Tre Peart (War with Grandpa), Jordan Geary (Helpsters), Luke Matheny, Hannah Levinson, Justin Sanchez (Ghostwriter), Valerie Walsh-Valdes, Leslie Valdes (Santiago of the Seas)

Listen in as we interview Tre Peart (Producer, War with Grandpa), Jordan Geary (Director of Photography, Helpsters) and Stephanie D’Abruzzo (who plays “Cody” on Helpsters), Luke Matheny (Director, Ghostwriter), Hannah Levinson, Justin Sanchez (Actors, Ghostwriter) and Valerie Walsh-Valdes and Leslie Valdes (Santiago of the Seas) . Host Ruby A. is joined by KF! Critics Katherine, Sara, Eshaan and Zoe. Before you spend your hard earned dollars at the movies, be sure to listen to what our youth reporters have to say.