Quality Children's Entertainment Family Movie Reviews

The Intruder – A Hair-Raising, Creepy Thriller Movie!

May 6th, 2019

Scott and Annie Russell couldn’t be happier after buying their dream home from a mysterious and lonely widower named Charlie in Napa Valley, Calif. Their newfound paradise soon turns into a living nightmare when Charlie — still strangely attached to the house — begins to show up and interfere in their daily lives. When his erratic behavior turns to obsession, the young couple soon find themselves caught up in a violent confrontation that threatens to destroy everything they hold dear. KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Ivey H. comments, “The acting scenes and timing are great! The momentum and build up are perfect. I love how it gradually builds up to be more thrilling to scary.  I screamed and jumped out of my seat a couple of times!”  Leire G. adds, “The Intruder has a very intense ending that leaves the audience feeling empowered. This film values the importance of family and what it means to stick together through the hardest times. It emphasizes how there’s nothing as valuable as family for those who are lucky enough to have one, like the married couple in the movie.” See their full reviews below.

The Intruder
By Ivey H, KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 13

The Intruder is a hair-raising, creepy thriller movie!

The film was shot in Canada in British Columbia and Vancouver.  The scenes are tranquil, and everything looks crisp and clean on the big screen.

Meagan Good and Michael Ealy star in Screen Gems’ THE INTRUDER.

The Intruder has a great plot. A newly-married happy couple embark on a move out of the city to start a family. The husband receives a promotion at work, so they can finally afford their dream home. The conflict is that the owner of the house loves the home too, and just can’t seem to let go. Which makes you wonder:  why did he sell it? 

The house is the perfect setting for this mystery film. The antagonist homeowner is Charlie Peck played by Dennis Quaid. He is perfect for this role because he is very intimidating and eerie. His home has a long history, and it’s his legacy, so he is not letting go easily.  Meagan Good plays Annie. She is a country girl at heart and wants to raise children in a loving home.  She is really great at portraying the naive young wife who sees the good in people. Mike Ealy plays Scott, the husband. He really brings energy to this role. He is reluctant to move to the country.  At first Scott is very tolerant of Charlie’s intrusions. Then his suspicion grows as to the true motives of Charlie. You totally understand the doubts and fears of these characters.  Is Scott able to protect his wife from Charlie’s secret motives and gain back her trust?

Michael Ealy, Meagan Good and Dennis Quaid star in Screen Gems THE INTRUDER.

The director Dean Taylor does great work in this film.  The acting scenes and timing are great! The momentum and build up are perfect. I love how it gradually builds up to be more thrilling to scary.  I screamed and jumped out of my seat a couple of times!  The writer is David Loughery. Everything really flows very well in this script. I really enjoyed the music and sound track, too.

The moral to this story is when buying a new home do your homework before making such a huge purchase. The couple is too eager and trusting. They ignore all the signs and red flags that lead to the conflict.

I give this film 5 out 5 stars and I recommend it for ages 13 to 18. There are a few vulgar words and heavy romantic scenes. If you love a good mystery thriller with a few screams be sure to check this out. Release date is May 3, 2019.

The Intruder
By Leire G, KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 15

The Intruder is very suspenseful. It kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time I watched it, wondering what was going to happen next. I enjoyed the good balance between mystery, horror and romance. There isn’t too much of one genre, so the mix of styles is all spread out evenly.

Dennis Quaid stars in Screen Gems’ THE INTRUDER.

The Intruder tells the story of a young married couple who buys a beautiful house with several acres of land in the middle of a some very lonely woods. They find out that the man they buy the property from refuses to let go of it and, in fact, has an obsession with it. The film shows how emotionally attached the landlord is to what once was his, and also shows the actions the couple takes to protect their new home.

The film was written by David Loughery and directed by Deon Taylor, who sets the film in a very lonely and rural town in modern day. This location is essential to the plot; since it takes place in an old house located in the middle of the woods, the setting helps create a feeling of curiosity and creepiness. The music in this film intensifies the emotions in certain scenes. It adds a lot of eeriness to the more action-based scenes and brings out the horror in them.

Michael Ealy, Dennis Quaid, Director Deon Taylor and Meagan Good on the set of Screen Gems’ THE INTRUDER.

