KIDS FIRST! Junior Film Critics Curriculum
Becoming a Film Critic
SESSION FIVE: Stereotypes and Bias - What are they?
TIME: 120 minutes
A. Welcome transparency up. Sign in.
B. Review Homework:
Media Log. Write on board. Share. Ask if they are watching any new programs. Like what?
Give us your 3rd Review. Share 2 or 3.
How did you do finding gratuitous and non-gratuitous violence?
How many reviewed Kayla? How many looked up a title on the KIDS FIRST! website?
Discuss age recommendations for films/shows you watched.
C. Write: gangster, nerd, rock and roll star, step-mother, prince, mother, father, teacher, Girl Scout
Ask kids how they would portray one of the characters on the board if they were a director.
Write 2 or 3 of them on board. Label them STEREOTYPES
Ask, "Do all gangster have xxx (one of their attributes)? Do all step-mothers have yyy (use their characteristics? Do all Girl Scouts have zzz (one of their characteristics)
D. Stereotypes... let's find out what they are.
Use Stereotype transparency. Compare to kids' ideas.
Ask, "How can stereotypes hurt our perceptions about people?
Talk about the unfairness of judging someone without knowing him or her.
Refer to "Why Is it Important to Know about Stereotypes."
E. Bias... let's find out what it is.
Use bias transparency
Ask, "Can you think of any TV show or movie where a character was a victim of bias? Explain.
Use "Ways to Check for Stereotypes"
F. View stereotype video clips. Discuss whether the stereotypes show bias or not.
G. Watch the film, Shrek or other KIDS FIRST! - endorsed title that addresses stereotypes.
Discuss which character are stereotyped. How are they portrayed? (Prince Farquar)
Which characters are not stereotypes? (Shrek, Princess, Dragon) Explain
Ask, "If stereotypes are so bad, why are they used in books, movies, tv? Write ideas on board
Use Stereotype transparency (2nd use) to compare.
I. Homework Assignment: Volunteer reads assignments.
Media log. Look for stereotypes and bias.
Write your 5th Review. Choose from your media log or review Shrek or visit the KIDS FIRST! website and do a search on bias or stereotype and choose.
Remember . . . (Your Review Guidelines)
OPTIONAL: What is media literacy? Search the Internet for the words "media literacy." Look at the research the affect of media on kids. In the media literacy web site, look for what they have to say about bias or stereotypes in the media. Report back to the group on what you found.
Session 6