The story follows two half-sisters, Ellie and Carol. The younger one, Elie, is infatuated by Elvis and loves to play act her hero, much to her older sister's annoyance. Ellie hears that her estranged dad is back in town and gets Carol and her boyfriend to help find him. The ending has a big surprise.
Well produced - good camera work, good audio, good acting and editing. Wonderful storyline, very relatable. This really is a marvelous tale, well told and suitable for a KIDS FIRST! Film Festival.
The film's message is to never give up on your dreams, they may actually come true.
I give A Girl Called Elvis 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 18, plus adults. By Julie S., KIDS FIRST!
The story follows two half-sisters, Ellie and Carol. The younger one, Elie, is infatuated by Elvis and loves to play act her hero, much to her older sister's annoyance. Ellie hears that her estranged dad is back in town and gets Carol and her boyfriend to help find him. The ending has a big surprise.
Well produced - good camera work, good audio, good acting and editing. Wonderful storyline, very relatable. This really is a marvelous tale, well told and suitable for a KIDS FIRST! Film Festival.
The film's message is to never give up on your dreams, they may actually come true.
I give A Girl Called Elvis 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 18, plus adults. By Julie S., KIDS FIRST!
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