Retreat Center in Farmersville Station, western NY. My family will be there for the debut, April 20, and we are looking forward to the games and activities they are planning in addition to the film.

I highlighted a great opera audio CD in the craft section of this issue. My children and I reviewed that title a few years ago. Although my boys won't admit to liking opera, every time I put this title on, the kids start gravitating towards the music. They goof around with their own "operatic" voices and start making up their own stories. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

As always, I welcome your input. If you have comments on titles we have endorsed; notices of media awards, publications, and products; or suggestions for articles. . . Please drop me a line.

Christine Pollock, Editor
Contact me

Dear All,

Isn't May the best month of the year! It's finally warm enough to walk outside early in the morning to catch the sunrise, listen to the birds, and watch the garden reinvent itself. It's also the month of both my son and my grandson's birthdays. In fact, Sam's is today - Happy 35th Sam! Aden (see picture) will be five on May 26. Happy birthday, Aden! Granny Ranny loves you.

Aden is one of my private jurors whose media opinions I respect and garner. He's been a die-hard "Thomas" and "Dora" fan for more than a year and has recently switched to "Max & Ruby." Much to my surprise, this weekend he discovered "Maya & Miguel" and did his usual multiple viewing session of several "Maya & Miguel" DVDs, which ended with a discussion about the shows. This was followed up by Aden asking to go build dams in my backyard, something he learned from "Peep and the Big Wide World."

I'm always interested in knowing what he has learned from watching these programs. At age five, he's the perfect viewing audience for much of the excellent preschool programming that is now so prevalent. It wasn't so long ago that there were few choices for preschool programming other than "Sesame Street" and "Mister Rogers" (both great shows). Parents today are very fortunate to have so many excellent choices for their preschoolers - "Peep and the Big Wide World," "Pinky Dinky Doo," "Dora the Explorer," "Blue's Clues," and many more. These programs have so much to offer in terms of cognitive skills, pro-social role models, and second languages.

The announcement last week about the launch of BabyTV raised a lot of eyebrows and voiced concerns about TV for babies. During an interview on Comcast's Your Morning Show, I was asked how KIDS FIRST!® feels about babies watching television. It's a dicey subject since we are very aware of the American Academy of Pediatric's recommendation that children ages two and under watch no TV at all. However, since there is no scientific evidence demonstrating that it is harmful in any way, we believe that it's better for babies and toddlers to watch TV designed for them rather than to watch TV designed for adults and filled with violence, inappropriate sexual behavior and negative social behaviors. We are very much in favor of shows that encourage parent/child interaction such as the newly released "Sesame Beginnings." And, we don't believe the claims that many companies make about the educational value of many of these baby programs. According to leading child development researchers, these claims cannot be substantiated. What we do think is valuable about them is that they are entertaining and that makes them worthwhile. They allow parents time off to do other things while their baby or toddler is briefly entertained. For more information on this, go to our article, Videos for the Very Young.

On the Festival front, we just wrapped up two wonderful events - the Newport Beach Film Festival and a FABULOUS event this past weekend at the Avalon Theatre and Georgetown University Children's Hospital with Jim Jinkins, creator of the new Pinky Dinky Doo show on Noggin. You can check upcoming events on our website at For those producers who are in the LA area, I hope you will attend our Workshop on Successful Children's Filmmaking we are presenting at the Moondance Film Festival on Friday, June 9 at 3:00 - 4:50 at the Raleigh Studios in Hollywood. We have assembled a stellar cast of industry insiders to offer their practical hints and recommendations. We also are sponsoring a special screening of The Blue Butterfly on Sunday, June 11 (more information on Jinkins and Moondance in our article below). Hope to see you there.

