Up to date information about children's entertainment – film, TV, DVD and more…. from founder and president of KIDS FIRST! Ranny Levy

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Back from Vacation, Catching up with Media News

Monday, August 6th, 2007

I just got back from two glorious weeks in Costa Rica – a place I highly recommend to anyone who enjoys traveling in Latin America. What wonderful people we met! Wonderful beaches, volcanoes, jungle, food and – my favorite – coffee.
So now, to catch up on the media news while I was away.

1. Did you read about Walt Disney announcing that it will no longer portray smoking in Disney branded movies? They are the first company to take such a stand. This ammouncement comes out two months after the MPAA introduced a new ratings system taking into account the use of tobacco when rating movies. Bravo for the Mouse folks!

2. Leonardo DiCaprio is coming out with a new movie on the perilous state of our planet and how to save it called 11th Hour. It’s a stunning documentary, packed with facts we human beings need to know to save our planet. It is the ultimate horror movie, action flick and feel-good movie all wrapped up into one. My dear Quaker friend, Arthur Kanegis, has written a review of it posted at http://www.scene4.com/. At the end of the article you can click on a link to read his interviews with the directors – the outstanding Conners sisters – Leila and Nadia. If you like the article, please feel free to forward it to your own list.

3. Sesame Street introduced its new Season goals with a strong emphasis on vocabulary. Sesame Street launches its 38th season on August 13, 2007 on PBS Kids. Every season focuses on a research-based curriculum to address needs of today’s children. This season’s curriculum is children’s literacy and language development.

Vocabulary is a critical element of language and literacy development that is often overlooked in early childhood education. Young children develop language and literacy skills during the early years mainly through language rich experiences such as meaningful conversations with parents and caregivers. As a result of many disparities between low-income and middle/upper-income families, there is a growing gap in literacy skills between children from these different economic groups. So, be on the lookout for it – starting next week.

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Controling Your Child’s Exposure to Sex and Violence in the Media

Friday, July 20th, 2007

Last month, the Kaiser Family Foundation released results from their survey about parent’s concern over sex and media violence. Below are some excerpts from their report:

  • Sixty-five percent of parents say they “closely” monitor their children’s media use, while just 18 percent say they “should do more.”
  • Parents are confident in monitoring their children’s online activities. They check their children’s Instant Messaging (IM) “buddy lists” (87 percent), review their children’s profiles on social networking sites (82 percent), and look to see what websites they’ve visited (76 percent) after they’ve gone online.
  • Parents are still concerned about children’s exposure to inappropriate media content in general. Minority parents express the most concern: African American and Hispanic parents are more likely than Whites to say they are “very concerned” about their children’s exposure to sex, violence and adult language in the media.

From my personal conversations with parents, I concur that most have learned that they need to take a pro-active approach to monitoring their children’s media use. It’s no longer enough to simply limit the amount of television your child watches, but knowing what their online activity is all about, how they’re profiling themselves on networking sites such as MySpace, and checking their web browsing history are all important measures that any concerned parent should do.

I was talking with a colleague of mine this week at an industry trade show. He has two children, ages 5 and 7 and he said that he finds there are so many things to pay attention to that they’ve taken the approach to just pay attention to what they need to do now, and maybe in the next year out. That way, it seems to be all a bit more manageable.

The rest of this report by the Kaiser Family Foundation is quite interesting. The report, Parents, Children and Media: A Kaiser Family Foundation Survey, is a national survey of 1,008 parents of children ages 2-17. The complete report may be viewed online at http://www.kff.org/entmedia/entmedia061907pkg.cfmAdditional findings:

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Happy Violence – New study from UCLA

Wednesday, June 20th, 2007

There was a story released last week that I wanted to share with you about kids and violence in movies.

PG-13 films have lots of “happy violence,” say UCLA researchers. Borrowing from the late communication’s theorist George Gerbner, happy violence is that which is “cool, swift and painless.” PG-13 films don’t consider the consequences of violent acts, such as injury, death and the shattered lives of the people involved.

