Quality Children's Entertainment Family Movie Reviews

Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters * An Emotional Depiction Of The Ups And Downs Of A Father/Daughter Relationship

July 25th, 2022

When a wealthy businessman learns of his daughter’s sudden engagement to a missionary, he embarks on a quest to keep her closer to home, but when his efforts go awry he must reconsider what it means to be a strong father.

KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Eshaan M. comments, “Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters is all about trust and respect in relationships. It encourages parents to let go of their children when they wish to fly away, and it promotes altruism, both professionally and in personal relationships.” Samantha P. adds, “Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters teaches important lessons about family values. This family-friendly movie doesn’t only benefit children; it also teaches fathers about letting go of their daughters, and to know when to step in to ensure a positive future.” Kyla C. wraps it up with, “Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters is a fantastic mix of romance, comedy and family life. The film is simply a must-see. Strong acting supports a well-developed plot. The message of Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters is that you have to let people make their own choices, whether you agree with their decisions or not.” See their full reviews below.

Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters
By Eshaan M., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 16

Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters is an emotional depiction of the ups and downs of the relationship between a father and a daughter. It’s a superb summer watch.

Wealthy businessman, Steve Parston (Bart Johnson) just locked in a huge new deal based on his daughter Abby’s (Carrie Wampler) pitch deck. Soon after celebrating this achievement, he learns of Abby’s sudden engagement to Oz (Brandon Prado), a selfless missionary based in Mexico. Steve embarks on a quest to keep Abby closer to home and make her a partner in his new venture. However, when his efforts go awry, he must consider what it means to be a strong, supportive father.

Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters director David de Vos guides this film quite well, especially with the actors’ performances and the cinematography, by Rick Pendleton. Each actor seems comfortable in their role, especially Robyn Lively as Steve Parston’s wife, Connie. The Mexican angle seems a bit underdeveloped; it is rather inconsequential that we learn that Oz and his family are Mexican and run an orphanage in Mexico until the final scenes of the film. I’m not sure that this addition is meaningful and if so, why it doesn’t it come up earlier. The writing is a bit stilted at times, but the emotion with which Bart Johnson, in particular, plays his role helps lift the film back up.

Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters is all about trust and respect in relationships. It encourages parents to let go of their children when they wish to fly away, and it promotes altruism, both professionally and in personal relationships. Note that Christian missionary work is referred to, and we see children acting out in the film at times.

I give Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters 4.5 stars out of 5 and recommend it for ages 12 to 18, plus adults. Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters releases August 1, 2022 in theaters.

Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters
By Samantha P., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 12

Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters teaches important lessons about family values. This family-friendly movie doesn’t only benefit children; it also teaches fathers about letting go of their daughters, and to know when to step in to ensure a positive future. Based on the bestselling book Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters by author Dr. Meg Meeker, the movie shares heartwarming values that make the whole family comfortable watching it together.

Actors Robyn Lively and Bart Johnson play Connie and Steve, the parents to Zoey, Abby, and Bridget in the movie. The movie starts with Abby, the oldest daughter, coming home from a business trip and surprising the family with the fact that she’s engaged. Not only is she giving up her career path at her dad’s office, but she is also running away to Africa with her future husband to care for the poor as missionaries with the church. Steve struggles with finding a way to let Abby accomplish her own dreams and start a new path, instead of continuing the dream they have always had together, even the dreams of what her future wedding would look like.

Robyn and Bart who play the believable role of husband and wife, are married outside of the movie, it turns out! I can imagine how this would add more depth to their roles. Abby and her fiance Oz are played by Carrie Wampler and Brandon Prado. While these are the main characters, other actors that are important to the movie include Kayla DiVenere (as Zoey), Arden Myrin (as Crystal), David Barrera (as Carlos), and Maria Canals-Barrera (as Bella.)

This movie is funny to watch, and the set design is exciting and colorful. Learning about the Mexican culture through the bright colors and fun decorations was also very interesting. The writing seemed predictable, though, without too many major twists. Not to give any spoilers, but I could imagine how it would end from the beginning.

