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Video Spokespersons – An Interesting Twist

Friday, August 15th, 2008

Video Prospector launches revolutionary new “Try Before You Buy” online tool that allows website designers and owners to place Online Video Actors and Web Video Spokespersons of their choice directly onto their own websites. This unique tool is free to use as often as needed, allowing web designers and website owners to view and assess every Video Actor in the portfolio. tool is as simple as typing in your website name, clicking on the name of the Actor you want to preview, then moving the Actor wherever you want them. .

Media Pros Plus, Inc., an Orlando-based Internet Marketing company selling products and services under the Video Prospector brand name, announced its new “Try Before You Buy” online tool designed to assist potential clients who may be considering placing a Video Web Actor or Video Spokesperson on their own websites. By providing the URL of the client’s website and selecting any of the Actors Video Prospector currently has in its online portfolio, the selected Actor will immediately appear on the client’s website, giving the client a much better idea of how any specific Actor would look as his or her Video Spokesperson. In addition, by doing a “click and drag,” the Actor in the video can be moved anywhere on the client’s website to determine the optimum placement. Access this feature at http://www.videoprospector.com/vp/actors.htm.

Online Video Actors or Web Video Spokespersons, as they are sometimes called, are increasingly being used by all types of businesses worldwide. By providing a “human” element in welcoming visitors to their website, visitors can receive a quick summary of what the website has to offer without making the visitor wade through a lot of text. The Spokesperson can appear on the website in a variety of manners, such as fading in and then fading out, but the most popular method has been to have the Actor walk onto the website from the side of the computer screen when a new visitor arrives. The Actor then presents a 30 to 60 second script (jointly developed by the website owner and Video Prospector’s marketing department) before walking back off the side of the screen. The Actor can play a variety of roles. For instance, the Actor can speak as the website owner (such as acting out the role of a business owner, lawyer, real estate agent, etc.) and summarizing his or her credentials. Another effective strategy has been for the Actor to identify with and build a relationship with the visitor by indicating that they, too, had a need for a specific product or service and that the website they are on solved and met that need.

Video Prospector has a large portfolio of professional Actors, both male and female, whose acting backgrounds allow them to convey the look, emotion, and body language the website owner wants portrayed. The website owner has full control over how the Actor represents his or her company, from the clothes the Actor wears to the tone of the voice. Video Prospector currently has Actors that speak American English, UK English, Russian and several idioms of Spanish. Actors speaking other languages can be contracted upon request. Website owners can utilize Actors on their websites from anywhere in the world as there are no international restrictions and no local hosting requirements.

According to Mr. David Fonseca, president of MPP, “We now have a free tool our prospective clients around the world can use to actually see how an Actor of their choice would look on their own website. Even though all of our existing clients have been thrilled with the response they have received by placing a Video Prospector Spokesperson on their own website, previously they had to wait until we finished shooting and editing their Actor before they could see how they would appear. Well, not anymore. Our exclusive “Try Before You Buy” tool is as simple as typing in your website name, clicking on the name of the Actor you want to preview, then moving the Actor wherever you want them. It’s easy to use, fun, and very powerful.”

Video Prospector has developed a variety of services and products that generate leads; direct new prospects to a client’s website; use professional Actors to educate, entertain, and keep prospects on the website longer; then immediately contacts every prospect that indicates an interest through our unique Instant Contact system that calls prospects while they are still on the website! If the visitor call volume grows to a point that a website owner chooses not to handle the calls themselves, Video Prospector’s 24/7 multi-language call center is staffed with trained agents who can ask “qualifying” questions for the owner. The owner instantly receives a recording by email as soon as the call ends, allowing the owner to listen and determine which visitors are “hot” prospects requiring a speedy follow up.

By using Video Prospector products and services, our client’s website visitors receive immediate attention and live assistance exactly when they are thinking about buying, while website owners get to pick out the real buyers to contact immediately, without the need to call every person who requests information. An outline of which Video Prospector products are best for certain types of businesses can be found at http://www.videoprospector.com/cgi/d.cgi/vp/forum.htm.

For more information, go to http://www.videoprospector.com/

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Fly Me To the Moon – Great Family Film – Watch for It!.

