This animated feature film is set along the diverse, picturesque, and ever-changing backdrop of the great Monarch butterfly migration. We follow a lovable, but inept one-winged butterfly, named Patrick, who stows away in a milkweed trailer in order to be part of the journey. Joined by his best friend, a caterpillar named Marty, and Jennifer, Patrick becomes an unlikely hero but first has to overcome his own challenges.
Beautiful animation! I love the butterfly characters. They are exquisitely detailed with cleverly defined personalities. Directed by Sophie Roy, who has delivered over 70 hours of series television, three 3D feature films, websites and two VR projects as a line producer. Produced by Marie-Claude Beauchamp for CarpeDiem and Ulysses' Emely Christians. Award-winning and Grammy-nominated Canadian pop singer-songwriter Shawn Mendes' original song "Something Big" is featured on the soundtrack. The voice talent includes Tatania Maslany as Jennifer (She-Hulk, Trollhunters, Rise of the Titans, Bite Size Halloween) and Mena Massoud as Patrick (Aladdin, Aladdin 2, The Royal Treatment).
I love the costumes of the butterfly people; they integrate typical clothing details on a butterfly body. The closeups of their faces are unsurpassed and the voice talent is equally matched. At times this film reminds me of Avatar or Ferngully. It is right up there. My favorite scene is the victory dancing scene at the end with great music and joyful dancing.
The film's message is about how our differences are less important than the bonds we share.
I give Butterfly Tale 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 5 to 12, plus adults. By Julia S., KIDS FIRST!
This animated feature film is set along the diverse, picturesque, and ever-changing backdrop of the great Monarch butterfly migration. We follow a lovable, but inept one-winged butterfly, named Patrick, who stows away in a milkweed trailer in order to be part of the journey. Joined by his best friend, a caterpillar named Marty, and Jennifer, Patrick becomes an unlikely hero but first has to overcome his own challenges.
Beautiful animation! I love the butterfly characters. They are exquisitely detailed with cleverly defined personalities. Directed by Sophie Roy, who has delivered over 70 hours of series television, three 3D feature films, websites and two VR projects as a line producer. Produced by Marie-Claude Beauchamp for CarpeDiem and Ulysses' Emely Christians. Award-winning and Grammy-nominated Canadian pop singer-songwriter Shawn Mendes' original song "Something Big" is featured on the soundtrack. The voice talent includes Tatania Maslany as Jennifer (She-Hulk, Trollhunters, Rise of the Titans, Bite Size Halloween) and Mena Massoud as Patrick (Aladdin, Aladdin 2, The Royal Treatment).
I love the costumes of the butterfly people; they integrate typical clothing details on a butterfly body. The closeups of their faces are unsurpassed and the voice talent is equally matched. At times this film reminds me of Avatar or Ferngully. It is right up there. My favorite scene is the victory dancing scene at the end with great music and joyful dancing.
The film's message is about how our differences are less important than the bonds we share.
I give Butterfly Tale 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 5 to 12, plus adults. By Julia S., KIDS FIRST!
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