KIDS FIRST! titles selected for film festival screenings
Congratulations to the following filmmakers. Their films were selected to screen at the Beloit International Film Festival in January. Dates are January 16-20th. Ranny and I will be at the festival and we hope to see you there!
Frank Eakin, Bracelet from Bordeaux
Frank and Jeff Kerr, The Child King
Janine Deboisblanc, Her Best Move
Sheri Bryant, Labou
Her Best Move has also been selected to screen at the Tiburon Film Festival, March 13-21 in Tiburon, CA.
The USA Film Festival and their children’s festival KidFilm will host Barney’s anniversary party January 19-20th in Dallas, Texas and OUR favorite celebrity, Mallory Lewis will be there as well!
For a complete list of film festival screenings, go to