The storyline follows a young woman, Larkspur, whose town is hit by an earthquake and, in the midst of the confusion, a mysterious cavalryman appears. Larkspur has the gift of healing people and cures the young man of his injuries only to discover eventually that they have shared skills, which may just save her town from complete oblivion. This is a pilot for a new animated series.
Great animation - simple and straightforward, and quite charming. The characters are interesting and well developed. The storyline begins here and has a cliff-hanging ending. The voiceover talent is excellent; each character is well defined by the individual voices. The background music is reminiscently medieval which suits the story.
The film's message is yet to be determined, but we can see from this pilot that it's about chivalry and taking care of your community.
I give Chorus to Dero 4.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 5 to 12, plus adults. By Julie S., KIDS FIRST!
The storyline follows a young woman, Larkspur, whose town is hit by an earthquake and, in the midst of the confusion, a mysterious cavalryman appears. Larkspur has the gift of healing people and cures the young man of his injuries only to discover eventually that they have shared skills, which may just save her town from complete oblivion. This is a pilot for a new animated series.
Great animation - simple and straightforward, and quite charming. The characters are interesting and well developed. The storyline begins here and has a cliff-hanging ending. The voiceover talent is excellent; each character is well defined by the individual voices. The background music is reminiscently medieval which suits the story.
The film's message is yet to be determined, but we can see from this pilot that it's about chivalry and taking care of your community.
I give Chorus to Dero 4.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 5 to 12, plus adults. By Julie S., KIDS FIRST!
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