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A Leisurely, Luminous Portrait Of Love, Culture And Cuisine, The Taste Of Things Is A Feast For The Eyes

Thursday, February 8th, 2024

The relationship between Eugenie, an esteemed cook, and Dodin, the gourmet she has been working for over the last 20 years. Growing fonder of one another, their bond turns into a romance and gives rise to delicious dishes that impress even the world’s most illustrious chefs. When Dodin is faced with Eugenie’s reluctance to commit to him, he decides to start cooking for her.

KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Eshaan M. comments, “A leisurely, luminous portrait of love, culture and cuisine, The Taste of Things is a feast for the eyes. It’s all about partnership through a shared passion, conveying feelings through fewer words and baked Alaska.” See his full review below.

The Taste of Things
By Eshaan M., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 17

A leisurely, luminous portrait of love, culture and cuisine, The Taste of Things is a feast for the eyes. It’s all about partnership through a shared passion, conveying feelings through fewer words and baked Alaska. With such deep themes and beautiful visuals, no wonder it’s France’s selection for this year’s Academy Awards.

The Taste of Things is a tough movie to summarize. It’s about so much more than its plot… but here goes. The film takes place entirely in a 19th century French manor, mostly in its warmly-lit, wood-accented kitchen and centers on the bonds between the characters. Dodin Bouffant (Benoit Magimel), an esteemed gourmet partly based on real-life gastronome Jean Brillat-Savarin, oversees the meal, helps with the cooking and visits with his group of friends. His partner in the kitchen, Eugenie (Juliette Binoche), beams as she whips up dozens of French culinary marvels. They have two assistants, who seem more like daughters, the teen Violette (Galatea Bellugi) and her niece Pauline (Bonnie Chagneau-Ravoire). This scene unfolds each day for years. The film follows Dodin’s and Eugenie’s romance as it evolves from unspoken partnership to marriage to separation by illness, as well as how the younger members of the kitchen grow.

Director Tran Anh Hung opens The Taste of Things with a 38-minute long tracking-shot scene of the characters preparing an intricate meal with zero technology (it is the 1880s, after all), relishing every step of the way. I found it so satisfying to watch that I didn’t pay any heed to its length, though this may not be the case for some viewers, as the only lines said are “Put the veal in the oven” and a couple directions like this. I actually enjoyed getting to know the characters by watching what they do and observing their body language. There’s many more scenes like this one, none 38 minutes long, though. The film does have a bit of a languid pace, which takes some getting used to and might not suit some viewers’ taste (pun intended). The few events that happen outside the kitchen happen either in the bedroom, in the living room or the adjacent garden. On another note, Dodin and Eugenie’s relationship is a centerpiece of this film, and Magimel and Binoche as Dodin and Eugenie spellbind with their subtle yet powerful acting and palpable bond. Dodin has proposed to Eugénie a number of times over their 20 years together, to no avail. She says marriage is not right for them, because their bond is one of mutual respect and tenderness. The openness with which they discuss love is rare in modern films, as is their clarity on the matter — truly a mature romance. Additionally, the interactions between Binoche and Chagneau-Ravoire as Pauline are a delight to watch. Pauline’s passion for food is shown in a scene where she names each of the two dozen items in a dish and when she nearly cries after tasting a baked Alaska; Eugenie sees herself in the young girl and takes her under her wing. Jonathan Ricquebourg’s mouth-watering and skillful cinematography — tracking people as if walking beside them, sometimes peering into pots, and sitting at the same table as Dodin’s “suite” of friends — along with Tran Anh Huang’s careful direction adds an indescribable realism to the film. It’s a film that will make you hunger for more.

The Taste of Things is a film about indulgence — in food, in love, in family. It also shows viewers that truly powerful relationships are those that transcend labels and that are bound by shared love for one another and, in this case, a shared passion. It shows viewers that food is inextricably tied to love, life and joy. Be forewarned that the film does contain scenes with partial nudity and smoking.

I give The Taste of Things 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 12 to 18, plus adults. The Taste of Things releases on February 9, 2024 in theaters and is an Oscar nominee. 

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Happy Thanksgiving And Thanks For Your Support

Tuesday, November 21st, 2023

First of all, I want to thank those of you who have already donated to our campaign and I thought you might enjoy today’s alumni story and you might want to pass it on to a potential donor.  This fundraiser won’t last long and we do need your support. As much as we all love what we do here, we do need little love (and funds) to keep the operation in business.

