Jury Coordination and Notes

Hollywood.con * Comedic, Mysterious And Informative

May 27th, 2021

An actor steals the identity of a producer, and is hurled into Hollywood’s next Mayan film. In the jungle of Mexico she is mistaken as a member of a cartel. KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Mikella G. comments, “I like Hollywood.con because it is a comedic film that is very informative about Guatemalan culture. It contains a lot of funny scenes and is very entertaining.” See her full review and interview with director / star Mikella Boorem below.

By Mikella G., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 15

I like Hollywood.con because it is a comedic film that is very informative about Guatemalan culture. It contains a lot of funny scenes and is very entertaining.

This film starts off profiling a struggling actress living in Los Angeles. However, after an unexpected turn of events, the protagonist Mika (Mika Boorem) finds herself in Guatemala, working on her first ever producer job. Throughout her time there she experiences many ups and downs, and eventually finds herself. While in Guatemala, Mika and her team encounter some competition in making their film. They must work together to stay competitive, while learning how to respect the values of other cultures.

Something that I really like about this movie is how they include a mix of genres in one film. Not only is it comedic, but it is also mysterious. I love mysterious films and, including humor, makes it that much better. Another thing that I enjoyed are the fun little special effects that are included every so often. They have the right amount to create a fun dynamic, without making it become a live action film.

The message of this film is to always stay true to yourself, even during competitive times. This film does include some profanity.

I give Hollywood.con 3 out of  5 stars and recommend it for ages 12 to 18, plus adults. Hollywood.con is available now on Amazon Prime!

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RK/RKAY * A Mind-Bending, Multi-Layered Film, Shot And Edited With Meticulous Care

May 12th, 2021

RK is a filmmaker, making a new film, in which he also plays the lead character of Mahboob. Its a quaint film, like a tribute to the cinema of the sixties. People close to him are not really sure why RK wants to make this film.. Edit begins and RK has a sinking feeling that this film is not going to come together, that this time he has really screwed up. His nightmares warn him of an impending disaster. Sure enough, one afternoon RK gets a call from the edit room- something terrible has happened. Mahboob has run away, run out of the film. Nobody can really understand why would he leave, where would he go. But he is not there anymore in the rushes- missing from the film negative as well. The fact is Mahboob was running away from his killers, and somehow he left the film and arrived in our world. RK finds him, brings him home- but Mahboob has no idea where he is from, or that he is any different from people around him. Slowly, he is told. They must convince him to go back to the film, so that RK can finish his film. KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Eshaan M. comments, “A mind-bending film, RK/RKAY is a multi-layered film, shot and edited with care for small details. You’ll be tuned in, trying to figure out where the plot will go next, throughout the duration of the film.” See his full review below.

By Eshaan Mani, KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 15

A mind-bending film, RK/RKAY is a multi-layered film, shot and edited with care for small details. You’ll be tuned in, trying to figure out where the plot will go next, throughout the duration of the film.

The storyline follows filmmaker RK (Rajat Kapoor) who is in the process of directing and starring in his film. He plays the lead character of Mahboob. The film opens with a nostalgic vignette for 1960s Bollywood films – the clamor on set, a high-maintenance actress as the female lead Gulabo (Mallika Sherawat) and a slight sepia tone. Everything seems to be going just fine when the editing for the film begins, but RK gets a call from the editing room. Mahboob has run out of the film and has somehow entered the real world, fleeing from the film’s cartoonish killers when RK finds him and brings him home to sort things out. RK must convince Mahboob to go back into the world of the film, as that is where he belongs.

RK/RKAY is a crowd-funded film, but you cannot tell from the incredible production quality. Director Rajat Kapoor is an experienced short and feature length film director and his expertise, even with a low budget, is evident. I am blown away by the cinematography, script and overall production quality. The film-within-a-film premise requires clear dialogue to avoid confusion, and RK/RKAY delivers. Even though it is a Hindi film, the subtitles are clear and you can easily follow what’s happening. I also love the cinematography; the film makes amazing use of light and shadows as well as colors. The film that RK is producing has a bit of a sepia or golden tint to it, as does Mahboob when he enters the real world. Depending on their mood, characters may be placed halfway, completely, or not at all in the shadow. Though the film tends to drag a bit in the second half, the whole production effort is impressive enough that one gets pulled back into the film.

