The story follows two young girls, Andrea (age 4) and Marina (age 6) who become friends during the pandemic while playing on the rooftops of their respective houses.. They fly paper airplanes to each other with pictures on them and should across the space between the buildings to share information. Suddenly, Marina's parents spare and she moves away without notice. Andrea is puzzled and heartsick until she finds a remnant of their friendship.
Beautiful concept, simply made. Very nice camera work and audio. Most of this is non-narrative with minimal language in Spanish, and English subtitles. The two little girls are absolutely adorable. Their movements are so natural and you can feel the connection between them. I love that this takes a look back at how our young ones experienced the pandemic as it will always affect their lives.
The film's message is about friendship, even in the most challenging situations.
I give Under The Same Sky 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 12, plus adults. By Julie S., KIDS FIRST!
The story follows two young girls, Andrea (age 4) and Marina (age 6) who become friends during the pandemic while playing on the rooftops of their respective houses.. They fly paper airplanes to each other with pictures on them and should across the space between the buildings to share information. Suddenly, Marina's parents spare and she moves away without notice. Andrea is puzzled and heartsick until she finds a remnant of their friendship.
Beautiful concept, simply made. Very nice camera work and audio. Most of this is non-narrative with minimal language in Spanish, and English subtitles. The two little girls are absolutely adorable. Their movements are so natural and you can feel the connection between them. I love that this takes a look back at how our young ones experienced the pandemic as it will always affect their lives.
The film's message is about friendship, even in the most challenging situations.
I give Under The Same Sky 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 12, plus adults. By Julie S., KIDS FIRST!
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