The storyline follows a mysterious youth who uses his shapeshifting powers to rescue a valiant warrior wounded in battle against foreign invaders. The real adventure begins when they fall in love.
This is a wonderful story with lovely animation and music. The title, Aikane, comes from the Hawaiian term for intimate friend of the same sex. Legendary figures, ruling chiefs and commoners alike had Aikane as trusted partners. The story begins with Hawaiian warriors battling foreign invaders. One is injured and falls from a high cliff into the ocean. A young man rescues him and brings him back to health. You see how their friendship is based on mutual respect. Later, when the warrior is attacked by a shark, the younger man guides him to a beautiful hidden cave with breathtaking waterfalls. Afterwards, at the cliff top, the chief greets them and they join other warriors in canoes to attack a foreign ship. The younger man is captured and the warrior swims rescues him, but things go badly. The younger man shapeshifts into an octopus and sets the ship on fire. They both escape and swim to shore where they are greeted by the chief. From there, we see their lifelong friendship is solidified as they swim together like dolphins in the sea.
The film's message is about the love between two men, a warrior and a shapeshifter. As discrimination against LGBTQ+ youth intensifies, telling a mythic queer love story with a happy ending is a form of resistance that we celebrate.
I give Aikane 4.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 12 to 18, plus adults. By Julie S., KIDS FIRST!
The storyline follows a mysterious youth who uses his shapeshifting powers to rescue a valiant warrior wounded in battle against foreign invaders. The real adventure begins when they fall in love.
This is a wonderful story with lovely animation and music. The title, Aikane, comes from the Hawaiian term for intimate friend of the same sex. Legendary figures, ruling chiefs and commoners alike had Aikane as trusted partners. The story begins with Hawaiian warriors battling foreign invaders. One is injured and falls from a high cliff into the ocean. A young man rescues him and brings him back to health. You see how their friendship is based on mutual respect. Later, when the warrior is attacked by a shark, the younger man guides him to a beautiful hidden cave with breathtaking waterfalls. Afterwards, at the cliff top, the chief greets them and they join other warriors in canoes to attack a foreign ship. The younger man is captured and the warrior swims rescues him, but things go badly. The younger man shapeshifts into an octopus and sets the ship on fire. They both escape and swim to shore where they are greeted by the chief. From there, we see their lifelong friendship is solidified as they swim together like dolphins in the sea.
The film's message is about the love between two men, a warrior and a shapeshifter. As discrimination against LGBTQ+ youth intensifies, telling a mythic queer love story with a happy ending is a form of resistance that we celebrate.
I give Aikane 4.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 12 to 18, plus adults. By Julie S., KIDS FIRST!
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