Ready to become the next KIDS FIRST! Film Critic? If so, here are some video tips.
You have to enter a 3 minute film review in order to be eligible to win the KIDS FIRST! Film Critics’ Search, but what if you are new to production and video? Well, these 2 sites have some great tips for production, so check out both and The Flip site gives you great examples of how to use the new Flip camera for video clips, including how to make mini movies and what software (that’s even free) you can get for better editing. The Blip.Tv site is really in depth, so be prepared to spend time, but they are the upcoming internet TV site, having just raised another $10.1 million from Canaan and Bain.
Also, follow the discussion guides for the search films and use your vocabulary! Just click on individual films and download the guides. and
You can upload your video clip at and upload early. The finalists are chosen by popular vote so give your friends and family time to make you a winner.