The storyline follows Junga, Groth, Heidi and their friends playing football on the mountain where they learn more than football. Fair play, forgiveness, making friends, and dealing with bullies. Joining the cast of voiceover actors, are former NFL players --Brian Sipe, Dave DesRochers, Marques Ogden, Gregory "JR" Tolver and Brett Faryniarz.
Fun short film that offers an interesting way to teach kids pro-social messages while pursuing one of our favorite pastimes, football! Wonderful images - so much that I overlooked the lack of full range animation. Fun songs are interspersed throughout the film. Very child friendly.
The film's message is about being kind, playing fair and making friends.
I give this film 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 5 to 8, plus adults. By Julie S., KIDS FIRST!
The storyline follows Junga, Groth, Heidi and their friends playing football on the mountain where they learn more than football. Fair play, forgiveness, making friends, and dealing with bullies. Joining the cast of voiceover actors, are former NFL players --Brian Sipe, Dave DesRochers, Marques Ogden, Gregory "JR" Tolver and Brett Faryniarz.
Fun short film that offers an interesting way to teach kids pro-social messages while pursuing one of our favorite pastimes, football! Wonderful images - so much that I overlooked the lack of full range animation. Fun songs are interspersed throughout the film. Very child friendly.
The film's message is about being kind, playing fair and making friends.
I give this film 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 5 to 8, plus adults. By Julie S., KIDS FIRST!
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