And why this matters is simple, says Theresa Webb, a researcher with the department of epidemiology and the Southern California Injury Prevention Research Center at UCLA’s School of Public Health: Youth violence is a commonplace occurrence in American society. Homicide is the second leading cause of death among 15- to 24-year-olds. Media depictions of violence help teach such acts to children, leading to three effects — increased aggression, fear for their own safety, and a desensitization to the pain and suffering of others.
In a study published in the June issue of the journal Pediatrics, Webb and her colleagues report that in a sample of 77 PG-13 rated films, they recorded a total of 2,251 violent actions, with almost half resulting in death. Although a small subset of this content contained violence that was associated with negative effects such as pain and suffering, only one film —”Pay It Forward,” in which the young hero is stabbed to death — contained violence that would demonstrate to youthful viewers how horrific violence can be.
“Violence permeated nearly 90 percent of the films in this study,” Webb said. “And while the explanations and causes of youth violence are very complex, the evidence is clear that media depictions of violence contribute to the teaching of violence.
“This is especially true in our society, where the average young person’s engagement with visual media in all its forms can run to as many as eight hours a day.”
The researchers sampled all the PG-13 rated films from among the 100 top-grossing movies of 1999 and 2000, as established by the Hollywood Reporter. To obtain their results, the researchers coded each act of violence and the context in which it was presented based on features known to put violence in a good or bad light. Such features include the motivation for violence, the presence of weapons, the consequences of violence and the degree of realism — cartoonish, fantasy violence is less influential than a hero punching the villain in the face to resolve a problem.
Thus, the violence in “The Mummy,” for example, is less influential than that shown in the James Bond film “The World Is Not Enough.”
The findings follow up on a 2005 study the researchers conducted that looked at movie violence in all ratings categories established by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA). In that study, they found that parents using the ratings system to gauge movie content receive little meaningful guidance related to violent content.
This time around, the researchers selected the PG-13 category because it has become a repository for action films.
“These films,” said Webb, “are often the largest budgeted ones made by the Hollywood film industry and have also been found to be equally, if not more, violent than R-rated films.”
Webb faults Hollywood, which she says disavows any connection to education and insists that its only commitment is to transport and entertain viewers but in no way to edify or transform them.
“That’s a cop-out,” Webb said. “The science is clear that viewers do, in fact, learn from entertainment media. Indeed, popular films can act as powerful teachers engaging children and youths emotionally, even physiologically, in ways that teachers in classrooms could only hope.”
Even worse, Webb noted, the MPAA ratings system, which runs from G for general audiences to NC-17 (under 17 not admitted), has in recent years been subject to “ratings creep.”
“Ten years ago, a film that would have been rated R is now being rated PG-13,” she said.
So what is a parent to do? Webb notes there are Web sites that give more comprehensive reviews of violence (and sex) in the movies than the MPAA ratings. These include PSV Ratings (www.familymediaguide.com/index.html) and KIDS FIRST! (www.kidsfirst.org)
She and her colleagues caution parents against allowing unsupervised viewing of films, call on pediatricians and public health professionals to continue their advocacy role for a more child-friendly media environment, and, most of all, urge the film industry and its rating board to recognize that their medium does indeed have an influence on young viewers. (The MPAA does not define its rating system as scientific or objective but as a collective judgment from a group of parents.)
Funding for the study was provided by a grant from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Other study authors included Lucille Jenkins, Nickolas Browne, Abdelmonem A. Afifi and Jess Kraus, all of UCLA.

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Callilng Student Filmmakers – June 29 Deadline

Wednesday, June 20th, 2007

I just learned from one of our partner organizations, Listen Up! that they and Adobe Youth Voices are sponsoring Beyond Green, an international film project that invites youth filmmakers worldwide, ages 13 to 19 to produce personal stories that answer two important questions: “How do you and people in your community interact with the environment?” and “Is there a better way?” They will help the filmmakers make a great film. In fact, they are prepared to provide selected organizations a $10,000 production award and lots of support. The deadline for applications is June 29 though so you need to jump on it asap. Visit http://listenup.org/beyondgreen for more details.

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Television and DVD Viewing in Children Under Age 2

Friday, June 1st, 2007

Dr. Dimitri Christakis, Frederick Zimmerman and Andrew Meltzoff released the results of their study to determine the screen habits of children younger than age 2. This study was conducted as a telephone survey of 1009 parents of children ages 2 to 24 months. Their conclusion was that parents should be urged to make educated choices about their children’s media exposure. Parental hopes for the educational potential of television can be supported by encouraging those parents who are already allowing screen time to watch with their children. For more information, go to  http://www.maketvwork.com/ or  to The Archives Pedicatrics website.

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Lucas Asks YouTube Founders to Donate to Film Schools

Wednesday, May 30th, 2007

I was glad to see this morning that George Lucas has turned lemons into lemonade. According to an article on Paidcontent.com, after George Lucas chastized YouTube founders Chad and Steve about all the illegal movie content on YouTube, he asked them to donate money to film schools. Lucas donated $175 million to the USC Film School last year and has been active in educational initiatives since the mid-1980s, when he created Lucasfilm Learning and the George Lucas Educational Foundation. Good going, George!

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