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What to know:
SWING, THE is in the KIDS FIRST! Film Festival - it may not be a regular, endorsed title
Recommended age 5-12
6 minutes
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SWING, THE cover image
I love The Swing because of its focus on learning to cope with loss. The swing and the tree it is on are so important in this child's life. The simple animation style really compliments the sweet storyline and message.

The Swing is about a boy and the joy he gets from swinging in a tree. It shows the way the swing is part of his life throughout the seasons and the years. After a big storm, the boy has to deal with the loss of his tree and his swinging spot.

The plot develops quickly in this short, six-minute film. We meet a boy and are quickly brought into his life perspective by way of a simple view of his experiences at his favorite place to play. We get to know his dog and his friend and really feel the love he has for the tree and the swing.

There are no actors in this animated film - the voiceless character of the boy is the key role. I enjoyed the idea that such a heart-warming story could be made without giving the characters, the boy and his friend, a presence. I could really feel the emotions of the boy, making me invested as I watched and helping the message sink in quickly. The Swing has a simple animation style that looks hand drawn. It uses pencil drawings and primary colors to give it a storybook feel - almost like you were watching a picture book come to life. The only location is the area around the tree on the hill. It is simple but impactful because all of the storytelling is done via this one place shown throughout time. The music really helps highlight the key scenes in The Swing. You don't always notice the music but it provides an upbeat backdrop for the majority of the film and then, during the most sad or traumatic moments, the music helps the viewer really feel the change. There are also fun moments where the music makes an impact - like when all the snow falls off the tree at once. The visual effect when the boy is swinging in a circle and looking up at the tree is really cool. It really made me feel like I was on a swing. My favorite part is when the boy shows his resilience and hangs the swing on a new tree after his tree is destroyed by lightning and cut down. It shows that joy can help you through grief.

The film's message is that joy can help you through grief and that you should never give up.

I give The Swing 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 5 to 12. By Jackson N., KIDS FIRST!

I love The Swing because of its focus on learning to cope with loss. The swing and the tree it is on are so important in this child's life. The simple animation style really compliments the sweet storyline and message.

The Swing is about a boy and the joy he gets from swinging in a tree. It shows the way the swing is part of his life throughout the seasons and the years. After a big storm, the boy has to deal with the loss of his tree and his swinging spot.

The plot develops quickly in this short, six-minute film. We meet a boy and are quickly brought into his life perspective by way of a simple view of his experiences at his favorite place to play. We get to know his dog and his friend and really feel the love he has for the tree and the swing.

There are no actors in this animated film - the voiceless character of the boy is the key role. I enjoyed the idea that such a heart-warming story could be made without giving the characters, the boy and his friend, a presence. I could really feel the emotions of the boy, making me invested as I watched and helping the message sink in quickly. The Swing has a simple animation style that looks hand drawn. It uses pencil drawings and primary colors to give it a storybook feel - almost like you were watching a picture book come to life. The only location is the area around the tree on the hill. It is simple but impactful because all of the storytelling is done via this one place shown throughout time. The music really helps highlight the key scenes in The Swing. You don't always notice the music but it provides an upbeat backdrop for the majority of the film and then, during the most sad or traumatic moments, the music helps the viewer really feel the change. There are also fun moments where the music makes an impact - like when all the snow falls off the tree at once. The visual effect when the boy is swinging in a circle and looking up at the tree is really cool. It really made me feel like I was on a swing. My favorite part is when the boy shows his resilience and hangs the swing on a new tree after his tree is destroyed by lightning and cut down. It shows that joy can help you through grief.

The film's message is that joy can help you through grief and that you should never give up.

I give The Swing 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 5 to 12. By Jackson N., KIDS FIRST!

The Swing is a hand drawn animated film using pencil and paper, about the joy and connection a child has with the tree outside his home and what happens when they weather a storm. It explores the theme of loss and hope.
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