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What to know:
HUEFUL is in the KIDS FIRST! Film Festival - it may not be a regular, endorsed title
Recommended age 8-12
10 minutes
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Impressive work by a 7th grader! This is very thoughtful and insightful. I like it.

The short student made film examines the prejudices of two groups of kids - the Monarchs and the Royals, whose biases were established long ago and today, continues for no real reason. The Monarchs wear orange; the Royals wear purple. A mysterious woman dressed in red appears and talks with Joe about the history of the two groups. Joe has an epiphany and realizes that he can break the cycle of hostility.

Well produced. Kudos to Logan Marber and Jordan-Paige Sudduth for a creative script and excellent production. Everything, from the camera work, the audio recording, the editing and the acting, is outstanding. Nicely done.

The film's message is that old prejudices need to be dusted off every now and then to see if they are indeed relevant or outdated. Time to move on.

I give Rueful 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 12. By Julie S., KIDS FIRST!

Impressive work by a 7th grader! This is very thoughtful and insightful. I like it.

The short student made film examines the prejudices of two groups of kids - the Monarchs and the Royals, whose biases were established long ago and today, continues for no real reason. The Monarchs wear orange; the Royals wear purple. A mysterious woman dressed in red appears and talks with Joe about the history of the two groups. Joe has an epiphany and realizes that he can break the cycle of hostility.

Well produced. Kudos to Logan Marber and Jordan-Paige Sudduth for a creative script and excellent production. Everything, from the camera work, the audio recording, the editing and the acting, is outstanding. Nicely done.

The film's message is that old prejudices need to be dusted off every now and then to see if they are indeed relevant or outdated. Time to move on.

I give Rueful 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 12. By Julie S., KIDS FIRST!

In the film Hueful, the world is divided between the Monarchs, who wear orange, and the Royals, who wear purple. Tensions run high as each group distrusts the other. Joe, a fervent Monarch, is part of an anti-Royal group but has his beliefs challenged when he meets Angelica, a mysterious girl in red. Angelica, a Spirit of the Past, transports Joe through key moments from his childhood that shaped his hatred for the Royals. He learns his biases were influenced by his parents and friends, and that a Royal bully who once tormented him was herself a victim of Monarch abuse. Realizing that prejudice is part of a damaging cycle, Joe embraces the idea that love, symbolized by Angelica's red, connects both groups. He abandons his hostility and returns to his group wearing red, ready to inspire unity between Monarchs and Royals.
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