The storyline follows a young intelligent girl named Emily (Carolina Rezende) who gets into an argument with Sara (Ariana Gomez). Sara later finds Emily's glasses and has to make a challenging decision that gives her a new perspective.
The plot is very heartfelt and sweet. The film is based on a true story which is so sweet and I love that the director uses this film to promote being kind to everyone. The audio is crystal clear and the video quality is superb, especially in the last scene at the restaurant even though it is set outside. The film is set in the 80s, which is my favorite thing about the film. The hair, costumes and makeup are totally gnarly. I was especially delighted in Emily's wild brushed out curls and the numerous popped collars throughout the film. The sets are beautiful - the school is very realistic and the restaurant at the end matches the mood of the scene with its serene and relaxed energy. I love the special effects, especially the neon geometric shapes during the credits. The acting is mediocre, especially on Ariana Gomez's part. She doesn't seem very genuine when being nice to Emily and frankly, Emily's adult actress, Melissa Paladino, does a better job representing her character. The most outstanding part is the ending - it is so heartwarming to see how it all ends and how little actions have big effects.
The film's message is that you never know how big an effect your actions might have.
I give this film 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 12. By Sofia T., KIDS FIRST!
The storyline follows a young intelligent girl named Emily (Carolina Rezende) who gets into an argument with Sara (Ariana Gomez). Sara later finds Emily's glasses and has to make a challenging decision that gives her a new perspective.
The plot is very heartfelt and sweet. The film is based on a true story which is so sweet and I love that the director uses this film to promote being kind to everyone. The audio is crystal clear and the video quality is superb, especially in the last scene at the restaurant even though it is set outside. The film is set in the 80s, which is my favorite thing about the film. The hair, costumes and makeup are totally gnarly. I was especially delighted in Emily's wild brushed out curls and the numerous popped collars throughout the film. The sets are beautiful - the school is very realistic and the restaurant at the end matches the mood of the scene with its serene and relaxed energy. I love the special effects, especially the neon geometric shapes during the credits. The acting is mediocre, especially on Ariana Gomez's part. She doesn't seem very genuine when being nice to Emily and frankly, Emily's adult actress, Melissa Paladino, does a better job representing her character. The most outstanding part is the ending - it is so heartwarming to see how it all ends and how little actions have big effects.
The film's message is that you never know how big an effect your actions might have.
I give this film 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 12. By Sofia T., KIDS FIRST!
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