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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 * The Perfect End To This Marvel Trilogy – An Emotional Journey And A Bit Of A Tearjerker

Friday, May 5th, 2023

In Marvel Studios’ Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 our beloved band of misfits are settling into life on Knowhere. But it isn’t long before their lives are upended by the echoes of Rocket’s turbulent past. Peter Quill, still reeling from the loss of Gamora, must rally his team around him on a dangerous mission to save Rocket’s life—a mission that, if not completed successfully, could quite possibly lead to the end of the Guardians as we know them.

KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Katherine S. comments, “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is the perfect end to this Marvel trilogy. It’s an emotional journey, and, for me, a bit of a tearjerker – bring some tissues.” Kendall B. adds, “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is a hilarious movie with a thrilling plot, funny one-liners, and incredible special effects. It’s a great movie that left me waiting for the next scene.” Emma D. adds, “Guardians of the Galaxy: Volume 3 is a disappointing final installment of a beloved trilogy, largely due to a confusing plot and weird dialogue. Although the visuals are engaging, the film lacks the comedic element and enthusiasm of the first two.” Mikella G. wraps it up with, “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 is an outstanding film. It’s filled with action and adventure, while still tackling important issues.”  See their full reviews below.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
By Katherine S., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 15

(L-R): Pom Klementieff as Mantis, Dave Bautista as Drax, Chris Pratt as Peter Quill/Star-Lord, and Karen Gillan as Nebula in Marvel Studios’ Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. Photo by Jessica Miglio. © 2023 MARVEL.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is the perfect end to this Marvel trilogy. It’s an emotional journey, and, for me, a bit of a tearjerker – bring some tissues. I connected strongly with the characters and throughout the movie deeply cared about them. I also love this movie because of the strong messages, astonishing CGI and the “marvelous” acting.

This movie switches between Rocket’s (Bradley Cooper) backstory and the mission to save Rocket embarked on by Star Lord/Peter Quill (Chris Pratt), Groot (Vin Diesel), Nebula (Karen Gillan), Drax (Dace Bautista), and Mantis’ (Pom Klementieff). The new Gamora (Zoe Saldaña) also joins them, but she isn’t the same Gamora we knew. Can the Guardians save Rocket and the galaxy in time? Watch to find out!  As always, make sure to stay until the end of the credits!

(L-R): Will Poulter as Adam Warlock and Elizabeth Debicki as Ayesha in Marvel Studios’ Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. Photo by Jessica Miglio. © 2023 MARVEL.

Guardians of the Galaxy is one of my favorite franchises within the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe), and director James Gunn and the actors are the biggest reasons why. Gunn has made these movies unique and distinct from the other Marvel movies. Although it’s still funny, this movie resonates emotionally with the audience more than the first two Guardians. You can feel the pain and traumatic experiences of the characters. Star Lord as Chris Pratt is perfect. I’ve never seen a role as good as this one for Pratt, and for me he will always be Peter Quill. Even though Rocket is completely CGI, Bradley Cooper’s voice performance makes me believe he is real. My favorite character is Drax (David Bautista) because he is very sweet and funny, and whenever he’s on screen, I enjoy it immensely.

The message of this movie is that friendship and teamwork are the most powerful forces in the galaxy. This movie contains some profanity, violence, and some gross scenes.

I give Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3  4 out of 5 stars, and I recommend it for ages 12 to 18, plus adults. Marvel and Guardians of the Galaxy fans will definitely enjoy this movie. It comes out in theaters on May 5, 2023.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
By Kendall B., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, Age 12

(L-R): Dave Bautista as Drax and Pom Klementieff as Mantis in Marvel Studios’ Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. Photo by Jessica Miglio. © 2023 MARVEL.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is a hilarious movie with a thrilling plot, funny one-liners, and incredible special effects. It’s a great movie that left me waiting for the next scene.

