First of all, I want to thank those of you who have already donated to our campaign and I thought you might enjoy today’s alumni story and you might want to pass it on to a potential donor. This fundraiser won’t last long and we do need your support. As much as we all love what we do here, we do need little love (and funds) to keep the operation in business.
Once a year we ask for support for our year-end campaign. And it’s that time once again. A little goes a long way here so please know that your contribution, no matter how small or how big, will be put to good use.
Today I have another alumni story to share with you and believe you will find it as inspiring as I have. Harmony Makhfi was a KIDS FIRST! reporter 11 years ago and is now a happy neuroscientist. Here’s her story.
KIDS FIRST! changed my life for the better. I began my time there at the age of 14 and am now 25. I have nothing but great things to say about my time at KIDS FIRST! Through my experience, I developed skills that have truly propelled me in my career as an adult. Looking back at the content I produced (at what now seems like such a young age) makes me really proud. Analyzing media in the way we did really gave me a unique, mature perspective on media – and I am so proud to have that skill set. It has given me a lens to view the world with much more intention. Being a KIDS FIRST! Film Critic allowed me to explore my passion for movies, express my opinions, and engage with a vibrant community of film lovers. Through analyzing and reviewing films, I developed a deeper understanding of storytelling, cinematography, and the power of visual art.
The structure of the organization is amazing…managing a bunch of kids is no easy feat! I had such an amazing time going to advanced screenings, writing and filming professional reviews, and practicing my public speaking on the recurring radio shows. For children, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to be a part of and it gives them a sort of education you can’t get anywhere else.
I’m so thankful for my time at KIDS FIRST! I continued to do reviews into my early college years while deciding to pursue cognitive science – a completely different world! My experience really stood out on my college applications, and later my resume. I am now a happy neuroscientist with a heart in film and an experience I get to brag about to this day.
We are dedicated to training tweens and teens to act as entertainment professionals – as journalists, as YouTubers, as Influencers – but more importantly we allow them opportunities to express their opinions about entertainment and to learn and grow as young adults.
In order to continue doing the work we do, we need your support. Our goal is to raise $50,000 in our year-end campaign, which allows us to continue doing the important work we do and will be matched by donations from other sources. We welcome your donation of any amount — no amount is too small! If every one of our subscribers would donate $5 we would easily hit our goal tomorrow!
You can donate online here:, through PayPal or Venmo, or simply mail a check to our address in my signature below.
Thank you so much for taking time to read this and for your support. Here’s wishing you a very happy Thanksgiving with your family and friends.
When a young, aspiring fashion designer’s first ideas are passed over, she learns to stick to her instincts and never give up, bringing more sparkle and brightening the world around her
KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Avalon N. Comments, “Caralique is a relatable and inspiring movie. It’s filled with incredible relationships and even more incredible fashion ideas. The movie Caralique focuses a lot on fashion. With that being said, the fashion in the movie is absolutely stunning.” Anna Clara B. adds, “This film is fantastic and so inspiring! It made me believe that we never have to give up even during the hardest situations. My favorite part of the film is when Caralique realizes that she is different, and that is what makes her successful.” Maverick’s response is, “Caralique is extremely appealing — the plot pulled me in from the very beginning, starting with the brief overview of Caralique’s life story and following with interesting conflicts. The characters are easy to sympathize with, adding to the anticipation of what will follow in the story, making each scene that much more enjoyable.” Kyla C. wraps it up with, “The theme of Caralique is to never give up on your dream, even if it seems like everything is against you. Both Caralique and Arlette must overcome so many obstacles to achieve their goals.” See their full reviews below.
Caralique By Avalon Niemi, KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 15
Caralique is a relatable and inspiring movie. It’s filled with incredible relationships and even more incredible fashion ideas.
The plot of this film is centered on a girl named Caralique (Isabella Blake-Thomas) whose mom is forced to give up her fashion dream in France and moves to the United States due to a loss of her job and therefore, money. However her daughter still continues to come up with fashion ideas. This eventually lands her mom a job. The story continues to play out from there.
