The story follows Krishna, a young boy and older brother of Shweta, who yearns to taste pizza on her birthday. Although Kristna has no means to buy it for her, he promises to fulfill her wish.
The story evolves quite naturally, and we observe how dedicated Kristna is to making his sister's wish come true. He does everything he can do to earn enough money to buy her pizza on her birthday and, when he does, the unexpected happens. Beautifully shot with wonderful camerawork and audio recording. Great cast, especially the two actors playing Krishna and Shweta, but also the pizza guy. This really is a KIDS FIRST! Film Festival ideal film as it not only shows positive behavior but also gives us a glimpse into life in India among a family with limited financial resources.
The film's message is about the love between siblings.
I give A Happy Pizza Day 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for age 8 to 12, plus adults. By Julie S., KIDS FIRST!
The story follows Krishna, a young boy and older brother of Shweta, who yearns to taste pizza on her birthday. Although Kristna has no means to buy it for her, he promises to fulfill her wish.
The story evolves quite naturally, and we observe how dedicated Kristna is to making his sister's wish come true. He does everything he can do to earn enough money to buy her pizza on her birthday and, when he does, the unexpected happens. Beautifully shot with wonderful camerawork and audio recording. Great cast, especially the two actors playing Krishna and Shweta, but also the pizza guy. This really is a KIDS FIRST! Film Festival ideal film as it not only shows positive behavior but also gives us a glimpse into life in India among a family with limited financial resources.
The film's message is about the love between siblings.
I give A Happy Pizza Day 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for age 8 to 12, plus adults. By Julie S., KIDS FIRST!
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