The story starts showing the Guardians living in harmony; however Rocket (Bradley Cooper) and Peter (Chris Pratt) have been kind of down lately.  Gamora (Zoe Saldana) is not remembering her past life after the events of the Infinity War, and Rocket remembering things about his old life before the Guardians and how horrible it was.  When a failed attempt by a new unknown superhero (Will Poulter) to take Rocket back to his creator, the High Evolutionary (Chukwudi Iwuji), Rocket is injured, and this brings him closer to death every second. After reuniting with Gamora, Peter is on a mission, along with Drax (Dave Bautista) and Mantis (Pom Klementieff) and, of course, everybody’s favorite plant, Groot (Vin Diesel), to save not only Rocket but the whole galaxy.

Rocket (voiced by Bradley Cooper) in Marvel Studios’ Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. Photo courtesy of Marvel Studios. © 2023 MARVEL.

This film has many amazing assets with its strongest being the CGI. Throughout the movie we are treated to insane special effects, including ships flying throughout the galaxy. The incredibly realistic galaxy makes the movie so much fun to watch. The actors are all well cast. Rocket’s backstory is so perfectly executed and we learn why Rocket behaves the way he does during certain situations. The whole explanation brings tears to your eyes. Gamora and Peter’s relationship is explored as it jumps back into their love story, slowly hinting at a possible relationship in the future. My favorite characters are Drax and Mantis. The friendship between these too is so sweet and unbelievably hilarious. The two are always teasing each other and the dialogue between them is among the many notable highlights of this film. My favorite part of the movie is when the Guardians try to bring Rocket back to life and he reconnects with some of his old friends in his mind. It’s such a sentimental scene and changes the entire feeling of the movie, in a good way.

The film’s message is that sometimes friends can feel like family and that is worth fighting for. Throughout the film the Guardians stick together through difficult situations — all to save Rocket because he is one of their friends and they will do anything to save him. Peter tries to explain this to Gamora in one scene when she doesn’t understand why they will put their own lives in danger to save Rocket.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 gets 5 out of 5 stars from me and I recommend it for ages 8 to 18, plus adults. It releases in theatres May 5, 2023.

Guardians of the Galaxy: Volume 3
By Emma D., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 16

(L-R): Karen Gillan as Nebula, Chris Pratt as Peter Quill/Star-Lord, and Dave Bautista as Drax in Marvel Studios’ Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. Photo by Jessica Miglio. © 2023 MARVEL.

Guardians of the Galaxy: Volume 3 is a disappointing final installment of a beloved trilogy, largely due to a confusing plot and weird dialogue. Although the visuals are engaging, the film lacks the comedic element and enthusiasm of the first two.

Guardians of the Galaxy: Volume 3 picks up after the Guardians appearance in Thor: Love and Thunder and follows their struggle with the loss of Gamora (Zoe Saldana). Her loss has affected Peter (Chris Pratt) the most, and he struggles with depression, which negatively affects the group — and as a result they are lost when it comes to the future. When a man arrives to capture Rocket (Bradley Cooper), the gang has to fight to save his life and go deep into Rocket’s past, discovering things they never knew were possible.

The plot is confusing with too many details and unnecessary characters, which makes the story overly complicated. I often had to replay moments in my head to try to grasp what was going on.  Adam Warlock (Will Poulter) and his mom (Elizabeth Debicki), although quite entertaining, are irrelevant to the plot. Gamora also seems unimportant since the relationship status between Peter Quinn (Chris Pratt) and her has already been established in past films. Her absence would have made a more significant impact by showing how much her absence affects Peter and the group. The villain is the High Evolutionary (Chukwudi Iwuji), and although Iwuji is excellent in this role and can be truly terrifying, the character itself is pretty bland. It is hard to take him seriously when all of his actions, although sometimes gruesome, seem lackluster in comparison to previous Marvel villains.

Zoe Saldana as Gamora in Marvel Studios’ Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. Photo by Jessica Miglio. © 2023 MARVEL.

The visual effects are stunning, and the scenes in space are breathtaking — I highly recommend watching it at the movie theater. However, some of the visual effects are a little too realistic, especially with the animals, and can be very uncomfortable to watch. The movie also misses the comedic element that I loved about the series, which is a shame since the actors are all hilarious. The soundtrack is fantastic and helps break up the more serious moments and serves as excellent background music for fight scenes.  I love all the interactions between the actors in the main group, as those are the most heartwarming and funny scenes. The best part of the movie is the ending, which is a perfect ending for the series.