The Intruder has a very intense ending that leaves the audience feeling empowered. This film values the importance of family and what it means to stick together through the hardest times. It emphasizes how there’s nothing as valuable as family for those who are lucky enough to have one, like the married couple in the movie.

I really enjoyed The Intruder!  I give this film 4 out of 5 stars for how creatively this suspenseful film was made. I recommend it for ages 10 through 18, but adults might also enjoy it as well. The Intruder opens in theaters on May 3, 2019.

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Tito and the Birds – Deserves To Be Seen By Anyone Who Appreciates The Medium Of Animation

May 6th, 2019

Tito is a shy 10-year-old boy who lives with his mother. When an unusual epidemic starts to spread, making people sick whenever they get scared, Tito quickly discovers that the cure is somehow related to his missing father’s research on bird song. He embarks on a journey with his friends to find the antidote. Tito’s search becomes a quest to find his missing father and save the world from the epidemic. “One of the most memorable films for 2018” – Elvis Mitchell, Film Independent. KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Izzy C. comments, “From the moment I saw the artwork on the cover of the packaging for the Brazilian animated film, Tito and The Birds, I knew I had to see it! The animation style is beautiful! I love the look of it.” SaniyaRain F. adds, “Tito and the Birds is about real life problems that people face. Even though it is an animation film, it is serious. Sometimes movies teach kids about real life and that is what Tito and the Birds does.” Rachael V., KIDS FIRST! Adult Reviewer  wraps it up with, “The BIG selling point of this film is its sensational art!  It is an interesting mesh between digital animation and what appears to be layers of living oil paintings.  It’s hard to accurately describe the visuals in a way that gives credit in which it richly deserves.  I assure you, this film deserves to be seen by anyone who appreciates the medium of animation.” See their full reviews below.

Tito and The Birds
By Izzy Cruz, KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 10

From the moment I saw the artwork on the cover of the packaging for the Brazilian animated film, Tito and The Birds, I knew I had to see it! The animation style is beautiful! I love the look of it. Its Brazilian directors Gustavo Steinberg, Gabriel Bitar and Andre Catoto have made something that looks like a moving painting.

The story is based on a boy named Tito (Pedro Henrique) and his friends working to stop an epidemic from spreading through their town.  It gets pretty intense! Luckily, they have the help of Tito’s dad Rufus (Matheus Nachtergaele), a very smart scientist.  Hopefully this will be enough to save the town.

The supporting characters, besides Tito’s father, include Tito’s mother Rosa (Denise Fraga) and his friends: Sarah (Marina Seritiello), his brave female friend who gives him hope; Buiú (Vinicius Garcia), his best friend, who becomes sick and is the main reason they want to find a cure.  And then there is Téo (Enrico Cardoso), his rival. I relate mostly to the character of Tito because he is brave and wants to help.  He cares about people. The musical score by Ruben Feffer and Gustavo Kurlat brings a lot of emotions to the movie. The music helps tell the story as much as the dialogue does.

Even though this story is from Brazil I think people from everywhere can relate to it, because it is a story  about love and love is universal. There is a good lesson wrapped inside the story of Tito and The Birds: never be afraid, and help when it’s needed. Also, another lesson is to be yourself, and let no one tell you to be anyone else.

I give Tito and The Birds 5 out of 5 stars ! I love it! The animation is amazing! The storyline is told beautifully. I love the voice actors’ performances.

This film is perfect for ages 10 to 18, because the epidemic and sickness storyline could be a bit scary for younger audiences. I also think adults will enjoy this movie, too.  Go and check it out! I recommend it!

Remember you can get Tito and The Birds digitally or anywhere that your favorite DVD’s are sold.

Tito and the Birds
By SaniyaRain Fowler, KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 11

Tito and the Birds is about real life problems that people face. Even though it is an animation film, it is serious. Sometimes movies teach kids about real life and that is what Tito and the Birds does. It is a little scary because it is so real.

The first thing I noticed, besides it being a dark film, is the relationship Tito has with his dad. Tito and his dad work together to help their community overcome fear of a disease that is spreading.  Everyone is getting the disease and they do not know why. Everyone is scared to catch this disease because it makes people turn into rocks. The fear that everyone has in the community is so strong that people can’t live their lives. They are panicking and the news makes it worse.

