Brigsby Bear – Dramatic comedy with strange, yet fresh approach
Brigsby Bear Adventures is a children’s TV show produced for an audience of one: James. When the show abruptly ends, James’s life changes forever, and he sets out to finish the story himself. KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Tristan T. comments, “I expected to be bored, but instead I found this film highly entertaining and moving at times. Although it is definitely odd and had me asking lots of questions at the beginning, it is well done and I will probably go see this film again once it’s released in theaters.” See his full review below.
Brigsby Bear
By Tristan Tierce, KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 14
Brigsby Bear is a dramatic comedy with a strange, yet fresh new approach. I expected to be bored, but instead I found this film highly entertaining and moving at times. Although it is definitely odd and had me asking lots of questions at the beginning, it is well done and I will probably go see this film again once it’s released in theaters.
James (Kyle Mooney) lives in an underground bunker with his kidnapper “parents.” We quickly learn of his obsession with “Brigsby,” a television series about a bear and his adventures. Once he is rescued from his capturers, he attempts to survive in this massive new world, only to learn that his treasured show is not real. As he struggles to reinvent “Brigsby Bear,” he ends up
not only completing the show’s story, but also finding completion to his own.
Star Wars fans will be interested to see their beloved Mark Hamill in a totally different role here. He plays the kidnapper, Ted Hope. I have to say, he completely nails the character and, with his grungy looking beard, I almost did not recognize him.
My favorite character is James. He plays a very quirky, awkward young man. He is inspiring and makes you feel an immediate connection. I not only found myself intrigued by his story, but cheering for him to achieve his goal. I like how, even though he grows throughout the film, his character never truly changes. Others ultimately accept him for who he is. This is something I would like to see in real life.
This film is rated PG-13 due to a few sexual references and some mature content although nothing is over-the-top. I rate this film 3.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it to kids ages 13 to 18. It opens in theaters September 21, 2017. You should definitely go grab some friends and check it out.