Much love,

Ranny Levy
Founder and President, KIDS FIRST!®


Letters from Readers
RE: The Pinky Dinky Doo Tour at the Avalon Theatre
The kids knew Pinky and were so enthusiastic. They came running into the auditorium yelling, "Pinky Dinky Doo," and even the parents seemed to be enjoying themselves and at the end, every single person in the room lined up for an autograph. It was SO COOL to see the book AND the episode on a big movie theater screen! Jim, as always, was totally dynamic and funny and held everyone's attention. -Lauren


Concerned about what kids watch? Want to do something about it? Become a KIDS FIRST!® juror. It's easy. Take our online training. It will take you about four hours to complete and we will provide you with your own personal trainer. The $40 fee is 100% reimbursable once you evaluate six titles for KIDS FIRST!® . You may keep any movie you approve. What a wonderful way for teachers, librarians, parents, and daycare providers to build their own quality media library while helping evaluate movies for others. To register or get more information, please visit our KIDS FIRST!® juror's page.



ROUND THE CAMPFIRE. Compilation of favorite Girl Scout campfire songs. Audio. 30 min.; $15.99; Age: 6-18. KT Music Productions, Inc.


MERLIN AND THE DRAGONS. Young Arthur doesn't understand why pulling a sword from a stone qualifies him for kingship. Merlin, the magician, guides him with inspiring stories and prophetic dreams that prepare him to become a magnificent king. Narrated by Kevin Kline. DVD. 27 min.; $9.94; Age: 5-12. Lightyear Entertainment.


HOW THINGS WORK. Includes The Big Aquarium and The Big Space Shuttle. In The Big Aquarium, visit the largest freshwater aquarium in the world in Chattanooga, TN. Shows hundreds of fish and animals from various habitats, divers feeding fish, and looks behind-the-scenes at the control center, the veterinarian and the research lab. In The Big Space Shuttle, explore the behind-the-scenes action at the space shuttle program, including the astronaut training, the crew roles, shuttle maintenance and orbital gravity experiments. Audio. 98 min.; $29.90; Age: 5-8. Little Mammoth Media.



. Young Marco Polo undertakes an exciting journey to the mythical kingdom of Xanadu overcoming dangers with the help of his friends. DVD features an extensive Bonus Section, and 4.1 surround soundtrack in English and Spanish. Video and DVD. 80 min.; $12.74; Age: 6-10. Premiere Pictures, Inc.



. Pegasus follows the mythological horse from birth to his battle with the multi-headed Chimaera. He is appointed by Zeus as thunder-bearer and is transformed into the constellation. Narrated by Mia Farrow. Adapted by Doris Orgel. Beauty and the Beast is based on the classic tale. To save her beloved father, a beautiful young girl agrees to become the companion of a brutish and unhappy beast. As time passes, love works a miraculous change in their lives. Narrated by MIA Farrow. DVD. 60 min.; $14.95; Age: 4-12. Lightyear Entertainment.


. A wild, weekend-long adventure in the red rock mountains of Utah. Zeke, the host, invites kids to accompany him as he learns how to mountain bike, rock climb, and watches pros at these extreme sports while exploring Native American art and dance. DVD. 35 min.; $14.98; Age: 5-12. Big Bright World, Inc.



MICHAEL MICHAEL MOTORCYCLE. Join Michael Michael Motorcycle and his young friends, Billy & Johnny, as he transforms their family garage into a 'dirtbike supershop' and takes them on the ride of their dreams. Along with the fun, safety and responsibility are emphasized. DVD. 30 min.; $14.95; Age: 4-9. Monterey Media.


. Explores the behind-the-scenes action at the space shuttle program, including the astronaut training, the crew roles, shuttle maintenance and orbital gravity experiments. DVD. 50 min.; $12.74; Age: 6-10. Little Mammoth Media.



More New Endorsements can be found at

*** = Titles receiving the highest scores are given a three-star rating.
** = Titles that meet or exceed the criteria receive a two-star rating.
* = Titles that meet the baseline criteria but require some extra consideration on the part of the viewer receive a one-star rating.