The movie Caralique focuses a lot on fashion. With that being said, the fashion in the movie is absolutely stunning. All the designs are gorgeous and innovative. They could be worn in real life if someone created them. The film also utilizes languages in a very unique way. In the beginning the mom speaks a lot of both French and English to the daughter, fostering her use of both languages. Then as the daughter continues to get older they use less French but the influence can still be seen. The editors also add subtitles for when French language is used in the film so even if you don’t speak French, you can still understand what’s going on. There are lots of characters in the movie. Each has a distinct personality, such as the character named Eloise (Abbie Georganna) who has an accent and has a very different place in life and in her school, different from others her age.
The message of the film is to trust your instincts and never give up on your dreams.
I give Caralique 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 18 plus adults. The film can be viewed on VOD and DVD beginning November 21. 2023.
Caralique By Anna Clara B, KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 13
Caralique is a film full of lessons we need to bring to life and has thrilling scenes that I really enjoyed and made me thrilled.
The storyline follows Caralique (Isabella Blake Thomas), a young girl, inspired by her parents, who is completely in love with fashion design and has been since she was a little girl. She wants to make people happy by wearing her clothes. Difficulties happen, but still, Caralique has an extraordinary idea that can change her life.
This film is fantastic and so inspiring! It made me believe that we never have to give up even during the hardest situations. My favorite part of the film is when Caralique realizes that she is different, and that is what makes her successful. Scenes like this make us reflect on life. The acting is absolutely brilliant! For example, Caralique cries when she loses a very dear relative and is very discouraged and I could really feel her despair.
I also liked the costumes, which play a major role in the film – each one is uniquely based on an individual personality. Caralique’s brilliantly shows the stages of her life. Since childhood, she has dressed with a child’s version of contemporary clothes, such as simple denim shorts, a white outfit, or even a dress, with the help of her mother. In adulthood, she dresses differently from the normal, with clothing ideas uniquely her own, reflecting her personality.
The film’s message is to be yourself no matter where you are, believe in your dreams and don’t listen to the bad advice.
I give Caralique 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 12 to 18, plus adults. It releases on VOD and DVD on November 21, 2023.
Caralique By Maverick C., KIDS FIRST!
Caralique is extremely appealing — the plot pulled me in from the very beginning, starting with the brief overview of Caralique’s life story and following with interesting conflicts. The characters are easy to sympathize with, adding to the anticipation of what will follow in the story, making each scene that much more enjoyable. It’s a heartwarming story about sticking to what you believe in and doing what you are passionate about.
The storyline follows a young aspiring fashion designer who learns to never give up on her dreams even when she is faced with hardships and has to overcome the difficulties of the fashion industry. Caralique (Isabella Blake-Thomas) learns from her motivating mother and father to chase what she wants most in life — creating fashion in a unique way.
The conflicts help build the fascinating character, Caralique, into someone you can easily relate to and feel sympathy for; her determination is both incredibly riveting and entertaining. Visually this film is spectacularly colorful, each scene being just, if not more, entertaining than the last. This fits the theme of the film perfectly as the fashion is well displayed into every frame and you are easily drawn to what the character will make next. Caralique is a driven character who promotes individualism and staying true to your passion; she succeeds in this by showing great determination and problem solving in unique ways.
The writing in the show is very good, with well-timed pacing and easy-to-follow content. Each scene is significant to the plot development, whether it’s something dramatic or something small. Each character has its own time to be evaluated by the audience and therefore builds sense of empathy for further development. The concepts within the film are definitely suitable for a youth audience — a great amount of the film centers on a teenager’s daily life hanging out with friends, having a part time job, and going to school. A child could enjoy this film, as the story centers around a child’s motivation not to give up on their dreams even in their teenage years. This incredibly important life lesson is communicated throughout the film perfectly using language a child can easily understand and relate to. This film easily encourages audiences to focus on their passions even if they face hardships, which in turn can motivate younger audiences to start their journey early.
The film’s message focuses on the importance of staying motivated to achieve your dreams and not letting others stand in your way. The film encourages the audience to stay motivated and chase your dreams, which is a wonderful life lesson for any age group especially kids.
I give Caralique 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 18. It releases on VOD and DVD November 21, 2023.
Caralique By Kyla C, KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, Age 14
Caralique is an emotional film that is also beautiful and inspiring. This film has an excellent story, talented actors and pretty props, designs and costumes. Caralique is truly a work of art that everyone should experience.