RK/RKAY promotes messages of finding yourself, being dedicated to your projects, and staying true to love.

I give RK/RKAY 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 15-18, plus adults. RK/RKAY premieres in the US and Canada on May 14, 2021, in theatres and virtually.

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Crappy Mother’s Day * If You Think Your Family Is Crazy, Think Again!

May 4th, 2021

Three generations of women come together on Mother’s Day. Things don’t go as planned. KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Katherine S. comments, “If you think your family is crazy, think again. When three generations of women, Sarah (Kristen Krak), Totie (Jackie Debatin) and Grandma (Vivien Landau) attempt to celebrate Mother’s Day, things go from bad to worse – immediately. From a senile grandmother to whacky uncles to a grandpa who is buried in the backyard, keeping the family together for a single day proves a difficult task, especially when Sarah brings her fiancé into the mix. You don’t need to be a master chef to figure out that this is a recipe for a really “Crappy Mother’s Day.” See her full review below.

Crappy Mother’s Day
By Katherine S, KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 13

Crappy Mother’s Day is sure to get some laughs out of you and it comes out just in time for Mother’s Day.

If you think your family is crazy, think again. When three generations of women, Sarah (Kristen Krak), Totie (Jackie Debatin) and Grandma (Vivien Landau) attempt to celebrate Mother’s Day, things go from bad to worse – immediately. From a senile grandmother to whacky uncles to a grandpa who is buried in the backyard, keeping the family together for a single day proves a difficult task, especially when Sarah brings her fiancé into the mix. You don’t need to be a master chef to figure out that this is a recipe for a really “Crappy Mother’s Day.” 

Director Dan Karlok lets go of the reins and allows slap stick comedy to insert itself at every turn of the movie. Though the comedy is hilarious, some of the scenes are a bit longer than needed and a bit random. The acting is wonderful, making this family look absolutely wacky and wild. None of the relationships seem normal. Kristen Krak, as Sarah, really appears to be the only normal person in the family. Addison Anderson, as James, plays a very fun character that breaks out of his shell as the movie develops.

Bill Rutkoski, the crazed fiancé of Totie, is very believable. I certainly wouldn’t want him for a stepdad. Vivien Landau plays the perfect mean, old grandma. John Rutkoski and Mike Rutkoski, as Uncle Lenny and Uncle Donny respectively, nail the Planet of the Apes-obsessed uncles. My favorite characters are Grandma and Aunt Sonny (Marie Lenzie) because they are the most entertaining. They are always arguing and fighting in humorous ways, like two old, senile bats that love tormenting each other.

The message that is your family is the only family you have and, as crazy as you think they might be, they love you. Also, when getting married, be prepared for your newly expanded family and find something in common, even if it’s just Planet of the Apes boxers. There is profanity, some mature topics and heavy drinking.

I give Crappy Mother’s Day 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 14 to 18, plus adults. This film releases on VOD May 4, 2021

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City of Ghosts * Clever, Charming And Refreshing

April 29th, 2021

A group of kids discover stories around their city by communicating directly with the ghosts who inhabit it. KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Jude A. comments, “What could possibly be clever, charming and also refreshing? The new short series City of Ghosts! displays a new authentic animation style that is really pleasing to the eye and will make you want to watch the show more and more. The show delivers a very creative plot that makes you fall in love with both the show and its characters.” See his full review below.

City of Ghosts
By Jude A., KIDS FIRST Film Critic, age 15

What could possibly be clever, charming and also refreshing? The new short series City of Ghosts! displays a new authentic animation style that is really pleasing to the eye and will make you want to watch the show more and more. The show delivers a very creative plot that makes you fall in love with both the show and its characters.