Once a year we ask for support for our year-end campaign. And it’s that time once again. A little goes a long way here so please know that your contribution, no matter how small or how big, will be put to good use.  

Today I have another alumni story to share with you and believe you will find it as inspiring as I have. Harmony Makhfi was a KIDS FIRST! reporter 11 years ago and is now a happy neuroscientist. Here’s her story.

KIDS FIRST! changed my life for the better. I began my time there at the age of 14 and am now 25. I have nothing but great things to say about my time at KIDS FIRST! Through my experience, I developed skills that have truly propelled me in my career as an adult. Looking back at the content I produced (at what now seems like such a young age) makes me really proud. Analyzing media in the way we did really gave me a unique, mature perspective on media – and I am so proud to have that skill set. It has given me a lens to view the world with much more intention. Being a KIDS FIRST! Film Critic allowed me to explore my passion for movies, express my opinions, and engage with a vibrant community of film lovers. Through analyzing and reviewing films, I developed a deeper understanding of storytelling, cinematography, and the power of visual art. 

The structure of the organization is amazing…managing a bunch of kids is no easy feat! I had such an amazing time going to advanced screenings, writing and filming professional reviews, and practicing my public speaking on the recurring radio shows. For children, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to be a part of and it gives them a sort of education you can’t get anywhere else.

I’m so thankful for my time at KIDS FIRST! I continued to do reviews into my early college years while deciding to pursue cognitive science – a completely different world! My experience really stood out on my college applications, and later my resume. I am now a happy neuroscientist with a heart in film and an experience I get to brag about to this day. 

We are dedicated to training tweens and teens to act as entertainment professionals – as journalists, as YouTubers, as Influencers – but more importantly we allow them opportunities to express their opinions about entertainment and to learn and grow as young adults.

In order to continue doing the work we do, we need your support.  Our goal is to raise $50,000 in our year-end campaign, which allows us to continue doing the important work we do and will be matched by donations from other sources. We welcome  your donation of any amount — no amount is too small! If every one of our subscribers would donate $5 we would easily hit our goal tomorrow!


Hanadie K. Invite you to the KIDS FIRST! End of Year Campaign @yourfavlambchop

♬ original sound – Kidsfirstmedia

You can donate online here: https://fnd.us/kidsfirst?ref=sh_bCo1e4, through PayPal or Venmo, or simply mail a check to our address in my signature below.

Thank you so much for taking time to read this and for your support. Here’s wishing you a very happy Thanksgiving with your family and friends.


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The Hill * A Hard-Hitting Cast And Beautifully Written, Evocative Script

Friday, August 25th, 2023

Growing up impoverished in small-town Texas, young Rickey Hill shows an extraordinary ability for hitting a baseball, despite being burdened by leg braces from a degenerative spinal disease. His stern, pastor father discourages Rickey from playing baseball to protect him from injury, and to have him follow in his footsteps and become a preacher.  As a young man, Ricky becomes a baseball phenomenon.  His desire to participate in a try-out for a legendary major league scout divides the family and threatens Rickey’s dream of playing professional baseball.

KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Eshaan M. comments, “With a hard-hitting cast and beautifully written, evocative script, The Hill surely captured my attention and should appeal to sports, drama and biographical film fans as well.” See his full review below.  

The Hill
By Eshaan M., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic age 17

Jesse Berry stars as Young Rickey Hill. ©2023 Briarcliff Entertainment

With a hard-hitting cast and beautifully written, evocative script, The Hill surely captured my attention and should appeal to sports, drama and biographical film fans as well.

The Hill is based on the true story of Rickey Hill (Colin Ford, Jesse Berry), a kid from a poor Baptist family in rural Texas. Rickey has big dreams of becoming a baseball superstar and he’s immensely talented at batting, but he must face one problem — his dad (Dennis Quaid) won’t let him. Even when Rickey seems to have overcome congenital degenerative spinal disease, his father refuses to let him play, and he’s intent on molding him into a pastor just like him.