Tuesday, August 12th, 2008

Fly Me To the Moon, from Summit Entertainment is the first 3D animated feature film. One wonders what took so long; it is such a natural for a kids’ movie, which is exactly what this is. And, I have to say – it’s fabulous. I enjoyed watching this film this weekend with a five and an eight-year-old boy. After the film, we talked a lot about the space program and President John Kennedy. The storyline is based loosely on the Apollo 11 space mission in 1969 which landed a man on the moon. In this story, three teen-age flies (Trevor Gagnon, Philo Daniel Bolden and David Gore) stow away on the spacecraft and we experience the adventure from a fly’s point-of-view. The teens think they’re off on a flight that will end in a few minutes and are surprised to find out they will be in space for a week – a bit long for kids who have never spent a night away from home. Once onboard, they have an awesome time experiencing weightlessness, finding droplets of Tang to gobble up, and even rescue the mission from a possible electrical failure. At one point, mission control discovers the flies in the video feed and insists the astronauts capture them. Once captured, they are placed in a test tube and we see their world from inside the test tube. Thanks to a shaky moon landing, the test tube falls and breaks and they escape just in time for the big event – the moon landing – and Nat is chosen as the one fly to accompany the astronauts’ walk on the moon. As they venture out onto the surface of the moon, we hear those famous words of Neil Armstrong’s, “That’s one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind.” After the movie, I had to tell my young friends what those words meant to the world in 1969.

The flies have a near narrow escape returning to the main space craft and the next thing we know, Grandpa and his former Soviet flame, Nadia are righting off stereotyped Russian spy flies from jeopardizing the mission. A quick-thinking group of flies aid Grandpa in defending the U.S.’s mission and everyone lands safely. My kid viewers particularly enjoyed the larvae getting involved in the fight scene. The next thing we know they are being celebrated by a ticker tape parade in “Flyville.”

Based on actual transcripts and blueprints from NASA, the historical content alone is reason to take your kids or grandkids to this. The visuals are stunning, from the space craft to the minute detail on the flies’ space suits. Even the choice of music during the flight is reminiscent of the era – Richard Strauss’s Also sprach Zarathustra, the theme song from the film 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968). Some of the visuals are just precious such as when the flies get accidentally trapped in the astronaut’s lunchbox and we see the world from the point-of-view of a fly inside a lunchbox. Later, once in space, the flies get captured and are placed in a test tube and again, we see their world from inside the test tube.

The film’s theme song is Frank Sinatra’s “Fly Me to The Moon,” which is so appropriate both to the time frame of the film and the subject. The animated fly extended family is simply adorable and who would have thought you’d find a fly cute. From the three teen explores, to the parents, to Grandpa (Christopher Lloyd), and of course, the larvae – the facial expressions are outstanding. Each character is unique in both look and dialogue. History is interwoven throughout, not just the NASA scenes but also as Grandpa’s retells his tale about flying with Amelia Earhart. There are definitely some gross scenes such as Grandpa flying up Emilia’s nose only to be sneezed out along with a large bugger. Yuck. Nadia is drawn in a rather suggestive manner, emphasizing her large bosom and waspish waist. There are some word choices that some won’t appreciate when the Mom says “Lord of the Flies” more than once and there are the fight scenes with the spy flies at the end, but overall – this is a great to film for families. I highly recommend it for ages 5 – 12 as well as baby-boomers.

Interview with film director, Ben Stassen
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Strawberry Shortcake: Rockaberry Roll Releases August 12

Monday, August 11th, 2008

Sweet and spunky Strawberry Shortcake will be rockin’ into American households just in time for back-to-school when Strawberry Shortcake: Rockaberry Roll jams to DVD August 12th . Joined by two of her “berry” best friends Angel Cake and Ginger Snap, the trio bands together to sing up-lifting, catchy tunes the whole family can sing and dance along to. Strawberry and friends continue to rock-out in an encore “Strawberry Jam,” a music video featured on the bonus materials. Additional bonus materials include a character gallery memory book and printable coloring pages.

Synopsis – There’s music in the air – and lots of fun, too – for Strawberry Shortcake and all her friends! Strawberry and her pals form their own band, Strawberry Jam, and enter the Strawberryland Talent Show. But when they start playing, no one listens to each other, and they don’t make the cut. When the band gets a second chance to audition, the girls discover that, with a little teamwork, they can make beautiful music together. Later, Peppermint Fizz wants to join the group, but her trumpet only hits sour notes. Strawberry shows Peppermint that if you keep on practicing, those sour notes can turn berry sweet!

DVD Features: Sountrack is in English and Spanish Stereo and presented in full screen 1.33:1 aspect ratio with English and Spanish subtitles. The DVD also includes a music video special feature, a character gallery memory book and printable coloring pages.

