Archive for the 'In the News' Category

DVDs Every Month! Register Monthly to Win

Friday, November 6th, 2009

curious-george.jpgCongratulations to our winners of the KIDS FIRST! October sweepstakes.

A Very Brave Witch…And More Great Halloween Stories For Kids or Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! Wubbzy Goes Boo!

Sharon from MO, Gracie from TX, Jessica from ID Lisa from AZ, Linda from VA, Lourdes from CA, Sandra from WI, Vicki from CA, Jodi from IA and Linda from FL.

Enter our sweepstakes for a chance to win a free copy of one of the following fantastic KIDS FIRST! titles: Mr. Tickle Presents: Tickle Time Around Town, Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!: Wubbzy’s Christmas Adventure, or Curious George: A Very Monkey Christmas. 



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Making Puppets in your classroom and “What’s not to like about a cute Louisiana marsh creature named Labou?”

Thursday, October 22nd, 2009

LabouA couple of years ago, KIDS FIRST! received an incredible movie called “Labou.” What’s not to like about pirate treasure, ghosts and a cute Louisiana marsh creature named Labou and that is what our audience thought. 


Our good friends from “Labou” have created a Workshop entitled “Hollywood and the Art of Puppetry”.  While not all of us can have Greg and Sheri come to our schools, the complete puppet making video and puppet making kit are available FREE at 



The workshop is now downloadable for free from under “Free Stuff”.  It has a video that teaches kids about the history of puppets in Hollywood, and the accompanying puppet cut-out sheets.  The kids love it!

We have completed over 50 of these workshops to much critical success with several non-profit organizations including Easter Seals as well as local schools, museums and libraries across the nation. 

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Filmmakers – Ready to win a trip to Orlando for you and your family?

Monday, October 5th, 2009

omms_2l_visitorl.jpgYou’ve heard of it. You watch it on YouTube, but the ad industry has pooh poohed this advertising medium for a long time. “For most of its brief history, CGA has consisted of shabbily produced, usually pointless and typically self-referential imitations of the very professional advertising it seeks to replace.” This quote is from Bob Garfield’s latest column in Advertising Age. He does go on to admit, “But suddenly we are obliged to re-evaluate, thanks to” 


Granted, the incredible site for handmade goods, has really cute 30 second ads made by “amateurs,” but what about Doritos and their Crash the Super Bowl Contest? Doritos once again have launched the Crash the Super Bowl Contest with prizes ranging from $25,000 to $1,000,000. 


Now KIDS FIRST! introduces their own CGA contest in partnership with the Orlando/Orange County Convention and Visitors Bureau. Filmmakers are invited to submit their three minute short with the theme “Orlando Makes Me Smile.” There will be two winners in two categories, with both receiving trips to Orlando for 4 people, including airfare, lodging, rental car and theme park tickets. The two categories are Short Indie Film and Short Student Film. Student filmmakers must be between the ages of 13-18. 


Winning film will be premiered at the Florida Film Festival in April and filmmakers receive 4 filmmaker passes to this great festival. The Winners will also be screened in the KIDS FIRST! Film Festival. 


The film festival submission process launches Oct. 15th and information will be available then at



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KIDS FIRST! and Final IronKids Programs this Fall!

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2009

dragonhunters.jpgThis coming weekend in Avon, Colorado, IronKids will hold its next event of the season, drawing youth ranging from 6 to 15 years of age for a full weekend of triathlon and a sports expo.
Athlete on-site registration and packet pick-up, expo, race start, transition and finish will all take place at Harry A. Nottingham Park in the heart of Avon, 1 Lake Street, next to the Avon Recreation Center. 
Friday night at 8:00 pm, enjoy the free outdoor family film, Dragon Hunters. The IronFlix series presented by KIDS FIRST! continues on Saturday with
Adventure Patrol: Snow Daze
Flying Chick
Kids Guides: Certified Sea Kids Camp Curacao
Michael, Michael Motorcycle
The triathlon, supported by local partners including the City of Avon begins at Sunday.  Families will also be encouraged to take part in the interactive elements of event weekend, such as the Expo and IronFlix, both of which are free to the public.
Distances for the IronKids Race will vary, depending on the age of participants:
–           Junior (ages 6 to 8): 50-yard swim, 2-mile bike and 500-yard run
–           Intermediate (ages 9 to 11): 150-yard swim, 4-mile bike and 1-mile run
–           Senior (ages 12 to 15): 300-yard swim, 8-mile bike and 2-mile run
The next IronKids event is September 13 at Alpharetta, GA and the finals are October 3-4 in Tucson.
To register

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KIDS FIRST! Titles Take Awards at the Oxford International Film Festival

Wednesday, August 5th, 2009

happyduckling_blog.jpgThe 3rd Annual Oxford International Film Festival was held July 24-30th in West Chester, Ohio and three KIDS FIRST! titles came home with awards! Etienne!, directed by Jeff Mizushima won Best Narrative Feature. The Happy Duckling, directed by Gili Dolev won Best Animated Film and La Lune, directed by Kelly Kyung-Hee Shon was runner up for the Audience Award, Best Animated Short. Congratulations to the filmmakers and to Oxford for another great festival.



Starting this week the Lone Star Film Society begins a three week kids film series at The Modern Museum of Art in Ft. Worth. The highlight of the series is a special advance screening of “Shorts,” on Saturday, August 15th, the new Robert Rodriquez/Warner Bros. feature that opens in theater August 21st. 