Guardians of the Galaxy: Volume 3 promotes the idea of friendship and fighting for the ones you love. The movie is more violent than most Marvel movies, which is something that parents should be aware of. The visual effects of the animals can be discomforting and a little scary. The film also addresses alcoholism and depression, which may not be appropriate for younger audiences.

Guardians of the Galaxy: Volume 3 gets 3 out of 5 stars and I recommend it for ages 12 to 18, plus adults. It comes out in theaters on May 5, 2023.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
By Mikella G., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 16

Groot (voiced by Vin Diesel) in Marvel Studios’ Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. Photo courtesy of Marvel Studios. © 2023 MARVEL.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 is an outstanding film. It’s filled with action and adventure, while still tackling important issues.

The storyline follows the Guardians for a third time as they reunite with Gamora (Zoe Saldana), and embark on their journey to save Rocket (Bradley Cooper). The crew goes through multiple rough patches when discovering Rocket’s past, and they learn that they must work together to defeat the High Evolutionary (Chukwudi lwuji).

(L-R): Miriam Shor as Recorder Vim, Chukwudi Iwuji as The High Evolutionary, and Nico Santos as Recorder Theel in Marvel Studios’ Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. Photo by Jessica Miglio. © 2023 MARVEL.

A huge standout in this film is the soundtrack. Every song fits the moment perfectly and really gives a fun nostalgic feeling to the film. The track includes music from the Beastie Boys, Bruce Springsteen and more. Additionally, the cinematography really stands out. I enjoy the camera angles showing the High Evolutionary Corporation. They zoom into certain moments when baby Rocket is in his cage, and use different but intentional angles. Even the transitions from flashback moments to present time are smooth, and flow nicely. Plus, the visual effects are top notch. Every fight scene is attention grabbing, and very engaging. All the sound effects are so realistic. For example, even something as simple as someone chewing food, has top sound quality.

Additionally, there’s a moment where Nebula (Karen Gilman) pops her muscles back into place, which is a super cool effect that definitely stayed in my mind after watching the film. I really felt that I was in another galaxy. The colors, lights and imagery are very realistic, and bring you right into the world of the Guardians.

(L-R): Sean Gunn as Kraglin, Groot (voiced by Vin Diesel), Chris Pratt as Peter Quill/Star-Lord, Karen Gillan as Nebula, Rocket (voiced by Bradley Cooper), Dave Bautista as Drax, and Pom Klementieff as Mantis in Marvel Studios’ Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. Photo courtesy of Marvel Studios. © 2023 MARVEL.

There is some outstanding acting in this film, especially Chukwudi Iwuji, who completely embodies his character, High Evolutionary. His acting is so strong and completely sucks you in. There is a scene where Iwuji almost tricks the audience into thinking he’s a good person then, moments later, snaps back into his villainous side, which stood out to me. He has a way of creating an uncomfortable, but intriguing feeling, where his tricks that he uses in the movie, reflect on the audience. With Rocket one of the main driving factors of the story, Bradley Cooper really taps into his role. He shows a side of Rocket that has not yet been revealed, and creates a sympathetic feeling for the viewers. As an audience, we get to experience a raw, honest version of Rocket that feels human-like as well. There are times that I feel like I could relate to him, which really highlights the acting abilities of Bradley Cooper.

The film’s message is to never stop fighting for the ones you love. Be forewarned that this film has harsh violence and profanity.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 gets 5 out of 5 stars from me and I recommend it for ages 12 to 18, plus adults. It releases in theaters May 4, 2023.

