The story follows a young girl, Nora, who has a brain tumor and plays therapists to help other kids deal with their challenges.
Well produced. Excellent video and audio; good script and great acting by Nora. Her personality really drives this film; she is kind and calm and relates so well to all her "clients." Great background music.
The film's message is one of compassion and advocacy.
I give Let's Talk 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 12. This would play particularly well at a festival dealing with kids with medical issues. By Julie S, KIDS FIRST!
The story follows a young girl, Nora, who has a brain tumor and plays therapists to help other kids deal with their challenges.
Well produced. Excellent video and audio; good script and great acting by Nora. Her personality really drives this film; she is kind and calm and relates so well to all her "clients." Great background music.
The film's message is one of compassion and advocacy.
I give Let's Talk 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 12. This would play particularly well at a festival dealing with kids with medical issues. By Julie S, KIDS FIRST!
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