Video/DVD-Ages 0-2

** SUMMER TIME FUN: ADVENTURES WITH CONNOR AND JADEN. Sends positive messages to youngsters on issues like sharing, safety and respect for others. Adult Juror Comments: Enjoyable short for babies. It takes them through a day that is familiar to most children, from water play to play ground. The production level is very simple, but it works. The child narrator will most likely appeal to little ones while adults will enjoy the child's perspective on daily living. Clear images and music. Kid Juror Comments: The two-year-olds loved it. They described the pictures and talked about what they saw. One child asked to watch it again. They loved seeing the water and the playground and kept saying "babies." They talked to the screen about what they saw. Good length. DVD. 35 min.; $15.99; Age: 0-2. BOOGIEBUBBLE PRODUCTIONS, INC.

Video/DVD-Ages 5-8

** REAL WHEELS: TRACTOR ADVENTURES. Contains three episodes: There Goes a Tractor: Whether dragging a plow or pulling feed for cows, tractors make things happen. There Goes a Farm Truck: Ever see a vehicle that's as big as a house and can mow and entire field of wheat? Spend a day on the farm and discover the big machines that harvest food. There Goes a Dump Truck: Put on your hard hat and follow vehicles that perform jobs moving heavy loads of soil, gravel and cement and dump them at construction sites. Adult Juror Comments: Takes the viewer right into the action of big vehicle. Good narration, very matter-of-fact format. Jam-packed with farm scenes and information - from mowing, plowing and planting to harvesting. Verbal and visual demonstrations. Narrator's silly monologues and slapstick behavior is a bit goofy, but kids enjoy. Emphasizes safety. Kid Juror Comments: Fascinated by the machines. "I want to milk cows and make chocolate milk." Fun and teaches practical stuff. "We never get to see this stuff in my country, which is a big city." "Dave took us to cool places like fields and carrot factories." "The big trucks are the bomb!" Held the attention of older boys who loved the explosions. "I liked the Kamatzzu 930E because it was huge." "The conveyer belt is like a roller coaster." DVD. 105 min.; $14.98; Age: 4-8. POWER TO CREATE.

Video/DVD-Ages 8-12

*** WILDFILES.TV: 4 EPISODES. Includes: Episode 4 - Arachnophobia on the Loose - Alicia is faced with a creepy crawly mystery. Episode 7 - Owl for One, One for Owl - Webster searches for the real magic of owls. Episode 10 - Big Ol' Moose - Who wants to be called Moose? Not Jeff. Episode 12 - Lone Wolf - Sara finds the life of a lone wolf is not easy. Adult Juror Comments: Interesting and thorough presentations. Format is very up-to-the-minute, using webcamera communication, holographic projection, and more. Very cool presentation for science and nature studies. Cinematography excellent. And, the Canadian producers have a fantastic sense of humor. Kid Juror Comments: Kids loved it. "It's like learning while you're having fun." "I learned more about spiders than I ever would have thought, and learned they're not that scary." "I can't wait to see the other episodes in this series." DVD. 92 min.; $19.95; Age: 7-12. REEL GIRLS MEDIA.

For a complete list of all Festival titles currently being shown, visit our website.

ALF SEASON 3. A. 198 min.
ALF, the Animated Series, was a spin off of the live action ALF series. ALF Animated Adventures follows ALF's pre-Earth adventures on his home planet of Melmac with his family, his girlfriend Rhonda, and friends Skip and Sloop. ALF Animated Series originally aired on NBC's Saturday morning block from 1987-1990. Episodes Include: Phantom Pilot, Hair Today, Bald Tomorrow, Two for the Brig, Gordon Ships Out, Birdman of Melmac, Pismo and The Orbit Gyro, 20,000 Years in Driving School, Pride of the Shumways, Captain Bobaroo. Age: 5-12. LIONSGATE FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT

Backyardigans: Surf's Up. A. 99 min.
The Backyardigans are a group of five young friends who get together daily to play in the backyard they share. Each day, their imaginations transform that backyard into a different fantastic, photo-realistic landscape, and they go off on a high-stakes quest full of song, dance, and adventure. Age: 2-5. PARAMOUNT HOME ENTERTAINMENT