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Peter Pan & Wendy * This Disney Live Action Remake Of Peter Pam Creates A New And Exciting Experience

Friday, April 28th, 2023

Based on J. M. Barrie’s novel Peter and Wendy and inspired by the 1953 animated classic, Peter Pan and Wendy is the timeless tale of a young girl who, defying her parents’ wishes to attend boarding school, travels with her two younger brothers to the magical Neverland. There, she meets a boy who refuses to grow up, a tiny fairy and an evil pirate captain, and they soon find themselves on a thrilling and dangerous adventure far, far away from their family and the comforts of home.

KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Avani M. comments, “I like Peter Pan & Wendybecause of the magical and mysterious place called Neverland. The cinematography is so beautiful and made me wish I could be there.” Carlee S. adds, “This Disney live action remake of the classic film creates a new and exciting experience.  The film takes viewers on an adventure that delivers the characters and story people have grown to love while adding some interesting new twists.” See their full reviews below.

Peter Pan & Wendy
By Avani M., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, Age 10

I like Peter Pan & Wendy because of the magical and mysterious place called Neverland. The cinematography is so beautiful and made me wish I could be there.

In Peter Pan & Wendy, Wendy (Ever Anderson) doesn’t want to grow up and Peter Pan (Alexander Molony) doesn’t grow up in Neverland. Peter comes to take Wendy and her brothers John (Joshua Pickering) and Michael (Jacobi Jupe) to Neverland with his friend Tinkerbell (Yara Shahidi). When Wendy and her brothers go with Peter Pan and Tinkerbell they encounter Captain Hook (Jude Law) and he shoots Wendy out of the sky. Then we are introduced to the lost boys when they save Wendy. 

Peter Pan & Wendy definitely meets the KIDS FIRST! criteria and has great messages and awesome performances. Jude Law is great as Captain Hook because he portrays an angry and hurt character at the same time. Alexander Maloney is a convincing Peter Pan because of his youthful look. Ever Anderson shows a range of emotions from her defiance of growing up to wonder at the sight of Neverland and bravery as she faces the Pirates. I really like how Neverland is shown as a luscious green island with lots of trees and plants. It is a single mysterious island in the middle of the ocean with nothing surrounding it. The cinematography is beautiful and colorful, contrasting a luscious Neverland with the darker, more serious England. I also like how Peter and Wendy fly up into the sky and go through a portal to get to Neverland.

This film has a few themes, the biggest of which is that it is okay to grow up. Wendy refuses to grow up at first, but when she sees how she doesn’t grow up in Neverland she becomes happy that she actually can grow up and have a full path ahead of her. Another message is that you cannot accomplish everything by yourself. Peter Pan tries to defeat Captain Hook all by himself, but realizes that he needs the help of his friends.

I give Peter Pan & Wendy 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 18, plus adults. It is available on Disney+ now.

Peter Pan & Wendy
By Carlee S., Kids First! Film Critic, Age 18

Peter Pan & Wendy brings to life the timeless story of children who escape to the childhood world of Neverland. This Disney live action remake of the classic film creates a new and exciting experience.  The film takes viewers on an adventure that delivers the characters and story people have grown to love while adding some interesting new twists.

As the film begins, Wendy (Ever Anderson) is playing around with her younger brothers John (Joshua Pickering) and Michael (Jacobi Jupe). Wendy is soon going to attend a boarding school; however, she dislikes the idea of having to grow up and move away. Peter Pan (Alexander Molony) sneaks in one night trying to capture his shadow and he decides it would be best to take Wendy and her brothers with him to Neverland to prolong Wendy’s childhood. When they reach Neverland they encounter an evil pirate, Captain Hook (Jude Law), lost boys (and girls), and others. Captain Hook has his sight sent on capturing and destroying Peter Pan and anyone else who is young.