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KIDS FIRST! “The Drama Kids” takes home Best Student Film

Friday, July 24th, 2009

dramakids209061-1.jpgKIDS FIRST! is proud to announce “The Drama Kids” took home the Best Student Film Award at the Long Island International Film Expo.  Over 170 films screened from all over the world, including Germany, France, Spain, and Dubai.  Congrats to all who were involved in the making of this film. 

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KIDS FIRST! Festival Title Bracelet of Bordeaux Launched by monterey media!

Thursday, July 2nd, 2009

braceletbordeaux-web-dvd_flat.jpgOne of the hits of the KIDS FIRST! Film Festival a year ago was The Bracelet of Bordeaux. Someone is dog-napping the canine citizens of Chem City, TX.  Two pre-teen girls overcome danger and conspiracies as they set out to solve the crime and administer justice, with the help of a magical bracelet. Available on order from or register to win a copy in the July KIDS FIRST! Sweepstakes.

Check out the trailer at  Congrats to Frank Eakin and everyone on the film from KIDS FIRST! 

Don’t forget the IronKids Triathlon and IronFlix, presented by KIDS FIRST! July 19th in Carmel, IN. The daily events are free. Go to to register for the triathlon. Races, flicks, fun, give aways.

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Tuesday, June 30th, 2009

bedtelmo.gifEnter to win award winning DVDs from KIDS FIRST! Select your favorite from the list for a chance to win. Sesame Street: Bedtime With Elmo, Chicka Chicka 123… And More Counting Fun, Coraline, The Bracelet of Bordeaux, Dragon Hunters (Chasseurs de Dragons), Jon & Kate Plus Ei8ht Season 4 Vol. 2: The Big Move, or The Lucy Show: The First Season.
< Click here to enter

 Contest ends July 31, 2009




KIDS FIRST! partners with IronKids to produce IronFlix!

Monday, June 1st, 2009

unstablefablestortoise_small.jpgThis coming weekend at The Pier in St. Petersburg, IronKids will hold its second event of the season, drawing youth ranging from 6 to 15 years of age. Friday night at 7:30 pm at Straub Park, enjoy the free family film from The Henson Company, Tortoise vs. Hare. The IronFlix series, presented by KIDS FIRST! continues on Saturday, 10 am at The Pier.

The IronFlix lineup
Friday, June 5, 7:30pm, Straub Park, St. Petersburg
Firefly and the Stars (short film)
From The Jim Henson Company,  Unstable Fables: Tortoise vs. Hare
Saturday, June 6, starts at 10am
The Pier Community Room
10am: Stuart Little: Going for the Gold
12 Noon: Adventure Patrol: Totally Rocks
12:30pm: Kid Guides: Certified Kids Camp Curacao
12:55pm: Michael, Michael Motorcycle
3:30pm: Emmanuel’s Gift

The triathlon, supported by local partners including the City of St. Petersburg and Visit St. Petersburg/Clearwater, is Sunday and begins at 8:00 am at Spa Beach located alongside The Pier.  Families will also be encouraged to take part in the interactive elements of event weekend, such as the Expo and IronFlix, both of which are free to the public.

“St. Petersburg is thrilled to host the IronKids Triathlon this summer,” said Mayor Rick Baker.  “I applaud the IronKids mission and am thankful that they have chosen St. Petersburg for their Florida event.  It will give kids throughout the region an opportunity to not only compete, but to learn about fitness and have fun while they’re doing it.”

Distances for the IronKids Race will vary, depending on the age of participants:
–           Junior (ages 6 to 8): 50-yard swim, 2-mile bike and 500-yard run
–           Intermediate (ages 9 to 11): 150-yard swim, 4-mile bike and 1-mile run
–           Senior (ages 12 to 15): 300-yard swim, 8-mile bike and 2-mile run

To register
Download the film flyer here

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Two KIDS FIRST! Titles Rolling out in May

Monday, May 4th, 2009

trainmaster-mti-sm.jpgThe Train Master releases to DVD May 12th, immediately following National Train Day May 9th . Moving Pictures Film & Television LLC acquired The Train Master in late 2008 and the film is also available on Starz Pay for View.
Monterey Media, a long time sponsor of KIDS FIRST!, acquired Bracelet of Bordeaux this year and plans the theatrical for May 18th. The DVD releases July 14th  Check out more information
Another KIDS FIRST! title, The Controller was featured on Starz Family and Friends in April.
Train Master
62 year old Jeremiah Wilson is truly the Train Master of Willamette Western Railroad. He lives, breaths, and eats railroad. When Brett Banner, 32 year old heir to New York Eastern talks his dad into purchasing Willamette Western, there is immediately a clash between himself and Jeremiah. Jeremiah is fired by Brett two years from retirement and turns into a angry, depressed grandfather. When Brett’s nine year old son Justin realizes Jeremiah’s grandson Thomas can drive a locomotive, he kidnaps and holds Thomas’ favorite dinosaur ransom. Justin, Thomas and 3 other children board an old engine in for repairs and accidentally turns it into runaway engine causing a chain reaction of events. Available on
Bracelet of Bordeaux
Written by: Frank Eakin
Directed by: Casey Kelly
Starring: Ally Claire Carson, Kelsey Edwards, Shane Kelly, Shane Savage
Someone is dognapping the canine citizens of Chem City, Texas! Two pre-teen girls overcome danger and conspiracies as they set out to solve the crime and administer justice with the help of a magical bracelet. As the girls battle the Mob, a punk gang and a crooked cop, they learn something about friendship, courage and the importance of hanging with the right crowd.

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