Cheaper by the Dozen 2. L. 94 min.
Steve Martin is funnier than ever in this hilarious sequel! Tom Baker (Steve Martin) and wife Kate (Bonnie Hunt) bring their clan together for a memorable summer getaway. But their dream vacation turns into an outrageous competition with the overachieving, overzealous family of Tom's longtime rival, Jimmy Murtaugh (Eugene Levy). Featuring all the original Baker kids, including Hilary Duff, Tom Welling and Piper Perabo, this super-sized comedy is fun for the whole family! Age: 5-12. TWENTIETH CENTURY FOX HOME ENTERTAINMENT


Like Mike 2: Streetball. L. 90 min.
Die-hard hoops fan Jerome Jenkins Junior gets no respect at the local court, because he's too young, too slow, and worst of all - too short. But when he puts on a mysterious pair of sneakers, he's suddenly able to dribble, drive, and dunk like a champ! Jerome's rise to streetball fame seems unstoppable! But when it threatens to alienate his family and friends, Jerome realizes there's a high price to pay to be crowned the King of Concrete! Age: 5-12. TWENTIETH CENTURY FOX HOME ENTERTAINMENT


Mother Teresa. L. 130 min.
An inspirational portrayal of Mother Teresa, a simple nun who became one of the most significant personalities of the 20th Century. Armed with a faith that could move mountains, Mother Teresa followed her calling to help the poor, the lepers, the dying and the abandoned children in the slums of Calcutta, challenging many authorities - including the church - along the way. Age: 10-18. TWENTIETH CENTURY FOX HOME ENTERTAINMENT

The Blue Butterfly. 100 min.
A film by Léa Pool, starring Academy Award® winner William Hurt, Genie Award Winner Pascale Bussières, and Marc Donato. Based on the true story of a terminally ill 10-year-old boy whose dream is to catch the most beautiful butterfly on earth, the mythic and elusive Blue Morpho. His mother persuades a renowned entomologist (William Hurt) to take them on a trip to the jungle to search for the butterfly, leading to an adventure that transforms their lives. The young boy is now a young man. This compelling adventure about courage, redemption and love is filmed in the rain forests of Costa Rica and in Montreal. Ages 5-18. MONTEREY MEDIA

Please welcome these new or renewing members and visit their web sites.

Tippy LLC

Woman Wisdom Corp


Gina D's Kids Club Airs on Three New Stations
This KIDS FIRST!® member airs Mondays through Fridays at 7 am on three new stations: KCPO/Sioux Fall, KCPL/Rapid City and KCPM/Fargo. The series from Raven Moon Entertainment, Inc. is available in 80+ of the country.

Congratulations to Raven Tales
This KIDS FIRST!® member is about to sign with Porchlight as their distributor. In addition, they have received an invitation to speak at the United Nations about the difficulties of Native Americans working in the US media system.


BabyFirstTV Launches in NYC
As part of a plan to rollout the commercial-free channel nationally, BabyFirstTV will be available first on DirecTV, with other carriers to follow. BabyFirstTV will be free to DirecTV subscribers throughout May. The programming lineup is comprised of 80% original content. The channel will feature interactive components to support the co-viewing experience between parents and kids.

PBS Launches Learning.Now
This new blog explores how technology is changing education in the US. The blog is designed specifically to help guide teachers in grades K-12 through the ins and outs of new technology (e.g. wikis, blogs, RSS, podcasts, social networking sites, etc). is hosted by writer/editor, with expertise in educational technology, and a longtime blogger Andy Carvin. More information at Learning.Now.

Little Airplane Academy is Taking Applications
Little Airplane has a summer animation class for kids.
This class is an introduction to animation. Participants must be between the ages of 7 and 16 and have an interest in computer animation. The course will cover basic principles of animation, and each participant will be presented with a DVD of their work at the end of the class. Classes will be taught by Emmy Award-winning Animation Director, Jennifer Oxley.


