The story follows a young child named Tino (Shivam), who comes from an underprivileged family and lives in a small, remote village in India. The family is happy in their small world with what they have. One day a guy comes to his village and tells Tino and his schoolmates how beautiful Ahmedabad is! Tino is enchanted and the school organizes a tour of Ahmedabad at a cost of Rs. 800. Issues prevent Tina from going ad, he gives out all the reasons for not attending Pravas. The agony of not going on the school trip becomes his inner journey (Pravas) -- the captivating journey of a poor child.
Beautiful camera work, excellent audio, very believable acting. This film depicts the lives of a poor family in rural India - and not in a demeaning way - but a practical way.
I give Pravas 3.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for age 8 to 18, plus adults. By Julia S., KIDS FIRST!
The story follows a young child named Tino (Shivam), who comes from an underprivileged family and lives in a small, remote village in India. The family is happy in their small world with what they have. One day a guy comes to his village and tells Tino and his schoolmates how beautiful Ahmedabad is! Tino is enchanted and the school organizes a tour of Ahmedabad at a cost of Rs. 800. Issues prevent Tina from going ad, he gives out all the reasons for not attending Pravas. The agony of not going on the school trip becomes his inner journey (Pravas) -- the captivating journey of a poor child.
Beautiful camera work, excellent audio, very believable acting. This film depicts the lives of a poor family in rural India - and not in a demeaning way - but a practical way.
I give Pravas 3.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for age 8 to 18, plus adults. By Julia S., KIDS FIRST!
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