The film brings the classic story to life in a commendable way. My favorite scene is when Captain Hook takes Wendy and the lost boys captive on his pirate ship. After a fight, Captain Hook forces Wendy to walk the plank. The scene is suspenseful and keeps the viewer on the edge of their seat. The detailed costumes fit well with each character and many closely resemble their clothing from the original animated movie.  Captain Hook has on his iconic red coat that has a lot of intricate details and he wears a black pirate hat to top off the outfit. Tiger Lily (Alyssa Wapanatahk) wears a seemingly authentic Native American outfit in this version. The CGI in this film is spectacular! It is especially notable in the scenes in Neverland, with Tinkerbell (Yara Shahidi), when they fly, when they encounter the crocodile, and with the pirate ship. Ever Anderson, as Wendy, and Alexander Molony, as Peter Pan, are enjoyable to watch as the main characters.  Alyssa Wapanathk speaks Native American in parts of the film which gives her character a realistic feel. I also enjoyed seeing the different sides of Captain Hook’s character.  We don’t see a lot of Neverland or places such as Mermaid Lagoon, which I would have loved.

The film’s message is to find the joy in growing up. Wendy is clearly scared at first because she is nervous about growing up and facing the unknown. Growing up means things change and that can be quite scary. However, it also means new adventures and experiences. Be forewarned that there is some mild violence such as the fighting on the pirate ship and with the crocodile.

I give Peter Pan & Wendy 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 18, plus adults.  It releases April 28, 2023 on Disney+.

Trailer: https://youtu.be/p-5sVX7MRj8

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Chupa * Definitely Captivated Me With Its Imaginative Story, Lovable Characters And Stunning Visuals

Friday, April 7th, 2023

Shy 13-year-old Alex flies from Kansas City to Mexico to meet his extended family for the first time. There he meets his grandfather and former lucha libre champion Chava, energetic, wrestling-obsessed cousin Memo, and fearless, hip cousin Luna. But just as Alex begins to get his bearings, he discovers a mythical creature living under his grandfather’s shed: a young chupacabra cub, which he recognizes from stories of the feared, full-grown chupacabra, fabled to feed on farmers’ livestock. Alex soon learns that his new friend “Chupa” has a secret history with his family, and that dogged, dangerous scientist Richard Quinn is hunting the misunderstood creature to try and harness his powers. To protect Chupa from impending danger, Alex sets off on the adventure of a lifetime, one that will push the bonds of his newfound family to the brink, and remind him that life’s burdens are lighter when you don’t have to carry them alone.

KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Ashleigh C. comments, “Chupa is an entertaining and enjoyable children’s movie that definitely captivated me with its imaginative story and lovable characters… The film boasts stunning visuals, with vibrant colors and creative creature design that I love and believe that they are perfectly suited for young viewers.” See her full review below.

By Ashleigh C., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 19

Chupa. Cr: Netflix © 2023Cr: Netflix © 2023

Chupa is an entertaining and enjoyable children’s movie that definitely captivated me with its imaginative story and lovable characters.

The movie follows the adventures of Alex (Evan Whitten), a young boy who discovers a mysterious creature known as the chupacabra, AKA Chupa, when visiting his family in Mexico. Alex quickly befriends Chupa and, with the help of his new friend, Alex embarks on a wild and exciting journey to protect Chupa from those who would harm him.

Chupa. Evan Whitten as Alex in Chupa. Cr: Netflix © 2023

Chupa is a must-see film for children and families looking for an entertaining and meaningful story. The film boasts stunning visuals, with vibrant colors and creative creature design that I love and believe that they are perfectly suited for young viewers.

The cast is fantastic, with Evan Whitten delivering a standout performance as both a shy and adventurous Alex, and Christian Slater and Demián Bichir lending their talents to the supporting cast.

Chupa. (L-R) Nickolas Verdugo as Memo, Evan Whitten as Alex and Ashley Ciarra as Luna in Chupa. Cr: Netflix © 2023

What really sets Chupa apart from others is its heartwarming message about the importance of accepting and protecting those who are different. With its captivating visuals, talented cast, and important message, Chupa is sure to become a new favorite among young viewers.

The movie teaches children valuable lessons about empathy and kindness, while still making its mark as a fun and exciting adventure. Note that this film does contain violent themes and some inappropriate language.

I give Chupa 4 out 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 18, plus adults. Chupa release onNetflix on April 7, 2023. Don’t miss it!