Spike TV Introduce True Dads
This new public affairs campaign is designed to encourage men to be actively involved in their kids' lives. The network will support the initiative with a PSA campaign featuring celebrity dads delivering the message, as well as teaming with local cable affiliates and grass roots organizations. True Dads also fits nicely with Spike TV's new tagline, "Get More Action."

The Fairly OddParents Meet American Idol
This new 1-hour special episode of The Fairly OddParents, will premiere on Nickelodeon, May 19, at 8 pm. Former American Idol contestant Diana DiGarmo is featured in the special as the singing voice of her biggest fan, Cosmo. If you miss it or want to see it on the big screen, you can find it in our own KIDS FIRST!® Film Festival. Check our website for details.

Fantastic Film Festival Events by Christine L. Pollock

East coast, west coast - KIDS FIRST!® has something for you. May and June are chock-full of fun Film Festival events that will engage, entertain and educate children and parents alike. The Pinky Dinky Doo tour and Moondance International Film Festival are examples of these fun times. Jim Jinkins, executive producer of Pinky Dinky Doo and author/illustrator of the Pinky Dinky Doo book series exclaims, "Wow! Who knew bedtime stories to my kids would wind-up as books, a TV series, and now as part of the KIDS FIRST!® Film Festival tour?... COOL." Jim Jinkins and co-creator, David Campbell, created an independent company, Cartoon Pizza, with a mission to develop and produce entertainment content with mass-appeal that respects the intelligence, experience and feelings of kids. Cartoon Pizza develops popular shows including JoJo's Circus and Stanley. Now, with the success of the Pinky Dinky Doo books, Jinkins turned the stories into a television series for Nickelodeon's educational, commercial-free network, Noggin.

Beginning May, 2006, Jinkins, on behalf of Cartoon Pizza, joins KIDS FIRST!® and Sesame Workshop in special film festival events featuring Pinky Dinky Doo. At these events in Washington DC, Long Island, NY, and Brooklyn, New York City, Jinkins introduces his company, Cartoon Pizza, reads one of his books, and then shows clips of Pinky Dinky Doo. After the film, Jinkins plays games with the children and signs books. "I'm 'tickled pink' to introduce Pinky Dinky Doo and all her wonderfully silly friends to kids through the KIDS FIRST!® Film Festival tour," said Jim Jinkins.

Although attendees at Children's Museum of Manhattan (May 7) and Avalon Theatre and Georgetown University Children's Hospital (May 13) have thoroughly enjoyed their time with Jinkins, this tour in not only for entertainment. It will also benefit children with medical needs. Proceeds will go to the Woodhull Medical and Mental Health Center, Brooklyn, New York City. Random House will donate 25 copies of Polka Dot Pox to the same hospitals. Long Island Children's Museum will donate passes for families to their event, June 9th, and proceeds will benefit children at the Schneider's Children's Hospital on Long Island. The tour winds up on July 16 with a showing at Brooklyn Children's Museum. Proceeds from this tour will benefit children at Children's National Medical Center and Georgetown University Hospital in Washington DC.

As all this is happening on the east coast, those on the west coast are having some fun of their own. Celebrating its seventh annual Festival, Moondance International Film Festival moves to Raleigh Studios in Hollywood this year. June 9-11, 2006 will be a celebration of creativity with screenings and workshops. Our own Ranny Levy, founder and president of the Coalition for Quality Children's Media, is moderating a panel including Tom Siegrist, vice president of production, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment; Jere Rae-Mansfield, longtime CQCM board member and president of Monterey Media; Martin Blythe, studio publicist; Larry Balaban, creator of Baby Genius; and CQCM board member, Doug Zwick, international agent. The workshop, Successful Children's Filmmaking: Know Your Market Before You Shoot, will be an interesting and educational event as the insiders reveal what works and what doesn't in children's films and DVDs. They'll share their combined half-century of experiences, both successes and failures, and offer insights into the future of children's entertainment. Before you spend one minute or one dollar on production, these tips can help you direct your valuable resources in the right direction for success. During this festival, there will also be a screening of the Monterey Media hit, The Blue Butterfly - a film by Lea Pool, starring Academy Award Winner William Hurt, Genie Award Winner Pascale Bussieres, and Marc Donato. It is based on the true story of a terminally ill 10-year-old boy whose dream is to catch the most beautiful butterfly on earth, the mythic and elusive Blue Morpho.

