The storyline follows Kelly, a teenage girl trying to follow her dream of becoming a dancer against the wishes of her depressed authoritarian mom and Belle, a fierce and aggressive competitor. Kelly meets a mysterious kid who appears from nowhere, who gives her advice. She has to make a choice between following his guidance or falling into depression and despair.
This is a touching film about a difficult situation between a young girl and her mother whose depression affects them both in negative ways. I love the mystery kid. Is he real or imaginary? I love the dialogue between them. The background music varied, sometimes sounding like circus music, other times very hip. My big issue with this film is that interior shots which are very dark and difficult to see. Her mom's a complete bitch. However, all the other production work is well done - the camera work, the audio, the editing. So, I'm going to recommend it for the KIDS FIRST! Film Festival. My heart goes out to this young girl and her unhappy mom as well.
The film's message is about following your dreams, even when a big obstacle is put in front of them. Be true to yourself. You should be aware that there is implied pill use.
I give The Magical Mystery Kid 3.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 12 to 18, plus adults. By Julie S., KIDS FIRST!
The storyline follows Kelly, a teenage girl trying to follow her dream of becoming a dancer against the wishes of her depressed authoritarian mom and Belle, a fierce and aggressive competitor. Kelly meets a mysterious kid who appears from nowhere, who gives her advice. She has to make a choice between following his guidance or falling into depression and despair.
This is a touching film about a difficult situation between a young girl and her mother whose depression affects them both in negative ways. I love the mystery kid. Is he real or imaginary? I love the dialogue between them. The background music varied, sometimes sounding like circus music, other times very hip. My big issue with this film is that interior shots which are very dark and difficult to see. Her mom's a complete bitch. However, all the other production work is well done - the camera work, the audio, the editing. So, I'm going to recommend it for the KIDS FIRST! Film Festival. My heart goes out to this young girl and her unhappy mom as well.
The film's message is about following your dreams, even when a big obstacle is put in front of them. Be true to yourself. You should be aware that there is implied pill use.
I give The Magical Mystery Kid 3.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 12 to 18, plus adults. By Julie S., KIDS FIRST!
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