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The Super Mario Bros. Movie * Gives The Iconic Characters We Know And Love The Movie Adaptation That They All Deserve

Thursday, April 6th, 2023

The story of The Super Mario Bros. on their journey through the Mushroom Kingdom. A Brooklyn plumber named Mario travels through the Mushroom Kingdom with a princess named Peach and an anthropomorphic mushroom named Toad to find Mario’s brother, Luigi, and to save the world from a ruthless fire-breathing Koopa named Bowser.

KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Katherine S. comments, “The Super Mario Bros. Movie is the perfect video-game to movie adaptation! There’s lots of laughs for all ages and loads of references to the Mario Games for all fans. I enjoy this animated movie because it gives the iconic characters we all know and love the movie adaptation that they all deserve.” See her full review below.  

The Super Mario Bros. Movie
By Katherine S., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 15

The Super Mario Bros. Movie is the perfect video-game to movie adaptation! There’s lots of laughs for all ages and loads of references to the Mario Games for all fans. I enjoy this animated movie because it gives the iconic characters we all know and love the movie adaptation that they all deserve.

In this movie, we learn the origin story of our favorite video-game brothers, Mario and Luigi. Mario (Chris Pratt) and Luigi (Charlie Day) are just your average brothers living and working in Brooklyn as plumbers, but when they find a warp pipe in the sewer, they get transported to the magical land where Toads, Yoshi’s and Koopa Troopas roam. Along the way, Luigi gets captured by the evil Bowser (Jack Black) and with the help of Princess Peach (Anya Taylor-Joy), Mario is forced to ‘level up’ and fight Bowser before he conquers the world.

There’s no need to play the video games to like this movie, but existing fans of the franchise will especially love it because of all the Easter eggs and familiar songs. This is such an imaginative story with characters and themes from some of my favorite games in the franchise – Mario Kart, Super Mario Bros. and Donkey Kong. I love how this has elements of the classic games but also new twists, like how Princess Peach in this movie isn’t like your normal Princess Peach in need of rescuing, because she can save herself and is very skillful at doing so. I also love how relatable the brothers are as they are from our world.

We’ve been seeing a lot of high quality animation from Illumination recently, and this movie follows the trend. The animation is cheerful and lively and the quality is top-notch. Jack Black, as Bowser, is absolutely perfect in this role. His versatile voice makes for an almost manic Bowser – scary, evil, quirky and laughable – and he can flip the two like a light switch. Chris Pratt as Mario and Charlie Day as Luigi have a lot of chemistry and seem like very close brothers. Collectively, they are relatable and help us sympathize with the plot even more.

The messages of The Super Mario Bros. Movie are that family is the most powerful thing in the world (real and virtual) and when working together, you can accomplish anything.

I give The Super Mario Bros. Movie 4 of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 18, plus adults. Players of any Mario games will enjoy this. It comes out in theaters April 5, 2023.

Super Mario Bros. Movie
By Giana N., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 11

The Super Mario Bros. Movie is based on the classic video game that is known and loved by many, so why wouldn’t you love this fun, entertaining movie based on the brotherhood of Mario and Luigi? This film has a good message, a great plot and enjoyable characters that made me laugh throughout the whole film.

The storyline follows Mario (Chris Pratt) and his younger brother, Luigi (Charlie Day), as they find themselves in worlds that they are not used to. Mario ends up in Mushroom Kingdom and Luigi ends up in an underground world. The underground world is controlled by Bowser (Jack Black), a very cruel leader, and the Mushroom Kingdom is controlled by Princess Peach (Anya Taylor-Joy). Mario and Princess Peach team up in order to find Luigi and defeat Bowser.

This is a completely family-friendly movie. The writers creatively include aspects of the Mario games throughout the film, such as the mystery box, the mushrooms, and the go carts. A notable moment of the movie is how the movie opens with a game-like simulation. Some characters that stand out are Bowser and Donkey Kong (Seth Rogen) for being amusing and Mario for being resilient. Mario is a good example for younger audiences as he constantly steps into a leadership role. He continuously sticks up for Luigi and doesn’t let anyone pick on him.