City of Ghosts follows a group of children that love ghosts. Together they decide to make a homemade show discovering different ghosts around the city. The children go to various places meeting new people and new friends.

City of Ghosts has a very different animation style than most other shows. The physical characters are animated, but the environment around them is real world settings. This seems odd at first, but over time you start to adore it. The animation really stands out because of this creative new angle of animation it delivers.

The show has many themes of friendship, family and exploration. City of Ghosts also has many morals. It teaches children the importance of creativity and the concept that you can do anything you put your mind to.

I give City of Ghosts 5 out of 5 stars and I recommend it for ages 2 to 6. This was definitely a highlight of the New York International Film Festival and is available now on Netflix.

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Dreambuilders * Captivating And Unique Storyline That Gives A Twist To How Dreams Are Created

April 22nd, 2021

Minna’s life is turned upside down when her dad’s new fiancée Helena and her daughter Jenny move in. Her new stepsister Jenny turns out to be horrible and Minna is frustrated. She wants her gone! One night, Minna discovers a world behind her dreams in which the dreambuilders create our dreams on theater stages and finds out how to manipulate Jenny’s dreams. But interfering with people’s dreams has dire consequences and when Minna goes too far one night, Jenny can’t wake up. Minna must enter the dream world one final time to face the dreams she has created in order to save Jenny and her new family.

KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Avery P. comments, “The film Dreambuilders is a very creative movie.  It is very whimsical and bright and takes you on a fun adventure behind the scenes of our dreams!” See her full review below.

By Avery Peaslee, KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 13

The film Dreambuilders is a very creative movie.  It is very whimsical and bright and takes you on a fun adventure behind the scenes of our dreams!

The plot of this film takes in the concept of modern family issues. When Minna’s (           Robyn Dempsey) life is turned upside down upon the arrival of her new stepmom Helene (Karen Ardiff) and mean daughter Jenny (Emma Jenkins). Minna is able to find the backstage to her dreams and tries to sabotage Jenny’s dreams to stop her from ruining her life. When a dream creation goes wrong, Minna finds herself and her dream worker friend Gaff (Luke Griffin) helping to bring back Jenny.

Throughout the animated movie each scene is colorful and bright. The set designs are so whimsical and creative. I love each design and the idea of our dreams. The dreams are created for each person with actors, sets and scripts. There is a whole new world behind the backstage of dreams. The ideas are super fun. My favorite part of the movie is when Minna finds this hidden world. Each character is very unique and has a certain style that makes them different. The storyline is also quite sad because it addresses family issues. The hardship between the two families eventually wears off until they all learn to love each other. There is beautiful background music playing throughout the film. The songs all have a story behind them relating back to the scenes in the movie. The movie did become a bit predictable at times, but it is still original, entertaining and worth watching.

The message is to be careful what you wish for. Minna wants a specific life with just her dad. When others show up, she is unsure and does not take into account the sadness and harm she would bring to her family by messing with others’ dreams. You should know that this film includes a sensitive topic of families like divorce, fighting and new family members. There are also some frightening and intense scenes.

I give Dreambuilders 3.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 7 to 13. Available now at select KIDS FIRST! Film Festivals

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Do Good * Heartbreaking and Heartwarming Show About Hurricanes Laura and Delta during COVID-19

April 19th, 2021

Do Good is a ten-episode docu-series premiering March 5, 2021 on YouTube that turns the spotlight on the heroic relief efforts, including by veterans, following the deadly Category 4 Hurricane Laura that devastated Southwest Louisiana in August 2020, followed just six weeks later by Hurricane Delta.