The message of this movie is that families can persevere to solve different problems and to build strong futures together. Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters has alcohol consumption and breaking the rules with social media. In one scene, a daughter sneaks out to a party with boys against parent permission.

I give Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 12 to 18, plus adults. You can watch it on Pure Flix starting on August 1, 2022.

Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters
By Kyla C, KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 13

Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters is a fantastic mix of romance, comedy and family life. The film is simply a must-see. Strong acting supports a well-developed plot.

The storyline of Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters follows Steve Parston (Bart Johnson), the father of three kids and husband of Connie Parston (Robyn Lively). The couple’s eldest child, Abby Parston (Carrie Wampler) returns to the family home in California after living in Mexico for months. Having had big plans to be business partners with Abby for years, Steve is shocked and unsupportive when she announces other plans. Will Steve learn to live without his daughter at home, or will he ruin everything with her in his refusal to move on?

The story of this film is very impressive, with each character having their own engaging subplot. Rather than awkwardly pausing the primary storyline to build on each of these subplots, the smaller stories develop in the midst of the main story, without viewers realizing it. As a result, there are characters that are cared for, many loose ends to be wrapped up and countless extra comedic and romantic bits in between.

One of the best characters, Crystal (Arden Myrin), the wedding planner, is a perfect addition to the film. She is extremely enthusiastic about her job and very excited to be getting business; she brings lots of light to some of the bleaker, sadder scenes. These sequences provide the right balance of negative and positive energy. Another important aspect of Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters is the relatable family. This film truly demonstrates how, although family members disagree and argue, each person is seriously trying to help one another and do the best they can. Each of the three daughters goes through one or more realistic conflicts that they solve with guidance from their inner selves as well as from those around them. With a variety of difficult situations shown throughout the film, every viewer will have at least one struggle that is similar to something they, or someone they know, has dealt with. So many different connections allow Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters to reach many diverse audiences. The actors use these connections to make their character even easier to identify with. In particular, Kayla DiVenere gives an amazing performance as Zoey, the middle child in the family.

The message of Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters is that you have to let people make their own choices, whether you agree with their decisions or not. Steve tries to prevent Abby from making her own decisions, and ends up realizing that it is not his choice to make. There is some minor language to be aware of.

I give Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 5 to 18, plus adults. You can watch Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters exclusively on PureFlix beginning August 1, 2022.

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Gabby Giffords Won’t Back Down * Beautiful Portrait Of Resilience And Optimism; Speaks To A Timely Political Issue

July 21st, 2022

Gabby Giffords Won’t Back Down tells the extraordinary story of former Arizona Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, her relentless fight to recover following an assassination attempt in 2011, and her new life as one of the most effective activists in the battle for gun violence prevention and in promoting understanding of the language condition aphasia. Featuring extensive verité filming of Gabby and her husband, astronaut-turned-Senator Mark Kelly; interviews with President Barack Obama and other friends and colleagues; and exclusive access to stunning videos taken in the weeks following her near-death experience, this film is the story of a rising star transformed by an act of violence, and a close-up portrait of the marriage that sustains her.

KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Eshaan M. comments, “A beautiful portrait of resilience and optimism, Gabby Giffords Won’t Back Down is an uplifting film about Congresswoman Gabby Giffords and speaks to a timely political issue for audiences of all political affiliations.” See his full review below.

Gabby Giffords Won’t Back Down
By Eshaan M., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 16

A beautiful portrait of resilience and optimism, Gabby Giffords Won’t Back Down is an uplifting film about Congresswoman Gabby Giffords and speaks to a timely political issue for audiences of all political affiliations. Giffords’ passion and perseverance are not only inspiring, but also enrich the film through her interviews; archival footage and sound bites from her husband and mother are also well-placed and add greatly to the film.

