The storyline follows a little boy who is scared of what lurks under his bed, but when he asks his parents to check and turn off the light...
The story is entertaining and relatable -- from the fear of what is under his bed to the common "there's nothing there" response from the parents. The animation style is cartoony with the thick lines and soft colors. I also enjoy the animated life like objects such as the boy's bed and toys in the background. The boy's attire is a classic blue button-up collared pajama top, which makes it easy for kids to relate to because most kids have seen PJ's like this before. The setting in the boy's bedroom is wonderfully simple as it keeps the viewer engaged on the narrator. The background music is very non-intrusive. The squeaking of the cupboard door leaves the viewer full of anticipation. It is clear that there is an anxious boy in the bed. The quick editing and the narrator's last lines really add to the overall impact of the film. The final few seconds showing the boy's reaction and the cupboard mysteriously opening will stick with me long after this review is over.
The film's message is that parents don't always make things better.
I give Under The Bed 4.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 5 to 12, plus adults. By Madeleine K., KIDS FIRST!
The storyline follows a little boy who is scared of what lurks under his bed, but when he asks his parents to check and turn off the light...
The story is entertaining and relatable -- from the fear of what is under his bed to the common "there's nothing there" response from the parents. The animation style is cartoony with the thick lines and soft colors. I also enjoy the animated life like objects such as the boy's bed and toys in the background. The boy's attire is a classic blue button-up collared pajama top, which makes it easy for kids to relate to because most kids have seen PJ's like this before. The setting in the boy's bedroom is wonderfully simple as it keeps the viewer engaged on the narrator. The background music is very non-intrusive. The squeaking of the cupboard door leaves the viewer full of anticipation. It is clear that there is an anxious boy in the bed. The quick editing and the narrator's last lines really add to the overall impact of the film. The final few seconds showing the boy's reaction and the cupboard mysteriously opening will stick with me long after this review is over.
The film's message is that parents don't always make things better.
I give Under The Bed 4.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 5 to 12, plus adults. By Madeleine K., KIDS FIRST!
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