For more information on the KIDS FIRST!® Film Festival events and a calendar of what might be happening in your area, go to . We hope to see you there!


Dr. Toy's Tips on Use of Video by Stevanne Auerbach, PhD. /Dr.Toy Smart Play /Smart Toys (

Music in Media
Children appreciate music of all kinds, and it helps them to learn as they listen. They develop their physical ability when they dance to music. They improve self-expression as they learn words to songs and enjoy the fun of singing. Music is enjoyed all over the world. It helps children more easily understand other people and cultures by listening to the music of other countries. Expose yourself and your children to music of all kinds and learn to expand your understanding and increase enjoyment. Some great KIDS FIRST! titles with a variety of music styles that will get you dancing are Road Trip Music for K-12, Animal Groove, Nursery Tap, Hip to Toe, and The World's Very Best Opera for Kids.

Craft - Valkyrie/Viking Fun
based on The World's Very Best Opera for Kids.

Materials: large square of newspaper, aluminum foil, cardboard

For instructions, go to craft page.

KIDS FIRST!® Film and Video Festival Schedule
Join us as we travel around the country with film festivals. Find out when we will be in a town near you. For details read here

Yuma, AZ

Los Angeles, CA

Newport Beach, CA
San Jose, CA

Tiburon, CA

Denver, CO

Miami, FL

Hanapepe, HI

Rockford, IL

Fort Wayne, IN

New Orleans, LA

Brookline MA
Williamstown, MA

Ironwood, MI

Minneapolis, MN

Albuquerque, NM
Santa Fe, NM

Las Vegas, NV

Brooklyn, NY
Farmersville Station, NY
Garden City, NY

New York, NY
Queens, NY


Oklahoma City, OK

Ashland, OR


Nashville, TN

Austin, TX
Canyon Lake, TX
Comfort, TX
Dallas, TX

Ft. Worth, TX
Grand Prairie, TX
Houston, TX

Little Elm, TX
Odessa, TX
Pflugerville, TX
Port Isabel, TX
Round Rock, TX

Spring, TX
The Woodlands, TX
Uvalde, TX

Salt Lake City
, UT

Shelburne, VT

Seattle, WA

Milwaukee, WI

Washington, DC

Other Events:

May 25, 2006 - DEADLINE. Local Independents Collaborating with Stations Grant. A program of the Independent Television Service, LINCS gives independent producers and public television stations an opportunity to form full production and presentation partnerships. By providing matching funds to these partnerships, LINCS acts as a catalyst, helping independent producers leverage the support of stations and helping stations access the talent of independent producers. For complete program information and application procedures, go to

May 26, 2006 - DEADLINE. Black Entertainment Television (BET) Rap-It-Up/Black AIDS Short Subject Film Competition. BET (Black Entertainment Television), the Black AIDS Institute, and the Kaiser Family Foundation have announced the 3rd Annual Rap-It-Up/Black AIDS Short Subject Film Competition. Submission deadline is May 26, 2006. For additional information, go to

June 6-10, 2006. Media Literacy: Overseas Conversations Series III. Speakers include several international scholars from Spain and Brazil. click here for details.

June 9, 2006. Long Island Children's Museum. Pinky Dinky Doo East Coast Tour with Jim Jinkins.

June 9-11, 2006. Raleigh Studios, Hollywood, CA. Moondance Film Festival. Successful Children's Filmmaking: Know Your Market Before You Shoot Frame One. KIDS FIRST!® presents a film and panel from 3-4:30 PM on June 9.

