The story of this high school student-made film follows two girls whose friendship is tested when they both like the same guy. Unexpectedly one finds a magical crystal that maintains harmony in the world. The crystal is lost when one jealous girl tosses it into the snow and war breaks out around the world. However, the girls eventually collaborate to find the lost crystal to save the world.
High school friendships can be pretty rocky, especially when two girls have a crush on the same guy, which happens here. Fortunately, the girls are able to get beyond that and attend to the more meaningful task of finding the lost crystal in order to restore harmony in the world. The camera work is quite good, as is the audio recording and the girls are adorable. The editing is a bit rough at times - some of the transitions between scenes are quite abrupt. It is confusing when the girl who finds the crystal goes to bed and sees herself finding the crystal once again. I guess that was her dream. I like the part when one girl lies down in the snow, has an epiphany and turns around, reaches through the snow and pulls out the crystal. I also like the ending when peace returns to their lives and spring brings an abundance of new growth in the woods and wildflowers bloom.
The film's message is that strong friendships are those who stand by your side in good and bad times.
I give Mystery of the Keeper 3.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 12. By Hafsa H. and Julie S., KIDS FIRST!
The story of this high school student-made film follows two girls whose friendship is tested when they both like the same guy. Unexpectedly one finds a magical crystal that maintains harmony in the world. The crystal is lost when one jealous girl tosses it into the snow and war breaks out around the world. However, the girls eventually collaborate to find the lost crystal to save the world.
High school friendships can be pretty rocky, especially when two girls have a crush on the same guy, which happens here. Fortunately, the girls are able to get beyond that and attend to the more meaningful task of finding the lost crystal in order to restore harmony in the world. The camera work is quite good, as is the audio recording and the girls are adorable. The editing is a bit rough at times - some of the transitions between scenes are quite abrupt. It is confusing when the girl who finds the crystal goes to bed and sees herself finding the crystal once again. I guess that was her dream. I like the part when one girl lies down in the snow, has an epiphany and turns around, reaches through the snow and pulls out the crystal. I also like the ending when peace returns to their lives and spring brings an abundance of new growth in the woods and wildflowers bloom.
The film's message is that strong friendships are those who stand by your side in good and bad times.
I give Mystery of the Keeper 3.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 12. By Hafsa H. and Julie S., KIDS FIRST!
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