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Legendary Jane Goodall’s When Animals Talk DVD Releases August 12

Saturday, August 9th, 2008
Jane Goodall educates viewers about the unique bond between people and their pets and the special language developed by picking up on cues instead of spoken words. Featuring interviews and amazing stories of animals that have changed lives, including the secrets of elephant whisperers, rats in Mozambique trained to sniff out land mines, animals that can predict natural disasters, and more, one can begin to see the advantages to open the lines of communication between humans and animals. Goodall educates viewers about the “conversations” that can take place between humans and animals, and the amazing results that these mutual comprehensions can yield.
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Nim’s Island Released to DVD August 5 – KF Recommended

Monday, August 4th, 2008

Abigail Breslin (Little Miss Sunshine)and her adventures in the tropics as a precocious yet self-sufficient 11-year-old, will have every kid wanting a zip line installed in the backyard. Nim and her Dad (Gerard Butler), a famous scientist live an idyllic life on a secluded island somewhere in the South Pacific that they refer to as “our own perfect secret world.” Clearly, that’s the way they want to keep it. Nim’s best friends are a lizard and a sea lion named Selkie. She pours over books about her favorite literary hero/adventurer – Alex Rover.

The scene shifts when Nim utters the words, “when my Dad gets back” as he takes off for a four day trip on his sailboat in search of protozoan. A terrific storm blows in unexpectedly and when her father doesn’t return, Nim’s life goes topsy turvy as she ponders her fate and that of her missing Dad. She reaches out to her hero for help, unaware that the author of her favorite adventures books is Alexandra Rover (Jodi Foster). While her fans think she’s the swashbuckling hero of her adventure novels, the truth is Alexandra is a wuss with a crippling fear of leaving her own house – if even to go to the mailbox. All that changes with an email exchange with Nim and her fictional character, Alex Rover eggs her on and go to Nim’s rescue. She somehow rises to the challenge but not easily.

What I enjoyed about this film is how the action/adventure/fantasy/Indiana Jones theme has a girl hero. One of the current favorite TV shows for our KIDS FIRST! jurors is Flight 29 Down. I believe the same audience will love this.

Directed by Mark Levin and Jennifer Flackett who also brought us “Little Manhattan,” it brings out the best of young actress, Abigail Breslin. Miss Breslin’s portrayal of Nim is charming, captivating and fun. Jodi Foster’s performance captures her comedic qualities but doesn’t have the same stickiness as her co-star. Gerard Butler’s (P.S. I Love You) performance as both Dad and Alex Rover demands little of the actor beyond his eminent good looks.

This is a great film for tweens who will resonate with an adventure of their peers. There are two issues that make me not give this the highest scores for KIDS FIRST! First, are the scenes of Dad and Alexandria in the ocean without life vests. In real life, neither of these characters would have survived their ordeals in the turbulent seas without life vests and it’s inappropriate to even suggest that they would not be wearing them at the first hint of bad weather. The other objection is inappropriate treatment of animals. When Nim is protecting her island from an onslaught of dim-witted tourists, she catapults reptiles onto the beach. Ug. I can hear the animal activist scream in the back of my head. It’s not a big enough deal to diss the movie but enough to mention.

My summary: A perfect action fantasy for tweens, where young Abigail Breslin captures your heart along with your imagination.

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Garfield’s Fun Fest Releases Aug. 5th

Saturday, August 2nd, 2008

Hold onto your lasagna! Everyone’s favorite morning-loathing, Odie-taunting, tart-tongued tabby is back for a slew of hilarious new antics in Garfield’s Fun Fest, his newest full-length computer animated feature film. Written by creator Jim Davis — Garfield, Odie, Jon, Arlene and the rest of the gang – yes, Nermal, too – are gearing up for the town’s annual talent show, Fun Fest. Having won every year, Garfield is convinced he can’t loose, especially with his long-time sidekick Arlene in tow. But when Arlene steps out with another partner, Garfield – not one for solo performances – sets out with Odie on a quest to regain his lost humor mojo and get the funny back before show time.

Now celebrating his 30th Anniversary, Garfield is one of the most beloved and enduring icons with the most widely syndicated comic strips in the world – 263 million readers and counting.

Synopsis: Garfield, long-running champion of the Fun Fest talent show, believes he can’t lose. Problem is, his sidekick (and girlfriend) Arlene wants to change the act. When Garfield refuses, Arlene hooks up with a suave, narcissistic newcomer, Ramon, for a show-stopping Tango. Not one for solo performances, Garfield loses his humor mojo! With hours ticking away till showtime, Garfield, with pal Odie in tow, sets out to find the Holy Grail of Guffaws — the magic pond of funny water within the Mystical Forest he read about in a fairy tale storybook. On a journey filled with riddles, jokes, quirky characters and a comedy guru (Freddy the Frog, the very first funny…anything!), can Garfield learn the lessons of true comedy and make it back in time to capture first prize and win Arlene back?

DVD Includes: Exclusive Comic Booklet By Jim Davis; DVD-Rom games “Destination Fun Fest” and “Tango Toss.”

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