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What to know:
THERE WAS - THERE IS NO -THERE IS is in the KIDS FIRST! Film Festival - it may not be a regular, endorsed title
Recommended age 8-12
17 minutes
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Beautifully animated short film offering insight into those that have left us. The storyline addresses dealing with the loss of loved ones - human or not - and how to cope with our loss. A young girl loses her dog and it leads her on a journey of discovery and a reminder of how we remember our beloveds. It takes us on a journey as she explores her family members from the past.

I love the animation of this film. It's brightly colored and a bit shaky, which gives us the impression that it is hand drawn. The storyline is easily relatable for kids anywhere. Even though this film is from Poland with dialogue in Polish, there are English subtitles, which make it easy to follow. The film's message is about how those that we love and have lost are still part of our lives.

I give this film 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 12. By Julie S., KIDS FIRST!

Beautifully animated short film offering insight into those that have left us. The storyline addresses dealing with the loss of loved ones - human or not - and how to cope with our loss. A young girl loses her dog and it leads her on a journey of discovery and a reminder of how we remember our beloveds. It takes us on a journey as she explores her family members from the past.

I love the animation of this film. It's brightly colored and a bit shaky, which gives us the impression that it is hand drawn. The storyline is easily relatable for kids anywhere. Even though this film is from Poland with dialogue in Polish, there are English subtitles, which make it easy to follow. The film's message is about how those that we love and have lost are still part of our lives.

I give this film 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 12. By Julie S., KIDS FIRST!

The film deals with the topic of experiencing difficult emotions related to the loss of loved ones and coping with it. Together with the 12-year old heroine Krysia, we go on a journey through places and times that were, which are not, and which we want to remember. The film, based on a story by Katarzyna Jackowska-Enemuo, supports young viewers in meeting their own emotional "black holes" and brings relief. The film is intended for children aged 10-12, but its profound meaning and contexts allow people over 12 years old to experience a journey within themselves and history.
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