Tito’s friends are awesome because they stick by his side and believe in him. He even makes friends with a boy who wants to beat Tito in a contest. Tito has some good friends, and we all need good friends when we are having a hard time in life. The friends show that they are real friends, not fake.

Tito learns a lot in the movie. He learns not to give up and to believe in himself. He also understands that sometimes things are hard and that everything is not going to be easy in life. He keeps trying to make his dad proud and build the machine right. Tito also learns that even a kid can make a difference.

I recommend this film for ages 8 to 14. It is too scary for little kids  I give this movie  2 out of 5 stars, because it is so frightening.  However, we all can learn about being brave and being different, so check it out if you find this intriguing.

Tito and the Birds
By Rachael V., KIDS FIRST! Adult Reviewer

Tito and the Birds is an oddly dark tale that is highlighted by its remarkably original art style.  By dark, I don’t mean gritty or vulgar. It is heavier in tone than many young adult films, but anyone that has seen Corpse Bride or Coraline won’t be addled in the slightest by this story about a fear pandemic.  The BIG selling point of this film is its sensational art!  It is an interesting mesh between digital animation and what appears to be layers of living oil paintings.  It’s hard to accurately describe the visuals in a way that gives credit in which it richly deserves.  I assure you, this film deserves to be seen by anyone who appreciates the medium of animation. I recommend it for ages 10 to 18, however, younger and older viewers may enjoy it as well. I certainly did. I give it 5 out if 5 stars because it is so stunning.

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UglyDolls – Thrilling Animated Musical Adventure With Great Message

May 5th, 2019

In the adorably different town of Uglyville, weirdness is celebrated, strangeness is special and beauty is embraced as more than meets the eye. After traveling to the other side of a mountain, Moxy and her UglyDoll friends discover Perfection — a town where more conventional dolls receive training before entering the real world to find the love of a child. Soon, the UglyDolls learn what it means to be different — ultimately realizing that they don’t have to be perfect to be amazing. KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Nathalia J. comments, “Three words I can say about this film – animated musical adventure. This thrilling, exciting, intriguing and stimulating film had my hooked to the screen.” Lexi G. adds, “UglyDolls is such a cute and feel-good animated movie!  It made me feel happy inside, even as I was on the edge of my seat waiting to see what would happen next! UglyDolls is an entirely kid-friendly musical  and comedic throughout — all while tackling tough topics.  Throughout the story, there are recurring themes of body positivity, trusting in your friends, and believing in yourself.” Katherine S. wraps it up with, “The message of this movieis that no one is perfect and you should follow your dreams. This movie has no bad language, but it does have a scary robot dog and a dark tunnel. And of course, there is some negative behavior such as calling things ugly.” See their full reviews below.

By Nathalia J., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 10

Three words I can say about this film – animated musical adventure. This thrilling, exciting, intriguing and stimulating film had my hooked to the screen. This film, directed by Kelly Asbury, shares many indispensable and major lessons.

The story follows Moxy who is a brave, independent, free-spirited and inspiring UglyDoll. For her entire life, Moxy has eagerly viewed the real world, hoping she would be good enough to join and find the love of a child. This film is an animated adventure where the free-spirited UglyDolls confront what it means to be different and struggle with their desire to be perfect. As the film develops, you get to see how Moxy and her back-up crew inspire the people of manufacturing and Perfectville to realize what makes them different through multiple catchy, up-beat and thrilling songs.

The lead characters in this film are Moxy (Kelly Clarkson), Ugly Dog (Pitbull), Lou (Nick Jonas), Mandy (Janelle Monae), Ox (Blake Shelton) and complimented by many more. My favorite scene, without giving anything away, is when Moxy proves to everyone that being different Is not something to fear. She proves to everybody that standing out is not harmful and does not make you ugly in any way. In this scene, Moxy is being punished for being who she is. She gets yelled at for trying to make a divergence in Perfectville. Watching this scene shows how some of her peers were “fake friends” to Moxy.