“With the recent deadly winter storms hitting much of the country, we saw many examples of neighbors rising to the occasion to help neighbors. Do Good tells similarly powerful and inspirational stories of the recovery efforts following the back-to-back hurricanes that hit Louisiana last year,” said Producer and Director Justin Roberts. “In challenging times such as our nation has been facing, it’s time to shine the light on the many people who are sacrificing for others.” KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Eshaan M. comments, “Do Good is both a heartbreaking and heartwarming show in its portrayal of the destruction and suffering that followed Hurricanes Laura and Delta, which wracked Louisiana during the COVID-19 pandemic. The show’s creators are masters in the art of storytelling. You’ll laugh and cry and will certainly be motivated to be a part of a good cause.” See his full review below.

Do Good
By Eshaan M., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 15

Do Good is both a heartbreaking and heartwarming show in its portrayal of the destruction and suffering that followed Hurricanes Laura and Delta, which wracked Louisiana during the COVID-19 pandemic. The show’s creators are masters in the art of storytelling. You’ll laugh and cry and will certainly be motivated to be a part of a good cause.

Do Good is the brainchild of veterans Justin Roberts and Hank Barbe, whose idea it was to learn and share the stories of those suffering from Hurricanes Laura and Delta, which hit Louisiana last year, and link arms with organizations that are working towards recovery. Once the series reaches monetization requirements on YouTube, those funds will go directly to the organizations featured in the series.

It is truly sad to see the displacement and destruction caused by the hurricanes, and you feel genuinely bad for them. The human touch to the episodes, including interjections from Roberts and Barbe, the detailed storytelling and interviews backed by soft, poignant background music, and the empathy shown by volunteers really touches your heart. I especially found the case of Christine, a 92-year-old hurricane survivor who lives in her Jeep, to be heart-rending. You’ll have to watch the show to learn more about her story.

Do Good’s message is just that: to do good and to help others in times of adversity, just like the organizations highlighted in each episode. This is a beautifully human film and is an incredible watch during the time we live in now, when kindness and altruism can seem hard to come by.

I give Do Good 5 stars out of 5 and recommend it for ages 12 to 18, plus adults. You can watch episodes 1 and 2 of Do Good on YouTube, right now!

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The Girl Who Believes In Miracles

April 3rd, 2021

Unlike most people, young Sara Hopkins is willing to take God at His word. So when she hears a preacher say faith can move mountains, she starts praying. What begins with a mysteriously healed bird leads to people suddenly cured of their misery and misfortune all over town. But the overwhelming crush of notoriety and press attention soon takes its toll on Sara. Will her family be able to save their miracle girl before it’s too late? KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Heather S. comments, “The moral of this film is to always let faith guide you. Even as Sarah’s health declines, she never loses her faith. She stands by God and understands that everything happens for a reason, unlike her family who try to fight the ticking clock.” See her full review below. 

The Girl Who Believes In Miracles
By Heather S., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, Age 15

The Girl Who Believes In Miracles is a lukewarm Christian movie with a weak storyline. The few heartwarming scenes aren’t quite enough to keep this film afloat. With a strong performance by the ensemble’s youngest actress, the movie does not have enough storytelling to deliver a wholly satisfying movie experience.

The Girl Who Believes In Miracles centers around a little girl named Sarah (Austyn Johnson) who has seen God and can grant miracles. She helps cancer patients, and even blind and paralyzed teens. All the while, Sarah’s fame increases, with people knocking on her door to grant miracles. Sarah’s health declines, too, but she keeps up her faith.

The movie makes it clear from the beginning that Jesus is praised, and that this is not a modern version of the Messiah’s story. It is unclear, though, why Sarah holds this power to grant miracles as she has done nothing significant except have faith. The Girl Who Believes In Miracles is confusing in this way and may leave the audience wondering, “Can anyone be a Messiah?”  However, the actors deliver empowering performances. In the scenes in which Sarah’s health weakens, her suffering is absolutely heartbreaking. Austyn really has the audience pulling for her. Sarah’s grandfather, Sam (Peter Coyote), also has a heartfelt monologue in which he talks to God and says he would rather die than Sarah. His love shines through, along with his pain, creating a tear-jerking scene.

The moral of this film is to always let faith guide you. Even as Sarah’s health declines, she never loses her faith. She stands by God and understands that everything happens for a reason, unlike her family who try to fight the ticking clock.  As a Christian, I did find the film somewhat offensive in its message that anyone with faith can perform miracles.