June 15-18, 2006. Marriott Oakland City Center. The annual meeting of the National Women's Studies Association. For information go to:

July 16, 2006. Brooklyn Children's Museum. Pinky Dinky Doo East Coast Tour with Jim Jinkins.

June 26-30, 2006 John Ansen Ford Amphitheater (across from the Hollywood Bowl). The What IFFF? Kids Film Festival and Film Camp. International Family Film Festival promotes and encourages the creation and sharing of the family film screenplay through professional and children's hands-on workshops and seminars. Submission Deadline: June 1, 2006. Applications are on their web site.

June 29-July 2, 2006. University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Democracy and Independence: Sharing News in a Connected World. The conference is designed for citizens interested in learning about new innovations in web, print, film, and audio news creation and delivery. More Information.

September 27-October 1, 2006 The Phoenix East/Mesa Hilton, Tucson, AZ. The 28th National Media Market. The National Media Market presents an exceptional opportunity for media professionals who purchase for public libraries, universities, media/technology centers and educational broadcasting to screen the newest and best quality motion media from 55 prominent producers and distributors. Professional Development sessions, workshops and roundtable discussions further enhance the Market experience.

November 19-24 Canada's National Media Education Week. The first of its kind in Canada, this week will highlight the importance of media literacy and Web literacy as key learning areas in the information age. Read More.

To add your event to this list, please send a notice to Chris.


Through the combined efforts of Corporations for Character, KIDS FIRST!® , and your generous donation, we can fulfill our mission to provide positive, encouraging movies into each of more than one million children's hospital beds. This effort will provide entertainment for children while they are confined in a hospital. To support KIDS FIRST!® Cares, click here. All credit card transactions are secure.

For Homeschoolers
The Old Schoolhouse is the must have magazine for homeschoolers and right now they are offering a deal that is hard to pass up. With your 2- year subscription you will get approximately $300 in FREE homeschool materials - 19 complete gifts - and FREE shipping. Click here or call TOS at 1-888-718-HOME. The Old Schoolhouse is the magazine for homeschoolers. Please call today as gift inventory is limited to the first 5000 new subscribers.

Become a Coalition for Quality Children's Media Member

If you've found our e-zine and web site helpful, please consider becoming a member of KIDS FIRST!® Members help underwrite the various projects of this organization. The Coalition for Quality Children's Media relies on the generous support of its members and donors to support its programs. An individual/family membership is only $25/year. An organizational membership is $100/year. An independent producer membership is $200. To join, go to: or contact our office at 505.989.8076.

VISIT OUR MEMBERS' SITES ******************
Please visit our website for an up-to-date list of Coalition members by clicking here:


Contact Ann ************************

Send comments, questions and feedback to: Chris

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This newsletter may be reprinted with permission. Write to:
Copyright 2002 by Coalition for Quality Children's Media,

KIDS FIRST!® is the not-for-profit Coalition for Quality Children's Media's initiative that evaluates and rates children's media - videotapes, CD-ROMs and television - using a highly acclaimed method that has been praised by parents and educators alike. It utilizes professionally designed criteria and evaluation tools and engages a volunteer jury comprising child development professionals, teachers and parents nationwide and children of diverse geographic, socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds. KIDS FIRST!® endorsed titles appeal to people around the world and include many programs on topics important to children's development. KIDS FIRST!® -endorsed titles are available on CQCM's award-winning Internet site, in the KIDS FIRST!® Film and Video Festival and in reviews we provide to more than 75 publications.

CQCM evaluates feature films, television programs, videos, CD-ROM, DVDs and audio recordings. For an application form and application deadlines, visit our website at, call our office (505.989.8076) or send an email to Jury Coordinator.
Coalition for Quality Children's Media, 112 W. San Francisco St. , Suite 305A, Santa Fe, NM 87501.

Subscribe to KIDS FIRST! free monthly e-zine for news and specials: