The story centers around a woman named Preeti Agarwal on her journey to learn English at age 35. It follows her from childhood to the time of filming and describes the obstacles she overcame, such as how her grandfather did not want her to learn English, and how challenging it is to learn a new language as an adult.
I was inspired by listening to Preeti's responses. I like that the film shows not just her achievements and accomplishments but also the hardships in learning a new language, and her strength and passion in continuing to pursue it. She has a lot of faith in herself, which drives her and eventually leads her to success. The cinematography is clear as is the audio.
The speakers are positioned well, usually off to the side. The settings are the speakers' homes, which suits the documentary style. The speakers talk clearly and descriptively, adding humor at times, such as when Preeti recalls that her family thought she was losing her mind when she'd stay up late studying. Preeti and Shipra, the film's other subject, speak candidly and conversationally, and their stories feel very real. Preeti maintains an engaging, making her easy and entertaining to listen to. Shipra is Preeti's personal cheerleader and expresses support of her cousin throughout the film. Both have a strong on-screen presence. My favorite part is learning how Preeti used techniques to overcome blocks in the road. She not only inspires viewers to reach for their goals, but also provides tips from her language-learning journey and what worked for her - such as beginning with a preschool-level online course and advancing from there. Anyone can connect with her story and it will especially appeal to those who are new to learning English.
The film's message is that when the going gets tough, the tough have to get going. If you want something, you have to have the courage to go for it and you have to stick it out.
I give The Seeker 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 18, plus adults. By Ruhi K., KIDS FIRST!
The story centers around a woman named Preeti Agarwal on her journey to learn English at age 35. It follows her from childhood to the time of filming and describes the obstacles she overcame, such as how her grandfather did not want her to learn English, and how challenging it is to learn a new language as an adult.
I was inspired by listening to Preeti's responses. I like that the film shows not just her achievements and accomplishments but also the hardships in learning a new language, and her strength and passion in continuing to pursue it. She has a lot of faith in herself, which drives her and eventually leads her to success. The cinematography is clear as is the audio.
The speakers are positioned well, usually off to the side. The settings are the speakers' homes, which suits the documentary style. The speakers talk clearly and descriptively, adding humor at times, such as when Preeti recalls that her family thought she was losing her mind when she'd stay up late studying. Preeti and Shipra, the film's other subject, speak candidly and conversationally, and their stories feel very real. Preeti maintains an engaging, making her easy and entertaining to listen to. Shipra is Preeti's personal cheerleader and expresses support of her cousin throughout the film. Both have a strong on-screen presence. My favorite part is learning how Preeti used techniques to overcome blocks in the road. She not only inspires viewers to reach for their goals, but also provides tips from her language-learning journey and what worked for her - such as beginning with a preschool-level online course and advancing from there. Anyone can connect with her story and it will especially appeal to those who are new to learning English.
The film's message is that when the going gets tough, the tough have to get going. If you want something, you have to have the courage to go for it and you have to stick it out.
I give The Seeker 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 18, plus adults. By Ruhi K., KIDS FIRST!
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