This non narrative film by a talented high school student filmmaker tells a tale of three young kids who get into mischief when left alone at their house. They break the urn holding Uncle Joe's ashes and scurry about trying to fix or replace it. They set up a lemonade stand to raise money to replace it (and it appears the lemonade was not too tasty). Before they can replace it, Dad comes home and catches them unprepared.
As a high school student film, this holds together quite well and is well made. The camera work, the background music, and the acting are good and suitable for exhibition. It is entirely non narrative so there are no voices to critique; the actors all play believable roles. I particularly like the young girl, Becky Baskin, played by Vasilisa Ivanova. But both boys also give solid performances. The costumes are suitable to the story as is the location. The only thing I find unsuitable is the heavy eye make up on one boy and Becky - way too much eye liner -- it doesn't make sense they would be this made up for the action in this film.
The film's message is about being real. When you make a mistake, be prepared for the consequences.
I give this film 3.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 12, plus adults. By Julie S., KIDS FIRST!
This non narrative film by a talented high school student filmmaker tells a tale of three young kids who get into mischief when left alone at their house. They break the urn holding Uncle Joe's ashes and scurry about trying to fix or replace it. They set up a lemonade stand to raise money to replace it (and it appears the lemonade was not too tasty). Before they can replace it, Dad comes home and catches them unprepared.
As a high school student film, this holds together quite well and is well made. The camera work, the background music, and the acting are good and suitable for exhibition. It is entirely non narrative so there are no voices to critique; the actors all play believable roles. I particularly like the young girl, Becky Baskin, played by Vasilisa Ivanova. But both boys also give solid performances. The costumes are suitable to the story as is the location. The only thing I find unsuitable is the heavy eye make up on one boy and Becky - way too much eye liner -- it doesn't make sense they would be this made up for the action in this film.
The film's message is about being real. When you make a mistake, be prepared for the consequences.
I give this film 3.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 12, plus adults. By Julie S., KIDS FIRST!
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