I give The Girl Who Believes In Miracles 3 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 10 to 18, plus adults. It is available in theaters April 2, 2021.

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Francesco * Wonderfully Complex Film Showcasing Pope Francis’s Thoughts on Modern Issues

March 28th, 2021

Through his work on climate change, immigration, religious tolerance and other issues, the Pope has embodied the meaning of inspired leadership. KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Heather S. comments, “Francesco is a wonderful and complex film that showcases one of the world’s most famous figures. The audience has a clear visual of Pope Francis’s thoughts about modern issues. With exclusive interviews and audio recordings, this documentary is not to be missed.” See her full review below.

By Heather Suarez, KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 15

Francesco is a wonderful and complex film that showcases one of the world’s most famous figures. The audience has a clear visual of Pope Francis’s thoughts about modern issues. With exclusive interviews and audio recordings, this documentary is not to be missed.

Francesco is a documentary composed of rare videos, interviews, tweets and audio tape recordings about Pope Francis and his ideas about contemporary problems. The issues addressed are refugee camps in Lesbos, migrants and he also talks about his ideas on homosexual marriage.

There’s so much to learn from this film. It really gives insight on how the Pope thinks and how he has changed ideas for the Catholic religion. Giving his opinion on homosexual marriage is a huge statement; he believes they are entitled to have a family like any other person. This shows how he has come to embrace everyone with open arms. Pope Francis stands out from popes before him, which is why this documentary is so important. He isn’t just a figurehead; this film shows how relatable he is as well. He is well aware of his impact on the world, such as how he helped the Muslim refugees in Greece. The film shows that Pope Francis doesn’t see religion, race or sexual orientation as barriers, he just sees people. I loved seeing so many never before seen videos and recordings in this film. We see the Pope in Lesbos helping out whoever he can, and see how a woman thanks him for his help.

This film shows that not everyone is as they first appear to be. The media often portrays the Pope in a godly manner. In this film we see that he does not think that of himself. He seems to be like any other guy, just doing the work of God. There are no triggers for this film, but mature topics discussed include immigration, religion and homosexual marriage.

I give Francesco 3 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages (13 to) 18 plus adults. It releases on DVD March 28, 2021.

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Us Again * Beautiful And Lively Short That Will Get You Up And Dancing!

March 21st, 2021

An elderly couple regains their youth in the rain. KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Eshaan M. comments, “Us Again is a beautiful and lively animated short film that will surely have you up and dancing! The choreography of the animated characters, the intricate details, and the underlying message all combine to make this a lovely watch.” See his full review below.

Us Again
By Eshaan M., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 14

Us Again is a beautiful and lively animated short film that will surely have you up and dancing! The choreography of the animated characters, the intricate details, and the underlying message all combine to make this a lovely watch.

The seven-minute short film follows an elderly man and his young-at-heart wife living in a vibrant metropolis with echoes of New York City. The man is ever-tired and only wants to sit on his lounge chair reading the newspaper, while his wife yearns to explore the world outside. One rainy, magical evening, their ages truly seem just a number, and the couple re-discover their passion for dancing, salsaing their way across a landscape of memories. It’s a beautiful story told through rhythm and movement.

The animation in Us Again is truly stunning; the design taps into emotions, encapsulating the excitement and hubbub of a huge city, with neon lights, beautiful textural details on the water, and even on the tiny black umbrellas people carry walking down the street.   Us Again shows us Disney’s future; extreme detail in animation. The two main characters of this short also have lots of expressive features, and you can tell that Disney’s animation technology has gone to the next level when light details like crow’s feet are added in. Even their dance steps convey emotion!