My favorite character is definitely Moxy (Kelly Clarkson), the main protagonist. When she makes a change, she bounces a cause and effect on others which makes them realize that being unique and being yourself are important ways to carry yourself and show who and what you are. She is the glue that sticks for her team and holds hope tighter than any of her team members.

The animation is groundbreaking, amusing and bright. I was amused by all the colors and little details which make it so believable. For example, in one scene there is a dark tunnel and, as you get a clear shot of the tunnel, you see scratches and mold which help identify it as an old tunnel.  

There are many important messages here such as: be true to yourself, be proud of who you are, don’t be afraid to be yourself. You should be aware that this film has some rude humor which makes in inappropriate for younger viewers. Beyond that there are no other bad actions that kids might imitate.

I give this film a 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 7 to 16, as well as adults. This film opens in theaters May 3, 2019. Make sure to check it out!

By Lexi G., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, Age 13

UglyDolls is such a cute and feel-good animated movie!  It made me feel happy inside, even as I was on the edge of my seat waiting to see what would happen next! UglyDolls is an entirely kid-friendly musical  and comedic throughout — all while tackling tough topics.  Throughout the story, there are recurring themes of body positivity, trusting in your friends, and believing in yourself.

In this heartwarming story, the main character Moxy (Kelly Clarkson) has the dream of becoming a loving doll to a special little girl. Unfortunately, and unbeknownst to Moxy, because of the way the doll-making factory works, all of the ugly dolls (or rejects) are thrown into the recycling chute. These dolls end up in a different made-up world called, Uglyville.  If you go to Uglyville, you don’t get to go to the real world and become someone’s special doll.  But Moxy doesn’t know this is how it works.  Moxy and her friends in Uglyville have a pretty special and fun life there together. Every day, Moxy wakes up and dreams that this is the day  she will meet her new friend, a little girl. When that day fails to arrive, Moxy decides, with the help of her friend Lucy Bat (Wang Leehom), that she is going to go on her own to look for a little girl to comfort . So, off she goes, with a group of her ugly doll friends, on a journey to make her own destiny.  Along the way, she runs into many obstacles, such as mean people who send her back to the beginning, and happy occurrences, such as people who encourage her to stay strong and fight for what she wants! Does she end up back in Uglyville? Is she a little girl’s doll? Sorry! No spoilers here!! You’ll have to watch the movie to find out!

In UglyDolls, there are so many cool sound effects, pretty backgrounds, and smirky/funny comments that make it extra fun to watch! I especially loved the backgrounds and settings, which are colorful, bold and just right for whatever is happening in the story. Additionally, the songs (and soundtrack) in this movie are amazing! The songwriters, Christopher Lennertz and Kelly Clarkson, created some very inspiring and catchy tunes.

There are multiple deeper messages in UglyDolls. One of them is to never give up. Another important theme is to love and accept yourself no matter who you are, because Moxy, the whole way through her challenges, never loses confidence in herself and keeps fighting to be accepted.

UglyDolls is an inspiring movie for so many people but especially for kids. I got the chills watching it because it was so good and I really love the messages!   I give it 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 4 to12. If you are into musicals, animation, and loving, heartwarming movies, definitely check it out!. This film opens May 3, 2019.

By Katherine S., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic

This animated musical is adorable! The music is outstanding, which is no surprise because it has so many amazing singers. The colorful and lively animation makes you feel as if you are in a wonderful world of dolls.

In the film, we first see how happy everyone is in Uglyville, where the ugly dolls live and actually embrace all of their different appearances.  Even though the protagonist Moxy (voiced by Kelly Clarkson) is happy in Uglyville, she wants to be with a real kid. So Moxy sets out with some friends to find a way to get to the real world. After going through a spooky tunnel, they find themselves in Perfection where dolls try to get a home in the real world. They soon realize that living in “Perfection” is not that easy.

In addition to Kelly Clarkson, there are so many other incredible voice actors including Nick Jonas, Janelle Monae, Blake Shelton and Pitbull. My favorite characters are Ox (voiced by Blake Shelton) and Moxy, because Ox is the absolute nicest mayor of any town and Moxy is always happy and believes in herself.

The message of this movie is that no one is perfect and you should follow your dreams. This movie has no bad language, but it does have a scary robot dog and a dark tunnel. And of course, there is some negative behavior such as calling things ugly.