Gabby Giffords is shot through the head at point-blank range at a Tucson, Arizona, Safeway in 2011 while hosting a meeting called, “Congress on Your Corner.” That moment, that one bullet, would change her life entirely, as she went from a powerhouse to a nearly vegetative patient. The film shows some admittedly difficult-to-watch clips of Giffords’ recovery in the hospital. She suffered from aphasia, which took away her language ability, and her doctors weren’t sure if she would ever speak again. Gabby Giffords Won’t Back Down follows her journey of recovery and also shows glimpses of her career and the path she took post-recovery. We see a strong, intelligent, inspiring, and spirited woman who has achieved, and is continuing to achieve, a great deal.

The film is edited masterfully and tells a rousing and moving story that enraptures viewers from the first frame. One of the most unique parts of Gabby Giffords Won’t Back Down is that we see Gabby speaking in all stages of her journey — hearing Giffords’ voice is one of the most compelling aspects of the film, and it adds many endearing, bittersweet, and motivating moments. And what a journey: She gave up her big job to come home and run the family business, then transitioned to a TV commercial star, then to an Arizona Democrat—while staying an enthusiastic and charming cheerleader throughout. I especially love the scenes where Giffords is singing with her mother; not only does it show the strength of their bond, but Giffords is more at ease because, as with many who have aphasia or other brain-related injuries, her speech is most fluid when singing.

Former U.S. Rep. Gabby Giffords (D-Ariz.), at a fundraiser for U.S. Senate candidate Bruce Braley at the Iowa State Fairgrounds in Des Moines, Iowa.

Gabby Giffords Won’t Back Down is a film about perseverance. Even though watching Gabby go through the relearning process is difficult for viewers, it is also empowering — it shows us that the human spirit, when set on achieving something, will achieve it… and how! Today, she is giving speeches, lobbying for change, and at the forefront of one of America’s hottest discussions: the gun debate.

Though there are mentions of the NRA and a decent amount of focus is placed on Giffords—Gabby’s organization against gun violence—this film, much like Giffords herself, is not particularly bent toward one political ideology or party. There are mentions of politics, violence, and a good bit of gory imagery.

I give Gabby Giffords Won’t Back Down 5 stars out of 5 and recommend it for ages 12 to 18, plus adults. Gabby Giffords Won’t Back Down is available now in theaters.

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KIDS FIRST! Joins Kenn Viselman & MeteoHeroes To Create The Most Comprehensive Climate Education Initiative Ever In America

July 20th, 2022

Children’s and Family Entertainment mega-hit maker and producer Kenn Viselman, known for some of the most ground-breaking and successful children’s TV series of all time (Thomas the Tank Engine, Teletubbies & more), is mad as hell and can’t take it anymore. Now he needs YOUR help, through a new GoFundME campaign, to establish The Most Comprehensive Climate Education Initiative EVER in the US, with plans to extend around the world.

Whether or not you personally believe in Climate Change, our children are gravely concerned about it. According to a recent study by Bath University, 84% of kids worldwide are “worried” to “extremely worried” about climate change and fear that the world will not be here when they grow up.

Viselman is executive producing the incredibly timely and imperative new children’s series, MeteoHeroes, the definitive series about Climate Education, already airing in 145 countries. 

The MeteoHeroes are a group of pint-sized superheroes, each of whom represents the seven continents and different natural elements. Working in tandem to fight climate change disasters, our fearless heroes go to battle using their unique superhuman abilities to save our planet. With humor and respect for its audience, the MeteoHeroes make the viewer part of the solution to the devastation they are seeing around them.

Even with the award-winning MeteoHeroes’ Special airing on PBS stations and record-breaking ratings around the globe Viselman has been unable to get anyone in government to act on the issue of climate education, no matter how loudly he yelled from the rooftops… “Our kids are freaking out… Our kids are freaking out!FED UP WITH GOVERNMENT INACTION THEY LAUNCH A GOFUNDME CAMPAIGN


This Climate Education Initiative helps children feel hopeful and realize that they have the power to change the world… with a global message to kids – “you don’t need to wear a cape to be a superhero.”  Because EVERY child in America and around the world is entitled to climate education.