This film follows a girl, Caralique (Isabella Blake-Thomas), from her journey as a young, 8-year old (Kali Funston) to a teen with big dreams. Her mom, Arlette (Helene Cardona), was a talented fashion designer who gave up her dreams to raise her daughter. They struggled financially for most of Caralique’s early life, and when her mom loses her job, they must “go on an adventure,” as Arlette calls their search for a home. At one of her mom’s unsuccessful job interviews, Caralique gives the interviewer a drawing she made. This drawing is the key to Caralique’s success, but she faces many obstacles before she gets there.
Caralique’s plot is fun and engaging, with many emotional points as well. The story has a perfect amount of happy, uplifting parts to balance the sadder moments. The main characters are determined and sweet, creating great role models and an inspirational storyline. However, some events in the film are slightly unrealistic. For example, even with Caralique’s impressive artistic abilities, it is doubtful that a job interviewer would take a second glance at a drawing given to them by an eight-year-old. While this makes the film a bit less realistic and relatable, it does boost the optimistic mood and themes of the film. The actors that portray Caralique and Arlette add so much to the film with not only the raw emotion through their voices and facial expressions, but their chemistry as scene partners. Isabella Blake-Thomas and Helene Cardona truly appear as mother and daughter on screen. Their relationship is vital to the development of the story and the emphasis on the theme — and the actors do not disappoint. In addition to the mother-daughter relationship, fashion design is a primary focus of Caralique. Since both main characters are so talented in fashion design it’s important that the dresses, fabrics and designs reflect these qualities. They certainly live up to this expectation. There are original designs, vibrant colors, unique ideas and matching hair and makeup for each one. The screen is so pleasant to look at all the time with these beautiful costumes and props.
The theme of Caralique is to never give up on your dream, even if it seems like everything is against you. Both Caralique and Arlette must overcome so many obstacles to achieve their goals. This inspirational message is a big part of Caralique, and is developed throughout the film.
I give Caralique 4.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 18, plus adults. You can watch Caralique on VOD and DVD/Blu-ray beginning November 21, 2023.
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Poppy discovers that Branch was once part of the boy band ‘BroZone’ with his brothers, Floyd, John Dory, Spruce and Clay. When Floyd is kidnapped, Branch and Poppy embark on a journey to reunite his two other brothers and rescue Floyd.
KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Kennedy P. comments, “I love the new animated musical, Trolls Band Together. The movie delivers a lot of heart, along with showing the importance of family values, friendship, and love. Trolls Band Together had me out of my seat, dancing and singing along to all the songs.” Tiana S. adds, “It’s time to hit the backstreet for a new edition to the Trolls movie franchise! Trolls Band Together has the perfect music, acting and animation that kept me *Nsync with the story!” Kira O. says, “The music adds a lot of energetic fun to the film, including a new song called “Better Place,” from the 90s boy band *NSync. That should make some parents in the audience happy since the band hasn’t released a new song in 20 years!” Valerie R. wraps it up with, “I really admire how they brought NSYNC back together to record the song “Better Place” for the film. All in all, this film is a fun and family-friendly film that I and my family really enjoyed! Plus, I love the very important message this movie conveys. “See their full reviews plus an interview with director, Walter Dohrn below.
Trolls Band Together By Kennedy P., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 9
I love the new animated musical, Trolls Band Together. The movie delivers a lot of heart, along with showing the importance of family values, friendship, and love. Trolls Band Together had me out of my seat, dancing and singing along to all the songs.
In the film, Poppy (Anna Kendrick) and Branch (Justin Timberlake) are now officially, finally, a couple. As they grow closer, Poppy discovers that Branch has a secret past. He was once part of her favorite boy band “BroZone,” with his four brothers. BroZone disbanded when Branch was still a baby, as did the family, and Branch has not seen his brothers since. When Branch’s bro Floyd is kidnapped for his musical talents by a pair of pop-star villains, Velvet (Amy Schumer) and Veneer (Andrew Rannells), Branch and Poppy embark on a harrowing and emotional journey to reunite the brothers and rescue Floyd from a fate even worse than pop-culture obscurity.