Colin Ford stars as Rickey Hill in THE HILL. Credit: ©2023 Briarcliff Entertainment

The direction by Jeff Celentano and screenplay by Angelo Pizzo and Scott Marshall Smith come together to bind the story — a riveting narrative of talent torn between passion and family. The set pieces and props, ever the wooden leg braces Rickey wears as a child, are all realistic. The dialogue in The Hill is real and raw, and I especially like how each cast member has convincing Texan accents. Dennis Quaid is an absolute superstar in the film; you’ll want to scream your head off at him sometimes and at other times, you’ll consider where he’s coming from — though that’s an angle the film doesn’t explore much. I was most taken by Jesse Berry’s portrayal of the young, fiery Rickey; he helms the film’s many tear-jerker moments. It’s certainly a stellar performance by a child actor, especially given the complexity of the role.

The Hill promotes pursuing your dreams with resilience; never saying never; and gaining a better understanding of perspectives different from you. The film contains religious content given Rickey’s upbringing in a strict, conservative Baptist family.

I give The Hill 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 12 to 18, plus adults. It releases in theaters on August 25, 2023.

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The Furry Fortune * Absurd Story With Comedy And Charm, Reminding Us Of The Importance Of Family Over Money

Monday, July 31st, 2023

Based on the popular children’s book by Donna Morgan it is about a dog whose fur turns into money.

KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Kyla C. comments, “Have you ever imagined what it would be like to have a dog that sheds money? Welcome to the life of twins Dax (Mason Blomberg) and Zoe Taylor (Juju Journey Brener). An absurd story is executed with comedy and charm, portraying the importance of family over money in the film The Furry Fortune.” Valerie R. adds, “What I like the most about this film is the brother-sister relationship Zoey and Dax have. I also adore how the actors make their characters look and feel like they are a family. The acting by the child actors is outstanding.” See their full reviews below.

The Furry Fortune
By Kyla C, KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, Age 14

Have you ever imagined what it would be like to have a dog that sheds money? Welcome to the life of twins Dax (Mason Blomberg) and Zoe Taylor (Juju Journey Brener). An absurd story is executed with comedy and charm, portraying the importance of family over money in the film The Furry Fortune.

The Furry Fortune follows Dax and Zoe on their adventures as they start out as bored and neglected children and navigate their way through unexpected events to eventually arrive at a very important realization. Not only does Furry Fortune focus on Dax and Zoe’s lives, but it also shows snippets of their parents, Doug (Shane Hartline) and Emily Taylor (Mo Allen), and their next door neighbors, William Kearst  (Adam Kulbersh) and Odom Kearst (Mason Wells). The neighbors are willing to do whatever it takes for money, which becomes a problem when the Taylors are forced to hide their windfall from everyone. Will the secret stay a secret, or will the money become a curse rather than a blessing?

The acting in The Furry Fortune truly makes so much of a difference. Specifically, Mason Blomberg and Juju Journey Brener, as the twins, emphasize the message of the film. Through their sad and left out expressions, we are able to further relate to the characters and understand the importance of the theme. Their parents are constantly putting work and money over spending time with their kids, and the twins demonstrate the effect it has on them. In addition, the acting performances of Shane Hartline and Mo Allen, as the parents, show what not to do, and how one person’s actions can affect someone so much without them even realizing it. Without these in-depth acting performances, the message wouldn’t be as strong or seem as relevant to viewers’ lives. The comedy throughout provides a nice break from some of the sadder and more serious moments. On top of some jokes and hilarious moments, the film is funny as a whole because of the absurdity of the world they are living in — a dog that sheds money?  How much more ridiculous can a film get? But it is such a fun concept and kept me engaged the entire time.

The message of The Furry Fortune is that time can make more money, but money can’t make more time. Dax and Zoe think that the more money you have, the happier you will be. They both come to realize that if you spend all of your time chasing money, you lose time that you can’t get back. The Furry Fortune emphasizes the importance of putting family first and spending time doing the things you love with the people you love while you can. There is some very mild inappropriate language.

I give The Furry Fortune 4.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 18. It releases on video on demand and DVD beginning August 1, 2023.

The Furry Fortune
By Valerie R., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 14

The Furry Fortune is a very entertaining film about learning to not take advantage of the things you have. Also it reminds us that family should always come first, especially before money.

The story follows young twins, Zoey (Juju Brener) and Dax (Mason Bloomberg), and their dog Nuzzles (Henry) who sheds money from his fur due to a wish Dax made to help their mother (Mo Allen) and father (Shane Heartline) who are struggling with money. They end up with so much money and it gets in the way of their family, plus their neighbors get suspicious of how the Taylor family suddenly has so much money. This makes them obsessed with finding out their secret.