Knowing that Governor Newsom was a huge supporter of climate education for America’s youth, Viselman’s team arranged with officials in San Bernardino for funding to be included in the most recent California fiscal budget and was devastated to learn that the line item had been secretly and anonymously eliminated by someone who he believes is in Newsom’s administration and was either to undermine the governor or because they were clandestinely a climate denier.

Knowing the urgency of the situation as children are continuing to suffer and that it could take as much as another year to get the line item reinstated, Viselman felt he had no choice but to act now.


This initiative, the largest of its kind, will include in-school, age graded educational materials for children 4 to10 years old, onscreen education with online educational materials for children and their families, plus broad community outreach and more.


Frustrated as “heck,” Viselman had enough and recruited Coalition for Quality Children’s Media / KIDS FIRST! to be the fiduciary of the GoFundMe campaign. Along with KIDS FIRST! The following companies have already committed to bringing this climate education initiative to all corners of the earth.

The itsy bitsy Entertainment Company’s producing partner, Mondo TV Studios S.A., one of the largest producers of animation in Europe, and Luigi Latini’s Meteo Experts, a global team of renowned meteorologists who have been studying the climate since 1995, together with Adventure 2 Learning, the educational platform created and curated to support active learning in pre-K through 8th grade, will put this climate education initiative into 30,000 schools across the country with an age-graded curriculum for kids ages 4 to 10. This alone will impact 15,000,000+ US students and millions more in at least the twenty other countries A2L services across the globe.  

KVIE PBS will be the “presenting station” and is working with many PBS stations across the country for them to broadcast and/or stream MeteoHeroes in conjunction with an original companion series, Real Superheroes Don’t Wear Capes, to be produced in cooperation with KIDS FIRST! The initiative will implement both on-screen and online educational materials, and create opportunities for PBS stations to be active partners in their communities.

Wherever MeteoHeroes is watched, Viselman and Mondo TV Studios S.A. will offer elements of this education initiative. The age-graded curriculum will be available to any media partner of the series, to be shared with their audiences, both broadcast and on-line.


The team behind this initiative are committed to starting work on the various elements as soon as funding becomes available. The campaign will start immediately and initial funds will be used for the development of age-graded curriculum materials and other production costs. The plan is for Adventure 2 Learning to have access to distribute MeteoHeroes in the 2022-23 school years.


The campaign goal is to raise 10 million dollars. All donations, whether $10 or $10,000 go to KIDS FIRST!, are tax deductible and extremely meaningful.  And for every donation, regardless of the amount, MeteoHeroes will plant a tree in honor of the donation in one of the MeteoHeroes’ forest across the globe.

Viselman’s hope is to use the power of storytelling to change the world… with your help that dream will become reality.  If we don’t help our children…  who will? Learn more directly from Kenn Viselman https://youtu.be/Qg9vinKDNBI

KIDS FIRST! – KIDS FIRST! is a project of the 31-year-old non-profit (501-c-3) Coalition for Quality Children’s Media that evaluates, rates and endorses children’s feature films, digital media, audio recordings and television shows. KIDS FIRST!’s goal is to empower children to make wise media choices and to promote quality media products that enrich their lives. The KIDS FIRST! stamp of approval assures you the programming contains no gratuitous violence, no inappropriate sexual behavior, and no bias in terms of race, gender, culture or religion. For more information, please visit: www.kidsfirst.org

About Adventure 2 Learning – Adventure 2 Learning believes that every meaningful learning experience is an adventure. The educational platform offers a rich selection of video-centered resources, specially created and curated to support active learning in pre-kindergarten through 8th grade. Adventure 2 Learning’s programs are used in over 30,000 schools, providing educational experiences that are engaging, impactful, and fun. For more information, visit https://www.adventure2learning.com/.