Trolls Band Together embraces the boy band era with so many references to everyone’s favorite bands. The movie delivers a lot of heart, along with showing the importance of family values, friendship, and love. The entire movie is filled with humor, catchy cover songs, amazing animation, and lessons about family. Directed by Walt Dohm and Tim Heitz, the animation in this DreamWorks production is stunning — all the vibrant colors throughout the movie are amazing. I was not able to take your eyes off the screen. All the music goes so well with the storyline in every scene. It features a new original song, “Better Place,” from Justin Timberlake’s old boy band NSYNC. It was so fun to sing and dance along.
The voice actors are terrific. Timberlake and Kendrick are joined by Zooey Deschanel, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Icona Pop, Anderson Paak, Ron Funches, Kenan Thompson, Kunal Nayyar plus a handful of newcomers. They could not have picked a better group of actors to voice these characters. The script by Elizabeth Tippet is so smart, but my favorite part is all the songs and dances throughout the movie. Trolls movies have been a hit with viewers of all ages and this one is no different. I predict that everyone will be singing and dancing and loving every minute of this movie.
The film’s message is about family dynamics and how all family relationships are different. It shows viewers that no two families are the same and all families have their differences with each other, but they are still family. Be aware that it contains some rude and suggestive humor and some scary creatures like the Bergens and large spiders, plus the trolls are chased and eaten.
I give Trolls Band Together 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 12, plus adults. You can watch Trolls Band Together in theaters on November 17, 2023.
Trolls Band Together By Tiana S., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 13
It’s time to hit the backstreet for a new edition to the Trolls movie franchise! Trolls Band Together has the perfect music, acting and animation that kept me *Nsync with the story!
In Trolls Band Together we get to see the family of Branch (Justin Timberlake) and their former band “BroZone.” After the band breaks up, one of the brothers, Floyd (Troye Sivian) gets kidnapped by Velvet (Amy Schumer) and Venner (Andrew Rannells) who steal his talent. It’s up to Branch, his brothers, Poppy (Anna Kendrick) and some other new and recurring characters to find a way to save him before it’s too late.
The film’s main characters are Poppy, Branch and the BroZone brothers. There are many new characters introduced in this film. I personally love characters with an evil aura and Velvet has to be my favorite. She’s the perfect mix of a prideful mean girl and a typical big sister. Velvet’s singing performance by Brianna Mazzola sounds so angelic and beautiful, which I loved as well. Speaking of singing, the music covers in this film are outstanding! I love the boy band references throughout the film, like New Kids on The Block, 98 Degrees and One Direction. Plus NSync came together to record a new song for this film. In the film, we see a lot of issues between family members. BroZone members are constantly at odds with each other – John Dory (Eric André), trying to be the boss of everyone and the brothers treating Branch like a baby, causing hard feelings and arguments. Even Velvet shows her evil and demanding ways towards Venner. This movie is worth watching and covers a lot of issues we can relate to.
The film’s message is about the true meaning of family. Being a family by blood is one thing, but actually portraying an equal family system is more important, especially among siblings. Kindness, equality, and understanding can relieve so many issues. Things parents may need to look out for are kissing scenes, love-related aspects like making out or having kids, and other very subtle words.
I give Trolls Band Together 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 18. It opens in theaters November 17, 2023. Be sure to stay for a short post-credits scene.
Trolls Band Together By Kira O., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 11
Trolls Band Together is an awesome movie! This latest film in this DreamWorks trilogy did not disappoint me! It is filled with surprising back stories for some of the most beloved Trolls characters.
Similar to the first two Trolls films, viewers join a rescue adventure led by Branch (Justin Timberlake) and Poppy (Anna Kendrick). The film starts with a lead up to the wedding of Bridget (Zooey Deschanel) and King Gristle (Christopher Mintz-Plasse) when a person from Branch’s past comes crashing in.