Speaking of the dancing, acclaimed choreographers/dancers Keone and Mari Madrid were crucial to the process of creating Us Again because they came up with all of the dance steps, which flow so smoothly and naturally in animated form. There are no jerky movements at all, and it’s as if you’re watching an animated version of Dancing With The Stars. The background score (though it really does push its way to the foreground) also adds so much to this short. Something I noticed in the seven-minute film:  Keep an eye on the puddles, because the characters’ reflections show the characters as their older selves throughout the film, even in scenes where the characters traverse through memories from ages ago. This demonstrates the incredible attention to detail in Us Again.

The message of Us Again is to never let go of your passions (and your youth), and, if you do, be sure to make an effort to rekindle the fire in your heart. It’s an apt message for a time like the one we’re living in now, when we have the time to follow our passions and pursue new hobbies.

I give Us Again 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 18, plus adults. Us Again will be shown before Disney’s latest film, Raya and the Last Dragon, only in theatres, and it will be available on Disney+ in June of 2021.

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The Father * Psychological Horror Movie, Depicting the Decaying Psyche of an Old Man

March 12th, 2021

A man refuses all assistance from his daughter as he ages. As he tries to make sense of his changing circumstances, he begins to doubt his loved ones, his own mind and even the fabric of his reality. KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Benjamin P. comment, “The Father commits itself to depicting dementia through often surreal ripples in the consciousness of its protagonist. The first sign that things are amiss in Anthony’s flat is a quite alarming moment and so, so well-executed.  What happens is a slight, but perceptible alteration to what we’ve been told by Anthony’s daughter about why she’s come to see her father, that becomes a dire sign for what’s to come.” See his full review below.   

The Father
By Benjamin P., Kids First! Film Critic, Age 15

The Father is practically a psychological horror movie, depicting the decaying psyche of an old man, battered by dementia. Yes, The Father tends to be pretty grim, but its excellent lead performance from Oscar-winner Anthony Hopkins and the film’s structural fluidity set it apart from similarly bleak dramas about the deteriorating mental functions of a senior citizen.

The story follows Anthony (Anthony Hopkins) who, at first glance, is an ordinary elderly man in the waning years of his life, pacing around his apartment, awaiting his daughter’s arrival (Olivia Colman) to discuss her new living arrangements. This all serves as a prelude to the mental and emotional fireworks to follow. From there, everything becomes a lot less concrete. Faces of loved ones morph; the layout of Anthony’s apartment shifts; Anne gains a husband; and Anthony is introduced to an in-home care person who bears a striking resemblance to his youngest daughter who may or may not be dead. As dementia wreaks havoc on his brain and mind, Anthony’s only attachment to reality becomes a watch he keeps misplacing, an almost perfect metaphor for Anthony’s spiraling-out-of-control sense of reality.

The Father commits itself to depicting dementia through often surreal ripples in the consciousness of its protagonist. The first sign that things are amiss in Anthony’s flat is a quite alarming moment and so, so well-executed.  What happens is a slight, but perceptible alteration to what we’ve been told by Anthony’s daughter about why she’s come to see her father, that becomes a dire sign for what’s to come.  A miniscule shift in our perception of events, as filtered through Anthony, balloons into far more concerning and substantial lapses in memory that we witness through Anthony’s point of view.

Anthony Hopkins’ performance is a consistently surprising lead performance, representative of a film that is just as unpredictable. He doesn’t play it too big, even in the very erratic and sporadic launches between an almost effortless effervescence and the prickly, defensive edge that comes to the surface whenever his self-sufficiency comes into question. Hopkins not only has to channel a frequently changing demeanor, but also a changing frame of mind. He goes from distant—resigned in his cloud of seemingly eternal confusion—to “in-your-face,” saying truly cruel things to his daughter to finding himself reduced to tears, calling out for his mother. Hopkins’ performance stays in line even in its frequent transformations in his mind and mood. Everything feels of a piece with that character and  what we know about him.  And he is just as compelling when he putters down a hallway as when he explodes at his daughter, the person who cares for him most.

I give The Father 3 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 11 to 18 for some language. You can see The Father in theaters March 12, 2021, and it will be available on Video On Demand platforms starting March 26th.

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