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What to know:
SPROUT is in the KIDS FIRST! Film Festival - it may not be a regular, endorsed title
Recommended age 5-12
9 minutes
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What an adorable little animated short. I want a Sprout in my life!

This college student made film follows a juvenile robot, named Sprout, who is left a note by his parent about the garden chores he is to accomplish while the parent is at work. Thing go from controlled to chaos fairly quickly and the critters in the garden become helpers as they work to put things back in order once again.

If you have ever gardened, you can relate to this story, where things go amuck without even trying - as critters chomp on the tomatoes and the whole basket of tomatoes falls on Sprout's head. The animation is well done, very smooth and colorful. The background music perfectly backs up the action in the film without being obtrusive. I would enjoy sharing this with young people whether or not they have an interest in gardening.

The film's message is about asking for help in order to get your tasks done.

I give Sprout 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 5 to 12. By Julie S., KIDS FIRST!

What an adorable little animated short. I want a Sprout in my life!

This college student made film follows a juvenile robot, named Sprout, who is left a note by his parent about the garden chores he is to accomplish while the parent is at work. Thing go from controlled to chaos fairly quickly and the critters in the garden become helpers as they work to put things back in order once again.

If you have ever gardened, you can relate to this story, where things go amuck without even trying - as critters chomp on the tomatoes and the whole basket of tomatoes falls on Sprout's head. The animation is well done, very smooth and colorful. The background music perfectly backs up the action in the film without being obtrusive. I would enjoy sharing this with young people whether or not they have an interest in gardening.

The film's message is about asking for help in order to get your tasks done.

I give Sprout 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 5 to 12. By Julie S., KIDS FIRST!

Sprout is a light-hearted 3D animated short created for children. The story follows Sprout, a tiny robot, who quickly becomes overwhelmed by his list of garden tasks that he's unable to complete. After chaos ensues, misfit animals turned friends offer support and Sprout learns that it's ok to accept help from others. Together, Sprout and his new friends accomplish all of their tasks in the garden through teamwork.
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