We learn that Branch has three older brothers, John Dory (Eric André), Spruce (Daveed Diggs), Clay (Kid Cudi) and Floyd (Troye Sivan). They had a boy band, BroZone that failed, leaving Branch to live alone with their grandmother. Fast forward to present day and Floyd has been kidnapped by the film’s villains, Velvet (Amy Schumer) and Veneer (Andrew Rannells) who plan to steal Floyd’s singing talent. John Dory tries to get the band back together, to save Floyd. First, he enlists the help of Poppy and Branch, and then they set out to find Spruce, and then Clay. My favorite part is when they are searching for Clay and end up at an abandoned golf course and discover a new community of trolls. Viva (Camila Cabello) is the leader of the troll community. I don’t want to spoil the surprise but a main character is very important to Viva. The animation is very good and consistent with the Trolls trilogy, which means vibrant colors, a wide range of characters and lots of pop music montages from the ‘80s, ‘90s and 2000s. The music adds a lot of energetic fun to the film, including a new song called “Better Place,” from the 90s boy band *NSync. That should make some parents in the audience happy since the band hasn’t released a new song in 20 years!
The message of Trolls Band Together is that things do not have to be perfect to work, including families.
I give Trolls Band Together 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 5 to 8, plus adults. It releases in theaters on November 17, 2023.
Trolls Band Together By Valerie R., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 14
Want to embark on a magical adventure filled with funky characters and a spectacular soundtrack? Trolls Band Together is the perfect movie for you and your entire family to watch together on movie night as I and my family loved it.
The story follows Branch (Justin Timberlake) who discovers that one of his brothers is being held captive by villainous pop stars Velvet (Amy Schumer) and Veneer (Andrew Rannells). Poppy (Anna Kendrick), Branch and his other brothers, Clay (Kid Cudi), John Dory (Eric Andre) and Spruce (Daveed Diggs) embark on an emotional journey in order to rescue their brother Floyd (Troye Sivan). During the journey Poppy discovers she has a long lost sister named Viva (Camila Cabello). Throughout their journey the Trolls learn the importance of family, and the importance of sticking together and solving problems together.
What I enjoy the most about this film are the character designs and animation throughout the entire film. The animation is perfectly clear and visible; it is very different from the original Trolls movies, and looks hyper-realistic. I love how they reference bands like NSYNC, One Direction and Boys ll Men to describe Branch and his brothers’ former band that disbanded. Another thing I love about this film is the comedic timing of the characters. The jokes are absolutely hysterical! Although there is so much to love about this film I am not a fan of the visual effects; the colors are so exotic that they made me feel quite nauseous and dizzy. The flashing lights and the variety of colors made my eyes hurt. Another thing worth mentioning is the soundtrack, which made me feel like dancing and singing along. I really admire how they brought NSYNC back together to record the song “Better Place” for the film. All in all, this film is a fun and family-friendly film that I and my family really enjoyed! Plus, I love the very important message this movie conveys.
The film’s message is that family is the most important thing and that family should always stick together. Never take family for granted and always put family first. Please be advised that there is brief profanity.
I give Trolls Band Together 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 12, plus adults. Trolls Band Together releases in theaters Friday November 17, 2023
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A troubled security guard begins working at Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza. During his first night on the job, he realizes that the night shift won’t be so easy to get through. Pretty soon he will unveil what actually happened at Freddy’s.
KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Mikella G. comments, “Five Nights at Freddy’s is a comedic horror film, filled with intensity and suspense. It brought me to the edge of my seat and kept me wanting more… The message of Five Nights at Freddy’s is to listen to your heart and never give up on what you believe in.” See her full review below.
Five Nights at Freddy’s By Mikella G., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 17
Five Nights at Freddy’s is a comedic horror film, filled with intensity and suspense. It brought me to the edge of my seat and kept me wanting more.
Based on the popular and highly-engaging video game, the storyline follows Mike (Josh Hutcherson), who is struggling to make it financially while having to care for his younger sister. He gets offered a security job night shift for the abandoned “Freddy’s Pizzeria” and, at first, is hesitant, but eventually realizes that he has no choice. Mike struggles with past family trauma and has very vivid dreams at night. When he starts to fall asleep at work his dreams get longer and clearer. He soon learns that the job he has taken can be the answer to more things than he could have ever imagined.
A huge standout in this film is the cinematography. Every camera angle holds so much purpose, and is made with such intention. Moods are created from a singular camera angle and set the tone for the entire film. For example, the flashbacks scenes that accompany Mike’s dreams focus on specific moments to highlight their importance. The director, Chris Columbus, creates this uncomfortable feeling through his work, and delivers an outstanding film.