My favorite scene is the fight scene between Donkey Kong and Mario because Mario and Donkey Kong’s interactions with each other are absolutely hilarious because of their unexpected banter. For example, before they are ready to make a move, they make a little joke, then they get to the fighting. Even though Bowser is the antagonist and the meanest monster around, he has moments that make him a lovable character like when he expresses his love for Princess Peach through a heartfelt song dedicated to her.

The message of The Super Mario Bros. Movie is that you should never stop trying even when it looks like you can’t win. The characters come across many obstacles, but they never give up. They push past them and move on.

I give Super Mario Bros. Movie 4.5 out of 5 stars and I recommend it for ages 5 to 12. You can find this movie out now in theaters, so go check it out!

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On a Wing and a Prayer * Puts You On The Edge Of Your Seat With A Compelling Plot And Sincere Performances

Tuesday, April 4th, 2023

After a small-town pilot mysteriously dies during flight, passenger Doug White is forced to land the plane to safety and save his entire family on board. Based on an astonishing true story of faith and survival, this film follows one man’s harrowing journey to save his family from insurmountable danger.

KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Eshaan M. comments, “Based on a true story, (this film) will put you on the edge of your seat throughout its duration, with a compelling plot and sincere performances by Dennis Quaid and Heather Graham. It’s a film for aviation geeks and thriller fans, as well as general audiences.” See his full review and interview with the director below.

On a Wing and a Prayer
By Eshaan M., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 17

On a Wing and a Prayer, based on a true story, will put you on the edge of your seat throughout its duration, with a compelling plot and sincere performances by Dennis Quaid and Heather Graham. It’s a film for aviation geeks and thriller fans, as well as general audiences. My only advice: don’t watch this before you get on a flight!

On a Wing and a Prayer follows the story of Doug Smith (Dennis Quaid), a Louisiana pharmacist. On a family getaway, Smith hears of the death of his brother, a pilot, and is shattered to the point of questioning his faith in God. He is put to the test when, after the memorial services and as the Smiths are on their way home, the pilot of their private plane dies mid-air. Doug must pilot the plane to a safe landing and save his family from what seems like impending death, combating medical emergencies and a tropical depression….oh, and did I mention Smith has never flown for more than an hour before?


The cast of On Wing and a Prayer dazzles. Dennis Quaid plays Doug Smith with conviction and honesty. In one of Quaid’s more serious performances (I don’t think he flashed his famous grin even once during the film), he takes on a paternal role that will have you spellbound. What I especially like about Quaid’s character is how unapologetically clueless he is at times; the film shows that even the “macho man” can be rendered helpless in an unfamiliar environment and stressful circumstances. But he never gives up. Heather Graham, who plays Smith’s wife, acts as the consummate copilot, remaining strong and supportive throughout the film.

I never saw Graham as an actress made for maternal roles, but there’s something uniquely warm about her portrayal in On a Wing and a Prayer. A good portion of the film is shot in the cockpit of a King Air plane, and the versatility of shots used is understandably limited. This leads to parts of the film not feeling as visually stimulating as they could: you’re staring at a medium closeup of Smith and his wife for forty minutes. In On a Wing and a Prayer, two kids enthusiastic about aviation track the progress of Smith’s flight, even biking to the runway to watch him land. This angle feels unnecessary in the film and leads to some confusion. On a Wing and a Prayer is certainly a dialogue-heavy film; the actors’ lines are what carry it. Still, the music could have been better utilized to accentuate the tension of the situation.

On a Wing and a Prayer promotes perseverance when times get tough. The film assures viewers, especially those who feel like all’s lost, that they have people in their corner who will support them at all costs, in the same way that the Florida air traffic control metaphorically held Doug’s hand throughout the whole harrowing experience. In terms of parental advisories, there are mentions of death, and Smith’s daughter suffers a violent allergic reaction onboard the plane. If you’re afraid of planes or of flying, this also might not be the best film for you.

I give On a Wing and a Prayer 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 12 to 18, plus adults. On a Wing and a Prayer is available on Prime Video on April 7, 2023.

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