I give this movie 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 6 to 10. This movie opens in theaters May 3, 2019. Look for it.

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Avengers: Endgame – A Cinematic Roller Coaster Ride for Everyone

April 25th, 2019

Adrift in space with no food or water, Tony Stark sends a message to Pepper Potts as his oxygen supply starts to dwindle. Meanwhile, the remaining Avengers — Thor, Black Widow, Captain America and Bruce Banner — must figure out a way to bring back their vanquished allies for an epic showdown with Thanos — the evil demigod who decimated the planet and the universe. KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Katherine S. comments, “This movie takes you on an epic, wild ride filled with action, laughter, love, heartache and tears.  As a superhero lover, there is nothing more thrilling than watching this movie – all three hours of it.” Zoe C. adds, “Avengers: Endgame is the epic conclusion of 11 years of films from the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) and is nothing less but spectacular! It is a constellation of the biggest Hollywood stars in one event that is entertaining, heartfelt and fun at the same time.” KIDS FIRST! Adult reviewer wraps it up with, “. I’m not going to lie, Avengers: Endgame, the 22nd film release from Marvel, is a cinematic roller coaster ride for everyone. I laughed. I cried. I loved every pop culture reference. Let us remember, I am not the target audience and I can’t wait to see it again.” See their full reviews below.

Avengers: Endgame
By Katherine S.,KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 11

Can you say “epic”? This movie takes you on an epic, wild ride filled with action, laughter, love, heartache and tears.  As a superhero lover, there is nothing more thrilling than watching this movie – all three hours of it. Bringing all of the Marvel characters together in one movie is simply brilliant.

Avengers: Endgame is based on an awesome journey, post Thanos destruction, of half the Universe.  The Avengers are not used to losing, as they did when we last watched them together, so, they come up with a plan to finally defeat Thanos and save the Universe.

If you haven’t seen many Marvel movies, I recommend watching all of them – each worthy of a 4- or 5-star rating.  In Avengers: Endgame, we see many of the same characters as in other Avenger films.  Tony Stark (aka Ironman), played by Robert Downey Jr., and Steve Rogers (aka Captain America), played by Chris Evans, are probably on the screen the most. The special effects are out of this world. The sound effects make the theatre seats rattle, and the new costumes are super sleek.  My favorite character is Rocket because he is a funny, outspoken, genetically-engineered, spaceship-flying raccoon.  My favorite  scene is when Thor appears in a way we have never seen him before, and it made me laugh out loud. 

The message of Avengers: Endgame is about the characters’ hunger for the old days, teamwork and determination. Without the team and their determination, they are nothing.  Together they are able to be good and do good. Be aware that this movie has some mild profanity, intense violence (stabbings, decapitation, sliced throat, impalement, explosions), alcohol drinking and other risky behavior that kids might replicate.

I give this movie a 5 out of 5 stars and recommend this for ages 10 to 18, and for adults, for sure. Avengers: Endgame is in theaters on April 26, 2019.

Avengers: Endgame
By Zoe C., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 10

Avengers: Endgame is the epic conclusion of 11 years of films from the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) and is nothing less but spectacular! It is a constellation of the biggest Hollywood stars in one event that is entertaining, heartfelt and fun at the same time.

The basic premise is: the remaining super heroes from the previous film Avengers: Infinity War fight together against evil Thanos to restore peace based on their faith on humankind.

The story develops in three acts. Act 1 is very dramatic and gives the actors the opportunity to develop their characters in scenes that are not action related. We see the most human side of these heroes here. This Avengers film has the best acting of all. Among my favorites performers are Robert Downey Jr. who plays Iron Man and steals the show. Chris Evans, as Captain America, carries the spirit of the team and is always very enthusiastic. Brie Larson brings a lot of gravitas. I can’t mention other favorites, because it would be a spoiler. In this act the Avengers reflect about what might happen if they could turn back time and do things differently. We see how these characters react to loss and hope.

In Act 2 we see the action plan. The movie deals with the concept of time travel and references a lot of films also developed around concepts of present, past and future. During this act, the movie gets a little slow, despite the fun and dramatic action scenes. There are flashbacks and you need to follow carefully to figure out what happens. Even though this film’s run time is three hours, it’s necessary to fit everything in needed to develop the story.