Additionally, I really enjoyed the suspense throughout the entire movie. I never knew what was going to happen next, and I was riveted to the screen. I wanted to cover my eyes, but didn’t want to look away at the same time! There is the perfect amount of scariness, laughter and surprise. Lastly, the message of this film is both heartwarming and intriguing.
The importance of never giving up is highlighted in such an interesting way and can almost be hard to spot. However, at the end, even though we are left wanting more, it is clear that hope is one of the only ways to get through life. Joy and happiness is a must in order to continue successfully, and that is the underlying meaning of this movie.
The message of Five Nights at Freddy’s is to listen to your heart and never give up on what you believe in. Be forewarned that this film does include gruesome content.
I give Five Nights at Freddy’s 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 12 to 18, plus adults. You can watch Five Nights at Freddy’s in theaters and on Peacock October 27, 2023.
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Join us on an Oscar Wilde adventure where being scary is not what it used to be! As the nineteenth gives way to the twentieth century and scientific invention brings forth new ways of traversing and seeing the world, a modern American family moves into their recently purchased, country home, Canterville Chase, in England, only to find it is haunted by a ghost. Sir Simon de Canterville has been haunting the grounds of Canterville Chase successfully for over three hundred years, but he meets his match when he tries to scare out the new arrivals.
KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Zoe C. comments, “The new animated film, The Canterville Ghost by British director Robert Chandler honors the author’s geniality with a beautiful film that is not just entertaining and fun to watch but also captivates with the characters adventures and dilemmas.” Sydney S. adds, “I really like the animated film, The Canterville Ghost. It definitely got me into the Halloween spirit. It’s an enjoyable watch, sprinkled with mysteries and comedy, plus a compelling plot and likable characters.” Avalon N. wraps it up with, “The Canterville Ghost’s animation style is absolutely incredible. It has the perfect amount of realism mixed with animation that creates the perfect combination that makes the film even more interesting. The plot and characters’ relations are absolutely hilarious and stunning.” See their full reviews and interviews below.
The Canterville Ghost By Zoe C., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 15
The new animated film, The Canterville Ghost by British director Robert Chandler honors the author’s geniality with a beautiful film that is not just entertaining and fun to watch but also captivates with the characters adventures and dilemmas.
The humorous short story The Canterville Ghost by Oscar Wilde has been adapted into different forms like films, radio, TV episodes and even an Opera since its release in 1887. True to the original book, the story follows a modern American family that moves to their recently purchased country home, Canterville Chase in England. The Otis family consists of Dad (David Harewood), Mom (Meera Syal), two twin wild sons (Jakey Schiff, Bennett Miller) and Virginia (Emily Carey), a rebellious and determined teenager. Soon they discover the old mansion is inhabited by a ghost who has been wandering its corridors and rooms for over 300 years – Sir Simon de Canterville. The subsequent encounters are unexpected as the past repeats itself.
Although the animation doesn’t offer innovations, this film is absolutely charming, and is very well done. The concept of haunted houses is typically a crowd-pleaser. Most audiences can’t deny the pleasure they feel by being scared, especially when they are in a safe place like a movie theater. The Canterville Ghost captures this thrill in its production design and the narrative storytelling offered by co-directors Kim Burden and Robert Chandler. The vibrant colors and color palette really caught my attention. I love how the animation is filled with details in costume design.
One of the aspects I most enjoyed is the camera work, from the oscillating shots that make you feel like a POV of Sir Simon, to some camera placements that feel like somebody’s watching from a hidden place. The characters are funny and I love Virginia’s journey from not wanting to be in the house to her intrepid relationship with Sir Simon. Stephen Fry delivers the perfect emotion voicing Sir Simon de Canterville. He not only has the perfect gravitas for the most iconic character in the film, he has previously interpreted Oscar Wilde. Emily Carey portrays her role as defiant, brave and determined – with Virginia in total command.
The film’s message is to value people of all persuasion and to make the most of your lifetime. The Canterville Ghost has the perfect tone for young audiences and will delight grownups with its amusing narration.
