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STELLAR PARENTING is in the KIDS FIRST! Film Festival - it may not be a regular, endorsed title
Recommended age 5-12
4 minutes
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In the captivating sci-fi adventure, Stellar Parenting, young Stella's claims of seeing aliens are dismissed by her parents, who send her to counseling. The counselor is startled to learn it's not the first time Stella has made such a claim. Stella describes the aliens' distinct purple spots, only to notice similar markings on her teacher. As she becomes convinced her counselor is also an alien, her parents find it absurd, leaving Stella terrified as the extraterrestrial threat is closer than she ever imagined.

Stellar Parenting is an exciting blend of mystery, suspense, and a hint of spookiness that follows Stella, a young girl who believes she has seen aliens, and nobody, not even her parents, believes her. As she tries to prove what she saw, the story delves into themes of trust and self-belief, encouraging readers to think critically and trust their instincts. The visuals, whether in pictures or movie scenes, bring the aliens and the adventure to life, immersing readers in Stella's thrilling journey. It's a captivating and relatable tale perfect for young readers around 12-years-old who enjoy mysteries and adventures, reminding them that sometimes the most important things are the ones we can't see at first, and it's okay to trust ourselves, even when others doubt us. If you're into aliens, mysteries, and thrilling adventures, Stellar Parenting is a must-watch!

As an adult, I find this story appealing because it skillfully blends sci-fi and psychological thriller elements. Stella's detailed alien descriptions and the discovery of purple spots on her teacher and counselor create a gripping sense of paranoia and suspense. The disbelief from her parents and the twist of the counselor possibly being an alien add depth, making it a compelling and thought-provoking narrative that keeps readers guessing.

A child would likely enjoy this story because it features a young protagonist they can relate to and places her in an extraordinary situation. The elements of mystery and adventure, such as Stella's discovery of the aliens and her attempts to convince her parents, are exciting and engaging. Additionally, the suspense of uncovering who the real aliens are can captivate a child's imagination, making them eager to find out what happens next. The blend of everyday life with sci-fi elements provides a thrilling and relatable experience, keeping them hooked throughout the story.

The writing is compelling, blending suspense, sci-fi, and psychological drama. A clear structure follows Stella from her initial alien encounter to discovering her counselor's secret. Vivid descriptions and natural dialogue make the characters relatable. The screenplay builds tension, drawing viewers in and creating empathy for Stella. The material is accurate and age-appropriate, using simple, accessible vocabulary. Descriptions like the aliens' purple spots and Stella's fear are vivid yet easy to understand. Themes of skepticism and bravery are relatable, reflecting common childhood experiences, making the story engaging and suitable for its intended audience. The story prompts viewers to question and probe the unknown, fostering curiosity and critical thinking skills. For instance, as Stella confronts her parents' skepticism and uncovers clues about the aliens; viewers are encouraged to analyze the evidence and consider various perspectives. This inquiry process supports problem-solving and empowers young audiences to navigate complex situations, making the material both engaging and beneficial for its intended audience.

The program's message revolves around the importance of trust, belief, and the courage to stand by one's convictions, even when faced with skepticism. It underscores the idea that sometimes the greatest threats can be closer than we realize and emphasizes the importance of listening to and validating the experiences of others, especially children.

I give Stellar Parenting 3.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 5 to 12, plus adults. By Gloria J., KIDS FIRST!

In the captivating sci-fi adventure, Stellar Parenting, young Stella's claims of seeing aliens are dismissed by her parents, who send her to counseling. The counselor is startled to learn it's not the first time Stella has made such a claim. Stella describes the aliens' distinct purple spots, only to notice similar markings on her teacher. As she becomes convinced her counselor is also an alien, her parents find it absurd, leaving Stella terrified as the extraterrestrial threat is closer than she ever imagined.

Stellar Parenting is an exciting blend of mystery, suspense, and a hint of spookiness that follows Stella, a young girl who believes she has seen aliens, and nobody, not even her parents, believes her. As she tries to prove what she saw, the story delves into themes of trust and self-belief, encouraging readers to think critically and trust their instincts. The visuals, whether in pictures or movie scenes, bring the aliens and the adventure to life, immersing readers in Stella's thrilling journey. It's a captivating and relatable tale perfect for young readers around 12-years-old who enjoy mysteries and adventures, reminding them that sometimes the most important things are the ones we can't see at first, and it's okay to trust ourselves, even when others doubt us. If you're into aliens, mysteries, and thrilling adventures, Stellar Parenting is a must-watch!

As an adult, I find this story appealing because it skillfully blends sci-fi and psychological thriller elements. Stella's detailed alien descriptions and the discovery of purple spots on her teacher and counselor create a gripping sense of paranoia and suspense. The disbelief from her parents and the twist of the counselor possibly being an alien add depth, making it a compelling and thought-provoking narrative that keeps readers guessing.

A child would likely enjoy this story because it features a young protagonist they can relate to and places her in an extraordinary situation. The elements of mystery and adventure, such as Stella's discovery of the aliens and her attempts to convince her parents, are exciting and engaging. Additionally, the suspense of uncovering who the real aliens are can captivate a child's imagination, making them eager to find out what happens next. The blend of everyday life with sci-fi elements provides a thrilling and relatable experience, keeping them hooked throughout the story.

The writing is compelling, blending suspense, sci-fi, and psychological drama. A clear structure follows Stella from her initial alien encounter to discovering her counselor's secret. Vivid descriptions and natural dialogue make the characters relatable. The screenplay builds tension, drawing viewers in and creating empathy for Stella. The material is accurate and age-appropriate, using simple, accessible vocabulary. Descriptions like the aliens' purple spots and Stella's fear are vivid yet easy to understand. Themes of skepticism and bravery are relatable, reflecting common childhood experiences, making the story engaging and suitable for its intended audience. The story prompts viewers to question and probe the unknown, fostering curiosity and critical thinking skills. For instance, as Stella confronts her parents' skepticism and uncovers clues about the aliens; viewers are encouraged to analyze the evidence and consider various perspectives. This inquiry process supports problem-solving and empowers young audiences to navigate complex situations, making the material both engaging and beneficial for its intended audience.

The program's message revolves around the importance of trust, belief, and the courage to stand by one's convictions, even when faced with skepticism. It underscores the idea that sometimes the greatest threats can be closer than we realize and emphasizes the importance of listening to and validating the experiences of others, especially children.

I give Stellar Parenting 3.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 5 to 12, plus adults. By Gloria J., KIDS FIRST!

A young girl experiences an extraterrestrial encounter, and finds that the danger my be closer than she originally thought
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