Lirit Rosenzweig Topaz (Neko Productions), Ja’ness Tate & Gabriella Pastore (Hidden Orchard Mysteries), Yo-Kai Watch: The Movie, Octonauts, Scoob!, Llama Llama’s Best Summer Ever

Listen in as we interview Lirit Rosenzweig Topaz (CEO, Neko Productions), Ja’ness Tate and Gabriella Pastore (Actors, Hidden Orchard Mysteries) and review the films Yo-Kai Watch, Octonauts: Ocean Adventure, Scoob! and Llama Llama’s Best Summer Ever . Host Tiana S. is joined by joined by KF! Critics Calista, Ethan and Cadence. Before you spend your hard earned dollars at the movies, be sure to listen to what our youth reporters have to say.