Darby, 12 years old and an orphan, lives with a somewhat superstitious Irish grandmother who owns an ancient Celtic harp. She wants to leave the coastal town to return to America and will steal jewelry to do this. Magic intercedes as Darby becomes involved with the hidden realm of Leprechauns and their magic ancient treasure sought after by sinister greedy antique dealers of the upper realm of the coastal town. Darby even plunks the Celtic harp, saving the Leprechaun world from the savage snake. Her cleverness stops the evil tortures imposed by the antique dealers. Ultimately Darby becomes a young girl secure in her own self, her strengths and the love of her grandmother. She also is accepted as family in the realm of the Leprechauns. The last scene sums up the resolution of all the conflicts within this colorful fantasy adventure story 'as in the last gleam of daylight, Darby, Roy, his children Beagan and Molly are seated appearing as silhouettes in a serene Irish horizon like gargoyles on a castle. We give this 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 18, Reviewed by Juror #11.
Darby, 12 years old and an orphan, lives with a somewhat superstitious Irish grandmother who owns an ancient Celtic harp. She wants to leave the coastal town to return to America and will steal jewelry to do this. Magic intercedes as Darby becomes involved with the hidden realm of Leprechauns and their magic ancient treasure sought after by sinister greedy antique dealers of the upper realm of the coastal town. Darby even plunks the Celtic harp, saving the Leprechaun world from the savage snake. Her cleverness stops the evil tortures imposed by the antique dealers. Ultimately Darby becomes a young girl secure in her own self, her strengths and the love of her grandmother. She also is accepted as family in the realm of the Leprechauns. The last scene sums up the resolution of all the conflicts within this colorful fantasy adventure story 'as in the last gleam of daylight, Darby, Roy, his children Beagan and Molly are seated appearing as silhouettes in a serene Irish horizon like gargoyles on a castle. We give this 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 18, Reviewed by Juror #11.
Held captive by an underground clan of ancient Celtic warriors, a sticky-fingered, young girl races against time, creatures, and crooks, to steal a priceless artifact from a museum and save the world.
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