The finale is a total extravaganza and makes this film a unique and total experience. The special affects are fantastic, especially in the Act 3 when we see most of the action scenes and intense battles. The music is very orchestral, but of course it includes contemporary pop and rock songs.

There are so many surprises that make the whole experience very enjoyable. There are also so many details and, although you don’t need to see the previous films to enjoy this one, there is a lot that is directly connected with the previous films, specifically Avengers: Infinity War.

The message of this film is: the world is in our hands and we have to do something to preserve it. We can have a second chance as long as we want to accomplish something. This is part of the beauty of Avengers: Endgame – a lot messages will resonate and touch you like no other super heroes movie does. I am very sad this is the last film, so there will not be another one like this one.

I recommend Avengers: Endgame to ages 10 to 18. This is not as violent as Infinity War, but obviously parental guidance is important younger viewers. Avengers: Endgame opens nationwide on April 26, 2019. Look for it!

Avengers: Endgame
By Kimbirly O., KIDS FIRST! Adult Juror

The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is in full force, as is the promotion for what is expected to be a record-breaking film release. I’m not going to lie, Avengers: Endgame, the 22nd film release from Marvel, is a cinematic roller coaster ride for everyone. I laughed. I cried. I loved every pop culture reference. Let us remember, I am not the target audience and I can’t wait to see it again.

As in past MCU films, the Avengers are a tight group of superheroes who are like a family and showcase the heart of family throughout time in this film. At the end of Avengers: Infinity Wars, the snap heard throughout the universe ended lives and destroyed families like nothing before. How Thanos (Josh Brolin), the villain, could win vs. our super heroes stymied many. The end credit scenes in Captain Marvel (Brie Larson), gave us a bit of a hint about who would live to save the day, but what would bring our heroes together? Again, it’s Thanos. The use of time and space is a creative set-up for this film and, without delivering spoilers, it truly has to be seen to be believed.

There is a great historical thread and deep family themes throughout the film. In many ways, it is funnier than the Guardians of the Galaxy films, too. There is a single frame in the film screaming girl power, and we learn more about the back story of many characters including Captain America (Chris Evans), Iron Man (Robert Downey, Jr.) and Thor (Chris Hemsworth). The film is an epic conclusion to a well-told story over the last ten years.

Note. This film is a full three hours long. Avoid the over-sized soft drinks or you will miss the action scenes within the film. You simply must see every frame within the last hour. If you don’t have the “Run Pee” app, now is a good time to download it!

I give this film 5 of 5 stars for the casting, costumes, special effects, family themes, humor, awesome comedic pop culture references, make-up (men and women) and female empowerment. This film will appeal to ages 8 to 18. I caution younger viewing due to fight scenes which may be disturbing to younger children. Be sure to look for Stan Lee – it has been confirmed this is his last film appearance. May he rest in eternal peace, protected by the Marvel Universe.

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Floogals: Project Egg Hunt – Earthly Experiences And Adventures Leading To Experimentation, Discovery And Observation!

April 25th, 2019

Join the Floogals on a mission of discovery as they explore Earth and the funny “hoomans” who live there! Each day, Captain Fleeker, First Officer Flo, and Junior Boomer encounter something that sparks their curiosity, setting in motion the day’s research “project” and triggering an exciting adventure! In Project Egg Hunt, the Floogals mistakenly think Mom and Dad Hooman have accidentally dropped candy eggs in the garden when in fact they have placed them there on purpose to create an egg hunt for their kids. The Floogals think they are being helpful and tidy up the eggs! Once the Floogals realize their mistake, they must get all the eggs back on the ground before the kids arrive so their fun day won’t be ruined. KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Damon F. comments, “I really enjoy the animation and admire how they have real people walking around with animated characters. It’s a very colorful, bright show with a new lesson in each episode.” Sahiba K. adds, “The characters are diverse, funny and kind and the storylines are clever yet simple thrills.” Eli B., KIDS FIRST! Adult juror wraps it up with, “The mix of crisp animation alongside “hoomans” (real actors) and live animals is really unique. These little aliens sometimes get into a bit of trouble, which they use problem-solving and teamwork to remedy as they learn something along the way.” See their full reviews below.

