Troop Zero * Terrific Combination of Comedy, Drama and Diversity with a Great Cast

In rural 1977 Georgia, a misfit girl dreams of life in outer space. When a competition offers her a chance to be recorded on NASA’s Golden Record, she recruits a makeshift troop of Birdie Scouts, forging friendships that last a lifetime. KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Ethan P. comments, “I like this movie because it is a combination of comedy, drama, diversity and great casting, especially the children actors… My favorite part is when Christmas starts recruiting kids to belong to her troop.” Abigail Zoe L. adds, “I recently saw the inspiring new Amazon Prime movie, Troop Zero, and love it. It’s a warm-hearted coming-of-age story with a beautiful, positive message and a fun adventure throughout. The movie guides us through the story of a quirky girl, Christmas Flint played by the talented McKennaGrace and her rag tag group of Birdies known as Troop Zero.” See their full reviews below.
Troop Zero
By Ethan P., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, Age 11
I like this movie because it is a combination of comedy, drama, diversity and great casting, especially the children actors. This film is an Amazon Prime original and has a duration of 1 hour and 37 minutes.

Troop Zero timeline is the late 70’s and
the storyline is about a young girl named Christmas (McKenna Grace) who’s
obsessed with outer space, aliens and planets. She finds out there is a
competition that offers her to be recorded on NASA’s Golden Record, but in
order to compete she needs to belong to a Girl’s Scout troop. She
recruits four challenging kids and asks her father’s (Jim Gaffigan) co-worker,
Mrs. Rayleen (Viola Davis), to be her Troop Mom. The five children go
through tough and exciting experiences in order to earn their badges to enter
the NASA’s competition. During their journey, all five children create a
strong bond and friendship.
My favorite part is when Christmas starts recruiting kids to belong to her
troop. Troop Zero has
amazing actors such as Award Winner Viola Davis, Jim Gaffigan, Allison Janney
and McKenna Grace from The Haunting of
Hill House. Charlie Shotwell, who portrays Joseph, Christmas’
best friend, pulls off an amazing performance as a feminine boy. I am
happy to see Johanna Colon (internet dancing sensation) play Smash, in this
movie. She’s great! The scenery and costumes are typical 70s style,
including the hairstyles. The story line is bit slow in the
beginning, but later it gets interesting. You will experience laughter,
sadness and tears of joy with this movie.
The moral of this film is to have a child’s
heart when it comes to choosing your friends or recruiting a team.
Christmas does not discriminate against skin color, gender identity, religion
or personalities when it comes to recruiting her troop and becomes friends with
all four of them because she sees their hearts, not what society considers
I give this film 4 out of 5 stars because the beginning is rather slow. I
recommend it for ages 8 to 18. Older adults might enjoy this movie as
well. Troop Zero is
available on Amazon Prime beginning January 17, 2020.
Troop Zero
By Abigail Zoe L. KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 12
I recently saw the inspiring new Amazon Prime movie, Troop Zero, and love it. It’s a warm-hearted coming-of-age story with a beautiful, positive message and a fun adventure throughout. The movie guides us through the story of a quirky girl, Christmas Flint played by the talented McKennaGrace and her rag tag group of Birdies known as Troop Zero.

Christmas is passionate about science. She wants to connect to the universe and her late mom through a NASA competition. The winner will have their voice recorded and sent out to the universe for posterity on a Golden Record. This movie is a journey of self-discovery, not only for Christmas, but everyone that is a part of her adventure. Each person learns more about themselves as they work together.
One of my favorite scenes is at the end of the movie, when the cast comes
together and performs at the jamboree competition. I won’t give away what
happens but it is an emotional moment when they take a stand to be accepted for
who they are. Another favorite scene is the baking fight scene. I bet it was so
much fun for the actors to film, because it is absolutely hilarious and, at the
same time, cathartic as a baking food fight between Troops Zero and Birdie. My
question for you is: Who do you think won? LOL.

The acting by McKenna Grace as Christmas Flint and Viola Davis as Miss Rayleen, is perfect. Each of them make the audience believe in the struggles they face during the movie. McKenna really embraces her character with the lopsided haircut and awkward, quirky moves. However, I particularly connected with her character’s father, Ramsey Flint (Gaffigan), because he so perfectly portrays the ideal father. He reminded me of my own father, who while not perfect, truly loves his daughter and wants her to be happy and achieve her dreams. Indeed, theirs is a father-daughter relationship very touching that I think families will connect with.
The moral of the story is to be yourself, listen to your heart and, if people try to knock you down, just keep on fighting the good fight for what you believe in. This is definitely a triumphant movie of self-acceptance and overcoming life challenges and one definitely to watch. This film would be especially enjoyable for those who love science. The transition of Troop Zero becoming Troop Hero is inspiring and uplifting. At the same time, the critic in me did find the film a little slow moving at times. All said, I think it is a wonderful movie and give it 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 18. It is airing on Amazon Prime beginning January 17, 2020.