The story, told solely through 2D animation, follows a young girl who receives a dress that is a bit too big for her, but she adapts and ends up wearing it in various ways for some time. Eventually, she takes it to a thrift shop and next thing we see is another girl enjoying the dress.
I love the sweet and simple animation and the film's message - recycle, reuse, donate. It brings home a message about making things last and, when they no longer work for you, to pass them on to someone new. The background music is perfect and non intrusive. The characters are well drawn and easy to relate to, no matter what your background is. This would make a perfect interstitial for a KIDS FIRST! film festival.
The film's message is about reusing and recycling the materials things in our lives.
I give Abigail's Dress 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 5 to 12, plus adults. By Julie S., KIDS FIRST!
The story, told solely through 2D animation, follows a young girl who receives a dress that is a bit too big for her, but she adapts and ends up wearing it in various ways for some time. Eventually, she takes it to a thrift shop and next thing we see is another girl enjoying the dress.
I love the sweet and simple animation and the film's message - recycle, reuse, donate. It brings home a message about making things last and, when they no longer work for you, to pass them on to someone new. The background music is perfect and non intrusive. The characters are well drawn and easy to relate to, no matter what your background is. This would make a perfect interstitial for a KIDS FIRST! film festival.
The film's message is about reusing and recycling the materials things in our lives.
I give Abigail's Dress 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 5 to 12, plus adults. By Julie S., KIDS FIRST!
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