Floogals: Project Egg Hunt
By Damon F., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 10

Floogals Project Egg Hunt is a DVD about tiny secret aliens from planet Floon that sneak around your house learning about humans or, as they call them, hoomans. I really enjoy the animation and admire how they have real people walking around with animated characters. It’s a very colorful, bright show with a new lesson in each episode.

The three Floogals in this series are Captain Fleeker (Rasmus Hardiker), the bravest of the group, First Officer Flo (Jules de Jongh), the smartest of the group and Junior Boomer (Hugo Harold-Harrison), who is clumsy and crazy in most episodes, which makes him very funny. These Floogals wander around a house, encountering new things that the ‘hoomans’ are doing. Then they spend the day researching what the object or activity is and sometimes try to help, often with hilarious results. At the end of each episode they send their report to their leader, who always likes it. So, they receive a strip of stickers based on their observations.

The episodes in this DVD are, Project Egg Hunt, Project Rainbow, Project Kite, Project Picnic and Project Tortoise. My favorite episode is Project Rainbow which is about the Floogals walking in the yard and, as they take cover from a sudden rain shower, they hear the girl “hooman” talk about a rainbow and they decide to investigate rainbows. I like this episode because I can relate to it, as I loved trying to find the end of the rainbow when I was younger. Another good episode is called, Project Tortoise which is about the Floogals discovering a tortoise and deciding to research it more, but when they look back at the tortoise he is gone. The Floogals must find him and bring him home. The title episode, Project Egg Hunt, is very funny because they almost ruin the egg hunt by trying to help. My favorite character is Junior Boomer because he is always being clumsy and causing accidents that sometimes helps the team in unexpected ways. The message of this DVD is, if you work together you can do anything.

I rate this DVD 3 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 3 to 5 because every episode teaches a new lesson and is very repetitive. Older kids and adults might find it amusing too. This DVD is available on Blu-Ray and standard DVD now so, check it out.

Floogals: Project Egg Hunt
By Sahiba K., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, Age 16

Floogals: Project Egg Hunt, directed by Ruth Ducker is an imaginative, exciting space adventure that seems to take place right in my own backyard! The characters are diverse, funny and kind and the storylines are clever yet simple thrills. The story follows three Floogals – Captain Fleeker, First Officer Flo and Junior Boomer who are sent to explore and understand the interesting ways of the Hoomans.

The animation and voices add to the special aspect of each Floogal that makes them unique. For example, Junior Boomer is innocent and the youngest of the three which is shown by his bigger eyes and wide smile. The voice actors are able to capture the character’s personality in their voice. Dominique Moore voices First Officer Flo and expresses the sweetness of her character in her voice.

My favorite part is how the Hoomans are considered the mysterious aliens and the Floogals are there to learn about these queer creatures and their ways.

The message of this show is to help those you can and never miss a chance to learn something new. I give this DVD 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 3 to 8. It is available on
DVD now so, be sure to look for it.

Floogals: Project Egg Hunt
By Eli B., KIDS FIRST! Adult Juror

This is a colorful and exciting DVD with five episodes, totaling 60 minutes of fun! The Floogals are a group of curious alien scientists named Fleeker, Boomer and Flo. Their curiosity is sparked by everyday earthly experiences and adventures that lead to experimentation, discovery and observation. The mix of crisp animation alongside “hoomans” (real actors) and live animals is really unique. These little aliens sometimes get into a bit of trouble, which they use problem-solving and teamwork to remedy as they learn something along the way. The menu offers the option to play all episodes or watch them individually. Eachepisode has a run time of 10 to 12 minutes and includes: Project Egg Hunt, Project Rainbow, Project Kite, Project Picnic and Project Tortoise. This DVD is a great educational tool and extremely entertaining. Children between the ages of 2 to 5 will definitely enjoy the songs and story lines. Adventure is everywhere they go. They’re the Floogals! 3, 2, 1 LET’S GO! I give this DVD 5 out of 5 stars for outstanding animation, cohesiveness, interesting story lines, songs, educational and overall entertainment value. Reviewed by Eli B., KIDS FIRST! Adult Juror




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