I give The Canterville Ghost 5 out of five stars and recommended it for ages 5 to 12, plus adults. The film opens in theaters nationwide on October 20, 2023 – right on time for Halloween celebrations.
The Canterville Ghost By Sydney S., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 13
I really like the animated film, The Canterville Ghost. It definitely got me into the Halloween spirit. It’s an enjoyable watch, sprinkled with mysteries and comedy, plus a compelling plot and likable characters.
The Otis family just moved into a new home that’s notorious for housing the ghost Sir Simon de Canterville. He has successfully haunted every resident up until now. Will the family be the exception?
The main characters are Sir Simon de Canterville (Stephen Fry), Virginia Otis (Emily Carey), the Duke of Cheshire (Freddie Highmore), Lucretia Otis (Meera Syal), Hiram Otis (David Harewood, Louis Otis (Jake Schiff), Kent Otis (Bennett Miller) and Mrs. Umney (Imelda Staunton). The characters are all so loving and respectable toward each other, which makes the story very enjoyable. Their genuine interactions show that the family cares so much for each other. Each of the characters has unique personality traits. I especially like Virginia, who is both strong-willed and kind -hearted. Her anger reflects her passion, and I admire her ambitious mindset. I also appreciate that the writers adapted those personality traits into a female teen, which gives inspiration for young girls. Virginia is forced to move away from all her friends, so she needs time adjusting to her new life. It’s a lot to handle, but it adds to her character development.
Also, the twin brothers, Louis and Kent, are two peas in a pod, but get into a lot of trouble. It’s amusing to watch their shenanigans, like when they toss around a ghost’s head as if it’s a football. This film is based on the novella by Oscar Wilde. The movie brings this beloved story to life and makes it entertaining for the younger generation. I applaud the producers and directors, Robert Chandler and Kim Burdon, for adapting the story into an enjoyable watch. The animation is incredible and extremely realistic. The quality is great, as well. When the house is on fire, the flames look real. Speaking of the house, this setting is magical and reminds me of a haunted house at night. My favorite part of the film is when all of the members of the Royal Society start flying around in a circle on the ceiling. The Canterville Ghost makes them fly, which made me laugh because all of them are completely afraid. The guest’s costumes are elegant and royal, from puffy dresses to fancy suits.
The message of this film is that love is all you need. Sir Simon de Canterville states, “Love is the greatest adventure of them all.” It’s also about letting go, forgiveness, friendship, and family.
I give The Canterville Ghost 4.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 5 to 12. The Canterville Ghost releases in theaters October 20, 2023.
The Canterville Ghost By Avalon N., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 15
The Canterville Ghost is a hilarious and entertaining movie. It has lots of twists and turns and definitely showcases some very funny plot points throughout the film.
The storyline follows an American family who moves into a manor called Canterville Chase in England. However it turns out their manor has been haunted for 300 years and there’s a ghost named Sir Simon de Canterville attempting to scare them out. None of the family is scared by the ghost though and he must continue to find ways to try to freak them out. The ghost also tries to break his curse of being stuck haunting the manor for all eternity and this family might just be his way out.
The Canterville Ghost’s animation style is absolutely incredible. It has the perfect amount of realism mixed with animation that creates the perfect combination that makes the film even more interesting. The plot and characters’ relations are absolutely hilarious and stunning. All the characters have such diverse and interesting connections to each other such as Sir Simon de Canterville (Stephen Fry) who is the ghost haunting the manor. The diversity resembles the diversity in our own society and communities. It’s almost like they are real people. The characters themselves are also very relatable. Such as this one character named Virginia Otis (Emily Carey) who does not want to move and does everything she can to try to get out of it.
Despite ghost movies being a relatively common concept, this one takes a whole new turn that definitely spices up the story. Such as the one at the very beginning where you find that the family is a lot harder to scare than the ghost thought. It is also not such a scary movie which makes it more suitable for younger kids. The beginning is a little hard to understand as it takes off without a lot of context. It does make more sense once the story develops.
The message of this film is that you have to stop and smell the roses and not be too impulsive or you might get really hurt.
I give The Canterville Ghost 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 18 plus adults. It will be released in theaters on October 20, 2023.
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