The film follows Jaime Jangles and her Zany Dad on an imaginative world tour, visiting 20 different countries and sharing the music from each one. The images are drawn and they move a bit but aren't fully animated.
I love the music and the sets in each country. It really gives you an overview of so many different cultures in a quick way. It reminded me of Guido Sarducci's 90 second vacation on SNL back in the day, only from a kids' point of view. We see penguins in Antarctica, the tower of London in the UK, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Leaning Tower of Pisa and the coliseum in Rome, and so much more. I could see this five-minute short as an interstitial at a KIDS FIRST! Film Festival. It's cute; it's fun; it's childlike and I love the dad and daughter narrators.
The film gives us a quick overview of the different countries, cultures and music that exist on our great planet.
I give The Adventures of Jaime Jangles and her Zany Dad Jeff Part Three: The World Tour 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 5 to 8. By Julie S., KIDS FIRST!
The film follows Jaime Jangles and her Zany Dad on an imaginative world tour, visiting 20 different countries and sharing the music from each one. The images are drawn and they move a bit but aren't fully animated.
I love the music and the sets in each country. It really gives you an overview of so many different cultures in a quick way. It reminded me of Guido Sarducci's 90 second vacation on SNL back in the day, only from a kids' point of view. We see penguins in Antarctica, the tower of London in the UK, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Leaning Tower of Pisa and the coliseum in Rome, and so much more. I could see this five-minute short as an interstitial at a KIDS FIRST! Film Festival. It's cute; it's fun; it's childlike and I love the dad and daughter narrators.
The film gives us a quick overview of the different countries, cultures and music that exist on our great planet.
I give The Adventures of Jaime Jangles and her Zany Dad Jeff Part Three: The World Tour 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 5 to 8. By Julie S., KIDS FIRST!
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