About Mondo TV Studios – Mondo TV Studios is part of the Mondo TV Group, a leading European company in the production and distribution of audio-visual content. Mondo TV Studios operates in Spain, Italy, Portugal, Latin America and the Spanish-speaking markets of the United States. Mondo TV Studios’ animation services range from animation for children and fiction for adolescents, families and adults, to forays into new segments such as video games.  Mondo TV Studios is a company that has been listed on the BME Growth Market since 2016 under the ticker MONI. For information: www.mondotvstudios.com

About The itsy bitsy Entertainment Company – With over 25 Billion dollars in commercial success, Kenn Viselman’s itsy bitsy Entertainment, is one of the world’s most successful and admired independent children’s entertainment companies. Committed to changing the world through storytelling, his brands have become wildly efficacious both on and off the screen including award winning television series as well as top-selling toys, books, videos, clothing and numerous other ancillary products. TibECo is committed to engaging, entertaining, enlightening wonderfilled family entertainment both on and off the screen which emphasize the message of empathy and LOVE. itsy bitsy Entertainment… works for Families! ™

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Fire of Love * Superb Film Exploring The Dynamic Relationship Between Volcanologists And Their Passion For Volcanoes

July 20th, 2022

Katia and Maurice Krafft loved two things — each other and volcanoes. For two decades, the daring French volcanologist couple roamed the planet, chasing eruptions and documenting their discoveries. Ultimately, they lost their lives in a 1991 volcanic explosion, leaving a legacy that forever enriched our knowledge of the natural world. Director Sara Dosa and the filmmaking team fashion a lyrical celebration of the intrepid scientists’ spirit of adventure, drawing from the Kraffts’ spectacular archive. FIRE OF LOVE tells a story of primordial creation and destruction, following two bold explorers as they venture into the unknown, all for the sake of love.

KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Eshaan M. comments, “A superb film for nature-lovers and a great film to study for budding documentarians, Fire of Love explores a dynamic relationship between volcanologists, with beautiful editing and archival footage; however, its pace somewhat undermines the beauty of the film.” See his complete review below.  

Fire of Love
By Eshaan M., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 16

A superb film for nature-lovers and a great film to study for budding documentarians, Fire of Love explores a dynamic relationship between volcanologists, with beautiful editing and archival footage; however, its pace somewhat undermines the beauty of the film.

In Fire of Love, we are introduced to Katia and Maurice Krafft, Alsatian French volcanologists and spouses. From the beginning, it is evident that Maurice is the one who jumps in with abandon, and Katia is the one who takes calculated, measured risks. Through footage and some interviews, director Sara Dosa shows the Kraffts in their daring exploits, filming, photographing and recording volcanoes—and getting within feet of lava flows.

The National Geographic documentary team behind this film has evidently spent a sizable portion of time collecting stunning natural footage and archival video and sound to tell the story of this legendary duo. They team successfully assemble a great audiovisual gallery…. But the film needs something more. There are times where inserted music and natural footage seems to take over the storyline and bring things to a halt. We get heartwarming glimpses of the couple’s dynamic with one another—for the majority of the Fire of Love, we see the Kraffts at work, discussing their pursuits—but it would have been great to see more of them talking to one another, reflecting one-on-one. The film seems to waver between their relationship and their work, without discussing the intersection of both very clearly.  For example, a question I wish was answered better by the film was how the two maintained a work-life balance. The most compelling, moving part of Fire of Love is the couple’s blazing end—they died in a 1991 volcanic explosion in Japan—and it was captured with such deep emotion that I was left speechless.

Fire of Love is all about companionship, teamwork, and following your passion. There are of course some daring stunts performed in the film—the Kraffts, after all, are in a dangerous line of work.

I give Fire of Love 3.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 12 to 18, plus adults. Fire of Love is available in theaters now.

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The Gray Man * A Classic Spy Movie With Elaborate Action Scenes, Sizeable Cast And Charismatic Lead Actors

July 20th, 2022

The Gray Man is CIA operative Court Gentry (Ryan Gosling), aka, Sierra Six. Plucked from a federal penitentiary and recruited by his handler, Donald Fitzroy (Billy Bob Thornton), Gentry was once a highly-skilled, Agency-sanctioned merchant of death. But now the tables have turned and Six is the target, hunted across the globe by Lloyd Hansen (Chris Evans), a former cohort at the CIA, who will stop at nothing to take him out. Agent Dani Miranda (Ana de Armas) has his back. He’ll need it.

KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Benjamin P. comments, “The Gray Man is, first and foremost, a classic spy movie. The draw of its elaborate action scenes, the size of its cast and the charisma of its lead performances keep it afloat in the pool of familiarity.” See his full review below.

The Gray Man
By Benjamin P., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, Age 16

The Gray Man. Ryan Gosling as Six. © 2022 Netflix, Inc.

The Gray Man is, first and foremost, a classic spy movie. The draw of its elaborate action scenes, the size of its cast and the charisma of its lead performances keep it afloat in the pool of familiarity.<p>Court Gentry (Ryan Gosling) is a CIA operative who carries out killings of whomever they desire, as part of a deal he made decades ago to dodge prison time. On a job in Bangkok, as he dies, his target reveals the unexpected kinship he holds with Court and gives him a drive containing damning information about the people Court works for. These two discoveries force him to drop everything and go on the run with the intel. Back at the CIA, Court’s boss (Regé-Jean Page) is furious about the intel leak and Court’s betrayal. In response, Court’s boss calls in a former operative named Lloyd Hansen (Chris Evans). Rejected by the CIA for his violent, psychotic methods and his lack of concern to amend them, Lloyd has no qualms about eliminating whoever stands between him and his mission’s objective. And so, a cat and mouse chase begins between Court and Lloyd, a battle of wits and ability that tracks the entire globe.

The Gray Man (2022). Rege-Jean Page as Carmichael. Cr. Paul Abell/Netflix © 2022

The Gray Man has a lot going on besides Chris Evans and Ryan Gosling, but they are absolutely the reasons to see this movie. Ryan Gosling tones Court down— you really believe he was nurtured in his line of work, not born into it. Gosling is eternally tired in the role. Every obstacle, every adversary gets the same tossed off  “Are we really doing this?” look from Gosling. Yet there’s also an eternal spark: his wit, as if the opportunity to fire off a quip is what keeps him going through stab wounds and raining gunfire. The quipping brings something new to this spy archetype—the sense that this is just a particularly tough day on the job for Court and Gosling communicates that really well.

Every performance has its equal opposite reaction; so the yin to Gosling’s yang is Chris Evans as Lloyd Hansen. Where Gosling is just barely limping his way from explosion to explosion, Evans is confidently striding after him. He walks into this movie with a prominent mustache on his lip, or “trashstache,” as Court calls it, and a smile on his face, ready to do his thing. Lloyd enjoys his job. He waxes poetic about the joys of improv in torturing and the opportunity to kill the prized asset of his former employee only sweetens the deal and raises his spirits. Evans is whistling and skipping as he inflicts government-sanctioned mayhem. It’s fun to watch him play a character this unraveled and unafraid of any repercussions for his psychotic actions.

The Gray Man (2022) Ryan Gosling as Six. Cr. Stanislav Honzik/Netflix © 2022

The Gray Man also features setpiece upon setpiece of impressive action. It’s not always the best-presented, and the editing can be discombobulating, but there are points where directors Russos find their footing. And the magnitude of some of the confrontations between Court and enemy forces also make seeing this movie worthwhile. A tram racing through the streets of Prague with Ryan Gosling dodging enemy fire, for example, or a fistfight in the middle of a firework launcher with fireworks erupting all around—there are moments in The Gray Man that are undeniably cool.

There is no real lesson to The Gray Man other than maybe staying out of the hitman industry. However, there are moments of action in The Gray Man where scale and invention and starpower all line up for something that feels truly thrilling.


Even if it doesn’t reinvent the wheel and it feels as if The Gray Man lacks an “X-factor” to set it apart from other cinematic spy fare, it’s a reminder of why the genre is so irresistible: the stars, the scope,and elite operatives with big personalities and shifting allegiances.

I give The Gray Man 3 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 12 to 18, plus adults, for language, intense action, and multiple instances of torture. The Gray Man is in theaters for a brief period starting July 15, 2022, and launches on Netflix globally on July 22, 2022.

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