What I like the most about this film is the brother-sister relationship Zoey and Dax have. I also adore how the actors make their characters look and feel like they are a family. The acting by the child actors is outstanding. I love how Zoey’s characteristics are mature, sassy, smart and very grown up. Dax characteristics on the other hand are very childish, sweet and kind. The actors show what siblings actually act like — even when they fight, they still love each other. The neighbors, William Kearst III (Adam Kulbersh) and his son Odom Kearst (Mason Wells), bring humor into the film by their spying on the Taylor family.

I also really enjoyed the cinematography; the images are steady, in focus, and very clear. Another thing worth mentioning are the set designs — the Taylor family’s house feels like a nice, clean and cozy home. And, the twin’s treehouse with all its gadgets, pulleys and other crazy stuff that allows people to go in and out of the tree house is outstanding.

The film’s message is to never take what you have for granted and that family is everything! It also reminds us that money can’t buy you happiness, so appreciate what you have and always make family a priority. Never let anyone or anything get in the way of family; family always comes first.

I give The Furry Fortune 4.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 12, plus adults. It releases on video on demand and DVD beginning August 1, 2023.

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Turn Every Page – The Adventures of Robert Caro and Robert Gottlieb * A Wonderful Story About Two Of The Most Important People In Our Literary Community

Wednesday, March 15th, 2023

Follows the iconic Pulitzer Prize-winning author Robert Caro and his editor, the literary giant Robert Gottlieb, in this chronicle of a unique 50-year professional relationship. Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Robert Caro and legendary editor Robert Gottlieb, have worked and fought together for 50 years, forging one of publishing’s most iconic and productive partnerships. Directed by Gottlieb’s daughter, Lizzie Gottlieb, Turn Every Page explores their remarkable creative collaboration, including the behind-the-scenes drama of the making of Caro’s The Power Broker and the LBJ series. With humor and insight, this unique double portrait reveals the work habits, peculiarities and professional joys of these two ferocious intellects. It arrives at the culmination of a journey that has consumed both their lives and impacted generations of politicians, activists, writers and readers, and furthered our understanding of power and democracy.

KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Katherine S. comments, “I found this documentary so interesting because it balances entertainment, humor and education. I like that this documentary teaches us about many people that no one truly knows about, especially those from my generation. I learned so much about the power and influence Robert Moses held in New York City and the power and influence President Johnson wielded during his political career.  Their impact is so deep and wide and yet so different.” See her full review below.

Turn Every Page – The Adventures of Robert Caro and Robert Gottlieb
By Katherine S., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 15

Turn Every Page – The Adventures of Robert Caro and Robert Gottlieb is not only a terrific documentary, but also a very entertaining film. It isn’t an action-packed movie where you’ll be glued to your seat, but it is a wonderful story about two of the most important people in our literary community – Robert Caro and Robert Gottlieb.

Robert Caro is a Pulitzer Prize-winning American author best known for his biographies of President Lyndon B. Johnson and New York political figure Robert Moses.  Robert Gottlieb is an American editor who has been editor-in-chief of Simon & Schuster, Alfred A. Knopf, and The New Yorker.  Caro and Gottlieb have worked together for more than 50 years. Documentarian Lizzy Gottlieb, Robert Gottlieb’s daughter, spent five years on the film and gives us an up close and very personal view of each of these amazing men, their work, their passion for their work and their working relationship.

I found this documentary so interesting because it balances entertainment, humor and education. I like that this documentary teaches us about many people that no one truly knows about, especially those from my generation. I learned so much about the power and influence Robert Moses held in New York City and the power and influence President Johnson wielded during his political career.  Their impact is so deep and wide and yet so different.  And this is also true about Robert Caro and Robert Gottlieb, as they contributed so much to American literature working together and also are very different.  They have such a passion for what they do—they even ‘go to war’ over commas and semicolons.

One of my favorite lines from the movie is from Robert Gottlieb, “He does the work.  I do the cleanup.” This movie also shows what goes on behind the scenes of writing a book. There is so much that goes into it, and it’s enlightening to know what that is. Watching this documentary may even inspire you to read The Power Broker about Robert Moses or the Lyndon Johnson biography series.

The message and purpose of this documentary is to highlight the shared dedication and working relationship of these two literary men. There is some language that might be offensive to some.

I give Turn Every Page – The Adventures of Robert Caro and Robert Gottlieb 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 12 to 18, but especially adults. The film is playing now in select cities.

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