Peter Greenwood (voice of Gumby), Carnaval: Spanish Learning Songs, Uranus Whispers, Improv at Daybreak, Stewy Baby: A Dogumentary
Sunday, September 8th, 2019
Listen in as we interview voice actor Peter Greenwood, about Adventures of Gumby: The 1980s Series, Volume 2 and review the CD Carnaval: Spanish Learning Songs and new KIDS FIRST! Film Festival titles Uranus Whispers, Improv at Daybreak and Stewy Baby: A Dogumentary. Hosts Gerry O. and Alejandra G. are joined by KIDS FIRST! Critics Ethan, Navah, Jada, Kayenta and Beatrice. Before you spend your hard earned dollars at the movies, be sure to listen to what our youth reporters have to say.