The storyline follows a teenage girl named Hazel (Jasmine Sunshine Munoz) who along with her sister Lilly (Jordan Villegas) stargaze. We fast forward a few years when Hazel has gone to camp and is sad because her sister Lilly has passed away. She meets a peculiar bunkmate and notices similarities between her new friend and the aliens in the comic book.
The film is well made with good camera work and good audio. This story is very imaginative. I really like the part when Hazel has just made friends with an alien, but doesn't know it yet. The cinematography in this film is great, as are the sets and locations. One set that I like in particular is where Hazel roasts her marshmallow. The background music is terrific.
The film's message is that, even if someone has passed, they will always be with you.
I give From Venus 4.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 12, plus adults. By Gavin S., KIDS FIRST!
The storyline follows a teenage girl named Hazel (Jasmine Sunshine Munoz) who along with her sister Lilly (Jordan Villegas) stargaze. We fast forward a few years when Hazel has gone to camp and is sad because her sister Lilly has passed away. She meets a peculiar bunkmate and notices similarities between her new friend and the aliens in the comic book.
The film is well made with good camera work and good audio. This story is very imaginative. I really like the part when Hazel has just made friends with an alien, but doesn't know it yet. The cinematography in this film is great, as are the sets and locations. One set that I like in particular is where Hazel roasts her marshmallow. The background music is terrific.
The film's message is that, even if someone has passed, they will always be with you.
I give From Venus 4.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 12, plus adults. By Gavin S., KIDS FIRST!
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