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What to know:
SPICY SPIES ALWAYS READY (2024) is in the KIDS FIRST! Film Festival - it may not be a regular, endorsed title
Recommended age 8-12
9 minutes
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SPICY SPIES ALWAYS READY (2024) cover image
I have to say that, as a middle school student film, this definitely has its merits. One can see the work behind young Sacha's creation and applaud his ability to work with his mother and sister to create this film. That in itself is credible.

As to the storyline, this is an odd piece. I'm not keen on the use of guns and knives, and later on a needed with young children, but they are fairly tame here. It's quirky and nonverbal; I like the driving background music. The camerawork is okay; the lighting is not great -- there are lots of shadows and poorly lit scenes. But, it doesn't detract from the storyline. The "chapters" in this help pull it together, but it is a bit pretty disjointed in terms of story development. The costumes work. Like particularly liked the face mask when it first appears, but it's used again later which diminishes its impact and makes it less unique.

The ending sort of makes a statement about the power of the water, which is the sign on the bathroom door. The boy walks into the bathroom, sits on the side of a filled tub, falls into tub and appears to down, but he doesn't. He has a vision of Bruce Lee talking about the power of water and water being a symbol of purity and the source of life. The boy emerges from the water and it cut to credits.

The message I take away from this film is - make a film with your family, it'll bring you closer together.

I give Spicy Spies Always Ready 3.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 14, plus adults. By Julie S, KIDS FIRST!

I have to say that, as a middle school student film, this definitely has its merits. One can see the work behind young Sacha's creation and applaud his ability to work with his mother and sister to create this film. That in itself is credible.

As to the storyline, this is an odd piece. I'm not keen on the use of guns and knives, and later on a needed with young children, but they are fairly tame here. It's quirky and nonverbal; I like the driving background music. The camerawork is okay; the lighting is not great -- there are lots of shadows and poorly lit scenes. But, it doesn't detract from the storyline. The "chapters" in this help pull it together, but it is a bit pretty disjointed in terms of story development. The costumes work. Like particularly liked the face mask when it first appears, but it's used again later which diminishes its impact and makes it less unique.

The ending sort of makes a statement about the power of the water, which is the sign on the bathroom door. The boy walks into the bathroom, sits on the side of a filled tub, falls into tub and appears to down, but he doesn't. He has a vision of Bruce Lee talking about the power of water and water being a symbol of purity and the source of life. The boy emerges from the water and it cut to credits.

The message I take away from this film is - make a film with your family, it'll bring you closer together.

I give Spicy Spies Always Ready 3.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 14, plus adults. By Julie S, KIDS FIRST!

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